Changing Her Mind

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Changing Her Mind Page 3

by Stevie McFarlane

  Rebecca sobbed into his neck occasionally wiping her tears and blowing her nose on the hankie he provided. She would have liked to try and rub away the sting but she wasn’t sure she could even touch her poor throbbing bottom.

  “Mason, do you hate me?” she whispered, struggling to control her tears.

  “Oh honey, I adore you, you know that,” he told her looking into her green watery eyes.

  “Then why would you, you know…?” she asked her chin quivering.

  “Spank you? Because I do adore you and I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you. That’s why I need you to take better care of yourself. I hate to bring this up but you need to know that the next time you won’t have the added protection of your jeans and panties. It will be on your bare bottom.”

  “Geesh, they didn’t feel like any protection on my end, literally.”

  “I’m sure they didn’t but they were and if I didn’t need to get out of here so you can get some much needed rest, your nose would be poked right into that corner over there,” he told her firmly.

  Not likely Rebecca thought tearing herself from the comfort of Mason’s arms and pulling him to his feet.

  “I think you’re right, I do need to get some rest,” she told him crisply, still trying to wrap her head around everything that had happened tonight.

  “I want to thank you for a truly exceptional evening, one I hope I’ll never have the misfortune of repeating,” she told him. “Good night Mason.”

  Mason allowed himself to be pushed steadily out the door but before she could slam it shut he reached for her with a determined glint in his eyes. Wrapping one arm tightly around her waist, he tugged softly on her pony tail tipping her chin up where he wanted it. His lips descended catching her open mouth gently, hot tongue swirling persuasively over hers. She tried to fight him, giving him a swift kick that only succeeded in hurting her bare toes and then she fought herself. The effect of his kiss was drugging, as mad as she was at him she was even angrier at herself as her body turned traitor and caught his fire. Arms that had been pinned between them were now clutching handfuls of his soft shirt; her breasts under the thin tee shirt seemed to swell, seeking closer contact on their own. The friction of their tongues waged their own battle and she sagged against him giving over to his expertise.

  Her surrender had a sobering effect on Mason. Knowing he had to stop now or carry her back into the house, he quickly released her. Putting his hands on her shoulders he steadied her against the door frame,

  “Don’t bother to thank me for tonight honey, the pleasure was all mine,” he told her grinning, trying to lighten the charged atmosphere.

  By the time his comment registered and she took a half-hearted swing at him he was already sprinting to the truck.


  The ringing of the phone woke Rebecca the next morning. Sunlight poured through the white Pricilla’s blinding her as she groped for the phone on the nightstand. The cheery four poster bed seemed very wide and finally shoving back the heavy white comforter she was able to grasp it and drag it to her ear.

  “Hello,” she groaned sleepily.

  “Hi,” a deep voice replied. “Still mad at me?”

  “Yes, did you doubt it?”

  “Well actually I’d hoped you’d calmed down last night and taken advantage of my humble offerings. I thought maybe some real food would have mellowed you.”

  Hearing the amusement in his voice she said, “There’s not a humble bone in your body.”

  “Okay then, would you settle for remorseful?”

  Stretching she snuggled back under the covers, turning on her side to take the pressure off her still tender bottom. “I’d settle for a chance to get even but I don’t think it’s possible, but I am glad you’re sorry you spanked me.”

  “Oh never that honey, Mason laughed. “I’m sorry you misunderstood and didn’t get your fancy dinner, especially after you dressed so pretty for me. No, I can think of a few times I let you get away with plenty. Last night was mild in comparison.”

  “I guess it’s all in how you look at things,” she grouched back, still trying to come fully awake. “I can’t guess why I’m even talking to you.”

  “Probably because of my charm, good looks and sense of humor. That and the fact that you’re dying for me to take you out for a real dinner.”

  “Not a chance buddy,” she laughed now. “I’d sooner eat worms. I trust you about as far as I can throw you. You won’t lure me into one of your traps again.”

  There was a short silence on the other end. Mason had visions of the kind of trap he’d like to lure her into. Dragging his mind back to an acceptable level he continued.

  “Cross my heart, no tricks, and a real steak dinner at the best restaurant in town. I’ll wear a tie and everything.”

  She could hear the smile in his voice, picture his sparkling blue eyes. For a moment she had a wicked thought of telling him okay and showing up in rags and giggled.

  “Hmm, that giggle sounded suspiciously like your mind is getting you in deeper than you want to be. Don’t even think about it sweetheart, because you know I’ll take you how ever you’re dressed, or under-dressed.” Or preferably not dressed at all his mind continued the statement.

  Rebecca gasped; amazed at the way he could follow her train of thought. She was definitely sailing in deep waters here.

  “Okay, I’ll let you make it up to me,” she told him, her mind already rushing ahead to the night ahead. She’d just about had enough of his hot and cold attitude. What she’d felt in his arms was a new and exciting step in their relationship and she wasn’t about to let him call the shots. Rebecca had loved Mason as long as she could remember but now there was a brand new element. She wanted him. Never before had she felt this desire for a man, a raging hunger that left her weak just thinking about his touch. Granted she was still a virgin and sorely inexperienced but hell, she’d taken biology, she read Cosmo, she’d known what to expect since she was thirteen, well mostly. She’d just never felt like this, ached like this before. Boys she’d dated had been nice enough, their kisses warm and wet. Some of them had even gone so far as to grasp her breast, but she always thought there had to be something better than their clumsy groping in the dark and had extracted herself from those situation as gracefully as she could. This was different, way different. Mason was experienced and knew what he was doing as far as she could tell. And she was ready, boy was she ready. If he thought he could arouse her like he had and then continue to keep some type of cap on things, he was in for a big surprise. She had some power of her own.

  ‘What time?” she inquired a little breathlessly, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice.

  “Around eight,” he replied pausing. “Are you planning something in that brilliant mind of yours? For some reason the hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end?”

  Rebecca laughed. “You of all people should know how harmless I am.”

  “Yah right,” he replied suspicious now. “Why do I subject myself to this?” he moaned half-heartedly. “See you later witch.”

  Rebecca smiled, lying back in bed with her hands behind her head. Tonight you meet your match Mr. Kord she thought, and let the sparks fly where they may.

  Lord she was trouble Mason thought as he bounded out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She was up to something, he just knew it. Turning on the shower he stepped in adjusting the water to a cooler temperature. Just thinking about her, talking to her, caused a fire in his blood that he was fast becoming unable to control. When she was younger he’d played the big brother admirably. She’d come to depend on him and he would never have done anything to jeopardize that trust. But lately the more he was around her, the thinner his layer of control became. He’d never wanted a woman as he wanted her. Just the sight of her perfect little body, the smell of her perfume made him feel like a lecher. He had a fine line to walk here. If he pushed her into a physical relationship he’d better be prepared to make it perma
nent. That was the problem, he just wasn’t sure if what she felt for him was the genuine thing or some type of misplaced gratitude. In typical male fashion it never occurred to him that he wasn’t the only one who could push.

  Rebecca hummed to herself as she put the finishing touches on her makeup. Saturday was usually her day to clean but most to the time things got what her Grandmother used to call ‘a lick and a promise’. Working full time and going to school three nights a week left her with little inclination to spend her weekends scrubbing and dusting. Today however she’s gone all out. Besides her usual changing the bed linen, vacuuming and dusting, she’d polished the furniture till it gleamed. She’d put candles in strategic places and even run out to the store for fresh flowers for the dining room table. Everything had to be perfect tonight.

  Giving her body the same attention she’d given her home she had soaked in a scented bathtub, shaved, buffed and moisturized to within an inch of her life. Dabbing her perfume behind her ears and assorted other pulse points she studied her reflection in the mirror. She’d spent a lot of time considering what to wear and digging through her lingerie draw pulled the black silk camisole and garter belt she’d bought on a whim and never worn. The black stocking had slid smoothly up her legs and the matching half-slip was slit to her hip. The dress she’d chosen was purposely demure, black knitted and very soft it had a high neck, long sleeves and the hemline was about mid-calf with a softly flaring skirt. The wide belt accented her small waist. Her blond hair was up in a knot held by a single clip and the only jewelry she wore was her emerald ring and matching earrings. She’s never planned a man’s seduction before, but so far so good.

  Heading into the living room she selected some romantic music. For some reason Rod Stewarts Great American Songbook Cd’s had always touched her heart and soothed her so she put several in the cd changer and set the volume low. Taking a bottle of wine from the liquor cabinet, she went into the kitchen and put it on ice. She smiled as she glanced around the perfectly neat room. The appliances gleamed and everything was in its rightful place. The table was polished till the dark wood shone and the flowers looked beautiful. She pictured her and Mason having a quiet, romantic breakfast tomorrow and felt a thrill shoot through her.

  The sensation of wearing the delicate, provocative lingerie added to her anticipation. The feeling was decidedly wicked and thoughts of his reaction kept her on a slow simmer.

  When Rebecca opened the door at eight sharp she was not disappointed. Mason looked wonderful in his tailored suit. The cut of the jacket emphasized his broad shoulders and trim waist. His hair was slightly mussed from the cool breeze that followed him to the door but the overall picture was breathtaking. Holding the door open for him she checked him out from the back and wished they could forget dinner entirely.

  “Can I get you a drink?” she offered.

  Not on your life he thought. She was being suspiciously polite. He glanced around and noticed the immaculate condition of the house, the candles that hadn’t been there yesterday and soft music. No, I think I’ll watch the alcohol tonight, better stay on my toes and see what she’s up too.

  “Better not,” he replied pulling his tie just a touch loser, “I made reservations for eight thirty.”

  “All right, I’ll just get my coat,”

  When she returned and handed him her coat, he helped her into it. The scent of her hair teased him like gentle fingers and he quickly ushered her out the door. The blast of fresh air helped a little but he had the feeling it was going to be an interesting evening.

  Mason had chosen one of her favorite steakhouses about twenty minutes away and by eight thirty they were seated at quiet corner table. The food was excellent and the wine delicious, although Mason only had one glass. Rebecca deferred to him when it was time to order and they kept the conversation on general topics. She never once disagreed with him, never raised her voice and never shot him a look that said ‘I’ll get even with you for that’. She smiled all evening with just a touch of mystery, her hands gracefully emphasizing her words, the emerald ring flashing on her finger, and never once rose to the bait when he tried to get her riled. It was then that he knew he was in deep trouble. Whatever was going on in that beautiful head of hers, she was definitely committed to seeing it through. He’d felt like this once before when she’d been buttering him up to tell his she’d wrecked his new car. Yup, he thought, swallowing with difficulty. Watch out.

  The drive home was basically uneventful and Mason breathed a sigh of relief as they pulled up to her house. Thinking quickly he planned his moves. I’ll walk her to the door, give her a short kiss, make sure she gets in all right and then be gone before she can do any real damage.

  Unfortunately he’d made a slight miscalculation. He wasn’t the one doing the kissing.

  Mason walked to her side of the car and helped her out, forcing himself to slow down and not rush up the sidewalk like he couldn’t wait to get rid of her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her feelings but sometimes a hasty retreat is preferable when dealing with Rebecca. She’s been too agreeable tonight and it damn near gave him a nervous tick.

  Reaching the door Rebecca turned and slid her fingers into his hair and with gently pressure brought him down closer to her lips.

  Good, good he thought, another few seconds and I’m out of here. Just breathe through your mouth and try not to smell that perfume. Damn that scent should be illegal. Don’t think about how small, soft and warm she is he told himself sternly. Think about the IRS or stepping in dog poop, or eating bad sushi.

  Gently Rebecca came closer but instead of the kiss he’d imagined her small tongue washed lightly over his lips. When he gasped in surprise she entered his mouth like a sweet hot liquid and increased the pressure. His mind exploded as her other hand slipped under his jacket, her small fingertip gently scratching his masculine nipple. When she finally released him he took a deep breath, damn through his nose and stood frozen for the time it took her to unlock and open the door, horrified to find himself being lead inside like a puppy on a leash.

  Throwing her coat over a chair she advanced on him, almost laughing out loud when he held out his hands as if to ward her off.

  “Rebecca, behave yourself,” he pleaded huskily, his back almost to the door.

  “To use your favorite expression Mason,” she smiled, “Not a chance.”

  Kicking off her heels she walked over and switched on the music, smiling when ‘It Had to Be You’ came softly through the speakers. How appropriate she thought as she unclipped her hair dropping the black sparkly piece into a dish on the mantle.

  The golden vision before him caused his throat to go dry and for a split second Mason thought about running but his male pride wouldn’t let him. Get a grip man, he thought, she’s only one small female. What’s she going to do rape you? A little voice responded you can’t rape the willing. Oh God he groaned.

  Rebecca came to him then and holding his hand led him over to the couch. Plumping the pillows she gently pushed him down. Curiosity and desire were a deadly combination Mason decided as he docilely went along with her direction. When she seated herself on his lap he tried to picture her as a little girl but the contrast was too strong. Wiggling slightly to get comfortable she almost drove him over the edge. Rebecca reached up and began undoing his tie. Looking deeply into his eyes she was surprised to see almost panic there. Gently she massaged his temples, feathering light kisses across his mouth.

  Mason was holding his own now, having given himself a firm lecture about taking advantage of inquisitive, inexperienced females. Let her have her fun he told himself, feeling better, secure in his superior expertise. How far was she prepared to go in this seduction scene? Better to let her practice her new found skills on him than some wet behind the ears kid or worse some punk who was full of himself. Maybe she was trying to pay him back for those passionate kisses the other night and then leaving her with emotions she didn’t know how to handle?

  Rebecca cur
led into him. As her black silk covered legs bent, her soft dress slid to mid-thigh. Sensing his withdrawal and frantic to regain the advantage, she unbuttoned his shirt. At the sight of his naked chest, she began to lose control. The hard muscles and soft curling black hair made her forget her destination. Alternately running her fingers over him and gently scraping with her nails she experienced a burning deep inside and quickly tugged the shirt out of the waist band of his slacks. Snuggling closer, only the fabric of her dress separating them, she softly traced her tongue along his ear and down the side of his neck, sucking gently.

  It was at this point that Mason began having real doubts about his ability to control anything. The soft form curled against him was causing havoc within. Her bottom was pressed snugly against his arousal and she was rocking gently. He could feel the heat of her through her dress and his pants. Taking several deep breaths he tried to reason with her.

  “Rebecca stop,” he pleaded his voice raspy with passion. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

  “The same thing you’ve been doing to me for the last week,” she replied, nibbling across his chest. Almost panting, she couldn’t get close enough and pressed down harder, feeling his hard length through her clothing.

  Taking the situation in hand Mason grasped her shoulders and gave her a slight shake.

  “I said stop,” he growled. “What are you trying to prove… that you can turn me on…make me forget all my good intentions. Well I think you know that. Where we go from here is dangerous ground honey. Desire can’t be turned on and off like a switch and I won’t be used to further your education. Whatever happens from here you damn well better mean it.”

  “Oh, I mean it Mason,’ she softly replied. “I’ve never meant anything more in my life.”

  Taking hold of his hand she laid it on her leg and started sliding it upward. The sight of her slim legs slowly being revealed excited him more than he thought possible. When he glimpsed the black garter and the soft flesh above her stocking, fire exploded through him, a fire raging out of control. Gone was the man who’d felt his superior control capable of handling Rebecca. In his place was a man whose only desire was to go after what he’d been fighting against for years it seemed. She was his, had always been his. A woman he knew in his soul was made for him and come morning, she’d know it too.


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