Simply Perfection

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Simply Perfection Page 6

by Trina Lane

  Trevor was confused by Niall’s statement. If he only met Matt a week ago then the two were not in a long-term relationship and looking for a playmate.

  Niall continued, “From the time I was old enough to understand adult relationships I’ve searched for the men who would complete my life. I grew up surrounded by the love of my two grandfathers and grandmother who shared their hearts and bed with one another. When the time came for me to begin my search for my soul mates, I knew I wanted to share a similar bond. I am a Mohegan, and while I was raised in a modern home, our tribe is deeply rooted in the traditions of our people. Several weeks ago I had a dream. In this dream were two men.” Niall looked at Matt sitting next to him. “Matt is one of those men.” He then turned and looked at Trevor. “You are the other.”

  Trevor saw Matt breathe out a sigh as if he were relieved. He held up his hand to stop Niall from continuing. “So you believe that Matt and I are destined to be yours?”

  Niall shook his head. “No. I am yours as much as you will be mine.”

  Trevor looked at Matt. “What about you? What are your thoughts on all this? If Niall has wanted a threesome his entire life, then what makes you want to get involved in an arrangement this complicated?”

  “I’ve participated in ménages for most of my sexual life. It started out as a lark in college, then I grew to crave the unique connection between three sexual partners. A few years ago I finally accepted the fact that something deep inside me said that’s what it would take for me to be complete. I’ve tried dating in a more traditional manner, even with men who were not into threesomes, and I was faithful. However, I was always left with a feeling of partial emptiness. Consequently those relationships never lasted long.” Matt turned to look at Niall. “When I met Niall, a spark of recognition fired within me. I knew in an instant he would become special to me.” He faced Trevor across the table. “The same spark erupted across my skin when we shook hands for the first time.”

  “And Niall’s dream? How do you reconcile that with your beliefs in modern medicine?”

  “I don’t believe I have to. For a relationship to work, one person’s beliefs don’t have to be identical to their partner’s. What’s important is if those people want the same things in life.” Matt placed his hand on the table palm up. “I’m willing to try.”

  Niall placed his hand on top of Matt’s, palm up. “I’m willing.”

  Did he go all in or fold? Trevor knew that if he said no, he would lose Matt. Granted they’d only had half a date and one kiss, but for the first time in what seemed like forever, Trevor had gone to bed with a smile on his face last night. Throughout the day he’d had butterflies in his stomach when he thought about seeing Matt again tonight, maybe even getting another one of Matt’s incredible kisses.

  He looked across at Niall. The man was undeniably attractive. He knew only the most minor of details about this man, and yet there they sat asking Trevor to commit to a type of relationship he had zero experience in. Trevor’d had his share of one night stands, so while a ménage a trios would be more hands, mouths and cocks than he’d ever experienced at once, that didn’t hold him back. In fact that sounded pretty damn hot, especially with the two men sitting across from him. No, what had Trevor on the fence was the intensity in their stares and the expectations he sensed in their speech. Niall firmly believed the Trevor and Matt were his destined soul mates and Matt was willing to go along with that belief if it meant he finally found happiness.

  So what do I believe?

  Trevor stared at the two hands. It was up to him, and it all came down to one thing.

  Chapter Six

  Trevor placed his hand on top of Matt and Niall’s. “What’ve I got to lose?”

  I hope it’s not my sanity.

  Trevor was nearly blinded by the smiles coming from both Matt and Niall. Two more hands landed on top of Trevor’s, and the heat surrounding his hand travelled up his arm and floated around his heart before dissipating.

  “How about I get us some drinks?” Matt said.

  Niall nodded. “I’d love a vodka tonic. Trevor?”

  Trevor was once again held captive by Niall’s dark eyes. “Bushmills Black Bush, on the rocks.”

  Before leaving the table, Matt placed a soft kiss on Trevor’s lips. As the kiss had done the night before, Trevor yearned for more, but Matt pulled back and walked away towards the bar.

  When Trevor looked across the table, Niall’s eyes reminded him of charcoal right after a match had ignited the surface.

  “I would love to know what that feels like.”

  Trevor smiled, “Well you see, I’m not quite that easy. Matt and I spent several hours together before his lips ever touched mine. I think in the spirit of fairness, and so I don’t start thinking I’m a total slut, I need to know more than your name and that you’re a Mohegan in search of his destiny.”

  Niall nodded. “Fair enough. Will you sit next to me?”

  Trevor moved over to the bench and when the side of his body came in contact with Niall’s, he immediately had the urge to climb into the man’s lap. Niall wasn’t as large as Matt. He was a few inches shorter and leaner than Matt, but still rippling with muscles as evidenced by Niall’s strong neck and what was visible between the couple of open buttons of his shirt.

  “There, that’s better. So what would you like to know?”

  “How did you get the name Niall? That’s Irish, isn’t it?”

  “It is. I was named for my great-grandfather who lived in Ireland.”

  Niall spent the next several minutes explaining to Trevor how his family tree worked. At the end of the story, Trevor’s mind was spinning with all the connections but he thought he had it figured out. It also made him glad that his own linage was straightforward. Trevor looked up as Matt returned with their drinks. Matt’s smile at seeing Trevor and Niall sitting next to each other caused a resurgence of heat in his belly. Of course, that might have been due to the large swallow of whisky Trevor shot back. The alcohol went straight into his blood stream since Trevor hadn’t had lunch that day and a wonderful glow spread throughout his body.

  “So you’re named for your great-grandfather. What else?”

  “He’s an amazing photographer,” Matt volunteered.

  “Photography? Really?”

  Niall nodded. “I have a studio and gallery in Fort Point.”

  “You’re Roberge Photographics?” Trevor asked, excitedly.

  “You’ve heard of me?”

  “Are you kidding? I loved your pieces at the Boston Public Garden exhibit last year. I stood there for hours staring at your ‘Boston Reflections’ series, and the light you used in ‘Desert Angel’ was spellbinding.”

  “Thank you.”

  Trevor realised that in his excitement he’d leant in closer to Niall. He felt the man’s breath on his skin. Trevor stared at Niall’s bottom lip. The skin was a darker rose than the rest of his skin. Trevor wanted to taste it. He tilted his head up a couple of inches and brushed his lips across Niall’s, a long, lingering sweep that enabled him to taste the softness of both Niall’s lips. The kiss Trevor had initially denied Niall became reality. Trevor’s lips tingled and his eyes fluttered closed. He placed his hand on Niall’s stomach as Niall’s arm snaked around his back and pulled Trevor closer. Lights danced behind Trevor’s eyes when Niall’s tongue traced the seam of his mouth. Trevor opened and greedily sucked the slick appendage into his body. Niall’s tongue swiped the insides of Trevor’s mouth. Trevor reciprocated, licking into every soft nook and cranny of his dark warrior. A deep sigh vibrated from Niall’s throat into Trevor’s mouth. They pulled back from one another and as one turned to see Matt staring at them. His forest green eyes blazed from within, causing them to brighten.

  Trevor finished the last of his drink. His head swam and the room turned slightly hazy. He tried to shake it off. “This was only my first, correct?”

  “Yes. Do you not feel well?” Matt asked.

  “I feel li
ke I’m well underway to getting my drunk on, but I normally have a decent tolerance level.”

  “When did you last eat?” Niall questioned.

  “Oh, right. That explains it.” Trevor smiled. “I was a little nervous about coming here tonight so I skipped lunch and…”

  “And?” Niall waited.

  “Well, I was trying to pick out what to wear, so I ran out of my apartment without breakfast in order to get to work on time,” Trevor finished, sheepishly.

  Matt shook his head. “What are we going to do with you? At least you remembered your coat this time,” he added, jokingly.

  “Well excuse me for being more worried about my friend’s mental state than some outer garment.”

  “Don’t be mad, Trevor. I only meant it as a joke.”

  Trevor crooked his finger at Matt. Matt scooted his chair close to the bench, and Trevor pulled Matt in for a kiss.

  “I’ll eventually learn how to not to get so defensive.” He looked at Niall. “I’m not used to anybody trying to take care of me. For most of my life it’s been me against the world, now all of a sudden I have two older, very accomplished soon-to-be lovers.” His head felt as though he were watching a tennis match, but this was important, so he looked back at Matt. “If this is going to work, I need both of you to treat me as an equal. Not some little brother you have to take care of.”

  “I can’t speak for Niall, but I hardly look upon you as a little brother figure. Your safety and health will always be on my mind, but that goes for Niall as much as you. And I wouldn’t dream of stripping my little brother and licking him from head to toe, as I did last night after leaving you.”

  “Matt is correct. As we grow closer, it’s only natural we’ll worry about each other, sometimes unnecessarily but always with the right intentions. I don’t like the thought of you being cold anymore than Matt does, and we only met an hour ago.”

  “You’re right, guys. I’m sorry. I realise I made it sound as though you’d be babying me, and I’d be a cold hearted bitch, when in fact I’ll probably be the biggest worrywart of the three of us. As to me being cold? Sorry to tell you this, but it’s a foregone conclusion. I’m always cold, coat or no coat. If we ever end up in bed together, I’ll be the one in the extremely unsexy flannel sleepwear.”

  “No. When we end up in bed together, you’ll be sandwiched between two living furnaces. Frumpy flannel is a thing of your past. From now on, I want access to every inch of your skin so when Niall and I wake up in the middle of the night, we can ravish you ‘til your mind is so satiated, you’ll forget the meaning of the word ‘cold’.”

  Trevor’s mouth dropped and his brain flooded with images of him, Matt and Niall twisting around in a myriad of configurations atop a wide mattress. He couldn’t wait to see, touch and taste the skin he’d only been given glimpses of that evening. “Now? Please?” he begged.

  Matt looked at Niall. “Shall we?”

  “Oh, yes. My place?”

  Trevor watched Matt nod. It was obvious Matt was at least familiar with Niall’s place, wherever that was. Trevor couldn’t help but be a little jealous. He shook off the feeling as ludicrous. Matt and Niall had known each other for a week, not months or years. They were all starting out on even footing—relationship-wise anyway—and Trevor was interested to see how the balance between them would play out.

  * * * *

  Trevor tried valiantly to keep from tripping over his jaw as Niall gave him the tour. Apartments like this only existed in dreams or on TV. Trevor stared at the red brick wall where the original print of his favourite black and white photograph hung. In it, the dunes of a grassy beach surrounded a decimated hull of a ship. Planks rose up into the sky as if they were asking “why”. The textures and details in the wood were excessively sharp, but the background only a haze of images from the surrounding landscape. A beam of sunlight landed directly on the wooden carcass, and every time Trevor saw this photograph he wondered what happened. What story lay behind the powerful image?

  Warm arms came around him and Trevor leant back against a solid chest. He knew instantly it was Niall. The scent of cedar wove around Trevor and he closed his eyes then inhaled a deep breath.

  “Do you like it?”

  Trevor nodded. “It’s one of my favourites. In a way it reminds me of myself.”

  Niall turned Trevor in his arms. “How’s that?”

  “Isolated, yet surrounded. The highlights show all the imperfections, but within the shadows you can see the beauty of what the ship once was.”

  A wall of warmth braced Trevor as Matt came to stand behind him. Matt’s arms came around Trevor and rested on Niall’s hips.

  “You’re not alone any longer. We all have imperfections, and our beauty will be in how we support each other,” Matt said.

  Trevor rested his head on Niall’s shoulder. “Why does this feel so right? I barely know either of you, but at this moment have nowhere else I’d rather be. I have no experience with this kind of situation, and quite frankly I’m a little overwhelmed. I want to be with both of you, and yet I’m not sure how this all works. In my past relationships there have always been clear expectations in regards to the sex and boundaries.” Trevor closed his eyes and whispered, “I feel a little lost.”

  Niall stepped back and led Trevor over to his platform bed. Matt followed and the three of them sat on the edge.

  “I understand, Trevor, that you don’t have the same faith as I do about why we were brought together, but that’s okay. Unlike Matt, I’ve never experienced a physical three-way. So when it comes to how the sex will play out, you and I are on the same page. My question to you is, why should there be boundaries for our relationship? If we hold ourselves to certain expectations then we not only create a false situation, but we may miss out on some elemental part of who we become.”

  Matt placed his hand on Trevor’s knee. “I may have experienced plenty of threesomes in my life, but I’ve never had any type of connection to those men. It was an enjoyable way of getting off, pure and simple. I’m as nervous as you are about the complexities of what we’re attempting. Each of us will have insecurities that must be faced, both individually and as a group, but as long as we don’t hide what’s troubling us then we can move forwards.”

  “Okay, so in the spirit of honesty I need to tell you Matt, that you being a psychiatrist kinda freaks me out. You have the background knowledge and training to understand the human condition that neither Niall nor I have to pull from. That puts you one step ahead of the game so to speak.”

  “Believe me when I say that having the knowledge and implementing the skills are two very different aspects. I’ve seen marriages and partnerships of my colleagues fall apart just as often as I’ve seen it with people who come to me off the street. I’ll have to work just as hard as both of you.”

  “Perhaps Matt will have to work harder, because he’ll have to remember that neither one of us will recognise the undercurrents of a particular situation,” Niall added.

  Trevor heaved out a deep breath. “As much as my body really wants to get it on with the two of you tonight, my brain is awfully wrung out. I’m not trying to be a tease, but do either of you think we could put off the sexcapades until tomorrow or something?”

  Niall leant down and placed a soft kiss on Trevor’s lips then tilted up to do the same for Matt. “Will the two of you stay with me tonight?” He looked back at the expanse of the mattress. “It would be nice to have you here, in my bed. Our bed, if we let it be so.”

  “I’m not sure that I’m ready to think of this as our bed yet, but it is very nice and the two of you did promise to keep me warm.”

  Niall lifted the edge of Trevor’s sweater, revealing his smooth stomach. Ever since his and Trevor’s kiss in the club, Niall had been anticipating how it would feel to hold Trevor in his arms for real. The younger man was an exact match to the vision in his dream. As much as he’d trusted Matt’s intuition, Niall couldn’t help but feel both relief and exhilar
ation when his eyes met Trevor’s sky blue ones across the interior of the bar.

  Tonight Niall would finally experience what it felt like to use this bed for what it was intended. Not simply as a empty plane where he marked the passage of time until he found his soul mates, but as a haven where the individual strands of their essence could begin to weave the tapestry that would tell their story for all the ages.

  Sex would be only a small part of their lives as a whole. Niall had no problem waiting as long as his men didn’t run away.

  Niall’s hands skimmed across the smooth skin of Trevor’s chest. When Trevor lifted his arms, Matt took the garment from Niall’s hands. The soft navy sweater was removed and tossed towards the chair sitting over by the windows. Trevor reclined against his elbows on the mattress. Niall took a few moments to stare at Trevor’s bared torso. Lightly corded muscles danced beneath the surface of Trevor’s skin. Small light brown nipples puckered in the open air. Niall wanted to lean down and suck on the treats, but they’d promised Trevor no funny business.

  Niall couldn’t stop his hand as it smoothed down Trevor’s stomach. When he got to what should have been the waistline of Trevor’s slacks, Niall instead found more smooth bare skin. While Niall was busy cataloguing all the ways he wanted to pleasure Trevor, Matt had obviously pressed on with the campaign to get Trevor naked. Niall’s hand encountered Trevor’s half-hard cock. Trevor’s head fell back and a moan rumbled from his chest.

  Niall lightly gripped Trevor’s cock and bright blue eyes shot open to meet his gaze. Niall was sucked into their prism of desire. Trevor’s chest rose rapidly as his breathing increased.

  “I’m suddenly feeling a lot less tired. Do you think we could…”

  A becoming blush infused Trevor’s cheeks. Niall smiled and looked to his side to find Matt. When there was nobody there, Niall twisted around to find their other lover. Every thought in his brain flew out the window when he found Matt standing directly behind him, completely naked. Niall stood so he could get a better view, and as one he and Trevor both whispered, “Holy god."


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