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Spicy Page 1

by Lexi Buchanan


  Bad Boy Rockers

  Book 2

  Lexi Buchanan

  Spicy Copyright © 2014 Lexi Buchanan

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

  Published by HFCA Publishing House


  Cover Model: Alfie Gordillo

  PhotoArtist: Allan Spiers

  Cover Design: Wicked by Design

  Editor: Sirena Van Schaik

  BETA Readers: HM Bendana, Emma Clifton, Kristy Louise Garbutt, Marsha Thalleen, Gabriela Tortolano and Nadine Winningham

  Special thank you to Authors, Hilary Storm and Missy Johnson

  This book is a written act of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN-13: 978-1494829445

  Other books by Lexi Buchanan

  Bad Boy Rockers



  Sultry (2014)

  McKenzie Brothers


  The Wedding


  Delight (2014)

  Jackson Hole

  From This Moment

  When we Meet

  New Beginning (soon)

  Holiday Season

  Kissing Under the Mistletoe

  Fighter (2014)


  Spicy is dedicated to my readers! Thank you so much for your constant support and encouragement.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31


  Part 1

  Summer in Alabama



  Watching your best friend get pushed into the swimming pool and then carted off by a pissed off hunk doesn’t usually happen where I come from. Then again, living a sheltered life on the ranch with my folks has stopped me from meeting guys I can do more than look at. Oh, I looked plenty at the ranch hands when I was old enough to notice them, but they were out of bounds. Once I left for college I certainly had fun, but now, not so much.

  I’m a shy person by nature and it takes a lot to try and act like I’m a girl just looking for a good time. I mean, who wants a girl looking for the one? These days, no guy is looking for anything other than to get off between a variety of girls thighs.

  Right now though, I’m standing beside the pool at Mia’s parents house with two sexy guys of my own, both of them trying to protect me, and I’m sure as hell not going to complain. I mean, I have read Nicole Edward’s books, which are pretty damn hot, and yes, like the rest of her readers, I fantasize about what it would be like to be with two guys. Fantasize about things that are forbidden in polite society.

  A squeeze of my hips draws me from my musings and I lick my lips as I take in Reece, who is standing in front of me in a fighting stance – his feet wide, his fists clenched by his side. But right now it isn’t Reece that is igniting the slow burn running through my body. It’s Donovan as his hands grip my hips, trapping me tight against him. And boy, can I feel him against me. All hot, hard and pulsing. He makes my knees weak, but when Reece swivels to face me, I find I’m trapped between the two of them…and I like it. Both create this burning heat in my body, but where Reece is like a wildfire, scalding me until I’m ready to throw myself into his wild flames, Donovan’s fire is a slow build up of heat that practically melts my body into him.

  From the minute Thalia introduced me to Reece I had wet panties and was ready to make a fool of myself. Then she introduced me to Donovan and the look he’d shot me had me wanting to drop to my knees and beg them to take me.

  If anyone knew what thoughts were in my head they’d be disgusted; the quiet, shy girl having impure thoughts.

  My whole life, up to now, has been about me wanting to please everyone around me and I’m sick of it. What’s wrong with pleasing Callie for a change? Nothing!

  I have two men who appear to want me, and if I’m reading the signals correctly, they both want me together as in two guys and little me. Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

  “Hey, stop hyperventilating. We’re not going to hurt you or do anything you don’t want us to.” Reece winks before taking hold of my hand and then looking at Donovan, he says, “Let’s get her out of here.”

  Like a lamb being led to the slaughter, I allow these two, really hot guys to lead me away from the audience at the back of Mia’s house to where they’ve parked.

  Donovan falls in beside me, his arm wrapping around my waist as Reece keeps hold of my hand, I’m positive that they’re both afraid I’ll bolt at the first opportunity. Little do they know; I can’t wait to find out what they’re planning for me.

  At what I presume to be Donovan’s truck, he opens the door, but not before Reece leans in close and whispers in my ear, “I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

  Goose bumps break out on my skin and a shiver runs up my spine almost curling my toes in delight. If this is what he can do to me with a few words, I can’t wait to see what else he can do. As he starts to walk away, he mumbles something I don’t quite catch before he turns back to me. His thoughtful gaze burns into me as he takes a deliberate step back; closing the space between us. Taking my face between his hands he seals his lips to mine. My hesitation lasts for less than it takes to finish my gasp before I start to return his kiss. Stretching up, I grab his head to hold him in place as our tongues continue to duel.

  Never in my life have I been kissed like this – raw and wet. Very wet. The ache between my legs intensifies as I feel my dress sliding up my thighs and hands rubbing my ass, pressing me into the hardness in Reece’s jeans.

  I break from the kiss throwing my head back and moan as Reece leaves a trail of hot kisses along my neck while Donovan slips his fingers between my legs.

  “She’s so fuckin’ wet. We need to leave. Now,” Donovan suggests, removing his fingers.

  I immediately miss his touch. “No,” I plead climbing up Reece and biting his ear.

  “Fuck me,” he groans.

  “Yes,” I laugh, tonguing his ear while he grasps my thighs, which are wrapped around his waist. The bulge in his jeans is nestled between my thighs, and I can’t stop rubbing on him. The friction is so good on my neglected pussy and my hips rock faster and faster as I try to press Reece’s bulge into me. I groan in frustration at the feeling of cloth between us; I want my orgasm and I want it now with Reece and soon with both of them.

  Oh, God. Donovan’s fingers trace along the seam of my panties and I feel him slide them to the side a moment before his warm fingers slip between my wet folds.

  My legs quiver with the buildup of pleasure they’re both causing. Reece holds me still
and grinds against my clit as Donovan shoves two fingers inside me.

  My climax rips through me while I shake and shudder against Reece as Donovan strokes my channel.

  Reece clamps his hands tighter against my legs while he breathes heavily into my ear, “I’m so close. Stay still.”

  Donovan removes his fingers from inside me, moves in even closer and turns my head to look at him before putting his fingers in his mouth and sucking.

  Letting his fingers pop out of his mouth, he says, “Now taste yourself on me.” His lips touch mine, his tongue searching as our breaths mingle, which is the most erotic kiss I’ve ever received.

  “Let’s go back to your place.” Reece breaks my kiss with Donovan as he slides me down his very aroused body.

  My legs feel weak, but all I can think about is getting him inside me. Getting them both inside me. The throb between my legs hasn’t really stopped with the thought of what I’m about to do.

  Full of courage, I decide to tease them both. While I’m still standing between them with their hands resting on me, I reach under my skirt for my panties and push them down my legs and off.

  “Sonofafuckinbitch,” Donovan curses in my ear while my gaze stays on Reece’s.

  I feel hands slip underneath my skirt again, covering my pussy and with one finger Donovan starts to play with my clit at the same time as he rubs his erection between my ass cheeks.

  Unmoving, Reece takes a few deep breaths before dropping to his knees and lifting my skirt.

  “Sweet baby...” Reece just looks at my shaved pussy, licking his lips. I try to jerk my hips toward Reece but can’t now that Donovan’s hands have moved to my naked hips to hold me still.

  Reece uses his hands to open me up to his gaze and blows on me, sending a jolt to my core.

  “Ahhh. Oh God. I want your mouth on me while Donovan sucks my nipples.”

  I’ve shocked them. They both freeze before Reece stands back up and Donovan smooth’s my short skirt back down my legs.

  “We need a bed. I’ll meet you back at your place.”

  With Reece’s statement, Donovan runs around to the driver’s side as Reece picks me up by my hips and lifts me onto the seat. He slams the door behind me and walks over to his bike.

  ~ * ~

  “We’re going to treat you right, but Callie – look at me.”

  I turn my head to look directly into Reece’s eyes, which is easier said than done when he’s standing to the side of me in jeans, looking heavily aroused, having removed his shirt and shoes.

  “I need you to say it out loud so we both hear you. Are you sure you’re okay being with us both?” He gently massages one of my nipples as Donovan reaches out doing the same to my other one, but my eyes stay focused on Reece.

  He’s asked me this three times already. “As I told you before, I’m sure. I’ve never been with two guys, but I read and it always sounds hot, so yeah, I want to know what it feels like having two cocks inside me at the same time.”

  “Fuck. I’m going to be coming in my jeans if you keep talking like that.” Donovan groans as he unzips his jeans and shoves them down his legs. His swollen dick jerks now that it’s free and points toward me.

  These two delicious guys have me naked, sprawled out on my bed in my hotel, wet and aching, wishing they’d touch me between my legs as well as my breasts.

  Hearing rustling, I turn my head to watch Reece. His back ripples as he leans over and slides his jeans from his legs. When he stands up, I gulp; he’s huge! He’s thick, long, and fucking pierced.

  “You’re pierced – that’s hot.”

  He snickers and looks at Donovan. “Told you the chicks love it pierced.”

  “No fuckin’ way is anyone coming near my dick with a needle.”

  I swivel my head back to Donovan and grin. He’s covering his cock with his hands as though he expects someone to run at him and pierce him. My laughter soon turns to a groan as he starts to rub his hand up and down his length.

  My eyes widen, but I’m unable to look away. Who knew it could be so damn hot to watch a guy touch himself.

  “You like to watch?” He asks.

  My gaze meets his lust filled eyes, but I can’t keep it on his face as my gaze slips back to his hands and what they’re doing. I feel the bed dip, which does distract me, more so, when I see Reece crawling on the bed between my thighs.

  “I believe you said you want my mouth on you while Donovan sucks these gorgeous nipples.” Reece rests his elbows on either side of me as he takes my generous breasts into his hands before leaning in and licking around each one of my nipples in turn.

  My fingers slide over his smooth head, before I caress his face as I hold him to me. His cock is cradled against my pussy and with the pleasure he’s creating with his hands, I can’t stop arching against him.

  “Mmm.” He feels so good, and I can feel his cock pulsing against me with the wet tip. He’s leaking with arousal, which is so hot, and has my pussy throbbing even more. I wiggle further into his embrace and wrap my legs around his hips.

  “Oh, no,” he groans breathing heavily. “I’m going down while Donovan moves in to play with these babies.”

  He kisses each of my nipples before leaving a trail of wet kisses down my stomach to my naked pussy. My legs fall from around him as I feel him spread me open.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he groans, and then leans in and kisses me at the apex of my thighs.

  I nearly bolt from the bed, but Donovan’s beside me, kneeling, holding me down, and looking ready to devour me.

  He takes my face into his hands and seals our lips together. As he deepens the kiss between us, he reaches out with his hand and pinches one of my nipples. I pant in pleasure.

  Between Reece kissing, licking and fucking me with his mouth and fingers, and having Donovan’s hand on my nipple, his mouth locked on mine, I’m about to combust.

  “So fucking tasty.” Reece sucks my clit into his mouth. “I can’t get enough of you, baby.” He feathers kisses along my groin and on top of my pussy before moving back to my core.

  Needing to touch something, I reach out between Donovan’s legs and make contact with his balls. He breaks from our kiss and cusses a blue streak while trying to catch his breath.

  I squeeze lightly before stroking up to the tip of his cock, and rubbing his leaking essence around the mushroom head I feel a shudder of pleasure run through him. He’s pulsing with want in my hand.

  Leaning over me, he starts to suck my nipples into his mouth, alternating between them. My breasts are so sensitive.

  Taking a firmer hold of his shaft, I start to jack him off just as Reece shoves two fingers inside me and one, unexpectedly, in my ass while he sucks my clit deeply into his mouth.

  “Oh God,” I moan, arching up from the bed, delirious with pleasure. I tighten my hand around Donovan and speed up my movements. “Come with me,” I whisper to him.

  My hips start moving involuntary against Reece’s mouth as I chase my orgasm, holding Donovan’s stare as my hand strokes the length of him. The ball of fire starts in my stomach and gradually grows outwards.

  “That’s it. You’re going to come – fuck baby,” Reece groans between my thighs.

  Then my climax hits. I shake, groan and pant my way through the best, fucking orgasm in history. Breathing heavily, I open my eyes and watch Donovan rear up from my breasts with lowered eyes as his cock hardens – lengthens before he groans and starts shooting cum all over my breasts.

  “Motherfucker.” Reece groans.

  My eyes move to him as I release Donovan from my fist. Reece is breathing heavily while rolling a condom down his thick, pierced shaft.

  Unable to move, I watch Reece climb onto the bed beside me, lying on his back, his cock hard as steel jutting up, jerking with excitement. A shirt lands on my chest as Donovan leans in and cleans me up the best he can before Reece leans over and pulls me to lie on top of him.

  He pushes my hair out from my eyes before look
ing deeply into them and bringing my head down to him as he kisses me. This man’s kisses should be bottled and sold because he’d make millions. The slide of his tongue against mine is arousing as hell.

  Donovan climbs on the bed behind me, and starts to stroke down my back in soothing caresses, paying extra attention to my hips, ass and between my legs. He rubs around my sensitive clit and around the entrance to my core before dipping inside me. I groan into Reece’s mouth. Reece moves one of his hands between us to one of my breasts, and starts’ rolling my nipple between his fingers while his tongue is still doing wicked things to my mouth.

  Then I feel Donovan start to push into my ass with a finger, making me wetter and I rub against Reece who pulls away from my mouth gasping for breath. His dick is pulsing against my stomach as I continue to rub uncontrollably against him while I feel even more pressure against my ass.

  “Three fingers, now,” Donovan whispers, his voice tight with lust.

  Fuck, he’s going to make me come without Reece being inside me. That can’t happen.

  “Now…please…I can’t wait.”

  Donovan withdraws his fingers and lifts my hips up, which give him a good view of everything between my legs.

  “Fuck…shit. She’s dripping.” He groans, as Reece takes hold of his cock and positions himself at my core. I don’t think, because I just want to feel, so I drop onto him. He goes balls deep and grips my hips for life. He feels so good. So big.

  “Don’t move,” he grounds out. “Shit, I’m holding on by a thread here… Hurry the fuck up.”

  “I’m about ready,” Donovan says, as I hear another condom wrapper rip open. “This might be cold.”

  I turn to look behind me at Donovan and watch as he’s spreading, what I presume to be lube along the length of his cock.

  Turning back to Reece, he clamps his hands on my ass and spreads me open. I feel Donovan’s cock at my forbidden entrance. He slips straight inside, an inch at a time. Stretching me. Stretching me good. Without them even moving, I can feel my climax starting to build. I clamp down on them with my internal muscles only to hear them both groaning.


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