Changing Her Mind

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Changing Her Mind Page 8

by Stevie McFarlane

  Impulsive as always Rebecca stunned them both when her slim arms came up to circle his neck and pull him the rest of the way down. Her lips meshed with his as with a groan Mason surrendered to her insistent embrace. She took his weight and welcomed it, despite her small frame.

  Mason settled against her, his body responding instantly to her warm softness. Hard and throbbing, he pulled her tightly against him and rolled to the middle of the bed, conscious of his weight even if she wasn’t. As always the feel of her, the scent of her pushed all other thoughts out of his head and he responded in the only way possible, as a man.

  Rebecca’s head spun as he rolled with her and she held on to the only solid thing in her world. Her firm breasts were crushed against his broad chest and her nipples throbbed as her foot rubbed unconsciously up and down his muscled leg.

  Strong hands pushed her skirt up and fastened firmly on her silk clad bottom, bringing them ever closer together and when he pulled his lips away from hers to fasten on the sensitive cord in her neck sucking gently she whispered hoarsely.

  “Show me Mason. Show me what it would be like as your wife.”

  Mason needed no further prompting. Despite his personal feelings about marriage, he could no more have refused Rebecca than he could have stopped the moon from rising. He slid skirt, pantyhose and panties off in one sweep, catching them with his foot and pulling them free. His hands grasped her sweater and pulled it over her head, till the only thing between his hard questing hands and her soft flesh was her ivory satin camisole. He untied the ribbon with his teeth, exposing the creamy skin underneath and drew a ragged breath. Burying his face between the silken orbs his slight beard scraped against them, the friction making her sigh in ecstasy. Fastening on one pouting nipple his hot tongue swirled over the thin fabric and then blew gently. By the time he had given her other breast the same attention Rebecca’s hands were frantically trying to unbuckle his belt. Her hips rocked crazily against the hard male length of him and placing his hands on her bare bottom he tried to slow her down holding her even more firmly to him. The feel of her round, firm, cheeks making him fight to keep what control he had left.

  Rolling to his side, Mason released her and pulled his sweater over his head. As he reached to unbuckle his belt her lips began a journey across his chest, nipping and sucking, causing his own hands to stumble in their task. She found his small male nipple and lavished it with the same attention he had given her and had the satisfaction of hearing him moan in response. Being the aggressor inflamed Rebecca and when he had finally managed to free himself from his clothes she rolled on top of him, determined to wait no longer.

  Mason allowed her free reign as she lowered herself onto him and began to rock. His hands traveled over her, marveling at the softness of her skin.

  Head thrown back, blonde curls wild about her Rebecca gave a sob of protest when he lifted her from him but Mason was not going to be taken so quickly. He’d been in torment for weeks. She wanted a sample of married life and he fully intended to keep his promise. Laying her on her back, his lips began a journey of their own, down her neck and lower. Across her collar bone he nipped lightly and then kissed it away before she could form a protest. He kissed the insides of her arms to her wrists, sending ripples of sensation through her. The time he spent at her breasts was glorious agony for Rebecca and she alternately pleaded for him to stop and go on. Across her satin stomach Mason trailed hot fire and when his warm moist lips moved lower Rebecca began to shake in mindless passion. Waves of heat radiated out from her hot, damp core and everywhere he touched became a point of light.

  Her head rolled back and forth and her breathing was shallow and rapid when Mason finally answered her pleas and took her, sheathing himself in a long hard thrust. Rebecca lost herself in his arms, no longer sure of where or even who she was. The only thing that mattered was release from weeks of longing. Up and up he took her, each thrust of his powerful body making her gasp in wonder. The nails of her slender hands scraped the muscled back beneath them and still he went on, taking her on a wild ride into paradise. Never before had Rebecca felt anything like this overpowering possession. She followed blindly where he led entrusting to him her very soul. There was no beginning, nor an end, just the present where his magnificent body brought such pleasure she thought she might die of it. The brilliance of a million sunbeams burst suddenly through her and he held her tightly as she spun into the flames, but when she would have sagged back into the bed his strong arms refused to relinquish her and he carried her back into heaven again and again.

  Moonlight streamed through the thin bedroom curtains, spilling over the occupants of the bed. Rebecca studied Mason’s features, eyes traveling from his forehead, where a lock of jet hair fell, to the strong, determined jaw. Lashes, that would have made any woman envious, remained closed as she watched the steady rise and fall of his chest. Just who had put who to sleep here she thought smiling to herself. He seemed to be the one out cold. Her innate sense of honesty made her admit to herself, if not to him, that if she hadn’t slept most of the day she’d be in the same boat he was. Their lovemaking had left her totally sated and she had in fact fallen asleep again for a while, snuggled close in his strong arms.

  Rebecca decided to enjoy this rare opportunity to simply lie with him, not arguing, not wanting. It seemed that these two emotions were the only sure ones they had lately. When she wasn’t fighting with him, she was a victim of her own passions, needing him with a fierce hunger that left her vulnerable, something that she’d sworn never to be.

  Now, laying here beside Mason, she was forced to take a long look at herself. She wanted him, admired him, and as much as she hated to admit it, she needed him. It was that very emotion that scared the hell out of her. Could she marry him, sleep with him, even have his children and still manage to maintain the distance she felt was necessary to her survival? Would she be able to protect herself? She knew he was operating under a different game plan. He too had been hurt. His parents had divorced and his father was not a man Mason was proud of. The relationship he had with his brother, Nicholas, was a strong one even though they saw each other infrequently. The childhood he’d experienced was much harsher in some ways than hers, yet he had managed to come out pretty much unscathed. Yes, he saw things differently. You fall in love, marry, and raise your children, happily ever after right? Rebecca didn’t believe it for a minute. Could she marry him anyway, enjoy the time they had together and still be ready if and when their happiness was brutally snatched away from them?

  Sighing, Rebecca rolled over and laid her head on his chest. She was a realist, took each day as it came, never expecting happiness but treasuring it when it came. Were they too different to make it work?

  This is the problem she thought as his hands began to roam her body once again, rolling her over and gently massaging the tension from her shoulders. When he touches me all my good sense seems to dissolve into puddles which he goes merrily splashing through. Sighing Rebecca turned over and reached for him. When his warm lips closed over hers thought became a thing of the past, and sensation ruled the night.

  The rich smell of coffee brewing tickled Mason’s senses until he opened his eyes. Glancing at the bedside clock he groaned, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Cupping his hands behind his head he took in the room’s disorder. His clothes were strewn everywhere, tangled with wispy underthings. One boot was in the bedside chair and the other against the wall where it had flown when he impatiently kicked them off. Stretching, he wondered where Rebecca had gotten to and getting out of bed made his way naked to the bathroom, his long muscular legs disappearing just as she came through the bedroom door.

  Rebecca, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, began picking up articles of clothing and straightening the room. She could hear the shower running and laid his neatly folded clothes on the now made bed. Brushing her hair, she quickly braided it and left the room, not wanting to be there if he came out in all his glory. She needed to keep a clear head if they wer
e going to sort this thing out.

  By the time Mason appeared in the cheery kitchen there were scrambled eggs and bacon waiting. The coffee was fresh and hot and while she busied herself around the kitchen he sipped the fragrant brew.

  He was a man of mixed emotions. Entirely disgusted with himself and his inability to keep his hands off of her, yet deeply satisfied from a long night of intense lovemaking, Mason stared down into his cup trying to come to grips with his feelings. So withdrawn was he that it took several seconds before he realized she’d been speaking to him.

  “I accept,” she finished, obviously expecting some type of response.

  Pulling himself back to the present he stared at her, watching as she twisted the dishcloth nervously between her hands.

  “Accept what?” he asked, somewhat confused.

  “Your proposal,” she told him, looking at him as if she’d like to smack him with the wet weapon in her hands. Now that she had finally come to a decision she couldn’t believe he was being so obtuse. Unless he’d changed his mind. Now that she thought about it, he had mentioned ‘second thoughts’. Flinging down the wet cloth she stormed over to the table and picked up the plate of untouched food, wanting nothing more than to dump it over his head.

  “Are you finished with this?” she almost shouted at a totally bemused Mason. Not waiting for a reply she returned to the sink and dumped the entire contents down the garbage disposal, flipping the switch with a maniacal glee.

  “What the hell is the matter with you,” he shouted back at her, rising to his feet, unable to comprehend the entire situation.

  “Nothing,” she snapped, grabbing the broom and sweeping so haphazardly that he backed up when she came near him. He didn’t have his boots on yet and little as she was, she looked like she could do real damage with that broom.

  Rebecca knew she was acting crazily but she couldn’t seem to stop. After spending a good part of the early morning hours agonizing over this he didn’t even care enough to listen to her. Obviously marriage was the farthest thing from his mind. She almost chased him across the floor, sweeping ever closer to his size thirteen feet as he danced out of her way. The very fact that she had finally decided to become his wife and he hadn’t even been listening to her inflamed her to the point that throwing caution to the wind she swung the broom at his butt with enough force to make her loose her balance.

  “That’s it,” he growled snatching the broom effortlessly away from her and slinging her under his arm like he was carrying a bag of feed. Striding to the living room he totally ignored her curses and struggles and sitting on the couch, pulled her unceremoniously over his knees.

  “I’m willing to put up with a lot from you Rebecca, but I will not tolerate being beaten with a broom. Do I make myself clear?” he questioned, peppering her bottom with quick hard smacks as she struggled to get out of his grasp.

  Rebecca refused to give him the satisfaction of pleading for him to stop, even though her backside was beginning to throb. I will not cry she told herself over and over, gritting her teeth as the spanking reached epic proportions. As she fought to catch her breath he continued to tenderize her bottom, and she wondered how on earth she had managed to land herself in this position again and how she could have fallen in love with a man who thought it was absolutely okay to spank her?

  Pausing for breath Mason struggled with his temper and continued with another round of blistering swats until he finally pulled her up and plopped her down beside him.

  “I don’t pretend to know what happened between last night and this morning that could possibly make you so irrational, but I wish you’d enlighten me. I would like to remind you that even though you slept the day away, for all intents and purposes I happen to have had very little sleep in the last twenty-four hours, so tread lightly darlin’,” he continued. “Maybe you had more sleep than you realize,” she taunted, “I was awake to hear you snoring.”

  “If you’re trying to imply that my promise to you went unfulfilled, I have the scratches to prove you a liar, not to mention we could probably check with any number of your neighbors, I’m sure they heard you.”

  “Ohh,” she squealed, throwing a couch pillow directly at his head. “How dare you say such a thing?”

  “You started this Honey and I’m prepared to finish it, and if you think it’s demeaning to cry out in pleasure rest assured I found it extremely erotic. Apparently I gave you the wrong sleeping remedy last night but I’m prepared to fix that right now. If you’d like I can continue,” he told her beginning to roll up his sleeves.

  Seeing her face flame with embarrassment was its own reward and Mason couldn’t conceal his grin.

  “Isn’t it time you went to work,” she questioned haughtily, turning her face away from him.

  “It’s Saturday,” he told her really smiling now. “But I’ll understand if your recent ah… ordeal has made you lose track of time.”

  “I have not lost track of anything but my wits,” she informed him jumping up from the couch. “To think I was trying to tell you I’d mar ..,” she laughed shortly. “I must have been out of my mind.”

  Grasping her shoulders, Mason looked deeply into her eyes and Rebecca could have bitten her unruly tongue. Trust Mason to make her lose her temper to the point she just couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

  “What?” he demanded, staring at her intently.


  “What did you just say Rebecca?”

  “Now that I have your undivided attention Mason, I seem to have forgotten what I was going to say,” she told him, pleased to see his face growing red now.

  Mason hands shook and when he pushed her back down onto the couch she actually laughed. Good, no sense in just one of us being mad.

  “Fine,” he growled stomping into the bedroom to retrieve his boots. “When it comes to you, call me,” he told her snatching up his leather jacket and flinging it over one shoulder. As he reached the door his hand on the knob her voice stopped him.

  “Mason,” she called, apparently not the least bit upset by his anger.

  “What?” he snapped turning to look at her over his shoulder, teeth clenched.

  “Thanks for the preview. The main event was a four star, but your before and after could use a little work,” she told him, lounging on the couch now, legs crossed. “Just thought you might want to know.” After the door slammed, Rebecca threw herself down and cried.


  Mason spent the rest of his day catching up on paperwork at the office. The plans for the shopping mall had been finalized and they were to begin work in the spring. The problems they’d had early on had been worked out to everyone’s satisfaction and Mason was pleased with the way things were progressing, he wished Rebecca was as easy to manage as a 2.3 billion dollar project.

  Setting down his pencil he stretched and flipped his feet up on the desk, leaning back comfortably in the leather chair. Not bad for a man who had come up the hard way, he thought, closing his eyes and remembering the lean years when his father had deserted them and he and his brother Nicholas had taken every odd job they could find to help put food on the table.

  His mother had worked hard but twenty five years ago a woman wasn’t always paid what she was worth. It had been tough for her, raising two boys and fighting to hang on to their home, but she’d done it. A few years later when she met and married Joshua Campbell, it had gotten easier for her, but Mason and Nicholas hadn’t felt right about accepting his help. It was expected that he take care of their mother, but after the raw deal they’d been dealt with their own dad, they had a hard time trusting anyone else. Mason and his brother had been very close, depending only on each other. By the time Nicholas was working his way through college, Mason was working part time in Moran’s Hardware store and over the next few years Mason had learned to trust and respect a man for the first time in his life.

  Rebecca’s father was everything his wasn’t, dependable, fair, hardworking and honest. Yes, Jake Moran was
just about the best friend he’d ever had, despite the difference in their ages. Mason had already learned to accept what life handed him, but Jake had taught him to make the most of every opportunity.

  Jake was also that rare breed of man, who could see the humor in everyday situations and he taught the serious Mason to see it too. Mace was convinced that Jake was watching and probably getting a great deal of enjoyment out of the merry chase his daughter was leading him.

  Mason on the other hand was not laughing. In fact he was downright aggravated. Convinced she had been about to say she’d marry him, he had wracked his brain trying to come up with a reason for her change of heart. After much consideration he finally came to the conclusion that it was just her general contrariness and had a good mind to ignore her and let her stew in her own juices for a while. Mason smiled at the thought, all but giving himself a pat on the back. She’ll start backtracking fast enough when I stop chasing her he tried to convince himself. He’d probably have his ring on her finger by Valentine’s Day.

  Extremely pleased with both the work he’d accomplished and the decision he’d made, Mason locked up the office and headed home, looking forward to a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, he failed to consider what plans Rebecca might be making.

  Chapter Eight

  Snow was falling softly as Rebecca’s carolers made their way to the nursing home. Rebecca listened patiently to Mary’s chatter on the ride to Harland Home. This was the home Mary’s husband Bill was in and she was terribly excited. Bill was bedridden from a stroke and in a great deal of pain and although it had broken Mary’s heart to place him there, she also knew she couldn’t give him the care he needed. Mary visited him every day and kept him up to date on the small town’s goings on. Often she would stay and have her dinner with him and thought nothing of going down to the kitchen and sharing some of his favorite recipes with the staff. Even after 62 years of marriage, one of Mary’s top priorities was that Bill eat right.


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