Bang: Challenge Accepted

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Bang: Challenge Accepted Page 26

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  "J-J-Jack…. Jack Bang?" His laughter is like a boiling pot right now. "Jack Bang? You… you-you-you took her last name? You're Jack Bang?" And cue the explosion.

  He probably shit his pants laughing that hard. I hope he gets a hernia.

  "I gotta tell Ry. Oh shit!" His cackle is reverberating off the walls and I groan.

  Before I can tell him not to call Ryley, it's too late and he's got her on the phone while he cackles like a hen practically rolling around his desk.

  "I hate you," I grumble and head outside.

  Well, one bird down, now my parents. I start with Joanna after work.

  "Aw, Jack. You really love Jenny." She's smiling up at me with sincerity and I smile.

  "Yeah, I really do, Jo. It's just right, ya know? She's right for me. We complete each other." Oh shit, I can't believe I just sad that.

  I jerk to look at my sister but she's still smiling

  "She's a very lucky woman." She rubs my arm. "How's Cupcake?"

  "Good. I'm gonna pick her up after mom and dad's."

  "Oh…. Oh God, you haven't told them yet, have you?"

  "Uh, no." I rub my beard. "I don't want to but I think it'll be worse if I wait." I look at her for her opinion and she's nodding.

  "Yeah, for everyone. It'd hurt Jenny's feelings. It'll probably kill mom this time around. Ohh, oh, Jack. Dad's going to lose it about the last name thing." Her eyes are wide and I have to look away. "Oh god, I kinda want to be there for that."

  "Jo," I groan and head for the door. "Bring Jos to Liam's this weekend to swim."

  "Call me when you leave. If I don't hear from you I'll assume dad ousted you."

  "Bye," I groan and head for my truck.

  I take the scenic route because I'm actually kind of scared right now. The butler lets me in and I find my mom with a glass of wine while sitting at the kitchen table with a magazine.

  "Flowers, Jack?" She smiles standing.

  "Hi, mother." I kiss her cheek and hand her the flowers I quickly stopped for to soften this blow.

  "Hey, hey!" Joanna calls out and I whip around to glower at her.

  She's such a drama queen!

  "My daughter too? To what do I owe the pleasure?" My mom smiles and kisses her.

  "I actually came because I left Jos's soccer ball."

  "She has six," I grumble.

  "But they're not all pink." She grins at me. "Help me find it?" she asks me and I narrow my eyes at her.

  "It's probably in the yard." My mom waves her hand toward the yard.

  "What are you doing?" I quietly growl at Joanna while we cross the yard.

  "This is it, Jack. This is when we can put her in her place. Tell her to lighten the fuck up or get the fuck out."

  "Jo!" I boast reeling back because I don't think I've ever heard my sister say fuck.

  "God." Joanna runs her fingers through her hair. "When I first met Jenny, I hated her."

  I open my mouth but she puts her hand up.

  "I hated the way she looked, the pink in her hair, the fact she had awesome boobs hanging out—"


  Her hand goes up again.

  "I hated how loud she talked and the things she said. I hated it was obvious she didn't give a shit what anyone thought of her. Then…." She looks toward the back of the yard. "Then I noticed all these ways you started changing. And I know it's because of her. You… you got more fun. No offense," she quickly says and I roll my eyes. "You laugh more and you're smiling more. You just look so happy, Jack. I know it's because she makes you happy, but it's also who she is. So." She folds her arms over her chest. "A week ago a client brought their cat in and this thing is obese. I'm talking so fat the cat can't take more than a few steps without needing to rest for a break."

  I furrow my brows having no idea what she's talking about anymore.

  "It pissed me off so much," she groans. "Only because it was obvious the cat was suffering," she then justifies her anger and I smirk at my sister's bleeding heart for animals. "Usually I try to kindly, nicely, sweetly tell them their harming their animal who shouldn't be treated like a beast just because it's not human." She shakes her head and looks me square in the eyes. "So… I told the bitch if her cat doesn't lose three pounds by its visit in a month that I would call APS."


  "Animal protective services." She grins.

  "What? Like animal control?"

  "No. I lied and said there was a very similar organization as there is for children. Child Protective Services." She laughs. "I told her if she doesn't get her head out of her ass and stop killing the fucking cat that I would make sure she couldn't own another animal in the state of Wisconsin again. Jack." She breathily laughs. "It felt so good. I just felt so… free?"

  "Jo, what the hell are you talking about?"

  "I took a stand, Jack. I didn't give a shit what her reaction would be and I took a stand for something I know is right. Jenny might sometimes be a little crass." She glances away. "But she takes a stand. It's her damn life and she's going to live it how she wants!"

  I can't help but laugh because that's my girl. To a T.

  "We've never been like that, Jack. We've always been under mom and dad, do what they say, get by on their skirt tails. She makes us call her mother for God's sake." Her eyes roll while she shakes her head. "God, and then the other day Joslyn called me mother and I almost lost it. It's time we take a stand. It's time we learn from your awesome wife." She grins at me. "March into that house and tell her you got married and you did it that way because you didn't want your uptight family ruining your perfect occasion."

  My head starts to nod in agreement.

  "Take a stand, Jack. And I came to offer support!"

  "I'm doing it," I blurt and can't stop grinning when I think about telling Jenny.

  "Fuck ya!" Joanna shouts and I jerk to look at her before we both start laughing.

  "Mom!" I blurt and she jumps. "Where's dad?"

  "In his study." She's scowling at me because I'm being loud.

  "Dad!" I scream.

  "Jackson! Lower your voice right this minute!" she snaps at me.

  "Dad!" I yell ignoring her and head for his office.

  "I'm on the phone, Jack," he mumbles.

  "Hang up, this is important. Come into the dining room please."

  "Jack, what in God's name is wrong with you?" my mom scolds me.

  "Sit down, mom." I point to her chair and she gasps.

  "Excuse me?"

  "Your butt, the seat," Joanna says and I grin looking away.

  "You two have lost your minds. Don't you DARE come into my house and talk to me that way!"

  "He just asked you to sit, mom," Joanna says.

  "Stop calling me mom! You're not children."

  "We're your kids, mom!" I boast throwing my hands out because the woman is just insane! "We're your children! You raised us! Mom, mom, mom. MOM!" I yell and she jerks to look at my father as he enters with furrowed brows.

  "What the hell's going on?"

  "Sit down, dad." I pull out a chair for him. "My girlfriend, Jenny." I look back and forth between them.

  My mother's scowling and my dad's impassive.

  "She was nominated for a gynecology award… of sorts." I'm still not entirely sure what it was for. "She won and we attended a huge seminar in Vegas where she accepted her award and gave one hell of a speech." I think back to her speech and how tired she'd been just seconds before but when she took that stage, she took the whole damn room and spoke with such surety and passion.

  I'm a lucky man.

  "She's the best thing to ever happen to me." I look at my mom who gasps and her hand lands on her chest.

  "She has pink hair!" she boasts.

  "Yeah, and you have gray," I mumble and wave my hand at her.

  I hear Joanna snort while my mom looks like I just slapped her or something.

  "You're dating a smart girl, Jack," my dad mutters and stands because he couldn't give a s
hit about my speech.

  "Sit down, dad." I point to his chair and he sighs while sitting. "Me and Jenny got married Saturday. In Vegas. I married the woman I love. The only woman I'll ever love as much as her. I became Jack Bang on Saturday."

  "You what?" my dad roars and I glance at him.

  "And I couldn't be happier. I love her with everything I have to give and taking her last name doesn't make me less of a man. If anything, it makes me more that I put my pride to the side to make my wife happy." I bang my chest once as I stand taller. "I knew this was the right way to go because the thought of… of… our family, all the stuck up bullshit, ruining my wedding." I just shake my head. "I'm married to the woman I love and I expect you two to—"

  My mom's wail shuts me up and I jerk back and look at her as she's thrown her upper body over the table and is crying like a fit throwing child.

  "My children hate me!" she wails.

  My dad scowls at me then goes to her side. "Renee, shh, shh." He rubs her back.

  "You hate me! You all hate me! I've done so much for you two and you treat me like garbage. Worse than garbage! Garbage is what you married and obviously you think of me lower!" she screams through tears then slumps over the table again.

  "Jenny's not garbage, mom," Joanna grits out before I can. "Jenny's the realist person you'll ever meet and you could learn a lot from her. Have some self-respect. Dad," Joanna scoffs and looks at him. "Tell your wife to stop with the dramatics. We all know me and Jack are just prize ponies to her. We're pretty sick of it."

  I look to Jo's hand and I realize she's taping all this on her cellphone.

  "What're you doing?" I point to her phone.

  "I want to remember this day for the rest of my life."

  "My children are becoming vagabonds!" my mom wails and sounds like her spine is being ripped out.

  Too much drama.

  "What? How is that relevant to anything?" I blurt. "Dad, for Christ's sake." I gesture to mom and he sighs.

  "Oh, Lord, save us!" Mom screams. "Using the Lord's name in vane! Jackson, please! Please get them out of here!" she howls and my dad stands upright and looks at me before pulling his hand down his face.

  "Mom, you can't be serious?" Joanna scoffs.

  "I did not raise children to marry trash in a trashy city," she growls getting to her feet. Her makeup is running down her face and with that scowl, she looks like she's possessed by the devil. "I did not spend thousands on elite schooling and prestige lessons for my son to marry a whore in Vegas!"

  "She's not a whore!" My voice booms and echoes through the house. "She's my wife and you better show her some respect or you won't have a son anymore."

  "Or a daughter. And there's no way in hell I'm letting Joslyn around you anymore until you pull your head out of your ass."

  "You dare deny me my grandchild!" my mom screeches then lunges.

  It all plays out like a bad movie. She's around the table and slaps Joanna then me.

  "Get out!" Her voice shakes the damn windows. "Get out! Now! Out!" She's pointing to the front door.

  The door we're not allowed to use because it's only for guests.

  Fine by me.

  Joanna looks at our dad and he approaches us. I wait for him to do something similar to what my mother did but he just puts his hands on our shoulders and starts walking us to the side door.

  "Through the front door!" my mom's voice booms. "Like the strangers you are!"

  "Good Lord," Joanna grumbles. "Has she always been like this?" Joanna asks more in humor.

  "It's getting worse," dad quietly answers with a chuckle. "Jack." He shakes my hand then goes in for a hug. "I raised a great man." Turning to Joanna he smiles and says, "Did you really record all that?"

  "Still am." She lifts her phone then presses stop.

  "Send it to me, will ya?"

  Joanna smirks and hugs him before we walk out of the house.

  "Jack," he calls to me. "I'll call you tomorrow. Send my regards to your lovely wife."

  "Thanks, dad." I smile.

  When me and Jo get to my truck we look at each other and when she lifts her hand in the air I flinch back.

  "High-five, sissy," she says while laughing.

  "Sorry, after the crazy attack." I chuckle and slap her hand.

  "Seriously. What a crazy bitch." She rubs her cheek.

  "Jo," I grumble. "She's still our mom."

  "Whatever. Not if she doesn't change her crazy ways."

  "Thanks, Jo." I hug her and get into my truck.

  On the drive home I try Jenny but she doesn't answer her phone. My phone chimes and I look to see my sister sent me the full fifteen minute video and I chuckle then forward it to Jenny's email.

  I feel free. Like Joanna said. Like my wife lives.

  Free and I can't stop grinning.




  Of course it would rain on the day I decide to move to Wisconsin. Of course I would be the idiot not to tell my husband that I closed my practice yesterday and am paying movers to pack my shit. Of course no one is answering their phones as I stand at the airport in the pouring rain with my three bags, massive purse, and no umbrella. Wonderful luck. That'd be me, Jenny Bang, and I couldn't feel better about my decision.

  When Jack sent me the video of his mom freaking out I couldn't stop smiling. Not because she's a complete stuck up bitch, but for the fact that Jack stood up for me, Joanna stood up for me, and even his creepy weird father showed a small amount of happiness for his only son.

  Sure, it was probably a little silly doing what I did, but come on! The business had to close because of the building, I just got married to the best man EVER in the history of ever, I spilled my coffee all over my lab coat so I was going to need to buy a new one anyway…. I really see nothing wrong with my decision.

  After swiping my card in the back of the cab, I sit back and ring out my hair. Who knew it could rain so hard here? The cabby helped put my stuff in the trunk but it didn't matter. I still look like a drowned rat. I have him taking me to Ryley's house because if I remember right, Jack and Liam have something for work they have to get done today so I'll just surprise him tonight.

  No, I need to get to Ryley's house. She hasn't answered any of my phone calls since the day she found out about Jack and I getting married in Vegas. I couldn't be too upset with him for telling Liam since we never talked about it being a secret, but I just hadn't gotten around to telling anyone yet. Whoops.

  He drops me at the front door and shuffles my bags onto the porch while I run from the rain. As soon as he drives away I take a calming breath and knock gently. Standing there, I can hear the TV on inside so I know the baby isn't asleep. I hear Able's laughter and decide to knock louder.

  Does she know I'm out here? Is she ignoring me?

  Minutes later, after the rain water starts to threaten to seep through my bags, the door swings open.

  "Aunt Jenny!" Able screams jumping into my arms.

  Laughing, I set him down and kneel in front of him.

  He's growing so fast!

  "Mommy's mad at you," he says furrowing his brows and backing up like he thinks maybe he should be mad at me too.

  Great, I'm gonna have to win over the entire fucking family.

  "Hey, buddy. Is she home? I really want to talk to her." I raise my eyebrows and smile, praying he lets me inside and out of the pouring rain.

  "Able, go back to the living room," Ryley says walking into the foyer with Allie in her arms.

  My God these two make beautiful babies.

  "Hey." I smile and standing up straight.

  "Come on, it's pouring out here," she says nodding towards the kitchen, leaving me to drag my bags in and out of the rain.

  Once everything's inside and safe from Mother Nature, I lock the door and head to the kitchen. She's watching out the back window as the dog runs and plays in the rain, smiling down at Allie every now and then. I c
lear my throat and wait for her to turn around. I feel terrible, like I kept a secret from her for years that would change everything between us. Really, I just haven't gotten around to telling her yet.


  "So you guys got hitched?" She turns around with the fake Ryley smile I know so well.

  "Uh… we got married. Yes." I respond plastering on a smile to cover my nerves.

  Shit, I wasn't even this scared when telling my family! That went over so terribly, too, that all I can really do is laugh at them. Assholes.

  "Well, congratulations." Again she's facing the window so I can't see her face.

  Shit, she's really hurt.

  "Look, I'm sorry okay? But." I walk closer and stand beside her watching the rain fall outside. "Ryley, you know my family. I'm sure you know Jack's family. I mean… you and Liam are really the only real family I've ever had, so planning a wedding would've been one massive cluster-fuck for me. And you. I couldn't do that to everyone."

  "But you just got married, Jenny! You married a guy you haven't even known more than a year! And you didn't tell me!"

  I think she's more hurt about the fact that I didn't tell her, really.

  "I love Jack, Ryley. I never knew I could love someone like I love him, but I do. All those year ago I thought what Gage tried to teach me was the right way." I shake my head. "I suppose it was, until I met Jack. Jack changed me. He's good for me and I'm good for him. We need each other, and we don't need the stress that our families bring us. It was perfect and I have pictures if you ever want to see then…." I trail off and watch the rain.

  "Did Elvis marry you?" she asks trying not to crack a smile.

  "He did." I bite my lip to try and hide my grin.

  "I'm still mad at you, but I have to see those pictures." She turns her head and smiles at me. A real smile. Almost there.

  "You got it. And I am really fucking sorry, Ryley. I love you, you know that."

  "I do. I'm just mad I didn't get my one shot at being someone's maid of honor. I really had a great speech. And I really did want to party with you, ya know." There's the Ryley grin she can't help sharing.

  "Oh, woman, if it's a party you want, we can have a party!"

  She laughs and I know she's forgiven me. Good. I couldn't live up here if she never forgave me. I do feel bad but it was all so perfect I wouldn't do any of it differently.


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