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Eleni Page 34

by Nicholas Gage

  The children gathered up their things and prepared to dash the hundred yards to the Botsaris house, but Fotini hung back and began to cry. “What about Mother?” she quavered. “She’ll come looking for us and we won’t be here!”

  “As soon as we get to Angeliki’s, I’ll go up to the house and tell her where we are,” Olga reassured her.

  Holding hands, they emerged into a landscape out of hell. Artillery shells whispered and shrieked over their heads in red arcs; trees that had been hit by shells smoldered, the bitter smoke of battle burned their nostrils, and the distant rumble of the mortars shook the ground like the approach of a huge train. From the east, near the Church of St. Friday, where guerrillas and soldiers were mixed in hand-to-hand combat, machine guns crackled like a distant bonfire, punctuated by the occasional hollow pop of a grenade.

  As they ran, there was the hard, slapping sound of mortar fire and the accelerating whine of a shell coming much too close. The scream grew, stopping them in their tracks. They looked around in confusion, then threw themselves on the earth. Kanta had been taught how to fall by the guerrillas. “On your belly!” she shouted as the shell began its descending whine, but she saw Glykeria with her head down between her knees like an ostrich and her rear end sticking up in the air. “Get your ass down, for Christ’s sake!” Kanta screamed.

  The explosion stunned them, as shrapnel and dirt clattered over their head. Then there was silence. They tensed for another blast, waited, then lifted their heads and looked around. Pell-mell they sprinted toward the pale light that glowed from the cellar window of the Botsaris house, hurling themselves in a crowd against the door.

  Angeliki, swollen with pregnancy, was with her terrified mother and her screaming two-year-old daughter in the cellar. She pulled them inside, delighted to have their company during the hours ahead. She had a feeling that her husband was with the attackers, Angeliki said, and would come for her.

  “We’re going too!” Olga cried. “But first we’ve got to find Mana. The guerrillas have her baking bread up in the Perivoli, but we’ve got to get ready to leave. They’ll be here soon.”

  The twilight was almost gone, and in the rank, steamy cellar, during lulls in the gunfire, they could hear the two armies taunting one another through their bull horns. “Fascists! Cuckolds!” screamed the guerrillas, two words which rhyme in Greek. The nationalist soldiers’ reply sounded just as close: “We’ll take your heads back to Yannina for souvenirs.”

  Nikola shivered, knowing that the soldiers often collected enemy heads as war trophies.

  “They’re nearly in the ravine!” Olga cried. “I’ve got to get Mana!”

  “You can’t go out in that!” Megali shrieked. “You won’t get ten feet from the door alive!”

  “I’ll just go as far as the Makos house and shout for her from there,” Olga said.

  She slipped out of the door into the peak of the battle. The mortars and machine guns were concentrated on the Perivoli, and the racket of small-arms fire filled the village center. Bullets hissed by her head as she ran, hands pressed over her ears, praying to the saints for an invisible shield. She reached the edge of the Makos field, built on a projection of land over the ravine, where she could see her own house looming a hundred yards farther up, occasionally illuminated by the Stygian glow of a flare. There was no light inside. Cupping her hands over her mouth, Olga waited for a lull, then screamed, “Ooohhh, Mana! Ooohhh, Mana!” There was no answer.

  When the artillery shells began to rake the Perivoli, exploding all around her, Eleni had bolted from her door and run the fifty feet to the house just above, where she knew that Marina Kolliou was also baking. The two women clutched each other, and leaving the bread to its fate, crowded into the storage hole under the trap door in the kitchen to wait out the bombardment. From their hiding place there was no way Eleni could hear her daughter calling.

  Olga screamed for her mother until her throat was raw and tears streamed down her face. Giving up, she crouched under the swarm of bullets and scurried back down to the Botsaris house, where she collapsed in sobs, gasping that their mother was probably dead. Her announcement set off a general outburst of hysterics. Nikola retreated into the farthest corner, huddling with his hands pressed over his ears, trying to block out what his sisters were saying about his mother being shot.

  By the time it was completely dark, the guerrillas and the nationalist soldiers in the eastern section of the village were fighting hand to hand, house to house, many andartes firing from the protection of the pillboxes. The guerrillas on the heights of the Perivoli were answering the nationalist artillery fire with such ferocity that the soldiers couldn’t advance beyond the ravine that divided the eastern half of the village from the west.

  Eleni stayed in the storage hole beneath Marina-Kolliou’s kitchen, waiting for a pause in the shooting, until it was an hour past sunset and she knew she couldn’t wait any longer to join her children in the Haidis house if they were to escape. She ignored the warnings of her friend and wrapped her black kerchief around her face to make herself nearly invisible in the dark. She crept down to her house, jumped from her back garden down the terraced fields, circling west as she descended, away from the worst of the shooting, and then back east. She arrived at the Haidis house, only to find it locked and empty. In a panic she walked around it, pounding on the cellar windows, but the blows resounded in the tomblike darkness.

  Her children had been swallowed up in this Armageddon! Eleni ran out the gate and over to the home of her friend Vasiliki Petsis, just to the east, but it was empty too. Then, on the other side of the path that divided the village, she glimpsed a faint light in the cellar window of the tinker Yiorgios Mallios. She scrambled up to his cellar door and began pounding and shouting. When it opened, she saw that the tiny space was crowded with people who stared fearfully out of the darkness, lighted by one candle. Vasiliki Petsis was there, but as Eleni pushed into the crowd, she found no sign of her children’s faces.

  “The guerrillas came around evacuating everyone from the lower village,” said Vasiliki. “That’s why I’m here and the Haidis house is empty. But who knows where your family went? The guerrillas said the soldiers have already taken the Church of the Virgin. Your sister-in-law is below it, so perhaps they made a dash for her house.”

  Eleni realized that she must be right; they had already moved down to the bottom of the village to wait for her on the very edge of freedom with her sister-in-law Alexos. But they were risking their lives crossing the ravine on the very edge of the battle zone. She took a deep breath and turned to go. If the children could do it, she could too. Perhaps she’d catch up with them on the way. Once they got to Alexo’s alive, the road to freedom stretched easily in front of them.

  Even in the dark Eleni knew the path through the Haidis bean field, down into the ravine and across the small wooden footbridge over the steam. She would have to climb up the other side of the crevasse, which would bring her dangerously close to the fighting, and angle off to the south, following the path that hung on the edge of the gorge until she came out at Alexos’ house.

  The lower she descended into the chasm toward the sound of running water, the safer she felt, for now the long-range artillery and mortar shells were arcing high over her head, still pounding away at the Perivoli, and to her ears it seemed that the hand fighting had come no farther westward than the village schoolhouse in the square. As she climbed the other side of the ravine, Eleni could see from that direction the flames of burning buildings and the firefly glimmers of bullets. She headed south on the narrow footpath that edged the top of the ravine, picking her way carefully, for one misstep would send her tumbling down into the chasm. Occasionally she dislodged a stone or clump of earth and heard it bouncing several times before splashing into the water below. She kept her left hand out, touching the hillside that rose beside the path, ready to grasp a branch if she started to slip.

  Now and then a red tracer flare illuminated the landscape and sh
e would shrink back into the shadows of the vegetation. Just as Eleni reached the last outward curve in the footpath before her sister-in-law’s land, she drew back against the cliff, put her hand behind her to steady herself and touched someone’s arm. She choked back a scream. The illumination of the flare was gone, but she could see a dark form, reclining in a half-sitting position against the hillside, loose-limbed, head lolling on its shoulder like a floppy rag doll. Eleni knew it was a corpse; she had felt the puttylike chill of the flesh beneath the fabric. Her teeth began to chatter and she turned and ran, afraid now to steady herself against the cliff, stumbling along the narrow footpath by instinct.

  The light in the window of Alexo’s house pulled her on with the promise of her children waiting for her. She could hardly shout her name as she leaned on the door. When it was opened, she saw her sister-in-law’s kind, worried face peering out, wide-eyed. “Eleni, how did you ever get here?” Alexo exclaimed. “And where are the children?”

  She almost fell before Alexo caught her and carried her to a chair. Eleni looked weakly around the room. There were half a dozen neighbors there, besides Alexo’s eleven-year-old daughter, Niki. Finally she managed to say, “I thought the children had come here so that we could all leave together. If they aren’t here, then I’ve lost them!”

  Alexo brought a tiny glass of raki and held it to her lips. “The soldiers have been here, right in the house,” she said. “I asked if we should leave and they said to wait until morning. By then they’ll have the whole village, Eleni. Stay with us until dawn, and then the guerrillas will be gone and you can find the children.”

  “You don’t know what it’s like up there,” Eleni cried. “I can’t leave them lost in the middle of all this!” Her mind flashed from one disjointed image to another: the corpse she had touched, her children lying in a gully, bleeding, calling out to her, Nikola frightened and alone.

  Alexo held her tight as she shivered. Finally the fit of weakness left her and she willed herself to go back out into the darkness.

  “You’ll be killed—someone will take you for a soldier!” Alexo protested as she stood up. When she saw Eleni wasn’t listening, she brought her a torch—a piece of kindling from the fireplace, smoldering at one end—and told her to wave it as a signal flare so that the soldiers would realize she wasn’t one of the enemy. Eleni took it gladly. Even a burning stick seemed like some sort of protection against the horror waiting in the night.

  As she retraced her steps along the precipitous footpath, holding the torch in front of her, the sounds of battle seemed to be nearer. She tried not to imagine what the corpse would look like in the light of the torch, but she never got that far. A dark silhoutte stepped into her path and demanded, “Who are you? Where are you going?” Eleni held up her flare and saw more dark figures, ranged all the way up the hill.

  “Eleni Gatzoyiannis, wife of Christos, from the neighborhood of the Perivoli,” she said, pointing across the ravine. “I’m trying to find my children.”

  The figure came closer and she could see the crown insignia on his two-pointed hat. “You can’t go any farther,” he said. “The guerrilla lines are all across the upper half of the village. From here to there is a firing range.”

  “But my children are over there!” Eleni exclaimed.

  “We’ll have the whole village by morning,” said the soldier. “Wait till then.”

  Eleni turned back, but as soon as she was out of sight of the soldier, she began to clamber straight down the steep side of the chasm, braking her descent by holding on to bushes and scrub pine, lowering herself a foot at a time down the sheer drop toward the stream that sang so far below. Somehow she held on to the torch. When she was finally at the streambed, she plunged into the icy water and began to walk upstream, wading across at a shallow point and passing by the wooden footbridge. She continued walking against the current, until she had to start climbing up the cliff beside the waterfall, pulling herself up by the underbrush. Finally she emerged at the point where a path passed just above the Haidis house, dividing the village horizontally. From there she could see the guerrillas just below her, aiming down toward the nationalist soldiers. They were nearly shoulder to shoulder, some firing rifles, others feeding belts of ammunition into machine guns. Eleni realized she could never get to the Haidis house, now in the middle of no man’s land. She looked around helplessly and saw a glimmer of light from the cellar of the Botsaris house just above her.

  Wiping tears of exhaustion from her eyes, Eleni scrambled up to the Botsaris cellar door and pounded on it. She heard footsteps, then it opened a crack. There was a scream and the door flew open. She saw Olga standing there, and her knees buckled.

  Eleni sat and shuddered convulsively while Nikola crowded into the circle of her arms. Slowly her joy at finding her children turned to anger. “Do you know what you’ve put me through tonight?” Eleni cried. “If you’d been in the Haidis house, the way we planned, we could be safe now and on our way to Filiates!”

  “But the guerrillas wouldn’t let us stay!” Olga protested. “They evacuated the lower village. That’s why we came here.” She explained how she had tried to call to Eleni from the Makos house. When Eleni understood, she scolded her daughter for taking such a risk.

  “But now that you’ve come and we’re all together, we can leave!” Olga said.

  Eleni shook her head. “It’s impossible! There’s no way all of us could make it alive through the guerrilla lines. They’re fighting shoulder to shoulder just below the house.” She stared into the shadows for a moment, thinking how close they had been to freedom, then she tightened her arms around Nikola. “Never mind,” she said. “We’ll just have to wait and pray that the soldiers drive them up the mountain past us. Alexo said that by morning they’ll have taken the whole village. We can leave then.”

  The government soldiers never advanced beyond the lower boundary of the Haidis property. By 2 A.M. on March 3, the tide of battle had turned and the government troops were in retreat.

  During the same night, the commandos lost the hill of Skitari. When darkness fell, Lieutenant Vorias discovered that he had only thirteen of his eighty-five men left; the rest had been killed, wounded or sent away carrying wounded comrades. When he asked for reinforcements from the LOK companies fighting lower down the hill, he learned that they had gone. After digging a trench in the snow to bury the dead, Vorias and his surviving men rolled down the steep face of the height until they reached a ravine and escaped to the southeast. Operation Pergamos had failed.

  In the morning, as the villagers of Lia ventured out into the first daylight, the stink of gunpowder hung in the air and they saw the mountainside below their village littered with bodies and the refuse of battle. The soldiers had been driven all the way down to the rise of St. Marina in the foothills, where they were still being pounded by the guerrilla artillery.

  The all-clear came at dawn as the guerrillas walked through the village shouting over bull horns that the fascists had been triumphantly driven back in retreat and that everyone could return to their homes. Exhausted, the Gatzoyiannis family retraced their steps to the Haidis house. The children still hoped that the soldiers might make another advance, but Eleni suspected that their last chance at escape had slipped through their grasp.

  Nitsa, Megali and the children lay down on their pallets as soon as they entered the house, but Eleni was too troubled to sleep. She went next door to share her sorrow with Vasiliki Petsis. The two women sat on the steps, talking in low voices, wondering if the battle was truly over. From the corner of her eye Eleni saw a movement near the path and put a warning hand on Vasiliki’s knee.

  “Who’s in there?” Vasiliki demanded. Out of the bush popped the frightened face of a young man, his brown hair matted with bits of leaves and twigs. When he stood up, the two women saw that he was wearing the khaki uniform of the nationalist army. “Help me, ladies!” he pleaded. “Tell me which way the soldiers went. I’ve lost my company!”

p; Eleni and Vasiliki stared. The boy was swaying with fatigue and fear, but he didn’t seem to be wounded.

  “They’ve gone,” Vasiliki whispered. “Go straight down the ravine. And be careful!”

  The soldier stiffened as they heard footsteps approaching. Up the path came the figure of Spiros Christos, the village blacksmith, who was climbing from his home on the other side of the ravine toward the Perivoli. He stopped, examined the young man curiously and asked, “What have we here?”

  “A lost soldier,” Vasiliki replied.

  The blacksmith blinked, then recovered his composure. “Stay right where you are,” he said. “I saw some soldiers going up the hill. I’ll find them and bring them here.” He took one more look to make sure the boy was real, then hurried off.

  The women glanced at each other, then Vasiliki burst out in an urgent whisper, “Run, boy! He’s gone to fetch the guerrillas! Run or you’re dead!”

  The soldier took off down the ravine like a startled quail. Minutes later, when half a dozen andartes led by the blacksmith crashed down the path into the yard, the two women spread their hands. “We tried to keep him here,” said Vasiliki, “but he went running off.”

  She was pointing toward the spring above the ravine. Soon the women could hear the andartes calling to one another and beating the bushes with their rifles.

  At guerrilla headquarters high above the Perivoli, the two commanders and Lieutenant Colonel Petritis had their heads bent over a map. Although they had successfully driven the enemy out of the Mourgana, there was still the danger of a counterattack. More than 3,000 soldiers, twice their own manpower, were reassembling in the foothills below. It was necessary to strike a decisive blow before the enemy could marshal their forces.


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