Bang: Challenge Accepted

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Bang: Challenge Accepted Page 28

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  "Stop! Jesus, Jenny. I'm talking about two woman. To chicks. I'm not fucking a dude."

  "Oh. Then... it's fun." I grin. "Don't worry about it, babe, my mind is just a little insane right now." I sigh and lay back in bed.

  "I mean... if one day." He shrugs. "I don't know. Anyway, he got a stupid tattoo."

  "He did... I don't even know why he'd get something like that tattooed on him. He's kinda weird." My gaze drifts to the ceiling while I can't stop the image from resurfacing in my brain.

  He's also incredibly good looking, but Jack doesn't need to know that.

  "He discovered a new hobby." Jack grins a crooked smile and I look at him curiously but he doesn't elaborate and I'm not sure I want to even understand their weird guy talk.

  "Right. So listen, I got a phone call today." I snuggle back into him. "A pretty important one, really."

  "About a new building? Something here?" He eyes me.

  "Um. Well it has to do with a job. Kind of," I start then sit up next to him. "A friend I went to college called. She works with Doctors Without Borders." I pause giving him time to digest what I'm about to say.

  "Doctors Without Borders. That's where third world countries are in need of medical professionals?" He sits up a little. "Did she contract Ebola?" He gasps.

  I gape at him wondering why his mind automatically went there, then slowly shake my head.

  "Uh... no. No, she's perfectly healthy. She um... she told me it's my turn? To... serve?"

  "Serve what? Like cater a party she's throwing? What the hell are you talking about?"

  I sigh putting my head in my hands. "No, baby, serve as in serve in one of those countries. I signed up in College, but never thought twice about—"

  "What?" he yells sitting up. "No wife of mine is going to a foreign country and contracting Ebola! That's what happens, Jenny!" he boasts so assuredly I'm beginning to think he might be as crazy as his mother. "No. You told her no, right?" he calmly asks and lays back down, cuddling into my side.

  "I um.…" Shit. "I haven't told her anything yet. I'm still thinking about it. Helping women in Liberia. It's perfect for me. I'm thinking of telling her yes. It's a great opportunity, Jack." I say praying he doesn't leave me over this.

  I really fucking want to do this, and this is probably the only chance I'll have before the baby is born.

  "No, Jenny, a great opportunity is trading a Husqvarna chainsaw for a miter saw, which I just did yesterday because I have four chainsaws and only one miter saw. That's a great opportunity. What's perfect for you is keeping your ass right here next to your husband. What you're really thinking of tell her is no thanks. Not interested. Or.… Or go right ahead, you have a good time with that." He scoots away from me.

  "Okay, then I guess I'll tell her to put me down for two." Now's a good a time as any to let him know I'm carrying his child.

  "Sweetheart." He sighs and turns toward me looking at me like I'm insane. "Jenny, that may be a dream of yours. Dammit," he huffs. "I'd do a lot for you, but I'm not going to Liberia. I don't want to go." He folds his arms over his chest like a pouting child. "So you tell her to put you down for one," he snips like he thinks I'll give up without a fight because he's throwing a fit.

  I know I'm not winning this alone. He knows I'm not winning this alone. What he doesn't know, is that for the next nine months, I'm not alone.

  "Hey, Jack?" I scoot over and curl back into him.


  "Do babies need passports if they aren't born yet?" I grin and continue twirling his chest hair between my fingers, waiting for it to click.

  "Ha," he barks without humor. "You think Liam would let Ryley go to Liberia with you? Wait." He scrunches his brows. "She's pregnant again? Already?" He cringes like that's be absolutely disgusting to be pregnant so soon.

  "No! She's not pregnant again!" I flip to my back.

  Apparently he's not as intuitive as I thought.

  Putting my hand on my abdomen and looking down at it, trying to envision it swollen and wiggly from the tiny bundle growing inside me, I start to talk to it. "Your daddy's just a little stressed, peanut. It's ok. I'll call and figure out if you're going to need a passport before we leave," I whisper smiling.

  "You're not bringing our dog with you!" he barks at me, obviously not paying attention to what I was talking to. "Come here, Cupcake." He whistles while hanging over the side of the bed thinking Cupcake was on my side. "Cupcake. Come, girl." He waits another minute and I almost want to literally kick him out of the bed and hope he hits his head to knock some sense into him. "Whatever. You're not leaving me and bringing our dog," he pouts.

  Fuck this.

  "Here, baby." I grab the lotion from the night stand and he turns to me, since most times I call him baby as a term of endearment, but not tonight. "This'll help the stretch marks," I whisper then start rubbing the lotion gently on my stomach. "And one day, when your daddy's head is out of his ass, he'll realize that the dog is in her kennel in the kitchen and I was talking about you the entire time." I finish with the lotion putting the tube back on the nightstand and pull my shirt back down over my stomach.

  Finally chancing a glance over at him, I grin and take in his features as the realization of our reality slowly dawns on him.

  "We," I say putting my hand on my abdomen. "Are going to Liberia. And we," stressing 'we' and rubbing my stomach I continue, "Would love if it you joined us for the three months we are there."

  "We?" he quietly says staring at my stomach. "We? As in you... and a peanut?" He points to my stomach. "We? Jenny? We?" he blurts bouncing to his knees. "You're a we now!?" The grin that fills his face almost makes me tackle him and go another few rounds of 'make Jenny orgasm'. "How?" he then barks. "You said it could take up to a year!?"

  "Could. Yep. Could also take as little as a month too, apparently." I look away because those fertility tests were way off and now I know never to trust that shit again. "So, about this thing. I'm going. We're," I say looking down at our peanut. "Going."

  "You're taking my baby out of the country?" The sadness in his tone actually make me frown and I roll toward him. "My wife and baby are going to Liberia?" The pout from before has turned into a boo-boo face I'm pretty sure Able taught him. "I don't know if you or Sally trapped me into this."


  "Sally." He grins rubbing my stomach.

  I laugh and shake my head. "So, are you saying you're coming with us?!" I sit up smiling from ear to ear.

  "My wife isn't leaving the country with our baby without me!" he boasts like I'm ignorant.

  "I'll tell Patricia you're coming with! How awesome, babe!" I clap and hug him tightly. "There are like thirty different languages spoken there! We'll have to learn them all!"

  He barks out a laugh and pulls me down into his arms. "Sally is not learning thirty languages. She won't even be born yet! You said three months. In three months Sally will be sitting sound." He kisses my stomach.

  "Babe." I laugh. "You do realize that we're not naming our child Sally, right?"

  "But you got to name the dog," he whines.

  "Right. I did. So then we can agree on a name for our child. Sally is not happening, and you know damn well I would have never agreed to that name." I roll on top of him and press my lips to his.

  "Mmm," he moans. "Maybe I can fuck some sense into you, huh? I happen to like Sally Bang. It has a ring to it."

  I open my mouth to protest but it's not even worth it. Anyway, he knows it would never happen.

  "Okay. You try that, sir." My lips connect with his and he flips me to my back barking out a laugh and kissing my neck.

  I'm okay with living like this the rest of my life.

  To think, one amazing night of banging brought me the perfect Mr. Bang.





  "Hey, you," Liam says walking through the door.

  Weird. He's never, in the history of ever, ca
lled me that.

  "Um. Hi," I respond eyeing him suspiciously. "Where's Ryley?" I glance behind him waiting for my best friend to wander in with the kiddies.

  "Home. Where's your husband? He put this together," he mumbles as he raises his eyebrow at me glancing up and down my body as Jack rounds the corner.

  What the hell is going on?

  "Hey, babe." Jack comes up from behind me and pulls me to his side, kissing my temple, earning a moan from me as his lips nip my ear. "Soo…" he drawls out then kisses my neck. “Someone had a birthday last week," he whispers, Liam standing right in front of us as Jack goes to town on my neck, starting to move his hand to the hem of my shirt.

  What the hell is happening? And why the hell am I so turned on with Liam watching this? And why the hell is he so focused on where Jack's hand is traveling. This should all feel so wrong, but it feels too good for me to care at this moment.

  "That I did," I respond a little confused why Jack's letting Liam watch me like he's the predator and I'm his dinner.

  "I got you a little present," he whispers groping me over my bra and pinching my nipple.

  "And," Liam adds shoving his hands in his pockets and clears his throat as he watches Jack's movements intently. "It's been cleared with the ball and chain, so what the fuck are we waiting for?" He adjusts himself in his jeans and laughs nervously and I finally understand what all this is. Holy shit. "But I swear to Christ, if anyone's dick comes anywhere near my ass, I'll filet a bitch without even thinking twice," he snaps at Jack which makes him bark out a laugh.

  "Chill, Porter. This is all about my girl's pleasure," Jack grumbles then lifts me over his shoulder and carries me into the bedroom. "Let's do this shit."

  I feel like I should be fighting back, but I can't. I can't bring myself to say no because I have the two hottest men in my world, probably in the entire world, wanting to pleasure me at the same time tonight.

  I think I'd have to be absolutely insane to turn this shit down.

  "What're the rules?" I ask breathily as Jack lays me on the bed.

  "Anything," he give me the thumbs up and Liam laughs and curses. "Goes."

  I grin and bite my lip.

  Oh this is going to be fun.

  By the time the three of us are all out of our clothes, I'm so overwhelmed by their hands on me that I'm literally dripping down my thigh.


  Where Jack's hands are rough, callused and taking, Liam's are soft, precise and giving. Their mouths finding their way all over my body, the thought of having both of them on me is so insane to think about so I stop thinking and start feeling.

  Jack's rough beard scrapes gently between my legs as he goes for my wet clit. Liam's mouth clamps around my nipple. The contrast between the two men is utterly perfect in bed. When Jack pushes his fingers inside me, Liam bites. Hard.

  "Fuck!" I scream out then notice how hard Liam's getting from this.

  Reaching out, I take his length in one hand and look down at Jack who's watching me intently.

  He nods giving me the go, so I move to my knees and take Liam's hard length in my mouth. All. The. Way. Back.

  I hear Liam curse as he stands straight and starts to pump into my mouth. "Fuck, Bang," he groans when I swallow him to my throat.

  I grin up at him, then look at Jack and smile, biting my lip. Jack's stroking himself and his jaw tight while he watches with a lust filled gaze.

  I need both of them. At the same time.

  "I want both of you inside me," I pant.

  "Anything you want, sweetheart," Jack growls and flips us over so I'm on top of him.

  Liam walks behind me and I feel his hands roaming my ass.

  "Jesus, Bang. That's a fucking sight," he moans, his hand slipping down my ass.

  I hear the click of the lube bottle then feel the cool liquid run down my ass. Moaning, I push back onto him as Jack holds me still so Liam can enter.

  Fuck that feels so fucking fantastic. Oh my fucking Christ.

  "Oh shit," I moan feeling every inch as I start to rock, enjoying the intense pressure, pain and pleasure from having two cocks inside of me at the same time.

  Two very sexy, hard, beautiful cocks.

  "Shit," Jack growls delving his tongue inside my mouth.

  His hands find my breasts and he pinches my nipples as I'm fucked into complete bliss.

  I can feel my orgasm starting to build to a peak and I start to tighten around Jack.

  "Fuck," Liam huffs, his hand coming down hard on my ass as he slams into me over and over.

  "That's it, baby. Come on my dick," Jack growls biting my bottom lip and thrusting up to me.

  I'm finding it hard to move from the assault on my senses but these men have found a way to bring me to orgasm together and it's so fucking beautiful I can't hold off much longer.

  Screaming out, I'm ready to let go but I can't. I can't get over the cusp of bliss.

  Liam leans down and bites my shoulder and I notice Jack staring at him. Not angry, but something else. Lust? Interest? Whatever the look in brings me a little closer and I need this release.

  "Kiss him," I whisper.

  Jack's eyes flick to mine then back to Liam whose mouth is mere inches from Jack's. Sandwiched between these two is the best place I've ever been and watching them lean in towards each other makes my orgasm a need that's almost becoming painful because it won't burst. Rocking against them both, their mouths collide and they both let out a growl as Jack's arm comes around me and grabs Liam's head, holding him still.

  Oh fuck, that's so fucking hot.

  Liam's movements become more jagged, Jack keeps thrusting into me, and every single nerve in my body is focused on the orgasm that's been pending begging to release but I can't let it go.

  "Shit!" I yell sitting up.

  My heart is racing, my body is tingling with need, but when Jack puts his arm around me I look around to see it's just us.

  Just us.

  No one else.

  "Hey, it's okay." He pulls me into him, half sleeping and kisses my head. "Just a nightmare. I'm here," he says groggily.


  "That wasn't a nightmare," I say trying to catch my breath. "That was the best fucking dream I've ever had."

  Smiling, I close my eyes and curl into the rock hard body of the man I love.

  I can't wait to tell Ryley about that.


  The end


  ABOUT THESE AWESOME AWETHORS (HAHA… see what we did there…)

  Thelma and Louise. Boris and Natasha. Frost and Dauphin. When these two teamed up, they never knew how amazing it would be working together to create wonderful masterpieces of joy, tears, humor, and heartbreak. Dauphin’s favorite part about Frost? The fact that she puts up with her. Period. ALSO, the fact that she makes her writing better every damn time. She’s friggin’ brilliant. Frosts favorite thing about Dauphin? Frost loves the fact that when they get together to create it becomes a tornado of brilliance that Frost couldn't be more grateful to be caught up in with Dauphin. Dauphin’s artistic abilities and mad skillz make Frost so proud to be associated with her (it makes her look good too). Also if Dauphin didn't adult for the both of them, not much would get done.

  Each a mom and a wife, Frost actually holds down a job while containing the crazy while Dauphin sits at home with the tinies and eats bon-bon’s all day (if you ask her husband) ;)

  Creating babies together has been the best adventure either of them has ever been on. You should most definitely check them out at and check out their books. They would flove you for3ver.

  Enjoy Liam and Ry in BANG? Read their FULL LENGTH story here: FOR3VER:

  Other works by H.Q. Frost:

  Life On Pause:

  LUXE series

  Destructive Gods:

  Descent From Grace:

  Destructive Mort

  Other Works by M. Dauphin:

  Devastatingly Beautiful series:

  Just Go:

  Fight Series

  Fight 1:

  Fight 2:

  Fight 3:

  Frost and Dauphin were also a part of these anthologies:

  Once: A Collection of Sinfully Sexy and Twisted Tales (Anthology):

  Suits and Shades Anthology:


  Just FYI


  (In other words, it would be FANFUCKINGTASTIC if you would leave a review of some sort on Amazon)




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