Heart of the Woods

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Heart of the Woods Page 11

by Grant C. Holland

  Levi turned his head and smiled at Grandma Daley. “I’ll keep all of your secrets. I’ll guard them with my heart.”

  She squeezed with her arm and said, “We went skinny dipping in the lake. We were two old people in love at our favorite place in the world. This lake was ours. There was no one else around but the fish and the loons. Your grandfather stripped off his clothes, and he said, ‘Come with me, Isabel.’ And you know what, Levi?”

  “What, Grandma?”

  “He was sixty years old, but he was never more handsome to me than he was at that exact moment. He stood there naked asking me to join him celebrating us in the cool waters of the lake. I’ll never forget that day. It was the essence of Walter.”



  As he was leaving Arrowhead Falls, Brandon received a text message from Levi. It said that he might not be available for a greeting at the dock because he was arguing with Grandma Daley. He said it was nothing serious, but he hoped he would win. The message went on to explain that the disagreement began the night before, and Brandon’s opinion might be needed to reach a final settlement.

  As Brandon left the dock on Lone Cedar Lake and stepped from stone to stone with his canoe hoisted onto his shoulders, he didn’t know what to expect upon arrival at the cabin in the woods. He found a pleasant surprise.

  Grandma Daley looked spry. Brandon couldn’t remember seeing her so animated. She stood with one hand on her hip at a corner of the cabin and gestured first toward her flower garden and then toward the corner of the porch.

  As Brandon hoisted the canoe off his shoulders onto the ground, both Levi and Grandma Daley heard the sound and turned. Levi called, “Brandon, at last! I need you on my side! I’m in danger of losing this argument.”

  Brandon strode forward. “I don’t know if I should get in the middle of a disagreement. The two of you should probably settle it yourself. I’ve never seen you argue before. What’s going on? Is it serious?”

  Grandma Daley held a hand to her mouth, and Brandon heard a giggle that almost sounded like that of a little girl. She said, “It is good to see you. Levi has been antsy all morning waiting for you to arrive. He is acting out of the goodness of his heart, but I think it’s unnecessary.”

  Levi protested, “I’ve been perfectly calm.”

  Brandon asked, “So what is the big disagreement?” He knew better than to let on that he had any earlier communication with Levi. He was wary of Grandma Daley’s opinion of cell phones.

  “It’s the flowers.”

  “The flowers?”

  Grandma Daley said, “I couldn’t decide what color of annual flowers I want to plant next year. They could be mostly yellow like this year, or I could do more blues and pinks.”

  Levi said, “I had the perfect suggestion.”

  Grandma Daley shook her head. “It’s too much.”

  “I think we should let Brandon decide. He could help out with the necessary work. That would make it all easy.”

  Brandon held up his hands. “Whoa, now. I don’t live here. Don’t pull me into a domestic squabble.”

  Grandma Daley giggled again. “He’s wise like Walter.”

  Levi said, “I suggested that we expand the flower garden. I wanted to bring it around to the front of the cabin, too. Digging isn’t easy. There are lots of stones, and the soil is shallow, but it’s workable. We can bring in some extra topsoil from Iron Crossing.”

  Grandma Daley shook her head again. “It’s too much work to accommodate an old lady’s follies.”

  Brandon shook his head and smiled. “Please don’t make me decide. Levi is right that I would help out, but I can’t decide whether it’s necessary or not.”

  As she folded her arms over her chest, Grandma Daley said, “There is no need to make a decision today. Let’s have lunch together, and then I’ll take a nap while the two of you enjoy your afternoon. Levi couldn’t stop talking about you this morning. I’m so pleased to see him meet somebody. It’s not natural for a young man to spend so much time alone.”

  Levi blushed. “It’s not quite like all that.”

  Brandon stepped up to him and offered a hug as Grandma Daley climbed onto the porch and headed for the cabin door. Brandon called, “Wait, you get a big hug, too.”

  After lunch, Levi and Brandon settled into Levi’s canoe and paddled out onto Lone Cedar Lake. Levi said, “The weather is supposed to be clear tonight, and I think we should sleep out in your sleeping bag. You brought it, didn’t you?”

  “I did. I don’t have a tent, though.”

  “We’ve got the cabin if there’s an emergency. Did you bring everything else we need?”

  Brandon smirked. “Of course. And what’s our destination in the canoe?”

  “Do we need one?”

  “I guess not. So it’s okay if I stop paddling?”

  “Sure, if you want to. I did have one thing in mind.” Brandon watched a sweet smile illuminate Levi’s features.

  “What might that be? You look like you’re thinking of something devious.”

  “More like something sexy.” Levi pointed across the lake. “Do you see that low shelf of rock that juts out into the lake?”

  Brandon said, “Yep. I’ve wanted to paddle over there and explore. I wondered if it’s possible to dive off the end.”

  “Grandma says you can. She says that she dived off it with Grandpa many times.”

  “I still want to test it with a paddle before one of us goes cracking our head open on an underwater rock.”

  Levi smiled. “Cautious Brandon. I like that about you. You know what’s important to check, but you don’t take it too far.”

  Brandon began paddling more urgently in the direction of the rock. “I’m paid to keep people safe. I haven’t lost anyone yet. Unfortunately, I’ve had to interrupt a couple of times when people were about to do something stupid.”

  “People are like that. I always wonder why, but it’s the way it is.”

  Brandon asked, “So you haven’t gone diving off the rock? Ever?”

  “I guess I never thought of it. I’ve gone sunbathing there many times. It’s warm on the rock even in early spring. I’ve got another idea, too.”

  “Another idea?”

  Levi let his paddle rest across his lap and reached out to touch Brandon’s shoulder. “Have you ever gone swimming naked in one of the lakes?”

  “Skinny dipping?”

  “Yeah, have you ever done it?”

  Brandon said, “Just one time, and it was funny.”

  “Funny and not sexy? Why was skinny dipping funny?”

  “I did it with Gabe, and it was his bright idea.”

  Levi began to paddle again. “What happened that was so funny?”

  “Well, you’ve met Gabe, remember?”

  “How could I forget? I think everyone who’s met Gabe remembers it.”

  Brandon smiled. “Yeah, that’s true. Well, Gabe got this idea to go skinny dipping when we were out paddling in May. You know, that’s when the water is still cold. It’s sort of like swimming in a pool of iced tea. I tried to convince him that it was a bad idea.”

  Levi opened his eyes wide open. “Yeah, I can guarantee it’s ice cold in the spring. I don’t usually swim until at least June. So what happened?”

  “Gabe dived into the water, and as soon as his head broke the surface, he screamed. I mean, it was a blood-curdling scream at the top of his lungs. I think I heard the birds take flight en masse. It was so incredibly funny.”

  Levi smiled and then his fingers snaked sensuously up the back of Brandon’s head. “I don’t think this time it will be funny, but hopefully it will be better.”

  They pulled the canoe up to the shore alongside the low, flat rock. Brandon was surprised by its size. From across the lake, it looked substantial. Up close, it was massive. The low, nearly smooth surface was almost as large as a tennis court. He kicked off his sneakers and climbed onto the rock. The stone was warm against his bare feet.
  “Clothes off,” whispered Levi as he began to tug his jeans down.

  Brandon piled his clothes into a neat stack at the edge of the stone. He watched Levi climb up onto the outcropping. The vision took his breath away. Levi’s chest was smooth, but a thin, dark trail of hair led down the center of his abs to his crotch. Levi stood with his legs shoulder-width apart and his hands held behind his back. Brandon thought he looked like a tan God with a smile on his face.

  Brandon said, “I want to see if we can dive.” He walked over to the canoe and picked up a paddle.

  Levi said, “There’s an easier way to do that. Should I show you?”

  “Yeah? Does it involve a longer pole.”

  “Slip into the water and submerge yourself. You can swim down a few feet and see if there are any rocks in the way.”

  Brandon tried to come up with a reason why that was as good as the method his mechanical mind devised. Finally, he laid the paddle down and shrugged. “I guess you’ve got me there.” He watched as Levi slipped naked into the water and then propelled himself downward kicking his feet into the air until his body was completely submerged.

  After Levi surfaced pushing his hair up off his forehead while the water cascaded over his shoulders and chest, he proclaimed, “It’s perfect for diving. Jump forward three or four feet to be on the safe side.”

  They both executed three quick dives going feet first and head first until Levi surfaced rubbing his body up against Brandon.

  “You are amazing, Levi.”

  “I don’t know about that, but there is something I’ve never done in the lake before. As long as we’re making this a day of firsts.”

  Brandon didn’t have a chance to ask what before Levi’s cool lips locked him in a passionate kiss. Their arms wrapped tightly around each other, and the proof of Levi’s arousal pressed hard against Brandon’s belly. The kiss flared into a more intense passion when Brandon nibbled Levi’s lower lip and sucked firmly on his tongue.

  Brandon lost track of time, but he was certain that they swam in the lake for at least two hours before hauling themselves onto the flat stone to lie back naked in the sun. After falling asleep for a short nap, it was time to return to the cabin to have dinner with Grandma Daley.

  Levi convinced Brandon to return to the canoe one more time after dark before it was time for bed. He said, “The stars are at their very best from the center of the lake. Let’s paddle out there and watch together.”

  Brandon looked up as the canoe left the dock. The sky was free of clouds, and the moon shone as a thin crescent just above the trees. As he pulled his paddle up into the canoe, Levi leaned back and lay with his head in Brandon’s lap. He exhaled deeply while Brandon reached forward and rested his hands on Levi’s chest.

  They floated in total silence with Brandon lightly caressing Levi’s cheek and shoulders. Levi pointed up at the sky. “Shooting star! Make a wish!”

  Brandon wished that the night could last forever, and, if not, that he would never lose Levi. Time together was too extraordinary to miss. He took the sting out of missing Ryan. Brandon’s previous northern Minnesota boyfriends loved hanging out together, but they didn’t truly love the wilderness. Levi adored the lakes and woods. He was an expert at navigating through the stillness of the Northwoods.

  Brandon pointed toward the tops of the trees at a greenish color in the sky. “What is that?”

  Levi grinned and whispered, “Watch closely if you’ve never seen it before. I hoped in the back of my mind we might see it, but the chances are always slim. It’s natures most unpredictable show in Minnesota.”

  Brandon’s mouth fell open in awe as the green color edged with yellows and white began to fill the sky shimmering like a grand curtain of light. He knew what it was, but he’d only seen it in photos and video clips. “Is that really it?”

  “It’s the northern lights. Haven’t you seen them before?”

  “I haven’t seen them since I came to the BWCA. Gabe and Elle talk about what an amazing sight it is. I missed them on a couple of different nights when I was sound asleep and didn’t hear the phone ring.”

  Levi whispered, “Shh…watch.”

  The show didn’t last for much more than an hour, and it was at least midnight or later when the lights faded away, but Brandon knew that it was one of the most magical nights of his life. He slid his hands down over Levi’s chest and held tight. Brandon whispered, “I’ll never let go.”

  “I hope not. Please don’t let me fall.”

  Back at the cabin, when they lay down on the sleeping bag together, Brandon asked, “You’re not too tired are you?”

  “If you’re asking what I think you are, of course not.”

  Brandon smiled as Levi gently kissed his lips and lifted the hem of Brandon’s T-Shirt slowly pulling it up and over his head. A few short minutes later, Brandon was completely naked under the stars. He said, “I want you naked, too.”

  “Yes, but first I need a taste.” Brandon tangled his fingers into Levi’s hair as kissing lips and a warm, wet tongue slowly slid down over his smooth chest and the center of his belly. He arched his back against the sleeping bag and let out a long, low guttural moan. Levi chuckled softly, “That should keep the other beasts away.”

  “Will you fuck me, Levi?” asked Brandon. He reached to his side and dug a condom packet out of the pocket of his jeans.

  “I have a confession.”

  A momentary look of confusion crossed Brandon’s face. “What would that be?”

  “I’ve never fucked a guy before.”

  “You’re a virgin?”

  “I didn’t say that. I’ve always been on the other end, but I want to fuck you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Levi slipped a finger between Brandon’s legs until it moved up behind and found the tight, puckered ring. “I’m sure.”

  What Levi lacked in expertise, he more than made up for in energy and desire. Brandon couldn’t remember ever having a more attentive lover, and Levi worked in a slow, sensual style that drove Brandon crazy. He growled, “You’re making me nuts. I need you inside. NOW!”

  Levi whispered, “You’re so sexy when you’re hungry.” He gripped the base of his cock and rubbed the sheathed head in a slow circle around Brandon’s ring. Brandon’s breathing grew shallow until it sounded like a low hiss when his thighs shook as he tried to push forward to encourage Levi’s penetration.

  “Please…oh, man, please!”

  Then it happened. With a firm thrust, Levi’s cock pushed past the tight ring, and Brandon’s body enveloped him like perfect-fitting glove drawing their bodies even tighter together.

  Levi’s technique was perfectly calibrated. He started out slow and gradually began to pick up speed rocking his hips forward and back. It drove his cock deeper until his balls pressed against Brandon’s perfectly round cheeks. Levi whispered a question. “Is it good?”

  Brandon gasped, “Better than the best. Oh, God…”

  When Brandon thought that Levi must be close, Levi’s fingers wrapped themselves tightly around Brandon’s cock. They began a slow stroking movement that soon pushed his lover right to the edge.

  Levi whispered, “I’m close. I want you there, too.”

  “I’m there! Oh God, I’m there. It’s the edge, Levi. I’m gonna…”

  Levi stopped his stroking for a moment to hold Brandon at the brink while he ground his cock deep in a slow circle and said, “I need to catch up. Just a moment.”

  When the explosion came, it was a surprise to Brandon. Levi whispered, “There!” before rolling his head back and letting out an animalistic sound somewhere between a growl and a roar. Brandon lost control and shot a huge load over his own chest and down over Levi’s tightly gripped fingers.

  “Oh, God, Levi! OH!” Brandon’s hips bucked, and his thigh muscles held on with a powerful clench. Levi began to pump Brandon’s cock in his fist to squeeze out any last drops. In seconds, the sensitivity was too much. “Oh, please

  A wicked grin crossed Levi’s face as he stared down at Brandon. “You’re lucky. I will this time.”

  Brandon laughed when Levi pulled out and lay on the sleeping bag at his side. After catching his breath, he said, “It’s your first time doing it, and it was twice as good as anybody else in a parade of wannabes.”

  “I don’t want to hear about them. I only want to hear about us.” Levi slipped one arm behind Brandon’s waist and rolled over to kiss a nipple teasing it into a hard nub.

  “Only us. We’re all that’s important. Only us. In this huge wide world, it’s just you and me, Levi. You and me.”



  In between thrusts with the spade, Levi reached up and wiped the sweat from his brow. The process of digging the new flower beds on each side of the cabin’s porch was slow. Levi began to regret his insistence that Grandma Daley extend the blossoms around to the front of the cabin. When the spade didn’t hit rock, the soil was hard, baked clay with as much give as a solid block of pottery.

  As Levi leaned on the spade and stared down at yet more stones he needed to yank out of the ground, Grandma Daley appeared at the door with an icy glass of lemonade in hand. She said, “It’s a warm one today, and it’s near the end of July, so I think this could be the hottest day of the season. Are you doing okay? Would you like some lemonade.”

  “I’d love some lemonade.” Levi took the glass from her hand and struggled to control his instinct to chug it down. Too much too fast was a sure route to a painful belly ache.

  She shook her head. “You don’t need to do this. Walter complained about the ground here when we were building the cabin. He said that he should consider bolting the corners into the stones instead of trying to create a foundation. I’ve never heard so much cursing in my life.”

  Levi laughed. She had a good point, but he knew the joy he would see on her face the next summer. It would all be worth the effort after she got to plant a flower garden that was twice as large. He asked, “Did Grandpa dig the other flower garden? How did that take shape?”


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