The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission Page 8

by C. L. Turnage

  Apparently, other plagues originating in the cosmos will strike earth before the appearance of planet Marduk. They could be attributed to the arrival into earth's vicinity of smaller bodies held by Marduk's powerful gravitational attraction. These lesser plagues are similar to those of Exodus and Revelation sixteen already discussed:

  "When the angel took the censer; and filled it with the fire of the altar and threw it to the earth; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake". Revelation 8:5.

  "Then there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth; and a third of the earth was burnt up, and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all the green grass was burnt up". Revelation 8:7.

  First there is thunder and lightning, then an earthquake. Were these plagues due to gravitational forces from an approaching meteor? If so, it might have had enough gravitational attraction to create tremendous rainstorms, and consequently hail on earth. The fire seen by the author of Revelation may have been small meteors, or debris displaced from the asteroid belt and dragged along by the approaching Marduk. These could have been burning up as they streaked through earth's oxygenated atmosphere. The "blood" may have been debris glowing red as it fell, causing John to believe he was seeing blood falling from the sky. Anyone who has ever seen a meteor shower can attest to the fact that the glowing red streaks might cause a primitive mind to view such as streaks of blood. The blood-like phenomenon however, could have been induced by some other frightening event unknown to modern science at this time. It may actually stem from problems relating to earth's diminishing ozone layer, or from some enigmatic material carried along by the larger, approaching object. As for "a third of the earth burning up," and a third of the trees and green grass burning up, then perhaps super-heated meteors (and meteorites) striking earth are responsible for this. Even one asteroid hit somewhere on earth could destroy a third of the terrain, along with a third of the vegetation in that region.

  Bear in mind that the accounts of Exodus and Revelation are similar, and both may be a primitive attempt at describing the celestial phenomena using different terminology; thus accounting for minor discrepancies between the two reports. Any strange occurrence described by individuals of antiquity is bound to be less than technically accurate; since these individuals had little to draw from in their own experiences to truly understand or relate such phenomena to others.

  Since trumpets were used to signal that something important was about to happen in ancient times, the angelic trumpet blasts of Revelation 8:5 and 8:7 seem to herald the approach of the following object: "When the second angel sounded, something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood; and a third of the creatures that were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed." Revelation 8:8-9.

  The "great mountain burning with fire" appears to be a huge comet, or asteroid. The description of what occurs in Revelation chapter eight meets the criteria for what must transpire if a comet or asteroid were to strike earth. The effect of any impact on the earth's surface will increase in proportion to the mass of the impacting object, and to the square of its velocity with respect to the motion of the earth. Therefore the kinetic energy of the object (energy of its motion), depends on this product, and it is the energy brought to earth, no matter how mass and velocity combine, that does the most damage.110

  Asteroids and comets that might strike earth have velocities up to 60 kilometers per second. Their speed of motion depends on whether they approach earth head on; while overtaking earth, or in intermediate paths. The average velocity with respect to earth will be that of an intermediate collision of 30 kilometers per second; the same speed in which earth is traveling. However, their velocities can add to (as in head on collisions), the planet's orbital velocity.

  Asteroids maintain an orbit similar to that of the planets, and for this reason, earth is less likely to be struck by errant asteroids. Comets however, move in elliptical trajectories that have never behaved in a planet-like fashion, and are more likely to strike the earth. (Bear in mind that the passage of planet Marduk through the asteroid belt could cause asteroids to impact with the earth). Because comets move in random directions, a head on collision with earth is most likely to occur. If an asteroid should strike the earth, it is more likely to be an overtaking situation, occurring with an average relative velocity of 10 to 15 kilometers per second. Cometary collisions would be close to 30 kilometers per second. A comet that has the same mass as an asteroid, could produce four to nine times the destruction!

  However, the mass of a colliding object varies in proportion to the cube of the object's radius times its density of matter. Cometary material is thought to have a density of about 0.7 times that of water; and about one-quarter to one-fifth of that of the rocky asteroids. Factoring in these numbers, the greater average velocity of a comet, relative to earth, nicely compensates for the lower density of cometary material. Therefore a comet and an asteroid of the same size might have the same overall effect when they collide with earth, even though the asteroid would have four to five times the comet's mass.111

  Now let us imagine an onrushing comet or asteroid approaching earth at a relative velocity between 10 and 50 kilometers per second. The object would travel from the moon to the earth in a matter of a few hours. Then it would part the atmosphere like a super-projectile, leaving a hole through the air as wide as itself. Air would rush back into the hole at the speed of sound. Nevertheless, it would still take tens of seconds for the hole to disappear.

  Upon impact with the earth, the object would decelerate to zero velocity, only after depositing most of its kinetic energy into the material it encounters. The object would then stop after it has encountered a total mass of material several times its own mass. The faster the traveling comet or asteroid, the more mass it must encounter before it will be able to stop. If it is a low velocity impact, then it would need to encounter less mass in order to grind itself to a halt.112

  Since the "great mountain burning with fire" is thrown into the sea, let us consider what might transpire in such a scenario. If the object struck water, it would plow a hole through the water after ripping through the atmosphere, where it would then excavate a crater several kilometers deep, and fifty to one hundred kilometers wide in earth's crust. Water around the comet would be vaporized at once, doubling the water vapor content of the atmosphere. The earthquake from such an impact would release 100 billion times more energy than the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

  However, the greatest adverse effect on life would arise from the resulting dust from the impact. A ten kilometer object would move about two hundred cubic kilometers of rock. The impact would super-heat this material instantaneously, spraying it sideways and upwards from its center. Matter traveling upwards would encounter no resistance from the oceans or atmosphere, for they would have been thrust aside sufficiently for it to rise unimpeded. The pulverized particles would acquire a ballistic trajectory, like the path of a rocket that has left the atmosphere and shut its engines down. Each particle that rose high above earth would then begin to orbit our planet. Some would fly off in to interplanetary space, while most would be caught by earth's gravity and pulled back on top of the atmosphere, at a point far from the hole from which they emerged. The heaviest particles would fall through the atmosphere at points all around the globe. The lighter ones would float like oil on water, suspended in the atmosphere as fine grained, low mass, dust grains. The result would be death for many species of life on earth.113

  Revelation 8:9 states that a third of the creatures that were in the sea and had life died. A third of the ships were destroyed as well. Did this occur because they happened to be in the area of impact as the "great mountain burning with fire" plunged into the sea?

  Next, the arrival of the following object causes even more destruction: "... a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of
the rivers, and on the springs of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood (poison); and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter." Revelation 8:10-11, NAS.

  To the ancients, any celestial body could be termed a "star." Therefore, Wormwood is most likely a comet or asteroid that was pulled along by the "great mountain burning with fire."114 Whatever it is, it is poisonous. It has the effect of contaminating rivers and springs. This causes men to die, since many of these dump into underground rivers and springs, feeding aquifers and other sources of drinking water. Notice what happens next: "...a third of the sun, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars were smitten, so that a third of them might be darkened, and the day might not shine for a third of it, and the night in the same way." Revelation 8:12, NAS.

  An object impacting with earth could have the result of blotting out the sun by suspending a thin veil of dust particles 20 to 40 kilometers high above the tropopause. This has the adverse effect of shutting off weather patterns. The dust above the tropopause cannot be brought down by rain since water vapor does not form that high above the earth. As a result, there would be surface darkening on earth for a period up to three months; depending on the size and speed of the impacting object. (The combined impact of the two objects is only large enough to effectively blot out all light for eight hours. 24 hours divided by 3 equals 8). However, Revelation 9:2 describes how the sun and the air were darkened by the "smoke" of the "bottomless pit." The "pit" could be the area of impact, and the smoke the resulting dust.

  Dust particles suspended above the tropopause would eventually sink and be rained out of the atmosphere, as they collide with each other and adhere to one another forming larger particles. The more dust particles suspended above the earth, the greater the increase in collisions between dust particles that would then adhere, and ultimately fall back to earth.

  During the period of darkness, the intensity of sunlight on earth's surface would fall to below 1% of its normal value. Photosynthesis would cease among the phytoplankton in the oceans and seas resulting in the deaths of many aquatic sea creatures due to a disruption in the food chain; thus: "and a third of the creatures that were in the sea and had life died," Revelation 8:9. An impact sufficient to raise dust that would block visible sunlight for an extended period of time, would also produce molecules that would combine with the ozone in the stratosphere; removing the ozone molecules. This would result in a frightening discorporation of the earth's protective ozone layer.

  As the dust settles and allows the sun to cast its now deadly rays upon the earth's surface, all life would be effected by short-wave ultraviolet radiation. Such radiation would harm the immune system of all mammals; and other animals as well; while suppressing the normal processes by which DNA molecules are repaired in living organisms. One side effect would be corneal damage in the well developed eyes of mammals.115

  Ironically, astronomers recently discovered a comet-like object beyond Pluto. According to an article published in The Detroit News, and written by Hugh McCann on 9/21/92, astronomers Jane Luu of the University of California at Berkley, and David Jewitt of the University of Hawaii have detected a mysterious object about a billion miles beyond Pluto. They observed the object through an 88-inch optical telescope on Mount Kea, a mountain in Hawaii; using electronic sensors on the instruments.

  The puzzling object is about 120 miles in diameter, and has a reddish hue, suggesting an icy surface rich in organic material. It is reported to orbit the sun every 2,000 years. Right now the best guess is that 1992 QB-1 as it is being called, is a comet. However, University of Michigan astronomer Richard Teske stated that, "its too small to be called a planet, at least in the terms of what we understand planets to be; and too big to be called a comet. And we can't rule out the possibility that it is an asteroid." This curious object may be the "great mountain burning with fire" of Revelation 8:8. Marduk's impending approach might cause it to travel too near to earth, accidentally colliding with it.

  The prophet Joel had this to say regarding celestial and terrestrial phenomena in the last days before the coming of the "Lord":

  "...I will display wonders in the sky and on earth, blood, fire, and columns of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon in to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes." Joel 2:30-31.

  What might cause the moon to turn into "blood?" If meteoric impact takes place as speculated earlier, then the resulting dust clouds in the upper atmosphere would in all probability create a "red moon" effect. If you have ever seen the type of haze caused by pollution in a large city, and the effect such haze has on the moon, then it is not difficult to image the moon "turning to blood," or turning bright red from an unusual amount of volcanic or meteoric activity. I myself have seen the moon turn red in Dallas, Texas on pollution-filled hazy days. "Columns of smoke" could also be created by either volcanic, or meteoric activity.

  Although there is no absolute way to positively identify the unusual "signs" reported in Exodus, Revelation, Joel, and certain prophetic verses of the Bible as celestial phenomena triggered by the passage of a large body through the solar system; it would seem to explain them if we consider that such may be the actual cause of these plagues. And, it would also tend to explain other somewhat obscure and puzzling passages that are otherwise inexplicable. There is for instance, a strange phenomenon recorded in the Bible that may now be possible to explain if one reflects upon the effects of Marduk's passage through our solar system. I would like to venture an explanation for the heretofore inexplicable "long day of Joshua."

  "And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky, and it did not hasten to go down for about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it..." Joshua 10:13-14.

  It is reasonable to assume that the sun did not stand still, nor did the moon stop. That would defy the laws of physics. If the sun ceased to rotate completely, the earth and other planets traveling about it, would move off into outer space in a straight line at a constant speed due to the loss of the centripetal force holding these bodies in orbit.116 It is possible that something caused the earth to slow down its rotation considerably; thereby lengthening the day. If Marduk had passed between Jupiter and Mars during the time of the great Exodus, about 1540 B.C.; then by the time the events of Joshua took place (sometime between 1473-1454 B.C.),117 it could have been passing behind, or near the sun.

  Since the sun would be moving in a counterclockwise direction, and the planet Marduk clockwise, then it could be that the meeting of the gravitational fields of the two celestial bodies would have had the effect of slowing down the sun; and it in turn would slow down the rotation of the inner planets like earth and its moon, thereby having the effect of lengthening a day here on earth. It seems more likely, however that if planet Marduk did not slow down the sun, but that some unknown body following along behind it with sufficient gravitational attraction slowed down the earth instead. Joshua 10:11 states that large hailstones came from heaven; which could have been the result of the celestial phenomenon just described, due to a sudden change in earth's own gravitational field. As stated earlier, super cooled water drops, and super cooled air may be rapidly forced from the polar regions and displaced into other areas where they rapidly form hailstones. This whole incident seems closely related to the earlier passage of planet Nibiru-Marduk near to earth. Therefore, the passage of a smaller, celestial body traveling behind Nibiru seems like the most likely scenario. The Lord may have simply taken advantage of a situation he knew was about to occur; and which would seem like a miracle to his Hebrew subjects.

  If the Hebrew priests then decided to calculate the return of Nibiru around the time of the long day of Joshua, and about 100 years after the great Exodus which was probably when it last passed our way, then this could explain the Hebrew "grea
t number" of their letter/number code. I believe this "great number" to be a reference to the reappearance of the Elohim planet. This number counted the final five letters of their alphabet (that were assigned numbers as part of the letter/number code), as a

  great number three-thousand five-hundred.118 This is very close to the number 3,600 of the Sumerians and Babylonians which represented a "year of Anu," or one orbit of Nibiru. 2060 A.D. (return of Nibiru) + 1540 B.C. (last appearance of Nibiru) = 3,600. 2060 A.D. + 1440 B.C. (approximate date of long day of Joshua) = 3,500; or how many years would occur from 1440 B.C. until another "year of Anu", or Nibirian shar would be complete! This may also be telling us that about one hundred years after Nibiru passes, we can expect something else unusual to occur. The Sabbattical Jubilee cycle began when the Hebrews entered the land of Canaan in 1440 B.C., about one hundred years after the Exodus. Since a Sabbattical Jubilee cycle was 50 years in duration, this means that 70 of these cycles would occur before the next appearance of the planet Nibiru. (50 X 70 = 3,500, the Hebrew Great Number)

  8.1. Foot Notes

  98Noone, Richard, 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, Harmony Books, A division of Crown Publishers Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022, pages 44-45.

  99Noone, Richard, 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, Harmony Books, A division of Crown Publishers Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022, page 44.

  100 Noone, Richard, 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, Harmony Books, A division of Crown Publishers Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022, page 44.

  101 Lindsey, Hal, There's A New World Coming, Harvest House Publishers, Irvine, California 92714, page 128. Laurence, Richard, (translator), The Book of Enoch the Prophet, Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego, page xiii-xiv. See the introduction.


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