The Burning Sea

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The Burning Sea Page 57

by A. E. Rayne

  Thorgils laughed. ‘No, not that bad, but perhaps I will walk with you?’

  Edela shooed him away. ‘I’m sure you have far more important things to do. But why not come to the house and check on me later?’ she suggested slyly. ‘I think Biddy is cooking up a nice chicken and ale stew today.’

  Thorgils’ eyebrows sharpened at the sound of that. ‘Well, I think you’ve twisted my arm there,’ he grinned, letting her go. ‘But promise me you’ll head back to the house soon, or Biddy will no doubt tweak my ear!’

  ‘If she could reach it, I’m sure she would!’ Edela smiled and shuffled past him.

  Thorgils turned to watch her go, his stomach rumbling.

  Jaeger spun around. He didn’t know that voice.

  A strange looking woman crept into the chamber, her body twisted, crouching oddly, wild hair fanning out from her head. Much like Varna.

  Much like Meena.

  Varna’s eyes bulged, her body sagging in relief against Jaeger’s hand. He loosened his fingers, staring at the stranger.

  ‘You don’t need her to read the book,’ Morana sneered, ignoring her mother entirely. ‘I know where it is and I can read it. She wants you dead, her and your father, both. But they are weak and foolish and do not see what I do. How you will rise. How you will be the one to bring the Darkness. You, Jaeger Dragos. You are the one who will set her free.’

  Jaeger shivered under the intense glare of those menacing eyes. He licked his lips as Varna kicked and wriggled, desperate to escape the threat of his hand.

  Hurt, pain, and anger flooded Varna’s face; a wasted life, she thought to herself. What a heavy price she would pay for her loyalty. Varna closed her eyes and prayed for Raemus to come back from the Nothing to save her.

  To set her free.

  Jaeger turned back to her, his eyes glazed over as he squeezed her throat, watching the terror grow in hers. Varna’s legs thrashed helplessly against him as he squeezed, not even stopping as her bladder released and she sagged lifelessly onto his hand, her dying body pinned to the wall, as he pressed harder and harder, his hand bruising her skin.

  Killing her.

  He thought of Haaron, and Haegen, Jael Furyck, and her brother. All of them.

  He would kill every last one of them.

  Releasing his hand, at last, he let Varna’s body drop to the floor as he turned and walked towards the strange woman. ‘Show me where it is.’

  Evaine smiled as she hurried down the alley, desperate to get back to the house.

  She had been excited to find a spell to protect herself against any attempts Edela might make to thwart her again. Her eyes burned with rage as she thought of that symbol under the rug, certain that Runa had been a willing accomplice to what they had done. But with Morac sharing a bedchamber with his wife again, there was little she could do to harm her.

  But Edela? Biddy? Entorp?

  She had plans for them.

  Evaine rummaged in her basket, pleased to see that she had everything she needed now. She was going to make another candle. Morana had shown her how to do it. And that candle would be for Edela. By the time Eadmund returned, he would be hers, and there would be no one who could stop her. She had promised Morana that she would keep Eadmund away from Jael and now she knew that there was nothing that could stand in her way.

  Morac smiled at Evaine as he passed on his way to the hall, pleased to see her looking so happy. He stopped and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Tanja was looking for you before.’

  ‘Was she?’ Evaine wondered, barely listening. ‘I’m on my way back to the house now.’

  ‘Well, perhaps you should hurry then,’ he called over his shoulder as he continued on his way. ‘She said she had to go and see her mother!’

  Evaine rolled her eyes and turned around, almost thinking about not going back to the house at all. She was fed up with Tanja and her disappearances and did not plan on being lumbered with a crying baby all afternoon.

  She froze.

  ‘What do you want?’ Evaine growled at the old woman who stood there.

  Edela was in shock. She couldn’t swallow, couldn’t find her voice. She shook her head, gripping the handle of her basket. It was dim in the alley as they stood there, watching each other.

  There was no one around.

  It was cold.

  ‘Your father killed Eirik Skalleson,’ Edela said at last. ‘He is the man I saw in my dream.’

  Evaine rushed towards Edela, scanning the alley, ensuring that no one was within earshot. ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about, old woman!’ she hissed. ‘You had better keep those ideas to yourself when Eadmund returns. He won’t listen to you!’

  Edela stepped forward, her legs shaking, her eyes sharp. ‘Why? Do you think you can control him? Kill his father? Take this kingdom? Is that what you are trying to do?’

  Evaine’s eyes narrowed. ‘I think that is exactly what we will do,’ she whispered threateningly. ‘And you will not stop us. And when your granddaughter returns, she will be gone too. I will see to that. He will not want her here. Not when he loves me.’

  Edela’s laugh was faint; it did not sound like her at all. She was numb, shaking, fearful, and shrinking. The threat of Evaine towered over her as the sun hurried away. She felt cold all over, and at the back of her mind, she was certain she heard the voice.


  ‘No, you won’t,’ Edela said boldly. ‘You don’t know Jael. She will not let you... I will not let you!’ she cried. ‘You will not succeed. I will save Jael!’

  ‘No, you won’t.’ Evaine bared her teeth and slid her eating knife out of its scabbard, sticking it into Edela’s soft stomach, pushing it through her dress until Edela stumbled and fell, gasping in horror as the true realisation of what had just happened hit her.

  Evaine reached down and pulled out her bloody knife, slipping it into her basket as she turned and walked quickly down the alley.

  Edela lay there in the dirt, her legs twisted beneath her crumpled body. She couldn’t move, couldn’t feel a thing as she watched the darkness creep slowly towards her, clawing its way over her body, eager to claim her.

  ‘Didn’t I tell you, Edela?’ the voice laughed. ‘You should never trust a Tuuran.’



  ‘Is it done?’ he asked.


  ‘And you have the book?’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘You have done well, Morana,’ Yorik smiled as he came forward and took her face in his hands, staring at those dark eyes, long-seen, but so familiar. ‘And the girl? Our daughter?’

  ‘Evaine knows what she must do. I have faith in her to carry out our wishes. Her and Morac, both.’ Morana closed her eyes, enjoying his touch; her body stirring in a way that it had not for many years.

  ‘Good. I will call a meeting of The Following, then. It is time for us to begin.’



  In Andala

  King Lothar Furyck

  Queen Gisila Furyck

  Aleksander Lehr

  Edela Saeveld

  Osbert Furyck

  Axl Furyck

  Amma Furyck

  Gant Olborn

  In Saala

  Lord Rexon Boas

  Lady Demaeya Boas


  King Haaron Dragos

  Queen Bayla Dragos

  Haegen Dragos

  Irenna Dragos

  Karsten Dragos

  Nicolene Dragos

  Berard Dragos

  Jaeger Dragos

  Varna Gallas

  Meena Gallas

  Egil Asgun


  The Island of Oss

  Jael Furyck

  Eadmund Skalleson

  King Eirik Skalleson

  Eydis Skalleson

  Thorgils Svanter

  Brynna ‘Biddy’ Halvor

  Fyn Gallas
  Runa Gallas

  Entorp Bray

  Tanja Tulo

  Odda Svanter

  Torstan Berg

  Otto Arnwald

  Sevrin Jorri

  Beorn Rignor

  The Island of Kalfa

  Lord Ivaar Skalleson

  Lady Isaura Skalleson

  Ayla Adea

  The Island of Rikka

  Lord Hassi Arvo

  Morana Gallas

  Evaine Gallas

  Morac Gallas

  The Island of Tervo

  Lord Torborn Sverri

  The Island of Bara

  Lord Frits Hallstein

  The Island of Gurro

  Lord Ador Roall

  The Island of Urd

  Lord Ovi Eadlund

  The Island of Mord

  Lord Viktor Morus

  About the Author

  Upon discovering that her chances for inventing a time machine were rather slim, 8-year-old A.E. Rayne decided to pursue a career as a writer instead. She completed a Bachelor of Communication Studies, majoring in television, then trained as a graphic designer, while dabbling in poetry, and continually plotting her first novel.

  A.E. Rayne survives on a happy diet of historical and fantasy fiction and particularly loves a good Viking tale. Her favourite authors are Bernard Cornwell, Giles Kristian, Robert Low, C.J. Sansom, and Patrick O’Brian. She lives in Auckland, New Zealand, with her husband and three children.

  The Burning Sea is the second book in her

  epic fantasy series, The Furyck Saga.

  Connect with A.E. Rayne

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  I will let you know when the next book in

  the Furyck Saga is released!


  Copyright © A.E. Rayne 2017

  All artwork © Cap & Anchor Design Co. Ltd

  A.E. Rayne asserts the moral right to be identified

  as the author of this work.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, and places described in it are the work of the author’s imagination.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Amazon ASIN: B076483B2J

  For more information about A.E. Rayne

  and her upcoming books visit:




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