Dreaming of the Billionaire 3

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Dreaming of the Billionaire 3 Page 2

by Alice Bright


  He hisses with satisfaction as I cum on the counter, throwing my head back and moaning through my release. Every inch of me explodes with pleasure and I push his fingers away to give myself a chance to recover, but before long they’re back, winding me up for another orgasm.

  The pleasure blinds me as he kisses me and thrusts into me at the same time, pushing me over the edge, making me squirm, making me scream, making my nails dig into his back.

  And I realize in that moment, as everything slowly zooms back into focus, that this is where I want to be.

  No more insecurities.

  No more wondering.

  No more “is this going to work?”

  None of that.

  Today, I decide that I’m in.

  And there’s nothing Sean can say to convince me otherwise.


  “I wasn’t lying when I said I missed you,” Sean tells me. We’re entwined in my bed, comfortable, naked, and sweaty after another round.

  “I missed you, too,” I tell him. “I don’t feel complete without you.”

  He sighs.

  “I know what you mean.” His fingers lazily trace my body, taking their time to form invisible lines on my stomach, my breasts, my shoulders. It’s an intimate moment that I never want to forget. I feel safe now. I feel whole. This man knows me inside and out, but he still understands me. He still gets me. He’s not afraid of me or my shortcomings or my weirdness.

  He just likes me for me.

  “Things haven’t been the same without you at work,” Sean says. There’s a hint of sadness in his voice.

  “I know. I’m sorry.” And I am, really. I might not come across as the most sympathetic or the most understanding person, but I’m sorry for hurting him. “But I needed time,” I say honestly. “And you have no idea how grateful I am that you gave me space when I needed it.”

  He raises his eyebrows and glances at his cock.

  “Well, I might have a little bit of an idea how grateful you are.”

  “Stop it,” I laugh, hitting him with my pillow.

  He calms down and smiles, tossing the pillow aside and kissing me deeply.

  “You mean the world to me, Violet. Do you know that?”

  I quiver. I didn’t know. I should have, really. I’m the first girl he trusted his secret with, after all. I’m the first girl he’s wanted for more than one night in many, many years. I’m the one he’s been pining after. Part of me doesn’t understand why. I’m just a computer geek from Southvale who wasn’t even cut out to be the webmaster at a community college.

  Yet here I am: fucking a billionaire.

  And I know in my heart that when Sean looks at me, he thinks I’m amazing. I know that when he melts into me, I’m the only girl he sees. I’m all he sees. I’m all he thinks about, all he worries about.

  “I’m scared,” I say. The words surprise both of us, but they aren’t a lie. “I went and saw Tiffany.”

  He shrugs. “I know.”

  I shouldn’t be surprised. She probably called him before I showed up to ask what was going on.

  “She said a lot of nice things about you,” I tell him. A smile flickers before he looks serious. “I know that what happened was an accident, and I know you’re scared.”

  He looks frustrated and torn. “Violet, what happened tore me apart. If anything ever happened to you…” He clenches his fists. “I don’t know what I would do.”

  “I know you would never hurt me on purpose,” I say, “and I think that someday we’ll get to a point where you feel comfortable sleeping with me. Until then, I’ll respect your boundaries, Sean. I know they’re in place to keep me safe. To keep both of us safe,” I add.

  He looks a little surprised at my comment, but there’s something else there, too. Relief?

  “Violet, my pain is something I’ll probably struggle with forever, but it’s much more manageable than it was. I’m a lot better at getting help when I need it.”

  “I know,” I tell him. Then I smile. “That’s why I got you a present.”

  He raises an eyebrow and I jump up and leave the room. Sean doesn’t follow me. I hurry into my second bedroom where Sean’s present is waiting. I can’t wait to see the look on his face. When I made the decision to stay with him, I started doing a lot of reading on PTSD, therapy, and healing methods. While there were a lot of options available, I realized that Sean has utilized almost all of them.

  Except one.

  I pick up his gift and hurry back into the bedroom, still completely naked.

  Only now, I’m holding the sweetest, cuddliest, softest puppy in the world.

  “What’s this?” He asks, trying to hide his growing smile.

  “This is Checkers,” I tell him, placing the puppy on the bed next to him. Checkers immediately starts licking Sean’s hand and nuzzling him.

  “You got me a puppy,” he says. He seems completely shocked, but not mad, which is what I was going for. Tiffany assured me that Sean didn’t have a dog allergy or any other aversion to animals, so my gift idea should go off without a hitch.

  “Well,” I tell him, joining the boys on the bed. “I started doing a lot of reading about PTSD, and one thing a lot of people suggested was getting a puppy. You know, something you’re responsible for. Something to take care of. Something to give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning.”

  “Oh, he’s a service dog?” Sean’s eyes light up.

  “Well, no,” I admit, a little embarrassed that I wasn’t able to get a professionally trained post traumatic stress disorder service animal. “I did look into a couple of places that train service dogs for veterans with PTSD, but the wait list is really long and you have to apply and do some training sessions, so I decided to go adopt a puppy.” I smile. “I might be a little bit impatient, but isn’t he cute?”

  He smiles and kisses me.

  “Violet, this is wonderful. I’ve always wanted a dog, but never made time to get one. He’s perfect. Thank you for doing this.”

  Sean’s words warm my heart. I can’t express how relieved I am that he likes Checkers. I figured that, worst case scenario, I would keep him here. It’s only been a few days since I picked him out, but already, Checkers feels like a part of me.

  The three of us snuggle up in the bed, cozy and comfortable. I lay my head against Sean’s chest and try to relax, try to enjoy this moment, try to soak up every second of us being together.


  A knock at the door wakes me.

  I glance over, checking for Sean, but then I remember that he spent the night in the guest room with Checkers. Of course. A small pang of hurt surges through me, but I push it down. I won’t get upset over him not sleeping in the same bed as me. I understand his reasons and I’m just going to have to deal with them. I promised him I would.

  I wrap myself in a purple robe and hurry to open the door.

  It’s Amy and Colby, looking much more awake than I imagined possible at – I glance at the clock – 8:30 in the morning.

  “What’s going on?” I move aside to let them in. Amy squeals when she sees the décor.

  “Oh, it’s looking great, Vi! We wanted to see the place now that you’ve had some time to unpack!”

  Since I haven’t been at work, I literally have unpacked everything already. My house is about as decorated as it’s going to get. Colby plops down on the couch and flicks the TV on, already bored of the conversation Amy is starting about the wallpaper and will my landlord let me tear it down if I promise to paint the room a great color?

  Suddenly, both their heads turn as Checkers comes bounding into the living room and Sean appears wearing boxers.

  Only boxers.

  He gives a small wave as Colby bursts out laughing.

  “Hey man,” he jumps up and shakes Sean’s hand. “What’s going on?”

  “Not much,” Sean nods. Then, obviously aware that we’re all staring at him in his boxers, he adds, “My clothes are next to t
he front door.” We all turn and look. Sure enough, his clothes are in a pile where we left them last night. I pick them up and toss them, and Sean scurries out of the room to get dressed.

  Amy bursts out laughing.

  “What the hell, Vi?” She giggles. “You let billionaire boy sleep over?”

  “I did,” I smile sheepishly. “Though, to be honest, there wasn’t much sleeping.”

  “Ha! You better watch out! Before you know it, you’ll end up like me.” She rubs her growing belly appreciatively. For someone who is still in the awkward is-she-pregnant-or-just-fat stage, I have to admit that I can understand the entire pregnancy glow thing. Amy looks great. Being with Colby has really been amazing for her and my heart swells when I think of them together.

  They’re like one of those cheesy romance couples everyone loves to hate.

  “So,” Sean comes out fully dressed and sits down next to Colby. “When’s the wedding?”

  I burst out laughing at his frank question.

  “They’re getting married after the baby comes,” I tell him.

  “Actually,” Colby and Amy exchange glances before she says, “We decided to elope.”

  “What?” This is news to me. Shouldn’t I have been one of the first to know?

  “Well, we already live together and we’re already having a baby. We don’t really need a big celebration to show everyone our love. So, that’s actually why we came over today,” Amy smiles. “We’re getting married at 2pm at the courthouse and we’d love for you guys to be there.”

  I turn to Colby. “Close your eyes.”

  “What?” He does as I ask.

  “I only have a couple of hours to throw a bachelorette party for my baby sister. Sean, dance up on her!”

  His eyes practically pop out but Amy starts laughing. “Do it!” She squeals and claps her hands.

  “Is Colby going to hit me for this?”

  “Nah, it’s cool, man.” Colby’s eyes are still closed.

  I turn on Pandora and a steady beat comes on, so Sean stands up and marches over to Amy. We both giggle as he grinds and dances against her, swaying to the beat. He ends the dance with a soft kiss to her forehead.

  “Congratulations, little sister,” he says.


  When Amy kisses Colby for the first time as a married woman, we all cheer. It’s the shortest, sweetest, most perfect wedding I’ve ever been to. Both my dad and Colby’s parents came to watch them tie the knot. Colby’s mom hates the idea of her son getting married so young, but she manages to push down her scowl long enough to take some sweet pictures of the miniature ceremony. When the wedding ends, the happy couple tries to take off to their hotel, but my dad shakes his head.

  “It’s your wedding day. We’re going to go celebrate first.” He pauses, then shoots a quick look at Tanya and Derrick. “As a family,” he adds. Derrick smiles and nods. I get the feeling he understands how difficult it is for my dad to be without Mom today.

  “So, Sean,” my dad says when we’re all settled at the restaurant. “Violet tells me you rescued her from that awful desk job she had.”

  “Dad!” I protest, but Sean laughs and pats my dad on the shoulder.

  “I did my best,” he smiles. “And if I may be so bold, I’m quite sure she enjoys her new job a hell of a lot better.”

  My dad’s chuckle rings loud and clear throughout the restaurant.

  “Dad!” I say again. “You never told me you didn’t like me working at Southvale Community College. What gives?”

  He shrugs. “You never seemed truly happy there.”

  I wrinkle my brow in confusion, but don’t push the issue. We’re at lunch, after all. I don’t really want to get into a deeply personal conversation in front of Tanya and Derrick. Colby’s mother is sipping her glass of wine while his dad starts talking sports with mine.

  “Hey Beautiful,” Sean whispers to me, noticing my face. “Wanna take a walk?”

  I nod and he excuses us for a moment. We head outside into the crisp autumn air and he takes my hand.

  “What’s wrong?” Of course Sean would see that I’m unhappy. Of course he would see that I’m worried. He’s observant. He watches me. He protects me. Of everyone I’ve ever met, he’s the only person who can read me perfectly.

  “I worked hard at that job,” I say, remembering how my years of working as the school’s webmaster ended abruptly over a disagreement with the new president of the college. “I didn’t know my dad thought I was unhappy. I never thought I was unhappy.”

  “Don’t worry about that, Violet. You learned a lot while you worked there. You gained a lot of experience and you met new people. You made a difference. Now you’re taking the skills you acquired and moving on to something else. Something even better.”

  I think about his words as we walk. He’s right. I know he’s right. I learned a lot while I worked at SVCC. I was in charge of an entire website, I developed social media channels for the school, and I even represented the college on occasion at conferences. Before my job there, I never would have had the confidence to speak publicly. Before that position, I wouldn’t have known how to create a Facebook page for a college.

  “Thanks,” I say, turning to him. “You always know just what to say.”

  He wiggles his eyebrows at me, pushes me against the side of the building, and kisses me deeply.

  “What was that for?” I ask when I’m finally able to catch my breath.

  “That was a taste of how you’re going to thank me later for always being so understanding.”

  Hand-in-hand, we head back to the restaurant and rejoin the fun.


  When we walk in the front door together, I try not to get all emotional. Things feel so right when we’re together. Things feel so strong. I’m thrilled for Amy that she finally found the man who will spend his whole life making her happy.

  Could Sean be that man for me?

  We’re so different in many ways, but not so different in others.

  We’re both broken and scared and afraid. We’re both lost. We both have scars, though some are more visible than others.

  What matters is that we’re in this together.

  Sean and Checkers snuggle up on the sofa. The puppy jumps around for a few seconds before cuddling up next to Sean. It’s like they were meant for each other.

  “I can’t wait for him to see your place,” I tell Sean. “He’s going to go nuts when he sees how big it is.” I don’t know Checkers’ history, but I imagine that living at a shelter wasn’t much fun. He already loves my house. He won’t know what to do with himself at Sean’s.

  “Annabelle is going to have a field day with him,” Sean comments in agreement. His part-time housekeeper, Annabelle, is one of the most motherly and comforting women I’ve ever met. I know she’ll love having another little someone to take care of while she’s at Sean’s place.

  “Did you ever have a pet when you were a kid?” I ask Sean, realizing suddenly that I don’t know much about what it was like for him to grow up as the son of a billionaire.

  “Nope,” he tells me. “My dad was never home, so he didn’t want us to get a pet.” He pats Checkers on the head as he remembers. “I always wanted a puppy or a fish.” He smiles. “Dad was afraid it would be too much work for two boys to handle on their own.”

  “That’s quite the combination,” I comment. “A puppy and a fish?” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively. “I know what I’m getting you for your next birthday.”

  “What about you?”

  “I had a cat.”

  “Really?” He laughs.


  “I just didn’t picture you as a cat person.”

  “Grumpy, eccentric, and alone?”

  “I can’t picture you as a crazy cat lady.”

  “My cat hardly made me crazy. He was fat and lazy and comfortable.”

  “I’m feeling pretty comfortable right now.” Sean’s eyes flicker with excitement and he lets Checkers
off his lap. The puppy barks and runs around, wagging his tail before heading into the kitchen for a snack.

  “Yeah?” I ask him, climbing onto his lap, making myself at home. “I like it when you feel…comfortable.” I lean down and kiss him softly, delicately, almost as if he might break. I know that he won’t, but sometimes it’s still nice to be soft.

  Sometimes it’s nice to be gentle.

  His body reacts almost immediately to mine and he grips my hips, pulling me into himself. I grind down on his hips, rotating them onto his dick until he’s hard and pushing up into me.

  “Violet,” he murmurs.

  “Sean,” I say, “I’ve been thinking about your cock all day.”

  “Is that so?” He smiles.

  “It’s so.”

  He teases my shirt off, tossing it aside so he can play with my nipples through my sheer bra. He lowers his mouth to bite them, nibbling until they’re both alert and erect. All of my body is ready for him. All of me is ready to feel him.

  I’m still reeling from the kiss outside of the restaurant earlier, still wet from the way his fingers grazed my body. Now my nerves are firing off electricity, sending goose bumps along my arms.

  As I kiss Sean, his fingers continue to play with my nipples, pinching and twisting, keeping them alert. As if they could be anything but. With Sean Moormead beneath me, I could never not be completely turned on.

  From the growing bulge in his pants, I know he feels the same way.

  I slip to my knees, kneeling gently in front of him on the floor. I gaze up at him for a moment as his hand strokes my cheek. Then, after he soaks me up, he nods, slightly.

  I don’t waste another minute.

  Unzipping his pants, I slide his cock into my mouth and indulge in the one treat I’ve been missing all day: him.

  Sean growls with appreciation as I take his length in and out of my mouth, slowly letting my tongue glide over each inch of him. My left hand cradles his balls while I blow him. My right plays with my nipples as I focus on bringing both of us the pleasure we so desperately crave.


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