The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission Page 20

by C. L. Turnage

  During the first Great Year Cycle, 1540-940 B.C., we find the Assyrian, Chaldean, and Persian empires. In the second cycle 940-340 B.C., the Hellenistic or (Greek) empire occurred, and the infamous Roman Empire rose to power. During the third cycle of 340 B.C. to 2060 A.D., Roman expansion continued. In the fourth cycle (260-860 A.D.) the empires of the Toltec, and Aztecs flourished, as well as the Sung and T'ang Dynasties. During this time the Roman empire crumbled and was replaced by the Moslem empire. The fifth cycle (860-1460) brought about expansion of the Ottoman empire, a flourishing of the Renaissance, and the so called "voyages of discovery," that led to the finding of the New World, which would later lead to the establishment of the United States as a Super Power.329 The sixth Great Year Cycle is predicted to usher in the "new age" of the political leadership of the Nibirians through the hybrid-being Jesus Christ. (We can expect that the final world empire will culminate with Jubilee number 70, in 2060 A.D. The reign of Christ, which will supersede all earthly kingdoms of the past will begin once the 70 Jubilees have been accomplished.)

  Apparently, the Bible employs the sexagesimal numbering system to reveal hidden prophetic truths, as well as other equally provocative information. For example, when Nebuchadnezzar (the head of gold, according to his prophetic dream), set up a large idol in Babylon, its dimensions were 60 cubits high and 6 cubits broad (Daniel 3:1). Sixty was the ranking number of the Most High God, or "Ruler of Heaven and Earth." The image that Nebuchadnezzar set up was probably an image of his own god, Bel-Marduk, whom everyone was ordered to worship (see Daniel, chapter 3). The ancient Assyrian text, "Nebuchadnezzar and Marduk," ties the two together.

  If one figures the numerical value of the Hebrew letters that make up the description of that idol, they come to 4,662, or exactly 7 x 666.330 (We have discussed in a previous chapter how 666 is both the number of the beast and the God of the Old Testament, Nannar-Sin.) It is also intriguing that its height of 60 cubits x its width of 6 cubits = 360, which is also a Hebrew soli-lunar year as we discussed in an earlier chapter. Now, if we follow in the tradition of multiplying 6 x 10 x 6, etc., then the 60 cubits x 6 cubits = 360 x 10 ? = 3,600! Further implications that the idol was meant to represent the "so called" ruler of Heaven and earth - the Babylonian national Deity Marduk who was struggling to seize power over both planets.

  Nebuchadnezzar began his first year of rule in 604 B.C. When one adds 666 years to that date, the period A.D. 62-63 becomes apparent, and is very near the start of the thirty-third Sabbatical cycle in A.D. 60. Add another 66 years to 604 B.C., and the year 538 B.C. is evident. This happened to be the first year of Cyrus over Babylon who began the "silver portion" representing the Persian empire of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image.

  Remarkably, if 600 years are added to 538 B.C., again the time period A.D. 62-63 is reached. The third world empire, represented by the brass portion, was led by Alexander the Great, who began to conquer the Persian empire with his victory at the battle of Granicus in 334 B.C. Amazingly, 396 years from that date reaches to A.D. 62-63. Now 396 years are equivalent to 6 x 66 years.

  Thus it appears that the very years which commenced the gold, silver, and brass portions of Nebuchadnezzar's image (which gave a history of world empires from Babylon to the arrival of the kingdom of God), all had the numbers 6, 60, 66, 600, and 666 focusing on the time A.D. 62-63.331 (The true symbolic significance of this image will be discussed in "War In Heaven!").

  The apostles believed that a pivotal change would occur in world history around the time of A.D. 63.332 A new doctrine seems to have been revealed to Paul during that time, which had never been revealed before (Ephesians 3:1-1; Col. 1:26). This new doctrine was called "the Mystery," and concerned teachings regarding the irrelevance of the physical temple at Jerusalem, and the elements of the law making up Judaism, which had been revealed by the Spirit.

  This majestic teaching may have been manifest because the final prophetic events the apostles had been waiting for did not occur in A.D. 63, which would have ushered in the return of Christ in that generation. The apostles had believed for a while, due to enigmatic statements made by Christ (Matthew 23:35-36 & Matthew 24:33-34), that theirs was the chosen generation, therefore they looked to A.D. 63 as the final year.333

  However, a few rather interesting things did occur around this time period. In A.D. 63 a prophetic dirge against Jerusalem and the Temple by a man named Joshua ben Ananias began. Josephus reported that this dirge was the start of the ruin of the Jews in Palestine. This is also when the Apostles and the disciples began to be scattered around the world, and many Christians retreated from Palestine at that time. Even the Jews themselves began to be dispersed throughout the Roman empire. There were few Jews left in Judea by A.D. 66, when the last remnants of Christians retreated to the city of Pella some 60 miles northeast of Jerusalem. This final retreat was in the summer of A.D. 66, after an oracle was given in the Temple at Pentecost that even the Deity was leaving the Temple.334

  In fact, Josephus records three major events dealing with the temple over a two month period in the Spring of A.D. 66, just a few months before the major Roman/Jewish war broke out that saw the destruction of the Temple city of Jerusalem. The first incident took place on the eighth day of Nisan just before the Festival of Passover during the ninth hour of the night (3 o'clock in the morning.) So brilliant a light shone around the altar and the inner temple it seemed to be broad daylight. This continued for the space of half an hour. The sacred scribes interpreted this as an ill omen, based on the fact that the Hebrews had been led from Egypt by a pillar of light at night. They believed that the Shikinah Glory, (God's presence) was leaving them. In other words, they recognized the fact that their God was abandoning them to their fate.335

  The second sign reported by Josephus was the opening of the eastern gate if the inner court at the sixth hour of the night (midnight), which opened on its own accord. This gate was made of brass, large and very heavy, for it took twenty men to shut it. The "wise" among the Jews saw this as a sign that the opening of the gate meant that the temple was a gift to the enemy.336 The third sign reported by Josephus occurred at the festival of Pentecost, when the priest who were entering the inner court of the temple at nightfall, as it was their custom, stated that they became aware of a commotion, a great roar, then "the voice of a great multitude saying, "We are departing hence."337 Because the first century Jews had no problem with the voices saying "we" are leaving, it is probably safe to assume that these men were aware of the plurality of the Elohim to begin with, and that they now realized that their Deity, Nannar-Sin and his forces were departing, leaving them and their city vulnerable to attack. Since the city of Jerusalem was a communications center, a key part of the Space Port, the place where the comings and goings of the Elohim between the planets was controlled -- it is obvious that the Space Port itself was being abandoned to the "enemy," the Serpent faction.338

  After leaving the temple, the Shekinah Glory hovered over the Mount of Olives for three and a half years. During this period a voice was heard to come from the region of the Mount of Olives asking the Jews to repent of their deeds. It is intriguing that the Jewish records indicate that the Shekinah Glory remained for three and a half years after its departure from the Temple on Pentecost, A.D. 66. This was the exact spot where Christ was crucified, resurrected, and ascended back to Heaven.

  The Jewish source says that the Jews failed to heed this warning from the Bet Kol (voice of God), and that it left the earth and retreated back to Heaven just before the final siege of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. This departure of the Deity from the Temple at Pentecost of A.D. 66 was exactly 36 years (to the very day) after the Holy Spirit was first given in power to the apostles and the others at the first Christian Pentecost recorded in Acts Two.339 (The nature of this Spirit will be discussed in a future work.)

  In the texts regarding the construction of the Temple built by Solomon, we find hidden references to God's planet and rank. Before we delve into secret math
ematical messages of the temple construction, let us briefly consider its purpose. Bear in mind that the word "name' is a mistranslation of the word "shem," or spaceship.340

  "Now Solomon decided to build a house for the name (shem) of the Lord, and a royal palace for himself." II Chronicles 2:1, NAS

  Here we learn that Solomon was actually building a house for the shem, or spaceship of God! Was the light of the Shekinah Glory associated with this shem? Flying saucers and other UFO's are often associated with spectacular light displays.341 Apparently, God first employed a "high place," or ziggurat to meet with Solomon:

  "Then Solomon, and all the assembly with him, went to the high place which was at Gibeon; for God's tent of meeting was there..." II Chronicles 1:3, NAS

  Why would God's tent of meeting be located near a ziggurat? Did it make it more convenient for him to come down to meet with Solomon? Did Solomon decide to build a special house for God's shem, (rocketship) instead of the standard ziggurat because the Temple was needed to help control the Space Port? Zecharia Sitchin points out that the Temple in Jerusalem built by Solomon was built upon Mount Moriah at an exact spot, and by following precise instructions provided by the Lord.

  The Holy of Holies was built upon the Sacred Rock; and it's innermost chamber, was completely guilded in gold. Inside were two large cherubim (winged sphinx-like beings), also made of gold, whose wings touched the walls and each others. Between them was placed the ark of the Covenant, from which the Lord spoke to Moses in the desert. Completely insulated from the outside, the gold covered Holy of Holies was called the Dvir, which literally meant, "the speaker." It would seem that Jerusalem was indeed a divine communications center, since the Lord was said to "speak to Heaven and earth from there."342

  "Behold I am about to build a house for the name of the Lord my God, dedicating it to Him, to burn fragrant incense before Him, and to set out the showbread continually, and to offer burnt offerings morning and evening, on Sabbaths and on new moons and on the appointed feasts of the Lord our God, this being required forever in Israel. And the house which I am about to build will be great; for greater is our God than all the gods..." II Chronicles 2:4-6, NAS

  "And Solomon went up there before the Lord to the bronze altar which was at the tent of meeting, and offered a thousand burnt offerings on it. In that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, Ask what I shall give you." II Chronicles 1:6-7, NAS

  The Sumerian, Babylonian and other ancient middle eastern peoples stated that their gods met with the priests atop the ziggurats, or "high places" of their regions.343 It is interesting that Solomon asked God for "wisdom and knowledge" so that he might "come out and go in before this people" in order to rule over them (2 Chronicles 1:10.) What was he coming out of and going into? Could it have been the inner sanctum of God's ziggurat in Gibeon, for which he might have needed the secret astronomical and mathematical "knowledge" of the astronomer priests? Was he given instructions for using equipment in the temple to contact the Lord? Was there a computer there that could supply him with information as the need arose? The required information was granted to him in verse 12.

  II Chronicles 2:2 deals with preparations for the building of the temple. Curiously, the only times that the Bible ever mentions the number 3,600 specifically, it appears with a "mystical" meaning applied to it. Solomon assigned 70,000 men to carry loads, and 80,000 men to quarry stone in the mountains. 3,600 men were to "supervise" them. The 3,600 supervisors undoubtedly represent the Elohim of the planet with the orbit of 3,600 earth years -- Nibiru, and how the Elohim "supervised" mankind in order to "build" the temple (which represented the link between Heaven and earth as part of the Space Port), to their specifications.

  "And Solomon numbered all the aliens who were in the land of Israel, following the census which his father David had taken; and 153,000 were found." II Chronicles 2:17, NAS

  Again, for the second time, the "3,600 supervisors" are mentioned: "And he appointed 70,000 of them to carry loads, and 80,000 of them to quarry stones in the mountains, and 3,600 supervisors to make the people work." II Chronicles 2:18, NAS

  The "3,600 supervisors to make the people work," may also represent the Elohim who created man to "work" for them here on earth. Note this: 70,000 + 80,000 = 150,000 divided by 3,600 = 41.6 shars. Could the 153,600 number, of "aliens in the land," refer in magico-mystic wisdom, to the number of earth years that the Elohim had spent on earth by the time that they had created man? Sitchin points out that Genesis 6:3 states that a period of "120 years for the deity" (432,000 earth years divided by 3,600 equals 120 Nibirian years) had passed by the time of the Great Flood.344

  According to Zecharia Sitchin, 144,000 earth years after their landing, the Elohim protested their toil in the mines where they had been digging for gold. Amazingly, 3,600 x 40 = 144,000. If the Elohim digging in the mines for gold, rebelled after 40 shars (144,000 years), then did the 1.6 shars left over from the 70,000 + 80,000 workmen of II Chronicles 2:18 represent the number of Nibirian years it took the Elohim to come up with the first earthling?

  II Chronicles 2:17 reveals in mystical form that 153,600 "aliens in the land," divided by 3,600 = 42.6, or 42.6 x 3,600 = 153,360. Was the remaining shar then left to perfect the "adamu"? These mystical biblical figures are too similar to calculations made by Sitchin from his study of ancient texts to be mere coincidence. Ironically, 300,000 years ago, Homo-Sapiens first appeared. The Great Flood occurred after 120 shars, or 432,000 earth years after they arrived on earth, and 432,000 -- 153,360 = 278,640, the very time period in which modern man first appeared.345

  Was this the hidden wisdom, the true "knowledge" received by Solomon from God? Was he required to know a brief history of man's origin and purpose before he could be an effective leader of the Hebrews? Did Solomon cleverly conceal these coded messages in writings concerning the construction of the temple for future men to unravel? Some attest that Ezra the priest was responsible for actually writing II Chronicles. Interestingly, he was also responsible for selecting, arranging in proper order, and editing the books of the Old Testament. As a priest, he would have been familiar with the mystical teachings, which might have led him to incorporate such hidden meanings into the book.346

  Why does the number 3,600 appear only twice in the Bible (II Chronicles 2:2 & 18)? Is it because 3,600 x 3,600 = 12,960,000, the number upon which all the multiplication and division tables from the temple library of Ashurbanipal (in Ninevah) were based, and which was related to the phenomenon of the precession?347 This astronomical information studied by the priests of the Nippurian and Sipparian temples, might have been necessary for them because their cities were once part of the pre-diluvial Space Port, wiped out by the Great Flood. (The original Mission Control Center was at Nippur.)348 Was this same information always provided to astronomer priests? Did the Hebrew priest need to know sophisticated astronomical information because the Jerusalem temple had been made Mission Control Center?

  In chapter 9, verse 9 of II Chronicles, the queen of Sheba gave Solomon 120 talents of gold. 3,600 divided by 120 = 30, the rank of Sin. (It could be that the number 120 also stands for 30 in biblical texts.) In verse thirteen of the same chapter, the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents. 666 has been discussed elsewhere in this composition as being the number that refers to planetary arithmetic concerning the cult symbol of Nannar-Sin; the moon. (27.32 days x 666 = 18,195.12 days or Sidereal periods of the moon.) Could this be the hidden mathematical message referring to the real source of Solomon's wealth, the God of Israel, Nannar-Sin?

  The usage of certain symbolic numbers carry hidden meanings in the New Testament as well: "...And do you not remember when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many large baskets full of pieces you picked up?" They said to Him, "twelve." And when I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you pick up?" And they said to him "seven." Mark 8:18-20, NAS

  Notice that the "five" loaves for the fi
ve thousand, plus the "seven" for the four thousand, equals "twelve" loaves in all. Again Jesus employs the symbolic numbers seven and twelve, which in ancient Mesopotamia represented earth and planet Heaven...Nibiru. Was this a mystical way of saying that he was the "Lord" of both worlds? In John 6:33 we learn that Jesus Christ is the "bread which comes down out of heaven." In John 6:35, Jesus states that he is the "bread of life."

  "And when they were filled, He said to His disciples, "Gather up the leftover fragments that nothing be lost." And so they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves, which were leftover by those who had eaten." John 6:12-13, NAS

  The symbolic message of the feeding of the multitudes is difficult to miss: Man represented by seven, is miraculously sustained with the help of the hybrid Christ, from the planet that is twelve, "Heaven." Gathering the leftover fragments (the fragments being mankind), made from the "five barley loaves" that filled "twelve" baskets, could represent his attempt to save man and take him to his planet, which is mystically symbolized by the "twelve baskets filled with fragments." This might also be a symbolic way of telling mankind that we were made from their DNA, the "fragments" of the five barley loaves. Ironically, Christ referred to himself as the "bread of heaven" (John 6:41.) (Notice that 12 x 5 = 60, rank of ruler of Heaven and earth. Twelve symbolized Heaven, which also becomes the fifth planet when it is between Jupiter and Mars. Thus the "five barley loaves" become the "bread from Heaven." Therefore at times Nibiru could be symbolized by twelve, which might refer to its apogee, when it is distant from the sun. During its perigee, it could be symbolized by five as it passes through the asteroid belt, and is closest to earth. It is during this time that the Nibirians travel to earth enmasse).


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