The Duke in Denial (Scandal in Sussex Book 1)

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The Duke in Denial (Scandal in Sussex Book 1) Page 20

by Alexandra Ainsworth

  “No,” Sebastian said. “He doesn’t seem to be.”

  “We need to catch him.”

  “I wonder . . .” Sebastian said.

  “You have an idea?” William asked.

  “Maybe. It’s just that Penelope seemed to think he was spending time in the old gatehouse. Perhaps we could trap him?”

  William’s eyes gleamed. “I went earlier today. Somebody has been living in the gatehouse. Maybe the person will return.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  “I don’t want you there.”

  “Oh.” The sharp words stung, and Sebastian’s shoulders sagged. He struggled to focus on the conversation, aware of William’s hand on the limestone, tracing the scroll carved on the armrest.

  “I mean,” William turned to him, his gaze softer, “it might not be safe. You should not risk your life.”

  “And your life is worth risking? It is less valuable than mine?”

  “I’m used to risking my life.”

  “And you have the wound to prove it.”

  Sebastian noticed how William favored his left arm. The man was often in pain, even if he wouldn’t admit it. The thought of William sleeping in the gatehouse all by himself, waiting for the criminal to arrive, distressed him.

  He shook his head. “I won’t permit it. This is my property. I won’t have you in danger. This is not a concern for you.”

  “My sister will be mistress here. Of course it is my concern. And I would be concerned even if she were not to be mistress.”

  “Then we will both investigate.” Sebastian wasn’t sure how he would manage to spend a whole night in the same place as William. The idea was torture. But he refused to let him sleep there by himself where he might fall into danger. Nobody could hear him scream from the old abandoned gatehouse.

  “Very well,” William said. “But I think you’re being foolish.”

  They made plans to meet at the gatehouse at a later hour. He retired to his room. His stomach fluttered, and he failed to concentrate on any of his books.

  When the grandfather clock opposite his bed showed it was midnight, Sebastian stepped gingerly on the wooden floor, grimacing when the floorboards creaked. He had not undressed, and he hurried out of the room, hoping not to stir Dorothea, who shared a wall with him.

  “Your Grace.” The words, whispered by a male, interrupted his flight.

  Sebastian turned, dread filling him. How had he been discovered so soon? William would think him very childish if he did not appear.

  Crowley stood before him, his face shadowed. Sebastian realized he had never pondered how old the butler was. The thin nightshirt he wore revealed muscles. Even if the man did have gray hair, he still possessed strength.

  “May I help you?” Crowley said. This time the servant’s voice was louder, and Sebastian hushed him.

  And then apologized. Why would Crowley know to be quiet?

  “You do not mean to venture outside?” Crowley, calmed, spoke more softly and eyed Sebastian’s clothes. “I don’t know why Grayson bothered to undress you if you were only going to dress yourself later.”


  Crowley’s eyes narrowed. “This is not some plot by the young captain, is it?”

  Sebastian straightened his back, lifting his chest in outrage. “He’s not young. He’s very capable.”

  “Hmm . . .”

  “And that’s no concern of yours,” Sebastian hastened to add, remembering that it wasn’t.

  Crowley paused. The grandfather clock in the hallway tracked the seconds, the steady tick-tocks noisy in the quiet night. “Do you think it wise, Your Grace?”

  Sebastian crossed his arms, whispering, “Please be quiet. There is talk of thieves in this area. We are merely going to track them.”

  “I see. Then I shall retire and wish you good luck.”

  “You won’t say anything?”

  Crowley smirked. “I am capable of keeping secrets, Your Grace.”

  Sebastian let himself out of the house, frustrated to have encountered Crowley. At least the servant displayed loyalty. He would not say anything, he had promised. The cloudy spell that had begun that evening was lessening. Thick clouds sailed over the moonlit sky, but the full moon still managed to illuminate his surroundings.

  When he neared the gatehouse, he stepped over the flowerbed to peer through the thin lace curtains, as Penelope had done. William stood in one corner of the room. He wore his uniform; he must have come directly from Lyngate.

  Sebastian turned the handle of the door, stepping in.

  “You’re here,” William said.

  “I am.” In spite of himself, Sebastian’s eyes fell over William’s body, taking in his sturdy shape. Moonlight streamed through the fragile curtains. William seemed too large for the tiny gatehouse. Heat rose to Sebastian’s cheeks; his attraction must be obvious.

  He longed to run his hands through William’s dark wavy hair.

  “It’s cold,” William said, gesturing to his coat.

  “You needn’t be apologetic.” Sebastian regarded the hearth. Of course they must not start a fire. Smoke would be too visible, and visibility was what they needed to avoid.

  He ducked his head as he entered the room, avoiding the Tudor beams on the ceiling. He found a seat at the small wooden table.

  William sat down on the other side.

  “And now we wait,” said William, tapping his long fingers together.

  Sebastian looked away, reminded of their morning in London. He cleared his throat. “Will the others miss you in Lyngate?”

  William shrugged. “I’m not vital to their operation at night. Perhaps the very fact Lyngate now has a Martello tower will save it from the French.”

  Sebastian rubbed his hands together, striving to achieve warmth. So much for Sussex being the sunniest part of England. It was cold at night everywhere. He stuck his hands in his pockets, inhaling deeply. He smelled William. How did the man always manage to smell of pine needles?

  He darted his eyes in his most surreptitious manner at William, admiring the man’s straight and regal nose and his long and thick lashes. His chin jutted out, and Sebastian longed to touch it. The air seemed thick with tension.

  He regretted fleeing from William that time in London. But it was impossible for them to be together, that any men might be together. The whole idea was unspeakable.

  They sat in silence.

  “Does anyone know you’re here?”

  Sebastian shook his head.

  They were quiet again. What was there for them to discuss? Occasionally, an animal cried outside. How strange people considered the countryside peaceful and tame when the nights were filled with animals slaughtering one another. He shivered. “This could take all night.”


  They were still, waiting for the intruder to arrive. Minutes passed, and then, Sebastian was certain, hours. His body ached as he sat, tense in William’s presence.

  He stifled a yawn.

  “I don’t think he’s coming,” William said. “Should you desire to leave…”

  Sebastian shook his head. He refused to abandon William in the gatehouse by himself. “I would not want to disturb any servants by entering the manor so late.”

  William nodded.

  Sebastian yawned in spite of himself. “Perhaps we could get some rest.”

  William observed him curiously, motioning to the narrow bed in the gatehouse. “I suppose we can take turns sleeping in it.”

  Sebastian nodded, disappointed for some reason. He pressed his lips together.

  “Go ahead.” William said.

  Sebastian rose. He sat on the bed and tugged at his boots. They barely budged. Grayson normally took off his boots.

  “Oh, come on. I’ll do it.” William sighed, crouching at his feet and then grabbed the heel of Sebastian’s right boot. Sebastian jumped at William’s touch. The action seemed sensual as the other man clutched at his boot, holding it firmly in his hand before
pulling. “You cannot travel anywhere without your valet, can you? Not even down to the garden.”

  Blood rushed to his face. He hadn’t thought he depended much on Grayson. Perhaps he did though. He bit his lip, thinking.

  “Adorable,” William whispered, so softly Sebastian wasn’t sure if he had heard correctly.

  “Now the other foot.” William crossed his face as he concentrated on the task ahead.

  “You don’t need to do this,” Sebastian said helplessly.

  “And leave you with one boot on? Is that the sort of villain you see me as?” The way William touched his legs sent a burst of energy through Sebastian, and in spite of himself, his cock thickened. He bent over, attempting to shield it from William. The man was merely helping him remove his boots, and yet Sebastian thought of nothing else but how he might help him take off other items of attire and how he might touch other parts of his body with his strong, firm hands.

  He was hopeless.

  “Stop squirming,” William said, and Sebastian sat still, watching him.

  Sweat dampened Sebastian’s forehead, as if he were on the Adriatic in summer and not in an abandoned gatehouse in the middle of the night. He ran his hand through his hair.

  “Thank you,” Sebastian said when the boots were off.

  “You’re welcome,” William said gruffly, returning to the table and sitting down on the chair. His face appeared flushed, and he crossed his leg away from Sebastian, absorbed in examining the contents of the corner cupboard next to him.

  Sebastian shivered. He slid underneath the plaid blanket and closed his eyes. The rest of his clothes remained on. He had undressed as far as he wanted to in front of William. He tried to pretend William’s presence in the room did not affect him, that every part of his body did not long for William to join him. His cock strained against his breeches, unbearably hard, longing for William’s touch. He bit his lip, hoping the thief did not choose to make his entrance now; he would rather not share this secret with anyone.

  His groin ached, and he wrapped his blanket tightly around him. He rolled over, his back to William, seeking to fall asleep.

  He must have been successful, for a while later, William shook him awake. He leaned forward, ready to switch places with William. His arms brushed against William’s arms. It was an accident, but something sparked between them.

  Was he dreaming? The next thing he knew, he was pulling William toward him, grasping his wrists.

  “Stop,” William said. He said it softly though, and Sebastian ignored him, pulling William’s warm arms toward him, reveling as the hair prickled against him.

  “Are you sure you want this?” William asked.

  Sebastian was in no mood to think. He pulled on William again, smiling when the other man moaned and collapsed on him.

  He wrapped his arms around William, sighing at the weight of William on top of him and groaning as a very important part of William came alive and pressed against him through the blanket and their clothes. William still wore his coat. Sebastian reached up to unbutton it, longing to slide his hands over William’s bare skin.

  William arched his back and stared into Sebastian’s eyes. “Don’t tease me,” he said huskily.

  Sebastian stared at him, wondering what had happened between them. He had been sleeping, he had not thought. What do I want?

  He opened his mouth to speak, but the next moment, William’s face came closer to him. William bent down, brushing his lips across Sebastian’s jaw.

  Sebastian rose to kiss William, wondering if kissing him would mean something was officially wrong with him. He felt nervous. But when his lips tentatively brushed against William’s, William’s mouth opened. William’s tongue jousted with Sebastian’s, sending jolts of pleasure through Sebastian’s entire body.

  Sebastian’s cock strained against his breeches. He gasped, relieved when William’s hands touched his chest, struggling to undo his shirt. Sebastian mirrored William’s movements, unbuttoning William’s shirt and revealing his chest and the luxuriant hair cushioning it. He stroked William’s broad chest, reveling in the new texture.

  Sebastian gasped as William’s warm breath puffed on his neck, and he sighed as his tongue moved to his ear, sucking on his lobe, creating sensations Sebastian had only known once before, when he lay also in William’s arms.

  William moved to Sebastian’s fingers, sucking on each of them with such force that Sebastian’s cock grew harder still.

  “What if somebody sees?” Sebastian asked, gasping.

  But the curtains were closed, the room dark, the gatehouse removed from the rest of the house. Nobody would see. Urges Sebastian did not even know he had were being fulfilled.

  “Hush,” William whispered.

  Sebastian looked up, touching William’s torso with his hands. His shirt was now open, and Sebastian ran his fingers over his firm chest and his strong and wide back. He shivered as he touched William’s muscular body. His hand grazed against William’s wound, and he kissed the roughened skin the bullet had pierced.

  “You are so handsome,” William whispered. William teased Sebastian’s mouth open, sucking on his lips, before their tongues met. Sebastian whimpered. William cursed, and then the other man’s tongue glided into his mouth, running over Sebastian’s lips and lightly tickling the roof of his mouth before paying attention to his tongue more fully. William’s hands explored Sebastian’s body and his now-bare chest.

  They were not in a pagoda with the fear of possible onlookers. They were not in Sebastian’s bedroom, struggling with the large need to be silent. They were alone, their bodies molding together. William’s thighs nestled between his, and Sebastian arched his back in pleasure as their cocks rubbed together; life had never seemed this good.

  William’s hands were on his breeches, and he realized William was sliding them off, lifting Sebastian’s bottom. Suddenly self-conscious, blood rushed up to his cheeks, though his erection was pleased to be released. It sprang up, pointing to Sebastian’s belly. William’s eyes were fixed on it. The clouds must have disappeared, for light shone through the curtains. He wondered if he should mention it to William but closed his eyes instead, eager for the pleasure to continue.

  And then for Sebastian the most pleasurable sensation imaginable occurred, one he had longed to experience again. William’s hand touched his erection. William stroked him, sliding his long fingers up and down and circling the rim. His other hand cupped Sebastian’s ballocks. Sebastian gasped unevenly and reached for William. And then he was stroking it, marveling again at the velvety smooth texture and its weight and size.

  William panted, and Sebastian touched the sweat on the other man’s body. He breathed heavily as well, and he struggled to distinguish their sounds. They were merged together; Sebastian was no longer cold.

  “I have an idea,” William whispered. The other man did not wait for an answer, and soon William lifted the covers, sliding his hands over Sebastian’s torso. William’s head vanished under the covers, and Sebastian wondered for a moment if he should ask him what he was doing.

  And then Sebastian’s cock became moist, and something wet rolled against it. He realized with shock that the sensation was William’s tongue, gliding over him. William started at his base, and licked him up and down, paying delightful attention to his head. One hand fondled his ballocks, while the other paid attention to his chest.

  He did not know such things were possible. Henrietta had never done this. He writhed with delight, biting his lip to keep from moaning. He could easily wake up all of Somerset Hall in his excitement.

  William chuckled under the covers, and then his entire cock was submerged in William’s mouth. He writhed at the sensation of William’s hot, wet mouth pulling on his cock. The other man’s hands moved to his hips, massaging them. One hand moved to cup his ballocks, which were tight. Sebastian realized with horror he was close to exploding. “William,” he said.

  But William seemed intent on bringing pleasure to him and
did not relax his attentions. He moaned, and Sebastian’s heart swelled at the sign of William’s enjoyment. Perhaps it was thinking of this, or perhaps it was the sensation of William’s tongue, but the next moment, Sebastian arched up, and he shuddered as he spasmed in release.

  Then he nearly floated away, and he beamed as William surrendered, shaking in his hand. It was wonderful.

  Sebastian reached down and took William’s cock in hand, wondering at its heaviness, rubbing the bead of moisture at the tip. William groaned, and Sebastian slid on top of him. He arched his back, and stared at William. He massaged the man’s torso, and kissed the man’s body, sucking on the hot, salty flesh and smiling when William panted. He brushed his fingers down his body, marvelling at the curves of the man’s muscles, and crawled between his thighs. He gazed at William’s hard cock and then ran his fingers down its length.

  William’s breath caught. “You don’t need…”

  “Hush,” Sebastian said.

  Energy rushed through him, aware he could touch anywhere he wanted. He revelled in feeling how hard William was, in knowing that the man desired him.

  He moved his lips to William’s cock and rubbed his tongue against it. William moaned and writhed under him, and he grew bolder and placed his mouth over the head. He sucked and moved his tongue, inhaling William’s scent and tasting the man.

  He increased the speed and force of his attention to William’s cock, removing his head only when William’s gasps grew more erratic. He stroked William as the man exploded.

  “You are amazing.” William pulled him up beside him. William kissed the nape of his neck, and wrapped his warm arms around him, drawing him into a deep embrace. “We can be together. You don’t need to marry. We can stay together if we do not tell anyone.”

  Sebastian’s heart pounded as he lay in William’s arms, listening as William’s breaths grew more and more steady, indicating he had fallen asleep.

  Good. The man needed to rest.

  Sebastian leaned into William, sighing as the man’s cock poked his hip. William was so large and masculine, everything Sebastian had ever desired though never admitted, even to himself.

  His eyelids fluttered, and he nestled deeper into William’s embrace.


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