Honor and Secrets: A Risqué Regency Romance (The Gypsy Gentlemen Book 1)

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Honor and Secrets: A Risqué Regency Romance (The Gypsy Gentlemen Book 1) Page 3

by Sahara Kelly

  “Oh God, so good, Viktor. You feel so solid, so warm…”

  She had no idea how solid he was.

  Viktor gently slid her from her dress, pulling it over her hips and tossing it aside. Her soft chemise was wrinkled to her waist, and her legs long and bare. She was no society woman, corseted into several layers of whalebone and gartered to the eyeballs.

  She was an unfettered angel and she was heating up to a mass of fire beneath his hands.

  He was not immune to the furnace himself.

  The scent of her arousal bloomed from her mound, and Viktor pulled away from her body to strip her naked.

  A generous tuft of silvery hair hid her secrets, but he knew it would be no impairment to his intentions. He’d find her softness, and the places that gave her special pleasure.

  Gently, he stroked her mound, the hot and swollen flesh dampening his fingers.

  She cried out a little, and tossed her head as he touched her. “Viktor.”

  “Easy, Madelyne. ‘Tis just a glimpse of things to come.” He smiled to himself. You amongst them.

  A significant pain around his balls told Viktor that he needed to release the pressure exerted by his breeches, or he might not survive to accomplish his goals.

  With the speed and dexterity born of many years of fending for himself, he stripped bare within moments and finally touched her.

  Really touched her.

  Lying at her side, he pulled her to face him, breast to chest, cock to belly and thigh to thigh.

  He pillowed her head on his arm and pressed them together, feeling her nipples stabbing into his muscles and letting his hand stroke down her spine to fondle her buttocks.

  The grass cushioned them, a soft mattress for their loving, and the willows gave them the privacy of a natural bower.

  Madelyne’s soft sighs of pleasure were echoed by the distant sound of the water as it tumbled over the small waterfall, and Viktor’s senses swam with it all.

  Magic surrounded them, nature lulled them, and the heat of the woman in his arms seduced him beyond anything he’d ever imagined.

  She was kissing him now, letting her lips roam over his throat and down onto his chest.

  He bit back a gasp as she found his nipple and teased it with her tongue. “I didn’t know men enjoyed that,” she whispered.

  “Oh we do,” groaned Viktor. “We do, very much.”

  He slipped his fingers between her buttocks and stroked down, feeling her tremble as he reached deep between her legs.

  Almost unconsciously, she parted her thighs and rested one leg on top of his. She had opened herself to him.

  He moved the arm beneath her head and gripped a handful of her tumbling hair, pulling her face back to his.

  “Madelyne,” he breathed.

  Her answer was choked by his kiss.

  He plunged his tongue into her mouth just as his fingers found her and one made its way into her body.

  He tasted her moan and moved in a rhythm, tongue and finger syncopated to each other, driving Madelyne wild.

  Another finger entered her, stretching her, teasing her, and still echoing the possession of his mouth on hers.

  His thumb moved and found the tender bud, soaked and sensitive to the slightest brush of his flesh.

  She jerked beneath him and moaned into his mouth once more as he circled it, caressingly, keeping up the pressure of his fingers and the movement of his tongue.

  She was trembling and gasping and igniting beneath him, and Viktor was burning from her heat and his need. He moved away slightly, peeling their lips apart.

  Slowly, he rolled her onto her back and ran his hands up and down her body, bathing her in her own moisture and making her sigh.

  He nibbled her breasts and licked around her navel with his tongue, then eased himself between her thighs and spread them wide.

  She propped herself up on her elbows. “Viktor…what are you doing?”

  “Hush, darling. I’m just loving you, that’s all.”


  The hesitancy in her voice brought a satisfied smile to Viktor’s lips. She may not have been a virgin, but there were many things she had yet to learn. And he was going to be her teacher.

  “Yes. Most especially here.”


  She slumped back down on her back as Viktor touched her clit gently. “And here, too,” he added.

  “Oooh.” Her hips wriggled.

  “Do you like that?”

  She moaned as he once again stroked around her tiny pearl. “Yesss…”

  He grinned.

  If she liked that, then she’d just love this.


  Madelyne’s breath left her lungs in a great whoosh as Viktor slid his hands beneath her buttocks and lifted her to his mouth.

  Never could she have imagined anything like this.

  His tongue was touching her. In a place where she’d never imagined anyone’s mouth should be. And oh God, it was wonderful. He seemed to know instinctively where to apply pressure, where to stroke and how to send thrilling shudders of pleasure deep into her womb.

  Her thoughts shattered as he pressed deep, breathing out against her hot skin and magnifying the experience with each and every part of him.

  She wanted to scream, to cry out her feelings, but her throat was closing on her as she struggled to deal with the flood of arousal that swept over her. His tongue was hot, flickering like fire over those places between her legs that were shedding tears of excitement.

  He seemed to like it. He was licking her, tasting her, burying his face in her and driving her up to some dizzying level of madness. And just when she thought she would die from it, he moved a little and found another place to touch.

  She had no idea that a tongue could be such a sensual weapon. She’d been kissed, certainly, but never in a million years would she have expected a man to use his mouth on her like this.

  Nor could she believe how much she was enjoying it. His fingers were clamped into her buttocks, and the pressure added to Madelyne’s bliss.

  She let herself go. Her hips thrust up, demanding all that his mouth could give, and her thighs spread apart even more in an attempt to tell him without words how wonderful this was.

  He answered with the most devastating move yet—he pushed his tongue inside her.

  Viktor’s face was buried hard against her and his tongue swirled around her most sensitive inner surfaces.

  She couldn’t help it—she cried out. Her muscles responded to his movements by tightening, her whole body began to shake, and Viktor slowly withdrew, keeping her trembling with long slow licks as he did so.

  Madelyne held her breath.

  The world had stopped, vanished, disappeared somewhere else. She was taut as a bowstring, waiting, anticipating, knowing that she was on the brink of…of something.


  She heard his voice through a fog, and did her best to open her eyes.

  He was there, hovering over her, surrounding her with himself, holding himself above her and looking down at her with eyes shadowed by the night and by desire.

  “Watch me,” he whispered.

  She was unable to do anything else. She was a tool for him to use, a puppet dancing at the command of his fingers on her strings.

  She felt his cock, velvety hard, as it sought her entrance, slipping through the wet folds of her flesh and entering her.

  God, he was big. He was stretching her already softened passage, but she felt no pain.

  He was filling her, completing her, finding those empty places that she’d thought would never be sated.

  She shuddered again as he slid all the way inside, touching her core, and bringing a sigh of surprise to her lips. His eyes stayed on hers, as if willing her to experience every single second, every movement he made within her.

  She was completely and utterly helpless to break their eye contact. There was something compelling her to watch him, to drown in those dark
eyes, to go wherever he bade her.

  He pulled back, and her whole body trembled.

  Then he thrust into her—a forceful and desperate move as if claiming her for eternity.

  That was all it took.

  Something incredible was happening to her. Lights flashed inside her brain, dazzling her, and she felt her buttocks harden in Viktor’s hands.

  He thrust again and her soul exploded.

  She screamed his name as she fell apart into a million twinkling stars. Her legs shook, her womb contracted, and her muscles clenched down on him as if to pull him along with her. Great shudders swept her, dragging what little breath there was from her lungs and lighting fires all over her skin.

  She was vaguely aware of Viktor as he thrust into her again and again, tumbling her into this divine insanity with his hard cock.

  As her mind slowed, and the trembling eased, he thrust one last time with a groan and then slipped from her body.

  Spellbound, she watched his face as it contorted with passion. His cock lay on her belly and she sensed the savage twitches as he spent himself on her smooth flesh.

  Jets of warm liquid bathed her, and she smiled in amazement as Viktor’s face reflected his own pleasure.

  My God. That she could bring such a man to this point. It was incredible.

  And exhausting.

  She was sweating, sticky, and content as Viktor eased himself down beside her.

  Neither spoke, content for a few moments to let their hearts settle, their bodies rest, and the beauty of the night drift over them.

  At last, Viktor spoke.

  “Can you replace those old memories now, Madelyne?”

  Chapter Four

  Viktor tugged a handkerchief from his discarded jacket, and gently wiped Madelyne’s belly clean of his seed. Her skin still quivered beneath his hands, or maybe it was his hands that were quivering.

  At this point he wasn’t quite sure.

  Perhaps it was the magic of this forest glade, or the mysteries in the eyes of the woman next to him, or the fact that he’d been jaded by the London seductresses who’d shared his bed.

  He didn’t know, nor did he care.

  This…this incredible night was different.

  He heard her hair move as she turned her head towards him. “I think you’ve obliterated any conscious thoughts, let alone bad memories, Viktor.”

  He could sense the smile in her voice and answered it with one of his own.

  The moon was setting, and she was scarcely more than a silver shadow next to him, but he smiled at her anyway.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  An owl hooted nearby and Madelyne jumped.

  The spell had been broken.

  “I must go. If they find me gone…” Her voice trailed off as she stirred and began to dress.

  “I will see you home.” Viktor tugged on his breeches and found his boots, dressing by touch alone.

  “No…” she sputtered. “That would be most unwise. If we were seen together…”

  “We will not be. Trust me, Madelyne. I’m a gypsy, remember?”

  She fiddled with her laces. “I’m afraid, Viktor. Afraid that something will spoil this…what we shared. Let me go alone, please. It’s for the best.”

  He paused, thinking carefully. He had no intention of allowing this sprite to travel through the woods alone at this time of night, but he could respect her fears.

  “Very well, sweetheart. It shall be as you wish. But I reserve the right to object strenuously.”

  Madelyne chuckled as she slipped her feet into her shoes. “I’m surprised you have energy enough for anything strenuous at this point. I know I haven’t.”

  Viktor’s lips curled up into a wry grin. If she only knew what he still had energy for.

  “You’d be surprised how hard we gypsies work, Madelyne. We’re well used to long physical endeavors.”

  He heard the rough laugh erupt huskily from Madelyne’s throat and his cock stirred. God, he wanted this woman. Again. And again.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he promised.

  Madelyne froze. He could sense her stillness across the small distance between them.

  “You’re leaving tomorrow. Had you forgotten this was just a weekend party?”

  It was Viktor’s turn to stop still. He had indeed forgotten that they were scheduled to take their leave of Eventyde Manor the next afternoon.

  “Damn it to hell,” he muttered.

  A small hand rested on his sleeve. “Viktor…please…I shall never forget this night, or what happened between us. But it’s best that we part now. It will be less painful that way. If we were to see each other again, I don’t know if I could bear to say goodbye.”

  Viktor narrowed his eyes.

  The tone of her voice was pleading and God knew he didn’t want to cause her pain.

  But the thought of never seeing her again was completely untenable. His mind turned over the problem, and began to work furiously.

  For the moment, however, he’d allow her to go. It wouldn’t be goodbye. Never. Not between them. He knew it as sure as he knew the melodies that flew from his violin.

  Some things were just meant to be.

  He leaned forward and brushed his lips against her face. “Madelyne…” he whispered. “You are so special.”

  A hand reached up and stroked his cheek. “Thank you for making me feel that way, Viktor.”

  Soft lips pressed against his and she turned and left him.

  He could have sworn he tasted her tears.

  Viktor counted to twenty and then set off after her. His time as a soldier served him well, and he followed Madelyne silently through the forest, setting his feet cautiously on the soft moss and picking his path with care.

  She was hurrying, but he had no difficulty keeping the gleam of her white dress in sight.

  Within minutes a dim light showed through the trees ahead, and Viktor slowed as the outline of a small house appeared against the night sky. He held himself close to the shadows of a spreading chestnut tree and watched as Madelyne slipped silently over the lawn to a small door set apart from the main entrance.

  This must be the Eventyde Dower House she’d mentioned.

  The door shut behind her, and Viktor sighed with relief. He knew who she was, where she was, and that she was meant for him.

  The matter was closed for discussion.

  He turned to leave for Eventyde Manor when the sounds of an approaching carriage made him pause.

  It was an odd time of night for visitors.

  Viktor quirked a mental eyebrow at this development and moved closer to the drive, finding plenty of concealment amongst the huge shrubs that bordered the gravel covered courtyard.

  The front door was flung open and light poured out, silhouetting the impressive figure of Viktor’s host. Lord Alfred Eventyde must have deserted the main party to welcome this visitor.

  Viktor’s curiosity was now well and truly piqued. He crouched low and eased himself to within earshot of the carriage and the four sweating horses.

  Their harness jangled and their breathing was heavy. They’d been pushed hard this night.

  A footman appeared and ran to their heads, and another opened the carriage door while Lord Eventyde watched silently from the doorway.

  A woman fell out and tumbled into a pile of frothing petticoats. Her hair was hanging loosely and her gown barely covering her breasts.

  She muttered a curse as her hands struck the gravel.

  It was ignored by the man who followed her.

  He was fastening the laces on his evening breeches as he carelessly stepped over her and strode to the door.

  “So Alfred, where is this wench? I’m of a mind to wed. You’ve got a bitch to dispose of. Seems we can do business?”

  Viktor’s heart all but stopped in his chest, and the blood pounded in his ears.

  “Glad you could make it, Hucknall.” Eventyde’s voice p
ierced the night, redolent with an evil overtone that sent chills down Viktor’s spine.

  “She’s quite ready for you.” He looked over the huge man’s shoulder. “What about the whore?”

  Hucknall glanced down at the woman struggling with her clothing. “Give her a couple of coins and send her on her way. Took her forever to suck me off, useless slut. I hope yours is better.”

  Eventyde’s eyes narrowed. “I have a better idea. Bring her inside.” He turned sharply and led the other man into the house as the footman attempted to pull the woman to her feet and was met with a barrage of gutter epithets for his trouble.

  With a flounce of her head, she gathered her skirts and stalked up the steps into the Dower House.

  The door closed and Viktor was left outside in a state of shock.

  He knew the name Hucknall.

  It was a byword for every licentious act and foul perversion in the streets of London. Only the fact that the man was in line for a title he could trace back to William the Conqueror made him tolerable.

  He was not admitted to any of the Ton parties, of course, not that he’d have gone if invited.

  Gyorgy had run into the man once at a brothel, and returned that night sickened by what he’d seen and heard.

  And it took a lot to sicken Gyorgy.

  Viktor took a savage breath. If Eventyde was thinking of marrying off Madelyne to the monster he knew Sir Francis Hucknall to be, then Eventyde was in for a big surprise.

  He only hoped he could come up with a decent plan before Madelyne got an even bigger surprise.

  His heart chilled at the thought of Hucknall’s hands anywhere near her. He’d kill that gross piece of filthy flesh before he’d let him touch her.

  Once again Viktor began to plan, and easing back into the shadows of the night, he hurried along the path to Eventyde Manor.

  This was a job that was too big for one man to handle.

  Even a gypsy like himself.


  Madelyne slipped hurriedly into her nightgown in the darkness of her room, grateful for the pitcher of water that had allowed her to clean herself up. She’d hated to wash away the scent of Viktor’s body from hers, but knew the risk of anyone even suspecting she’d been out of the house, let alone lain with a man, was unacceptable.


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