The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission Page 3

by C. L. Turnage

  The God of the Bible had a similar need for precious metals. This is evident in the Old Testament book of Haggai chapter 2:8, "The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine," declares the Lord of Hosts. Just what was God doing with all that gold anyway? That God has a need for physicalities is sufficient to arouse suspicions regarding his true nature. If he were an omnipotent spirit being as many theologians suggest, wouldn't he simply cause the gold to materialize? Better yet, he would not require a physical substance such as gold in the first place.

  The Hebrew word "Nephilim" means both giant, and "beings fallen from the sky." Therefore, we obtain a more precise, if not ominous description of these beings derived from the dual meanings.19 They were giant extraterrestrial beings who arrived to Earth in rocket ships from another planet! These are the "sons of God" who intermarried with human females, stayed for many days after that, then departed. Imagine for a moment that early biblical translators had not made the glaring mistake found in this crucial Genesis verse. Would not the common view of religion be markedly different -- and the true identity of the God of the Old Testament intact?

  Sitchin points out that Malbim, a noted Jewish biblical commentator of the nineteenth century explained that: "in ancient days, rulers of countries were sons of deities who arrived on earth from the heavens, ruled earth, and married wives from among the daughters of man. Their offspring included heroes and mighty ones, or princes and sovereigns."20 This revelation suggests that Jewish theologians have realized in the past that other "deities" did in fact exist; but for obvious reasons have not endeavored to make this news known to members of their faith. Once the truth is distorted for such an extended period of time, one faces extreme persecution and opposition if one attempts to set it right again.

  The Hebrew nation was well aware of the literal existence of giants, since they for a time coexisted with them. However, few people today concede that these extraordinary beings actually existed -- though skeletal and other remains have been found to support this thesis. In 1898, H. Flagler Cowden and his brother, Charles, unearthed the fossil remains of a giant female, over seven feet tall. In 1895, a party of miners working near Bridal Veil Falls in California, discovered the tomb of a woman whose skeletal remains were 6 feet eight inches in length.

  On May 4, 1912, the New York times published a report that eighteen skeletons were found while excavating a Mound near Lake Delavan Wisconsin. The males were giants with remarkably large heads. In 1930, a mining engineer named J. E. Coker, discovered the bodies of men eight feet in height buried tier by tier in Sayopa Sonora, Mexico. Here are a few other locations where gigantic human-like skeletal remains have been uncovered in recent years: Tioga Point, Bradford County Pennsylvania; Dresbach, Minnesota; La Crescent, Minnesota, and Ellisburg Pennsylvania.21

  That there were once giants on Earth is stated as fact in several chapters of the Bible. Jewish tradition refers to them as the Rephaim, Anakim, and sometimes simply as the malachim, (angels) a word meaning emissaries.22 Could a race of giants actually have roamed the Earth in ancient days as the Bible records? Recently, archaeological finds along the Grand River in South Dakota, and rock imbedded foot prints found near Glen Rose, Texas, contain man-made tracks 18 inches long and 8 inches in width.

  These giant tracks would require a being with a body stature of twelve to fifteen feet in height.23 Strangely enough, the footprints at McFall ranch (near Glen Rose) were found alongside dinosaur tracks; and are believed to have been made at the same time. Were these imprints left in the Puluxy river bed made by the Elohim, a much older race than mankind?

  Archaeologists excavated giant-sized flint implements weighing nearly 8 pounds near Sasnych, 4 miles from Safita in Syria. Flint tools found at Ain Fritissa in eastern Morocco, are nothing to be sneezed at either! These tools were 12 inches long, 8 inches wide, and weighed 9 pounds. It would require a being nearly twelve feet in height to effectively handle such clumsy implements!24

  Giants appear in the mythology of every country on Earth. The Greeks and Romans believed in a race of giants that looked like human beings, but were much larger in size. The Greeks believed giants were born from the blood of Uranus (heaven) that fell into the lap of Gaea (earth). The Greeks called these giants "Titans." It was a common belief of the Greeks and Romans that man himself was once larger, and that he had grown smaller and smaller as time went by.25 If man is descended from these giants as the Bible states, then the genes responsible for their large stature may have become diluted with each generation of man, resulting in his smaller stature. Welsh giants are well known through the story of "Jack the Giant Killer." The myths of Mayans and Incas describe a race of giants existing on Earth before the Flood. The two most prominent of these giants were Atlan and Theitani.26

  Giants have also left behind remnants of their architecture, as in the megalithic structures found above Sacsayhuaman (Falcon Rock), in Peru. They are situated at a height of 3,550 to 3,780 feet near the limits of the former Incan fortress of Cuzco. The intricate rock labyrinth above Sacsayhuman gives the impression of a super edifice that has been constructed with the latest technical refinement.27

  More familiar monuments erected by giants can be found in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries. The most famous, the Great Sphinx, is said to possess the visage of "Hor-em-Akhet, the one created of Ra-Aten," who may have been the Babylonian god Marduk.28 The pyramids of Egypt, Mesopotamian ziggurats, and the gigantic stone platform of Baalbek are also accredited by Sitchin to this superhuman race of beings. In fact, colossal remnants of this same type of astounding architecture have been discovered throughout the globe, and on the moon and Mars as well.29

  Some theologians claim that the giants of the Bible were placed into the texts in order to symbolize evil.30 This, however, could not be the case. The authors of the Bible lived at different times in assorted places. They could not have communicated with one another, and there were strict Hebrew laws forbidding the manipulation of the texts by anyone who copied them down. (This was done to insure the integrity of the texts from one generation to the next).31 The Old Testament book of Dueteronomy repeatedly mentions the giants of the Bible: "Where can we go up? Our brethren made our hearts melt saying, The people are bigger and taller than we; their cities are large and fortified to heaven. And besides, we saw the sons of the Anakim there." Dueteronomy 1:28.

  These fearful Hebrews actually saw either descendents of Elohim, or the Elohim themselves, and their cities that were "fortified to heaven," technologically superior cities, built to communicate with the home planet. In chapter two of Dueteronomy, we find yet another reference to their height and name: "The Emim lived there formerly, a people as great, numerous and tall as the Anakim. Like the Anakim, they are also regarded as the Rephaim, but the Moabites call them Emim." Dueteronomy 2:10-11.

  The word "Anakim" is derived from the ancient Mesopotamian term for astronaut: Anunnaki, meaning "the fifty who went from Heaven to Earth." According to Sitchin, it describes landing parties of the Nephilim that were organized into groups of fifty.32 Rephaim also meant giants, or Nephilim.33 In ancient Mesopotamia, and the biblical world, it was common knowledge that human kind shared the planet with extraordinary giant beings from another world. Thus ancient peoples had many names for them, and their half-breed descendents; while their strongholds were avoided out of fear and respect.

  The God of the Old Testament often attempted to destroy other deities in various struggles for control of key positions in the Middle East. Apparently, he entered the land of the Rephaim, which was then occupied by the Zamzummim. Here he encountered "a people as great, numerous, and tall as the Anakim, but the Lord destroyed them before them. And they dispossessed them and settled in their place." Deuteronomy 2:20-21. What is most likely, is that these "Emim" were descendents of the Nephilim (probably half human); who inherited these well fortified, sophisticated cities from their fathers and mothers who had moved on. Some of the gods had little use for these half-breed descendents and wiped them
out whenever possible. In the biblical book of Numbers, the Bible actually states that the sons of Anak were the descendants of the Nephilim!

  "And there we saw the Neph'ilim, the sons of A'nak, who are from the Neph'ilim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and the same way we became in their eyes." Numbers 13:33, NWT. That verse contains some frightening connotations! Not only are the Nephilim physically larger than the average human being, they are mental giants as well. Therefore earthlings who encountered them recognized themselves to be intellectual insects in the eyes of their superior alien "Lords." A fantastic description of a descendent of one of these Nephilic giants is found in 1st Chronicles 20:6 where "there was a man of great stature who had twenty four fingers and toes, six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot; and he also was descended from the giants."

  This peculiar trait of possessing an extra digit known as polydactylism, was once a common occurrence among people of the ancient Middle East, who at times considered it a good omen. Often, they portrayed images of their gods with six fingers and six toes. In the Levant, polydactylism was considered to be a mark of the Rephaim. (If you were a giant, you apparently needed more fingers and toes).34

  The Lord himself helped to disperse these giants so that the Hebrews could inherit the land: "Hear O Israel! You are crossing over the Jordan today to go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than you, a people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, whom you know and whom you have heard it said, "Who can stand before the sons of Anak?" "Know therefore today that it is the Lord your God who is crossing over before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and He will subdue them before you, so that you may drive out and destroy them quickly, just as the Lord has spoken to you." Dueteronomy 9:1-3, NWT.

  One can only wonder if the weapon of fire was the afterburners of a spacecraft passing over the Jordan ahead of the Israelites. Perhaps it was a sophisticated type of weapon employed to wipe out the opposing alien descendents. Apparently, there were still giants living in Gath at the time of King David. It is known from ancient Sumerian, Indian, Hittite, Egyptian and other writings, that the gods frequently fought for control of territories.35 The God of the Israelites and the giants of Gath seemed to be engaged in such a squabble. Apparently, the use of humans in battle was a common occurrence in ancient times.36

  Detailed physical descriptions of giants appear in the Bible, the book of Enoch, and other ancient writings and artwork. Even their furniture and trappings are vividly described. The spear of Lahmi, the brother of Goliath the giant, was the size of a weaver's beam (1st Chronicles 20:5). Goliath, the Philistine behemoth slain by David was an awesome figure indeed, for his "height was six cubits and a span. And he had a bronze helmet on his head, and he was clothed with scale armor which weighed five thousand shekels of bronze. He also had bronze shin guards on his legs and a bronze javelin slung between his shoulders. And the shaft of his spear was like a weavers beam, and the head of his spear weighed six hundred shekels of iron; his shield carrier also walked before him." 1 Samuel 17:4-7, NAS.

  Goliath would have been about ten feet in height! Dueteronomy gives us a wonderful description of a king size bed: "Only Og King of Bashan was left of the Rephaim. Behold, his bedstead was an iron bedstead; it is in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. Its length was nine cubits and its width four cubits by ordinary cubit." (Deuteronomy 3:11). A cubit was an ancient measuring unit equaling 18 to 20 inches. The Hebrew cubit was 17.58 inches. Using the rounded number of 18 inches, we arrive at a bed the length of 13.5 feet, and 6 feet in width!37 King Og, the last remaining giant of Bashan was slain by David, and his bed given away as spoils of war.

  The data reviewed thus far, provides us with a fairly accurate description of the Elohim. They are human-like giants, ten to thirteen feet in stature, who have six fingers and six toes. To discover if giants of biblical writings are descendents of the Elohim who created man in the garden of Eden, we must go back to the origin of the book of Genesis - Sumer. It was the first great civilization of man arising suddenly nearly 6,000 years ago with no precursor; and contrary to the expected rules of logic.38 The costumes and hair styles of Sumerians appear a bit bizarre; indeed, these ancient people look as though they stepped from the soil of an alien world.

  The Sumerians attained a very high culture. According to cuneiform clay tablets, it boasted of a fair system of laws for the protection of the masses. There were advances in healing and the art of medicine, as well as a much envied textile industry. Intriguingly, there was a highly efficient religo-political system of government, that had attained an advanced knowledge of the solar system through astronomical observations. Great literary works including epic poems, the recording of historical events and the keeping of complex accounts including business transactions, were also Sumerian achievements.39 According to the Sumerians, this advanced knowledge was derived from their deities, including their sophisticated understanding of outer space and the solar system.40 In fact, the imposing, seven-staged ziggurats of Mesopotamia were built for the use of the gods, and their "sky vehicles." These structures were also used as sophisticated astronomical observatories.41 (The Bible refers to ziggurats as "high places").42

  What were the Sumerians observing? According to archaic writings, they were watching the comings and goings of the gods, and the arrival into Earth's vicinity of their planet "Nibiru."43 From these highly sophisticated space travelers, the ancient Sumerians learned that they themselves were both the created genetic products, and the descendents of these extraordinary interplanetary beings.44 Man's creation, and early domination by these gods from space perpetuated the first writings that were later carried out of Sumeria, and then edited to create the biblical account of creation recorded in Genesis.45

  The rationale of Genesis clearly places it within the style of earlier Sumerian tablets. For instance, the Hebrew word Elohim (plural deities) is mentioned numerous times in the original ancient manuscript itself. Later biblical translators edited it, changing the word Elohim to God, in an inane attempt to package pluralistic beings into a solitary generic Deity.46 Despite their efforts, the obvious reference to the multiple Sumerian deities is clear because of unedited phrases such as, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness."

  It is certain that Abraham knew of the plurality of the deities; or Elohim, because he was the son of a Sumerian priest. It was the chief function of the priest to act as a mediator between the Elohim gods and their human creations.47 That man was created by them is no surprise, they were on the Earth before man; according to the Sumerians, who worked for these beings -- and ultimately began to worship them.48 This is how man came to have a god who looks like him.

  Intriguingly, the Sumerian deities were said to be giants. Clay tablets depict these beings standing or sitting with their "earthling creations."49 They are always rendered taller than their human counterparts. It makes perfect sense that they would create their human slaves smaller than themselves, for it would be much easier to dominate and control them.

  Genesis reports that as soon as Elohim created man, they planted a garden, then placed man there to work for them. If the Elohim arrived to Earth from another planet; then it stands to reason that they would have arrived in limited numbers. This would have posed multiple problems for them, including the production of food on an alien world. According to Sitchin, their original mission was to secure gold, therefore most of their labors would have been oriented toward this, leaving little time for tending the necessary gardens that would have provided them with sustenance. Therefore, it is easy to see why the need for a primitive worker would have necessitated the creation of a human labor force. According to the Babylonian and Assyrian work titled: "When the Gods, like men, bore the work," the gods, who formerly inhabited Earth before the creation of mankind; were forced to toil in mines to bring up gold ore. Piecing together fragments of Babylonian and Assyrian texts, W. G. Lambert, and A. R. Millard (AtraHasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood) w
ere able to present a completed version of the story. It was their conclusion that it was based on earlier Sumerian texts, and that it described the arrival of the gods to Earth, the creation of man, and his destruction by the Deluge.50

  Originally gods alone inhabited Earth: "When gods were man, they did forced labor, they bore drudgery...(They were complaining, denouncing, muttering down in the ditch, then there was mutiny among the gods. They proclaimed war on the leader of Earth, the god Enlil. The embittered workers "set fire to their tools;...The workers surrounded the house of Enlil during the night. A servant suggested, "Send that they bring Anu down (here), and that they bring Enki be(fore) you." Ruling gods arrived, and Enlil arose and accused the workers of engaging in hostilities against him. Anu, supreme ruler of Nibiru sent a servant to inquire of the Anunnaki,...Who is instigator of hostilities?" The mutinous deities unanimously declared themselves to be the instigators, and complained of the harsh work in the mines. This answer was not to the liking of Enlil who told his father Anu: "I will go up with you, to Heaven. Bear your authority, take your power." Anu took the side of the mutineers: "Why do we blame them? Their forced labor was heavy, their misery too much! (Every day...), (the outcry was loud, (we could) hear the clamor." Another god was present at the gathering, Enki. He too had something to say: (Belet-ili, the midwife), is present. Let her create a hum(an), a man. Let him bear the yoke (...), "(Let man assume the drudgery of god..."51

  Thus, we see the pressing need for man. He was to shift the burden of work from the backs of the gods. W. H. McNeill, in his award winning work, Rise of the West, writes that Sumerian theology recorded that man had been created expressly to free the gods of the necessity of working for a living. Man therefore was considered to be a slave of the gods, obliged to serve ceaselessly and assiduously under pain of direct punishment, flood or drought, and consequent starvation.52 The New Testament confirms that once man was considered to be a slave to God but through Jesus Christ our status has been changed: ..."you are no longer a slave, but a son; and as a son, then an heir through God," Galatians 4:7, NAS.


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