Plight of the Perfect Prince

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Plight of the Perfect Prince Page 5

by Jason Paul Rice

  He tried to work with Ali-Stanley, but his brother was useless with a sword. His twin dropped the weapon almost every time it came in contact with another object. It was incomprehensible to Ali-Steven why his brother couldn’t even put up a feeble defense to avoid the one-sided beating.

  Ali-Steven heard a loud stomping sound from behind.

  A swarm of marching men in full armor with battle shields came rushing toward the practice yard. Ali-Steven noticed they had their swords drawn and as they neared, he noticed the symbols on the red shields. A winged golden angel indicated the Queen’s Guard of Donegal. They walked up to the princes and came to a uniform stop. Queen Tomeo and Princess Ali-Pari emerged from behind the wall of guards.

  His mother spoke in a stern voice, “I should have known it was you two.” She pointed at the King’s Guard.

  “Just following orders, my Queen, nothing more,” said Sir Arthur.

  He and Sir Willem slunk away in the opposite direction.

  Ali-Stanley and Tersen ran over to their mother and sister.

  The Queen exclaimed, “Look at my poor sons.”

  She inspected the sword marks and bruises as she shook her head in disgust.

  She looked angrily at Ali-Steven and asked, “Why are you beating your brothers? You’re supposed to protect your brothers, not beat them. Why would you do this?”

  Ali-Steven shrugged his shoulders and answered, “I didn’t want to. Father ordered Ali-Ryen and me to do it or suffer the consequences.”

  The Queen’s face turned purple as she spoke, “I should have known your father was behind all this. We’re going to see him right now. Next time, come to me first so I can take care of this nonsense. You’re brothers; you don’t assault your brother.”

  The royal family and the Queen’s Guard walked toward the castle and quickly found out that the King was in one of the off-houses of the castle. They walked up to a stone building known as the King’s Pleasure Castle. The Queen marched up to the door and encountered five members of the King’s Guard.

  Queen Tomeo commanded, “I need to see the King right now.”

  Sir Errol told her, “Now is not a good time for our King. He’s in a meeting and rather indisposed right now. Urgent business.”

  “Do you need me to unleash my Guard on the five of you? It would hardly be fair, but I will if I must. I don’t think you want that to happen,” the Queen threatened.

  Sir Errol looked to his right and said, “Sir Hanley, run and get the rest of the King’s Guard.”

  The Queen started to laugh and called out, “Sir Barton, go fetch the rest of our Guard.”

  Sir Errol looked troubled and said, “Wait, Sir Hanley. Don’t go anywhere.” He turned to the royal family. “My Queen, I’m in a rather impossible situation. If I don’t let you in, you’ll have me killed. On the other hand, if I do let you in, the King will have me killed, and you seem more merciful than him.”

  Queen Tomeo walked up to Sir Errol and stood right in front of him. “I am much more merciful than him. Enough of this already. I know you, Errol Tompkins; this isn’t you. You don’t belong in the King’s Guard. I know your mother and father and they would agree with me and you know it. You don’t have the blood for carrying out these rotten tasks I hear about. Burning down villages at night, torturing and killing innocent people. Sometimes, life can lead us astray from the path of divinity. The Gods are looking out for you and they sent me to save you. Would you like to leave this awful sin-filled life behind to get back on the righteous path?”

  Errol had tears running down his cheeks and he rapidly nodded his head.

  “Would you like to join the Queen’s Guard?” Tomeo offered.

  “Yes, my Queen.” Sir Errol pulled his sword and dropped to one knee. “I swear my sword and allegiance to you, my Queen, from this day until my last day.”

  The other guards asked if they could join the Queen’s Guard too.

  Tomeo said, “I accept all men into my Guard, but they must be prepared to repent their sins and swear to improve their lives for the better. Now, one of you can start by opening the door for us.”

  Sir Errol ran up and opened the door and screamed, “My King, your entire family is here to see you.”

  The royal family and a few members of the Queen’s Guard entered the big open room that had doors to smaller rooms along the walls. An enormous bed sat in the center of the room next to a small fountain with a gaudy chandelier above it. Cloyingly sweet exotic perfumes permeated the air and offended Ali-Steven’s nose.

  The whores began to scatter as the crowned Queen approached the bed. The King tried to cover his naked body and jostled with the remaining whores for the blankets. Ali-Steven got a good look at his father’s huge gut and floppy breasts.

  “Who let you in here? I’ll have his head on a platter at our next feast,” the King yelled.

  “Sir Errol let us in and he is now under the protection of my Guard, so best of luck getting to him without starting a war you know you will lose. My Guard is ready, how about yours?”

  The King just sat up in the bed with a stupid look on his face. He knew the Queen had him. For all his talk about how the Queen was simple in mind, she had shrewdly assembled the biggest fighting force in the Capitol and arguably the kingdom. Men flocked to fight for her and ran away from the King.

  Ali-Baster still had a vast force because people were willing to do anything for gold, but all his forces combined were outnumbered and under-skilled compared to the Queen’s Guard. Many men volunteered to protect and uphold the values that the Queen stood for.

  The King’s and Queen’s Guard had started out as units of seven men who were the royal couple’s closest protectors until both of the current rulers started to build bigger forces and spread them throughout the kingdom.

  The Queen walked deductively toward her husband, “You ordered two of your sons to beat your other two sons, I hear.”

  The King looked confused. “What? I never did anything of the sort. Ali-Steven and Ali-Ryen have always had a cruel streak in them. I just hoped it would never come out.”

  You liar. I guess you aren’t lying in bed with whores right now either. I can’t believe this man.

  His mother shook her head and said, “You’re lying and I know you’re lying. Do you even know it anymore or is it just second nature to you?”

  The King kept up the act. “What? Why, I am not lying.” He furiously scratched his red and wrinkled turkey neck.

  “There it is. You scratch your neck when you are lying and everyone knows it. Look, you can’t stop even after I’ve said it. Don’t you ever pit our boys against each other and send your despicable guards to encourage it. Let’s go children, we’re leaving.”

  Ali-Steven caught an angry look from his father as they left the Pleasure Castle and he decided he was going to tell Ali-Pari about his secret marriage.

  Later that night, Ali-Steven sneaked out of the castle, hidden in a long cloak. He quietly walked past the snoring Stable Master, who was sitting on a stool and leaning back against an oak tree. He got on his black horse and walked him out of the stables to avoid waking the Stable Master. Ali-Steven walked about twenty feet away and lightly heeled the horse. He rode north through the King’s Woods, which was a longer but safer route. As his horse galloped along the beaten path, he kept looking around to make sure no one had followed him. He went down a familiar path and wondered how long he could keep this up. It was clear his father wasn’t going to change his views and become an understanding and compassionate man who understood his son’s actions.

  He was tired of living a lie. He was proud of his wife and wanted everyone to know it. He didn’t want this life of hiding anymore.

  He came out of the east end of the King’s Woods and heard someone yell, “Ho, what’s going on over there?”

  Ali-Steven turned his horse and trotted toward the men.

  As he approached, he said, “It’s your Prince, Ali-Steven Wamhoff.”

  The men le
aned forward on their horses and the full moon and glowing stars provided just enough light for the guards to recognize him.

  “Thousand pardons, highness. We’s just doing what’s told of us,” the nervous guard told him.

  “I understand. Keep up the commendable work.” Ali-Steven had an excuse ready until he realized that the guards wouldn’t dare question his actions.

  He rode down the dark road in Amber Meadows with connected houses lining both sides of the road. He stopped in front of her house and got down from his horse. He tied him to the post on the side of the road and knocked softly. Nobody answered. Ali-Steven worried that the King had found out and rounded up his wife’s family. Panic hit his heart as he smacked the door harder.

  The door swung open and Rilah’s father stepped out and pushed Ali-Steven back. Benroke came out, closed the door, and glared at the Prince.

  The angry man said, “What do you think this is? You think you can come round whenever you please and pluck my daughter out for your pleasure?”

  Ali-Steven tried to answer, “No, I...”

  “Let me finish now. You tell her you gonna be here high day, you come high day, not eight church bells later. I can’t keep standing by while my daughter dies of worry. You don’t know cause when you show up, she wipes them tears away. You’re not here for the hours and hours of sobbing about whether you got killed because of all this. And you sure as snow don’t hear when she says she’s gonna kill herself if something happens to you. No, you only see the good stuff, the stuff you want to see.”

  Ali-Steven tried to apologize, “I’m sorry but I am working on the situation. These things take time.”

  “Well here’s the situation you and me is in right now. It’s been two seasons. I’m a gentle man but I can only give you two more fore I send my daughter away. She won’t like it and neither will you, but a parent’s got to do what’s best for their children if they won’t do it themself. If you can’t come out of them shadows, just end all this with my little girl. It’s the most genuine thing you could do for her. If you loved her half as much as you say you do, you’d stay the hell away from her. Have yourself a good night, Ali-Steven.”

  He could see Rilah in the open doorway before her father entered and slammed it shut. He walked back over to his horse and realized her father was right.

  I can’t let him send her away with my child. She can’t protect a baby by herself. If my father finds out, my child will be dead within a heartbeat.

  He kept looking around for his father’s spies as he navigated the roundabout way home. He walked the horse into the dark stables and was surrounded by members of the King’s Guard.

  Sir Willem said, “Where you been, old friend? Your father wants to talk to you. Don’t go making this difficult.”

  He counted six men and realized resistance would be futile. As they were walking out, the bright moon showed the Stable Master on the ground with a big gash in his neck.

  “Why did you kill him?” Ali-Steven wanted to know.

  “He was sleepin durin his duties. He’s lucky,” said Sir Willem.

  “He’s lucky?” Ali-Steven asked.

  “Yeah, real lucky actually. Real lucky we didn’t do what the King told us to do before we killed him. He’s always been a loyal fellow so we took it easy on the old chap,” Sir Willem said.

  Terror plucked at his heartstrings as Ali-Steven feared the worst.

  My father found out; he had to. I didn’t see anyone. It had to be someone from her family. She’s probably already dead. Her father warned me over and over, and now look what’s happened.

  The Guard led him into the solar. Everyone entered the octagonal room, which had wax candles burning on numerous tables. The King sat with his head down on the table, snoring loudly.

  Sir Arthur walked over to the King and shook his shoulder. “Your highness, we found your son.”

  The groggy King sat up and wiped the drool from the corners of his mouth before yawning loudly. He rubbed his red eyes and said, “It’s about damn time. Well, bring him in already.”

  Sir Willem said, “Highness, he’s right over there.” The guard pointed to Ali-Steven.

  The King turned his attention toward his son and asked, “You thought you could deceive your father, didn’t you?”

  Ali-Steven didn’t say anything and thought about whether his wife was still alive.

  “Are you going to answer your King father?” Ali-Baster pressed.

  The door swung open again and more guards entered with Ali-Ryen Wamhoff.

  The King said, “There’s the other culprit. The two sons who ran crying to their mother about me. I’d expect this type of sissy behavior from your brothers, but to be dishonored by my true sons.” He shook his head.

  “It wasn’t us. Ali-Pari ran to mother and she came out to stop us,” Ali-Ryen pleaded.

  “Silence. My guards told me that you blamed me for everything,” the King told his sons.

  Ali-Ryen interrupted, “Liars, every one of them.”

  His father yelled, “Insolence is a word you need to learn.” He softened his tone. “Not to worry, there will be a lesson soon. You need to understand it’s not lying if you don’t talk. You keep your mouth shut when it comes to royal lessons. These matters are to stay between the real men of the family.”

  “Yes, father,” Ali-Steven answered.

  His father stared at Ali-Ryen for a few moments until his little brother finally said, “Yes, father.”

  “Much better. I guess it’s time for the lesson,” the King said.

  The seven guards pulled their swords and closed in on the two brothers.

  The King instructed, “If they resist, hit them with the point.” He chuckled and watched as his guards pummeled his sons.

  The seven grown men took turns walking up and hitting the King’s sons. They kicked, punched, kneed and swatted the boys with the flats of their swords. After the two brothers had stood there and taken many rounds of punishment without even putting up a defense, their father started to speak.

  The King said, “Insolence. Rude and disrespectful behavior. Bet you’ll never forget that word now. Sorry boys, but this is the wage to pay to carry the royal prefix. My father put me through some tough lessons and his father alike.”

  “What about Ali-Stanley?” Ali-Ryen asked.

  “He’s about two moments away from having his royal prefix yanked if he doesn’t toughen up. He’s lucky his mother has a soft heart, Tersen too for that matter. I would have cast away the albino but your mother wouldn’t let me. His mother saved his life, but he will never carry the royal prefix. Ever.” The King nodded and his men took one last shot at the boys.

  Ryen screamed, “I hate you, father. I don’t want to be your son anymore.”

  The King waved a finger in the air and warned, “Now, now, careful boy. You don’t want to say something regrettable.”

  “I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to be a part of your royal lessons and I don’t want to be your son. I’ll just be Ryen Wamhoff.”

  The King became incensed. “If that’s how you want it, that’s how it shall be. You are formally stripped of your royal title and will never stand a chance to be King of Donegal. Looks like I only have one true son after all. Guards, put Ryen Wamhoff to bed.”

  The King’s Guard dragged his younger brother from the room.

  The monarch got up from his chair and walked up to Ali-Steven. “When a king commands, the subject carries out that order in silence. You’ll respect that much more when you’re wearing this crown. Do you understand me?”

  He wanted to tell his father about his secret wife but the only words to come out of his mouth were, “Yes, father.”

  Chapter 5

  Six Months Later...

  Ali-Steven kissed Rilah’s silky lips and rubbed his son’s cheek with his thumb. He wanted to run off with his bride right then, but he had to get back to the castle to carry out his biggest duty. He could only visit for a few more minutes, but h
e had to see his love.

  Rilah’s father started hovering behind her and the baby, so Ali-Steven gave her one last kiss and left. He rode through the King’s Woods and thought about how time had run out. The Etburns were due to arrive today and the wedding was only a fortnight away. His chest tightened as he wondered what to do. He couldn’t marry two women, could he? He had entertained the idea of keeping two wives but it seemed too impractical.

  As he neared the castle, he noticed big burgundy banners with the Etburn silver eagle and knew he was in trouble. Their family wasn’t supposed to arrive until later in the day. Ali-Steven heeled his horse and raced to the main castle gate to find his family. His father was pacing back and forth with a golden goblet in his hands when he noticed his heir. Ali-Steven jumped down from his horse and his father greeted him with a nasty scowl.

  The King asked, “Where in all the hells have you been?”

  “I went for a ride. They weren’t supposed to arrive until later,” Ali-Steven answered.

  His father shook his head. “Well they are here now and you look like a damn commoner. You’re lucky to have showed up now. They’re still getting their travel belongings together. While we have some time, Ali-Stanley, you need to give your brother your clothes.”

  Ali-Stanley asked, “What are you talking about?”

  His father continued, “I can’t have the man getting married looking like that. Now both of you run over to that off house and exchange clothes. Don’t give me that look, Ali-Stanley, or I will disown you right here on the spot.”

  Ali-Steven didn’t want to trade clothes with his brother but he begrudgingly acquiesced. When the twins returned, the Etburns started to enter through the main gate as a crier announced each person as he or she entered.

  A trumpeter preceded the crier, who called out, “I present the noble Duke of Waters Edge, Larhance Etburn.”

  The introductions continued until there was only one person left. The trumpet blasted out a wailing howl and the crier called out, “I present Lady Parys Etburn.”

  The bride to be walked past her family and up to the Wamhoffs.


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