The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission Page 22

by C. L. Turnage

  Ironically, all turning done in the temple had to be to the right. One would enter the temple and then proceed in a counterclockwise direction to the place of one's destination anywhere in the temple. Relative to the motions of the sun in the heavens, from the vantage point of God on his "throne"; he would observe the sun traversing the twelve heavenly signs starting with Judah, that is Leo the Lion, and then proceed in a counterclockwise direction through the twelve tribes. He would finally return to Leo the Lion after a one year period.379 (The "clock" must be approached from the North, but turn right to move "counterclockwise." Whether one approaches from the West, East, or South, the same would apply. Intriguingly, if this movement was to be reversed, and one were to face the clock, the clockwise movement of Nibiru would be represented. Note that the Hebrew language is read from right to left. It moves the same way God’s planet moves.)

  Extending outward from this central Zodiac in the Holy Place, were 12 imaginary astronomical divisions reaching as radii to the outer zodiacal circles surrounding the city of Jerusalem. This circle within a circle resembled a design with one inscribed circle being its inner point and another outer circle imagined to surround Jerusalem. There were 12 equal divisions to each of these circles that gave the appearance of a pie sliced into twelve slices. The center of the two circles was the precise center of the pie. God dwelled in the inner circle of the Temple,380 in the area reserved for the "third heaven," the planet Nibiru. Thus the planet Nibiru moving in its circle or orbit, was viewed as the center of the heavens to the Nibirians, while the constellations that are also in orbit on the galactic plane surround it.

  What this basically amounts to is this: the temple and wilderness tabernacle were laid out as a type of celestial map of our solar system, depicting the way to Heaven, or planet Nibiru! This solar system map was surrounded by the twelve tribes of Israel, representing the constellations that surround it. This is an amazing way to illustrate both God's planet and earth on the galactic plane. In a sense, it is a type of celestial hologram. And, what's more, this important and symbolic map can tell us specific things about the return of the Nibirian forces of the home planet to earth. Hebrews 8:5 tells us that the temple on earth is a "copy and shadow" of one that exists in Heaven (Nibiru). Just as the Hebrew temple had a High Priest who acted as intercessor for the Israelites, so Christ acts as intercessor, or High Priest in the Heavenly temple (Hebrews 8:1,2). Intriguingly, Hebrews 7:25 tells us that Christ is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since he ever lives to make intercession for them. It is there in this Heavenly temple that Christ acts as an "advocate" for mankind (1 John 2:1). He acts as a type of "attorney" for the human race, pleading the case for Nibiru to accept humans, though they "transgress" against the law prevailing on Nibiru.

  Once Christ, who was ministering for us in front of the ark of the covenant (symbolic of the "throne of Heaven") inside the Holy of Holies leaves the "sanctuary," symbolic of Nibiru, then his "intercession" for us stops. He will be on his way to earth both symbolically and literally. One function of Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary is to provide evidence through the church on earth, that mankind is willing to accept Christ as their king, and to live in Heaven under his authority. There, extraterrestrial entities (rulers and authorities in the Heavenly places) are being told about the plan of God the Father concerning the disposition of humanity on earth (Ephesians 3;10). Some of these "rulers" and "authorities" may be other advanced races who have come from various areas of the universe to see just how the Nibirians plan to deal with their human creations. ( Perhaps this explains the appearance on earth of reptiles, insect-like beings, greys, etc. They are here as observors.)

  As he leaves Nibiru he will enter the Holy Place, the area in the temple that symbolically represents outer space. It is while he is in the "Holy Place" that he will pass by the Menorah, or seven lamps that represented the planets in the "zone of flight." He will stop of course as he reaches the seventh planet, or earth, to defeat the adversarial forces, and to rescue the redeemed of humankind. It is then that he will enter the outer court, that represents both Israel and earth’s atmosphereic “first heaven”.

  As the temple is a celestial map, it is also symbolic of the orbit of Nibiru in the solar system. Understanding this enables us to ascertain the physical movement of Christ, the forces of the Home planet, and his Father's planet into earth's proximity. Since the name of the ruling deity of Mesopotamian and Hebrew religion, was synonymous with a year on their planet, as discussed earlier, then Christ can now be thought of as Nibiru, or Heaven. Figuratively, when Nibiru is in its apogee, or its farthest point from the sun, we can't see it. We know that Christ went to prepare a place for us in Heaven, that we may dwell there as well (John 14:2-3). Symbolically, he has passed by the menorah, and entered the Most Holy Place, or the apogee of Nibiru. When Nibiru, and the High Priest Jesus Christ exit the Holy of Holies (the apogee of its orbit), and return again to earth's vicinity, them Nibiru will be entering its perigee, or closest approach to the sun, which is represented by the Holy Place in the temple. It is during this time that "Heaven and earth will pass away" (Mark 13:31) from each other. (Christ was referring to signs heralding his arrival to earth in Mark 13. These signs and how they relate to the return of Nibiru were discussed in earlier chapters).

  Holographic-Celestial Temple Map Showing Position of Planet Heaven

  The twelve tribes of Israel were each assigned a sign of the Zodiac. Their encampments were arrayed in a Zodiacal circle, 2,000 cubits in radius from the inner Zodiac of the temple. Originally, Reuben was assigned the zodiac sign of Aquarius and was the guardian of the Most Holy Place in the West. After sinning against the father, Joseph, his tribe was moved to the south (Taurus) and Ephraim was assigned the role of chief shepherd and keeper of the Most Holy Place in the West at the time of Jesus. The Mt. of Olives, and Red Heifer was to the east of the temple in sign of Judah (Leo). Christ was from the tribe of Judah, or Leo the Lion. The “chief shepherd” symbolizes planet Nibiru, as shepherd of the solar system, in the Most Holy Place. And Christ, the “Good Shepherd”, half Nibirian - half human, is the High Priest who entered the Most Holy Place when he left earth, symbolic of Nibiru in Apogee. (Remember that Christ ascended into Heaven). He is the “Kingly Shepherd” of Mesopotamian writings, a ruler of Nibiru.

  16.1. Foot Notes

  349Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, Portland, OR 97225, page 111.

  350Martin, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, Portland, OR 97225,page 112.

  351Martin,Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, Portland, OR 97225, page 112.

  352Martin, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, Portland, OR 97225,page 112. 175.

  353Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 174.

  354Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 110.

  355Martin, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, Portland, OR 97225,page 112.

  356Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, page 113

  357Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, page 112.

  358Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 174.

  359Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 page 174.

  360Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 page 174.

  361Black, Jeremy, & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons And Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of
Texas Press, Austin, pages 160-161.

  362Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 174.

  363Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 174.

  364Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 97.

  365Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 174.

  366Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 175.

  367Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 175.

  368Sitchin, Zecharia, When Time Began, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, 10019, pages 348-349.

  369Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 175.

  370Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, page 113.

  371Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, P. O. Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, page 113-114.

  372Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR, 97225, page 114.

  373Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, page 114.

  374Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 216-217.

  375Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR, 97225, page 114.

  376Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR, 97225, page 114-115.

  377Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, pages 114-115.

  378Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland, OR 97225, pages 118-119.

  379Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland Oregon 97225, pages 118-119, & 110.

  380Martin, Ernest, Restoring The Original Bible, Associates For Scriptural Knowledge, PO Box 25000, Portland OR 97225, pages 115-116, & 118.

  17. The Conclusion

  It is this author's conclusion, that biblical and some other ancient texts were written in such a form, that it is possible to interpret them in more than one way. In other words, they possess more than one level of meaning. Whether it be the obvious prosaic literal interpretation, gematria, symbolic, or a hidden computer code, the Bible appears to be a book unlike any other. People down through the ages, have interpreted its pages according to their degree of technological advancement, and their limited understanding of the Mesopotamian origin of the Hebrew religion. Understandably, for the cuneiform clay tablets necessary to proper interpretation of proto-biblical texts, lay buried in Iraqi archaeological sites until well over a century ago. Those living in the dark ages would certainly have lacked the technical expertise to comprehend the high technology used by God, and his "angels." Therefore, such people would have consigned the miracles and mysteries associated with biblical events, to supernatural forces, consisting of the "power of God."

  Furthermore, man has previously understood only what he was "able" to perceive in the biblical writings. However, as time passes and he becomes more technologically advanced, he will eventually acquire the technical knowledge to fully comprehend its pages. The "emissaries of Heaven," who inspired the book of Daniel, were certainly aware of this as evidenced by the prophet Daniel: "But as for you, Daniel conceal these words and seal up this book until the end of time; many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase."

  The Nibirian emphasized that the message was to be hidden, and "sealed" until the end of time. This most likely refers to the "equidistant letter sequencing" which forms a mathematically coded, "concealed," and previously unknown "book" of the Bible. This is the symbolic "fiftieth," or Jubilee book described in chapter eight. And, according to the code, it is the "covenant" (contract) that God made with the Hebrews. His promise to make them a "great nation" is realized in giving them knowledge of the future in this special, coded document. Any nation who possesses the ability to "see the future" possesses the ability to be "great," or mighty, for they clearly hold an advantage over other nations. In addition, other nations who study the coded portion of the Bible, will be able to see that Israel will be victorious in the end.

  The opening of a sealed book may also pertain to a correct understanding of the letter/number code (the assigning of a number to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet), with its symbolic references to Sumerian Deities. These coded references pointed the way toward an understanding that such beings were the gods, or Elohim of the Bible, whose worship began in Sumer - and who ultimately originated on another world. Obviously, the secret message, this forgotten knowledge, or hidden wisdom, which indicates that the ancient deities were beings from another planet, could not be totally understood without high-tech knowledge. And, this knowledge would not be acquired until the latter days of man's development; the very time predicted for the Elohim to make their reappearance.

  Daniel was told that "many would go back and forth," and that 'knowledge would increase." That certainly seems to point to today's world, where there is a rapid movement of the masses on a daily basis, and with the sudden, unprecedented rise in knowledge that continues to increase at fantastic rates. When you consider the travel restrictions placed upon the masses prior to the invention of the internal combustion engine, it is easy to see how an increase in travel has enabled the world data base to expand so rapidly. People not only have constant access to other distant places, they are able to maintain consistent approach to each other. (In the past, it was not uncommon for a person to live and die in a five mile radius of where they were born, without ever leaving that area). And, since the sealed book mentioned in Daniel, Isaiah and Revelation, has now been opened, we are most definitely living in the biblically predicted "end times."

  There are people who view the Bible entirely as a "holy" document to be taken literally by faith alone. Such individuals believe that miracles cannot be comprehended by the mind of man, nor explained in the light of scientific knowledge. Yet, Jesus Christ said, "if you have faith as a mustard seed, "nothing shall be impossible to you." (Matthew 17:20). There was a time when the believers in Christ had to operate by faith alone, but this is no longer the case. The decrypting of the Bible code now enables man to believe in that which he can see, instead of that which he cannot.

  Indeed, we now have the ability to understand the secrets of the Bible and other ancient documents, given the time, inclination, and light of the present age. This light includes the decipherment of Mesopotamian texts, and our own advanced technology. There is also the possibility that someday soon, human beings will duplicate some of the "miracles" of the Bible. There was a phase in which the religious had to accept the Bible as an act of faith, for man did not yet possess the keys to unlock its mysteries. The biblical scholars of previous times dissected and analyzed the Bible, with the tools available to them. Using the data base they complied, intrepid souls of modern times were now able to begin a new dissection and analysis from a fresh perspective, in order to establish a startling new interpretation -- previously incomprehensible. Those who have endeavored to do so, have made discoveries that lead to a thorough, logical explanation of the extraterrestrial being called God, and his "emissaries." In addition, human history can be more easily understood by deciphering the biblical texts, as well as Mesopotamian texts in general. Our role in the vast cosmic scheme of things can finally be illuminated using these writings.

  From our stud
ies up to this point, we can safely ascertain that there appear to be at least four ways to derive meaning from biblical writings. First, there are the plain texts, or prosaic writings. The universal meaning that all people down through the ages could grasp. Secondly, there are the hidden double meanings, obvious only if one acknowledges the Sumerian origin of these writings. Thirdly, there are symbolic meanings, referring to ancient symbols derived from the Sumerian culture appearing throughout the Bible; reinforcing the Sumerian origin of the Bible and its major Deity. And finally, the letter/number code and the hidden mathematical "equidistant letter sequencing code" recently brought to light. In addition, the presence of ranking numbers belonging to Sumerian deities, the orbital period of the Elohim planet, and various numerological formulae that make their appearance in the pages of the Bible, can also be considered. Furthermore, the very layout and design of the Bible, is meant to reveal that it was indeed inspired by a Sumerian Deity. (There may yet be other ways to comprehend this literature, of which we are not even aware).

  Apparently, the biblical texts are cohesive in meaning. Verses in the New Testament, confirm verses in the Old Testament. Older books, such as the book of Enoch, corroborate verses from both the Old and New Testaments.381 Indeed, some books mentioned in biblical writings, but omitted in the completed canon, may not have been included because they would have interfered with the precise, mathematical message of the Old and New Testaments, as discussed in an earlier chapter. That is, the original layout of 49 books, synonymous with a Sabbatical cycle, and possibly the "equidistant letter sequencing" code of the Old Testament. Just because these books were not included as part of the Old Testament, does not mean that they are not valid works regarding the Nibirians, but that Ezra did not include them because he was required to match the books included in canon to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. He mentioned the last seven of these books in the book of Chronicles, to support the truth of what he wrote in that book. (He was the chief of a group of 120 priests, ordained to be the supreme ruling body of the land of Israel. They were probably inspired and guided by "emissaries" from Heaven as to which books should form this canon).


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