Gauntlet Rite of Ascension

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Gauntlet Rite of Ascension Page 26

by Marcus Abshire

  “Why?” She asked.

  “Because there is a good chance you won’t have to worry about being punished then.” He said.

  She looked at him, puzzled.

  “We’ll probably be dead.” Abaddon answered her unspoken question.

  I got the laptop set up and Abaddon recorded his message to Max, briefing him on what has been happening and how it affected the plan. When he finished I took the zip drive out of the laptop and went to the arena and uploaded it into the transmitter that was still on the antennae array.

  After all the excitement, I had a hard time falling asleep. I kept hearing the prisoner pleading for his life, knowing that for some, even if we saved them from the vampires, there would be no saving them from the silver fangs of the Pack.

  I spent the next day with Abaddon. He kept me by his side the whole time, worried about letting me out of his sight. We went around the Den, greeting the members of the Pack Abaddon felt were important. I didn’t say much, just sat or stood with him, keeping quiet. I answered direct questions, but let Abaddon do most of the talking.

  I was surprised at the vast array of diversity of the members of the Pack. There were people from every inch of the globe here to witness Eavan’s and my Rite. By the time I got back to my room that night I was exhausted. I hadn’t swung a sword or lifted a fist all day but I was beat all the same.

  I woke the next morning and for the first time since being here, looked forward to the new day. Today was the festival for Eavan. I eagerly anticipated spending the day with her, playing games and having fun instead of the constant discussions and debates.

  I ate breakfast and took a long shower. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked past the mirror only to stop and look at myself.

  For a second I swore a stranger was looking back at me. I had grown another few inches, my shoulders and chest had filled out as well as my arms and forearms. Swinging a sword all day appeared to be great for getting well-defined muscles. My face was in need of a shave and my eyes no longer had the innocent quality of youth. Instead, they were deeper and harder, full of the truth and pain of reality. My hair was a little shaggy and I needed a haircut. The fullness of youth had left me and I saw a starkness to my features that gave them a hard edge, like a beautiful sword full of sharp lines and deadly intent.

  I shaved my stubble and combed my hair. I got dressed, and found Abaddon had also cleaned himself up.

  His beard was trimmed close and his hair was slicked back. He wore his dark trench coat over a nice dress shirt and dark pants.

  “Don’t we make a fine looking pair?” I asked.

  He smiled and we left our room, making our way outside to the large open grass area on the backside of the Den. I could hear traditional Irish music already playing along with the occasional bout of good natured laughter.

  We walked outside and I was amazed at the layout. There were large tents set up at one end; people were milling about, most of them carrying a large pint of ale. I saw an area set up for tests of strength and skill where a few younger looking men were already trying to best each other at the hammer toss. On the other side of the space was a stage where a band was playing very enjoyable music.

  There were perhaps fifty red-haired members of the O’Sullivan clan here, all seemed to be enjoying themselves.

  Abaddon and I walked over to the tents and were greeted by Eavan and Oengus.

  Eavan sauntered over to me in a tight green dress that hugged her frame well, it had a deep vee in the front the allowed for the emerald necklace she wore to sparkle in the morning air. Her hair was done in a tight pony tail that fell down to her lower back.

  She smiled at me and performed a curtsy. I didn’t know what to do so I bent over in what I thought was a proper bow. Eavan laughed and after greeting Abaddon we walked off together.

  “You look amazing.” I said as we walked together.

  “Thank ye. Ye clean up well.” She answered.

  She took me around the festival and introduced me to every single member of her family. It was the longest and shortest day of my life. I had a wonderful time arguing with her cousins about football vs. soccer. I competed in dozens of competitions and even won some of them. Eavan stayed with me all day and I ate until I thought I was going to burst.

  As the day began to darken I spotted Oengus at a large table filled with older looking men who were engaged in a boisterous game of arm wrestling. He waved me over and I left Eavan, who was talking to one of her cousins, catching up after not seeing her for a few years.

  “Come, sit down. Carrick here has already beaten all of our men. It’s time to see how Abaddon’s newest student can fare.” Oengus bellowed, his voice rose in conjunction with the amount of ale he had consumed.

  I looked over to Carrick and knew he was going to give me run for my money. He wasn’t as tall as me, but his shoulders were wide and very deep. His sleeves were rolled up and I saw dark Celtic style tattoos all over his forearms which rippled with muscle. He had long red hair pulled into a loose ponytail and the beginnings of a deep beard showed the residue of foam from his pint of ale.

  He took a big pull from it and set it on the table, “Aye, let us see if Eavan has picked herself a bull or a cow!” He said, loudly.

  The men around the table all laughed and I felt myself smiling as well. These guys gave each other crap all day long and loved every minute of it. If they were extending that to me that meant I was considered one of them.

  “I don’t know how beating you at arm wrestling will prove my mettle, but if it will shut you up then I’ll be glad to accommodate you.” I teased back.

  Everyone laughed again and this time they added a few insults here or there at Carrick who took it all in stride.

  I sat down across from him and we reached out and grasped hands. His grip was strong and his forearm was a few inches longer than mine, giving him a slight advantage before we even started.

  Oengus reached out and grabbed our hands, acting as referee.

  “I’ll count down from three then ye go, whoever gets the others hand down first wins, if yer elbow raises off the table ye lose, other than that, there are no rules.”

  “Three, two, one GO!” Oengus said and released our hands.

  Carrick twisted his shoulders and put all his force into the first initial push, hoping to end it quickly. He almost succeeded.

  I barely managed to halt his strength with a few inches to spare. His strength was enormous and it took everything I had just to keep him from pinning my hand.

  We stayed like that for about twenty seconds, everyone around us cheering. Some for Carrick while others, mostly those he already had beaten, for me. With the power of the Beast I slowly started to gain some ground.

  I brought our arms back to the middle starting position as I felt another surge of strength from Carrick. His eyes flashed a deep yellow as he dipped into the power of his Beast. Not to be outdone, I too drew on more strength and we sat in a stalemate, each of us struggling, neither gaining ground.

  I felt the wood under our elbows creek as we began to actually press into the hard surface. I wasn’t sure if Carrick had more to give so I willed more strength from my Beast and started to slowly turn the tide. Cheers erupted anew as I began to push Carrick’s hand down to the table.

  I got him down to a few inches when he locked his arm up and my advance halted. I wasn’t sure how he did it, but it felt like I was fighting against a steel beam, he was not moving. My Beast screamed at me to push harder and I started to. I felt as his arm slowly started to bend and realized I was actually bending his bones. I knew if I continued I could beat him, but only if I snapped his forearm.

  I looked up and saw a large crowd had gathered, most of the O’Sullivan clan was around and they were cheering me on. I spotted Eavan and saw a look of worried interest. She saw the situation and knew what I had to do to win. I looked at Carrick and saw him struggling to keep me from winning; his face had broken out in a sweat and pain showed as h
e felt his bone starting to give.

  I could have beaten him, but knew this wasn’t the way. I wasn’t going to break a man’s arm just to win a silly contest. I smiled slightly to myself and prepared for the reactions when I let up and allowed Carrick to push up and pin my hand on the other side of the table, beating me.

  The crowd erupted and Carrick stood up victorious. He turned with both hands in the air and yelled. I nodded once and got up from the table as the crowd applauded his win.

  I stepped away from the group and Oengus grabbed my arm, pulling me close to him and a group of curious elders.

  “Ye had him boy! Why did ye let him win?” He asked.

  “He locked up his arm, the only way to victory was to break it, and I’m not going to break his bones just to win at arm wrestling.” I said.

  “But we heal quickly; ye would have done little damage.” He argued.

  “True, but it’s the principle of the thing, it matters to me.” I answered.

  Oengus looked at me closely then his face stretched into a huge grin, he looked over at his peers and said loudly, “Aye, it does matter, well done me boy, well done.”

  The rest of them looked at me with open agreement. It was a little thing, for sure, but I thought at that moment I won them over better than any argument I could have made.

  I found Eavan and she had a pleasant smile waiting for me.

  “I guess Carrick is still the undisputed champion?”

  “He didn’t win the most important thing.” I said to her.

  She looked at me with curiosity, I surprised her by grabbing her pulling her close. I kissed her, showing that she was the true prize, not some dumb arm wrestling competition.

  When the sun set Eavan dragged me out to dance and she tried to teach me some traditional Irish moves. I was horrible, but she never complained, hell I think she enjoyed watching me make a fool of myself. All in all, it was one of the best days of my life.

  Eventually, the night began to wind down and some of her family members were completely drunk. The band started playing slower songs and everyone had a toast they had to give, followed by more drinking. I never thought it was going to end when Eavan gently pulled me away from the festivities and we walked together into the woods.

  ‘You have an amazing family.” I told her as we entered a small clearing.

  The moonlight shone through the opening in the trees and highlighted a soft patch of earth covered in deep green grass.

  “Aye, they are a handful. What about ye? Haven’t ye got a family?” She asked.

  I realized I hadn’t told her anything about me really. She knew who my dad was, but that was really all.

  “I have a sister named Susan. She’s a real pain in the ass but she means well. We are twins, but not identical. We were, as you could imagine, real close growing up, but we kind of drifted apart when we became teenagers. I miss her.” I said.

  I hadn’t really thought about her in a while. All the excitement of my life kept me busy, but thinking about her made me realize just how much I missed her.

  “After my dad disappeared my mom really stepped in for him not being there. She’s great; I think she would really like you.” I added.

  As I was talking, Eavan had stopped and turned towards me, we stood facing each other, only a few inches separated us. Without thinking, I drew her to me; the movement seemed as natural as walking.

  “What’s not to like?” She said.

  Her eyes shone with desire as the closeness of the full moon pushed her urges stronger.

  My body responded to hers and she smiled as her soft warm belly pressed against me. I leaned down and kissed her. My head swam with the need to take her, to push her down and take her right here, right now.

  I fought them and pushed away from Eavan.

  “What is it?” She asked, her breathing heavy, her voice husky with sexual energy.

  “I’m afraid of losing control, I don’t want it to be the Beast that is with you, I want it to be me that is in control.” I said, the perfume of her this close was overwhelming.

  She put her hands on my head and drew me back to her.

  “Then make sure it is ye who I am with tonight.” She kissed me again.

  Once again the unbridled aggression of the Beast arose but this time I concentrated on it and forced it back. I pushed it to take a back seat and willed myself to take control. The animal drive was replaced by the more complicated human sexual desire and I drew Eavan in closer,

  I found the small zipper at the back of her dress and slowly pulled it down, running my hands down her bare back as she let out a soft moan. The next few hours we spent in the moonlight together making love, each of us rising and falling over and over again as we found sweet release in each others arms.

  Chapter 32

  Sometime in the night we dozed off. I awoke as the sun’s rays began to lighten the morning sky. I rolled over and found Eavan had gone, a soft impression of where she lay next to me and the lingering perfume of her showed the evidence of her presence.

  A small piece of paper was tucked under a rock next to my clothes. I picked it up and read it.


  I’m sorry I had to leave you but I have duties to attend to this morning. The O’Sullivan clan tends to need some tender love and care after a good night of drinking. I look forward to seeing you tonight. I thought it might be a good idea to go to Vicktor’s party together. Pick me up at eight.


  I relaxed a little. I don’t know why, but I had started to worry that maybe I did something wrong and she left because she didn’t want to face me. I had forgotten about Vicktor’s party and a small stone of dread fell in my stomach as I realized his party would be a lot more dangerous than Eavan’s.

  I got dressed and went back to my room. Abaddon was already up and waiting for me.

  “Sit.” He said as I closed the door.

  I sat across from him.

  He scrutinized me as I waited. He took note of my tousled hair, the grass stains on my skin, the faint scent of Eavan that wafted off me.

  “Tomorrow is the most important day of your life. Tonight is going to be very tedious and perhaps dangerous.” He said.

  “I know.” I said.

  “Do you? Are you sure? I like Eavan, I think she is a wonderful girl and a good fit for you, but right now you need to get your head out of the clouds and focus on what’s important. She cannot become a distraction, do you understand?” Abaddons tone had shifted to the one I remember during all his lessons in pain and punishment.

  I started to say something rash, then stopped myself. I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts.

  “Eavan is wonderful and yes she is a distraction, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. As Ascended we spend our lives dedicated to mastery over our Beast. I think it would be a shame if we overlooked our human natures. I understand your concerns, but caring for another as I do Eavan doesn’t make me weaker, it makes me stronger. It gives me something to fight for, not just against. Fighting for something is much more powerful than just fighting against something.” I answered.

  Abaddon studied me for a few seconds then nodded his head, acquiescing.

  “Alright, let’s talk about the party tonight. I will not be in attendance as your guardian, but as the Pack’s weapons master. This means you will basically be on your own. Knowing Vicktor, he will have me talking to people to keep me away from you, so he can isolate you and then make a move.” He said.

  “You think he’ll try something during the party? Won’t there be a bunch of Pack members there?” I asked.

  “Most will be in support of him and they tend to turn a blind eye when something untoward happens to those that disagree with him. It might be a good idea to have someone you can trust at your side, just in case.”

  I smiled, understanding who he meant.

  “I think I can arrange something.” I said.

  “Good, now I have to go and ready the weapons cache, Vic
ktor wants it presentable so he can show it off and keep me busy. Remember, watch your back.” He stood up and left.

  I went to the bed and laid down, intent on taking a short nap.

  I awoke as the shadows in the room had stretched and shifted, giving the room a dark and empty feel. I checked the clock and saw it said one p.m. I got up and ate lunch, then went over to an open space in the room and started a slow routine that woke me up and helped reinforce the martial arts training Abaddon had taught me.

  Soon it was time to go. I got dressed again and left to meet Eavan. I made it to her room and knocked; she answered and slipped out the door. She was wearing a blue dress that had a slit up both legs allowing for greater movement. She gave me a kiss and held her arm out, I took it and we left, going to Vicktor’s party.

  We went to the Hall and found it full of people standing in groups, drinking champagne, scotch, beer, you name it. The space wasn’t much different from when we first came in; the light from the sconces gave the Hall a dark, cozy feel. Everyone was dressed in formal clothes and most of them huddled around a large table full of appetizers and hor’dourves. Vicktor sat at the throne with Jameson and the sorcerer Hilliard standing behind and on either side of him. His axe rested against the thrones armrest.

  As we entered someone standing by the door announced our arrival and everyone turned to look. I felt like an art exhibit as eighty eyes turned to us, most of them with unveiled contempt. Eavan squeezed my hand, showing she was feeling it too.

  We walked in and stood awkwardly by ourselves. A few minutes later Veronica came over and welcomed us. She was very polite and seemed genuinely glad we were there. She took us around and acted as our guide, introducing us to everyone and helping us disentangle ourselves from a group when the conversation dried up. After a while, Eavan and I settled into an easy routine. Veronica kept us moving and we both began to relax a little as her easy manner and friendly attitude made the whole thing seem less intimidating.

  The vibe here was different from Eavan’s family party. Here everyone was guarded and most of them seemed to hold disdain for everyone else. They seemed to be here mainly to judge each other and to size up their adversaries. The atmosphere began to weigh on me even with Veronica’s enjoyable stewardship.


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