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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 15

by C. L. Turnage

  A final note regarding the mathematical codes in the Bible. Biblical names are not necessarily the names of the original persons described, having been placed in the texts by the Sopherim scribes to create mathematical connotations when added together. This is yet another "coded" message in the Bible, and moreover, another message inside of a message. For example, Daniel and his three friends who refused to bow down before the idol built by Nebuchadnezzar have names adding up to 888: Daniel (95), Hananiah (120), Mishael (381), and Azariah (292), (Daniel 2:17). Ironically, the name of Jesus in Greek adds up to 888. This is not surprising since the prophesies of Daniel focus on the return of Christ, and the destruction of the Adversary of the God of the Old Testament, (Marduk, the national God of Babylon) in a somewhat veiled, mystical manner.213

  Let us focus now on what this new understanding of biblical writings has yielded thus far: Extraterrestrials visited earth in the ancient past. They created a hybrid race (mankind) through genetic manipulation, then intermarried with it. Two warring factions caused a political rift on their world. One faction was exiled to earth, while the other remained in Heaven (Revelation 12:4-8). Realizing that they would be required to leave earth for a time, and worried about what would happen to their descendents while they were away, the departed forces of the home planet decided to leave mankind a special book, a series of written transmissions as it were. For many generations, it appeared to be primarily a book of laws, history, and other writings pertaining to and derived from their creators - for this was all it needed to be at that particular time.

  However, the real and most profound message was hidden inside the directive left to their creations. It was to serve as a kind of "extraterrestrial time capsule" designed to aid their descendents during a time of trouble while they were away. That is why the Masorites counted every verse and letter of the Old Testament - in the beginning, they understood the real reason why the writings must be kept intact. That is why the Talmud states that if even one letter of a Torah is incorrect, the entire Torah must be buried.214 One incorrectly written letter could distort the entire hidden mathematical code-the most significant communication of the Bible.

  Intriguingly, the Mezuzah, a small scroll containing the 170 words of the Bible God commanded to be kept in a separate scroll, and posted at the entrance of every home, is perhaps the most important of all the biblical writings. (These verses are Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:13-21. The Mezuzah is always written in 22 lines. Twenty-two corresponds to the 22 books of the Old Testament, and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, not counting the five terminal letters). It has been discovered encoded in two of those verses, that in the years 2000, and 2006, there is a major nuclear threat against Israel that could engulf the whole planet. The hidden text of the sacred scroll warns of war: "It will bombard your country, terror, devastation, it is being launched."

  It cannot be by chance that the warning of when the world might face a nuclear holocaust was encoded in two of the fifteen verses of the Bible that God twice commands be memorized, taught to children, and recited every day and every night. It is no accident that the years most clearly encoded with "World War" were both hidden in the 170 words that were to be preserved in a separate scroll for over 3,000 years, and are still fastened to the door post of nearly every house in Israel. If even one letter is missing, a Mezuzah cannot be used. It is quite obvious that someone wanted to make absolutely certain that no matter what happened to the rest of the Bible, that these words, this scroll -- was saved intact, exactly as it was written, with its hidden code in place! This is undoubtedly the most important part of the transmission from the future king of earth...Jesus Christ.

  In that ancient code, World War III could start within a decade. World War II was predicted to start in the Hebrew year 5700, or 1939-1940. The hidden text states that "in 5700, the cremator came." It predicted not only W.W.II, but the ovens of Hitler's Holocaust! Is it a mere coincidence that Hitler targeted the Jews for genocidal extermination, those chosen to transmit the word of God to mankind? Why did he choose a swastika, a very ancient emblem representing Nibiru for the symbol of his third Reich? Ironically, Hitler believed that he had been chosen by Aryan supermen, and that these supermen were giants. Were they members of the exiled Nibirian Serpent faction?215

  The two times in human history, since Christ returned to Heaven that the Jews could be totally annihilated, were revealed in this computer code. It is clear that the God of the Old Testament wished to preserve not only his chosen people, but the message he chose to convey through them. Even if the entire Bible were destroyed centuries ago, and we had only the Mezuzah, and discovered that it contained an ancient computer code about a nuclear threat to our existence, then we would know that some non-human source was bound to have encoded it-for only a superior non-human could have for seen the future over 3,000 years ago. And, hopefully, we would have the sense to employ this coded transmission to save ourselves.

  Should we take this code seriously? Apparently, the U.S. National Security Agency does, for they confirmed to Michael Drosnin that there is a code in the Bible that foretells the future. According to Drosnin, the Mossad, an intelligence gathering agency in Israel takes the code seriously as well.216 What does this tell us?

  It seems to say that if the Security and Intelligence gathering agencies of two powerful nations believe there is something to the code, and are in fact studying it, then so should we. They must be asking the obvious question, who is behind this code? They already know a superior non-human source placed the code in the texts, and that it is an encrypted communication from this non-terrestrial other words, an "extraterrestrial transmission."

  From all this and more, we now have within our grasp the ability to decipher this alien epistle, left to mankind as a sort of "time capsule" to be cracked in the twentieth century. And, it is in all probability, a coded transmission, or message from the king of planet Nibiru – and his son, Jesus Christ, the soon to be king of earth. The Messiah opened a book “sealed with seven seals”, according to the book of Revelation. When the first seal was broken (Revelation: 6: 1), this signaled the execution of the Bible as a legal covenant between extraterrestrial authorities and their earthly creations. It is important for humans to realize that they are the beneficiaries of this Biblical contract initiated upon decryption of the code.

  *The seven "days" of creation correspond to the seven tablets of the Babylonian Enuma Elish Creation Epic. These days therefore do not correspond to 7 earth days of 24 hours, but 7 epochs of evolutionary time.

  12.1. Foot Notes

  196Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, page 57. Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 159.

  197Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 138-141.

  198Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, pages 12-13.

  199Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon and Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, pages 20-25. See entire appendix of The Bible Code.

  200Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, page 25.

  201Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, pages 95, and 97.

  202Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, page 95.

  203Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, page 98.

  204Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, page 98-99.

  205Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americ
as, New York, NY 10020, pages 89, & 103-104 & 122-123.

  206Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, pages 155 & 179-180, pages 137-147 (earthquakes), pages 85-87 (atomic holocaust).

  207Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of 10020, pages 21, & 108-109.

  208Drosnin, Michael, The Bible Code, Simon & Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of 10020, pages 22-23.

  209Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, pages 12-13.

  210Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, pages 36-39.

  211Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, page 42.

  212Martin, Ernest, Restoring the Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, pages 144-145.

  213Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, page 110.

  13. The Number Of God's Name

  It is possible to discover the hidden Sumerian name of God by using the tetragrammaton, the letters YHWH transcribed by Hebrew Sopherim scribes to designate the name of God in the literal Hebrew writings. This name was transliterated by the uninitiated who sought to pronounce the name as "Yahweh."217 Apparently, these letters are not necessarily the name itself; but parts of the letter/number code, and may not be pronounced at all. These appear to represent the "key" by which one can deduce the name of the Deity, as will soon be apparent (It is possible that the real name of God is “YAWEH” but his Sumerian name is what we are primarily concerned with, as this name holds the key to his identification as pertaining to the Sumerian deities.) YHWH occurs at least 6,832 times in biblical writings; and always refers to the secret name of God.218 For example, Exodus 15:3, and Ezekiel 3:27 literally render the name of God as YHWH in the ancient manuscripts.219

  Apparently, God revealed his true identity to Moses: "...I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but My name, YHWH (literally) I did not make myself known to them." Exodus 6:3, NAS.220

  In order to crack the code, we must do as the book of Revelation (13:8) suggests: "Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count." Because the writings of the Kabbalah were considered to be "hidden wisdom," this is probably a reference to the letter/number code. Since each letter in the Hebrew alphabet was assigned a corresponding number (as we have shown elsewhere), we find that YHWH is actually a reference to planetary arithmetic referring to the cult symbol of the God of the Old Testament encountered by Moses. To deduce which planetary body, and thus which Sumerian Deity YHWH stands for, we must determine the numerical value of YHWH. Since H = 5, then the two H's will be worth 10. Y = 10, and W = 6, resulting in a grand total of 26. According to the Sumerian Deity ranking system, and to the sexagesimal system that rounded off odd numbers to the nearest ten, the number 26 approximates the rank of 30, the rank of the Sumerian Deity Nannar-Sin.221 (Bear in mind that Nannar-Sin and “YAHWEH” as he became known to the Jews are one and the same.)

  But, which of the twelve celestial bodies in our solar system does the number 30 pertain to? Each planet has two periods of revolution about the sun. The first of which is measured against the stars, and is called the Sidereal period. The other is measured relative to the sun which it orbits; and is called the Synodic period. The Sidereal period of the earth's moon is 27.32 days, and the Synodic period of the moon is 29.53 days.222 This approximates the rank of thirty, assigned to Nannar-Sin.

  Interestingly, the moon was the planetary body assigned to him. He was the "moon god" who possessed a large ziggurat in the Sumerian city of Ur.223

  In the following verse, we find that the Lord YHWH (literally), holds the day of the New Moon as a sacred day: "The gate of the inner court facing east shall be shut the six working days; but it shall be opened on the Sabbath day, opened on the day of the new moon." Ezekiel 46:1, NAS (See also 1st Samuel 20:5, and 2nd Kings 4:23).

  Psalm 81:3-4, states that the Israelites were to blow the trumpet at the New Moon, which was to be a statute for Israel, and ordinance of the God of Jacob." Was it a holiday because it commemorated the symbol of the Moon God, Nannar-Sin? Interestingly, a New Moon occurs the instant when the Moon is aligned between the sun and earth, and the side near to earth is totally dark. One day after the new moon, a thin crescent appears near earth's western horizon following sunset.224 When Sin seized power from Ea/Enki in 555 B.C., he assumed the title of "Divine Crescent" and established his reputation as the moon god, as we shall discuss more fully a little later in this chapter.225

  By the seventh day the first quarter moon rises about noon and sets near midnight. Full moon on the fourteenth day, rises at sunset and sets at sunrise, and the waning moon is in its last quarter around the twenty-second day. After twenty-nine and a half days the moon is aligned again for a New Moon and the beginning of a new lunar month, with changes occurring about every seven days.226

  Lunar symbolism associated with God appear repeatedly in the Bible. The reign of God is compared to the endurance of the moon: "Let them fear Thee while the sun endures, and as long as the moon..." (Psalm 72:5-7). The moon and its symbolic meaning figure in quite heavily with biblical prophecy as well. This rather interesting description of celestial phenomenon involving the moon is found in Isaiah regarding the end times: "...the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the Lord binds up the fracture of his people and heals the bruise of his blow." Isaiah 30:26, NAS Apparently, some extraordinary celestial phenomenon will occur, causing extreme brightness.

  There is plenty of other evidence to support the contention that Nannar-Sin is the God of the Old Testament. For example, the place where Moses received the ten commandments was Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:20). This mountain is located in the Sinai peninsula, with Sinai meaning "Sin's land," connecting it with the Sumero-Babylonian moon god Sin. In other words, the Hebrews were in Sin's territory. This leads one to believe that it was the Deity Sin, or emissaries representing Sin, who spoke upon the mountain.* Why would any other god lead his "chosen" people into some other Deity's dominion? Hebrew tradition claimed through Abraham, an early relationship through both Ur and Haran. Some evidence adduced by scholars suggests that YHWH, the God of Israel, was once regarded as a moon god. The moon-cult seems to have been particularly prominent in early Semitic religion in the Sinaitic area.227

  The Hebrews were also encamped in the wilderness of Sinai: "Then the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of the Sinai, in the tent of meeting, on the first of the second month, in the second year after they had come out of Egypt,..." Numbers 1:1, NAS

  Logically, Sin would have led his people into his own territory. Since SU.EN, the Sumerian name for the God Sin, literally meant Lord of the "wasteland" (associated with his symbol the moon -- a true wasteland), it becomes quite symbolic that he would lead the Hebrews into a wilderness.228 Here, let us understand that NAN.NAR.SU.EN was a “title” bestowed on the god known to the Hebrews as “YAHWEH”. Even Yahweh may not be his actual birth name. (To the Babylonians the moon was also known as SHESH.KI, "the celestial god who protects earth," and "brother of the earth").229

  The Sumerians also called Nannar-Sin the "bright one." Was this a reference to the brightness of the moon, his cult symbol? Ancient texts describe him as being beloved of his father Enlil because of his great beauty and wisdom. During 2399-2282 B.C., Ur exerted a measure of supremacy over the Euphrates valley, and Sin was regarded as the head of the "pantheon of twelve." He was then designated as "father of the gods," "chief of the gods," and the "creator of all things."230 (Apparently, when a Deity became the "Supreme" ruler, he then assumed credit for the "creation of all things." This was carried over to biblical writings, where the God of the Old T
estament received credit in Genesis, and later in the New Testament, "all things came into being" through Christ).

  Nannar-Sin was ruler of the Sumerian city state Ur, where Abraham and his family served, and from which Abraham was commanded to leave. From his temple the E.GISH.NU.GAL ("house of the seed of the throne."), he conducted the affairs of the city and its people with benevolence.231 The people of Ur loved their god, whom they affectionately called "Father Nanna." Could this be where the term, "heavenly father" of the Bible originated? They attributed the prosperity of their city to him.232 He was represented in the heavens by both the moon and its dual, planet Saturn.233 (His son Utu-Shamash was later assigned Saturn as a celestial counterpart). The Hebrews were ordered to keep the Sabbath day, the seventh day of the week as the Lord's day. This was an old Sumerian and Babylonian custom; and strangely enough, Saturday was named after the planet Saturn.234 The Hebrews also believed that Saturn was the "protector of Israel."235


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