Is This Goodbye?: A Frank Moretti Thriller

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Is This Goodbye?: A Frank Moretti Thriller Page 2

by Frederick Wysocki

  She put her tongue in his ear and felt him harden against her hip.

  She seized the moment and whispered coyly. “Do you really want to marry me, Frank?”

  Here we go again. “Yes.” Frank knew there was only one answer that would keep her against him.

  Naomi snuggled her head back on his chest and neck and purred.

  Nice kitty.

  A slight morning breeze cooled Frank’s face as he looked farther out to sea.

  Frank had recently taken scuba lessons and had gone on a dive a mile or so off shore. He knew that although the water was clear, the seabed was littered with shipwrecks.

  I don’t want to lose what I have with Naomi.

  Frank craned his neck so he could look at Naomi’s face.

  She batted her eyes.

  I’d take her back to bed but I’m exhausted from not sleeping.

  Frank and Naomi had been home for a month since their mission in Russia for Regina Lofthouse and the CIA.

  For the first week, they’d had two houseguests. Naomi had figured Frank would propose once their houseguests departed. That day had come and gone.

  David Catallini, the data manipulation specialist whom they’d plucked out of Russia had left for Chicago. David was starting work with Frank’s friend, Everett Robinson, to whom Frank had resold Catallini’s company.

  For his role in helping Frank and Naomi to find Catallini and whisking him out of Russia, the U.S. Government had granted Boris Pinkhasova political asylum in the United States. Boris had trained with Naomi in Israel and obviously had a thing for her. He’d only spent a week in paradise with Frank and Naomi.

  He was currently in the United States being debriefed by several U.S. Government agencies.

  Frank had listened carefully as Naomi and Boris had discussed starting a bodyguard school. His gut told him that Naomi was only playing along with Boris.

  She’s doing it to press me into proposing marriage.

  Frank understood that female emotions and Mother Nature could surprise him at any time. Without any warning, the wind can pick up and the sea can churn bringing destruction to anything in its path. When that hurricane is unleashed, it’s better to evacuate than to stay in its path.

  Frank decided to test the waters with Naomi. “I looked up marriage oaths on Google.”

  Naomi sat up and put both hands around Frank’s neck. “What’d you find?”

  “There were a lot of religious vows, however I did find an example of a nondenominational one.”

  “What’d it say?”

  “The key part was that I’d take you as my wife, with your faults and your strengths. Likewise, I’d also offer myself to you with my faults and my strengths. I’ll help you when you need help, and turn to you when I need help. Effectively, I’d choose you as the person with whom I’d spend my life.”

  “That sounds lovely. Is that what you’d like us to say to each other?”

  Frank hesitated. He knew Naomi wasn’t going to be happy. “Maybe. There’s just one thing that occurred to me as I looked it over.”

  “And what was that?”

  “Well, you know that I’m a firm believer that in any business, discussions about ideas should be encouraged. However, at the end of the day, the boss has to have the final say. And everyone needs to adhere to the boss’ mandate and pull together.”

  Naomi jerked herself off Frank’s lap and chortled as she tried to hold back a laugh. “That works in business, Frank, but have you ever heard of anyone with a successful marriage operating like that?”

  I knew it. “Why do you say that?”

  Naomi’s tone changed as she put her hand on her hip. “If you don’t want anyone to offer you criticism or suggest things to you when there might be a better way, perhaps you should get yourself a dog instead of getting married.”

  “Come off it, Naomi. I’m serious here.”

  “So am I, Frank. Sometimes I think your soul is devoid of any poetry.”

  He creased his brow. “What in hell does that mean?”

  “Why do you need everything to be so black and white? Why can’t we grow old together trying to enjoy whatever life brings our way?”

  “See, you don’t understand. I have poetry in me. But even poetry can’t exist without rules.”

  “Sometimes I think you’re hopeless, Frank. If we want peace in a marriage, we need to be truthful and faithful with each other. It needs to be a two way street.”

  Neither one cared that the servants might overhear their discussion.

  Naomi continued. “When we get married, we’ll both change. Who do you hope we’ll become?”

  Frank looked at Naomi. Another breeze came off the water. I don’t know if I can change.

  He leveled with her. “I truly love you but I didn’t sell my soul to my uncle then kill him, only to be under anyone’s thumb again. Surely you can understand that, can’t you?”

  “I understand: that’s why I helped you kill him.”

  “See, that’s why I need you to understand that we’ll both be pillars: you know, standing together as one, yet standing alone as well.”

  Naomi was becoming exasperated. She took a calming breath. “I want to marry you because we’ve told each other the ugly truth of who we are and what we’ve done; the people we’ve had to kill and why. After we’re married, I only ask that we keep our communications open. Most couples fight over the smallest misunderstandings. I want us to share our lives.”

  Frank rose from his chair and took her hand in his. He squeezed it. “Let’s get married but remember that when push comes to shove, I gotta have the final say.”

  “If that’s your best romantic proposal, perhaps I should start the bodyguard business with Boris?”

  Here we go. “I love you Naomi but I’m just saying… ”

  Naomi looked into Frank’s eyes. “We all play roles in life, Frank. We act differently when we talk to our parents, children, spouses, neighbors, employees or our boss at work. I need to talk and act differently to you when I’m you’re bodyguard than I do as your lover. Having said that, you have earned the right to be your own boss as you earn your money. I respect that.”

  So far, Frank liked what he was hearing.

  “When it comes to being husband and wife, we both need someone we can trust and depend on. Do you agree with that?”

  “Well, when you put it like that, yes.”

  Naomi looked at Frank with her puppy dog eyes. “When people get married they find that they both have to adjust and change. They are two that learn to operate as one. I wouldn’t worry about things that haven’t happened yet. Worst case, one of us will just have to kill the other one, right?”

  She’s right. I would if I have to. “Let’s get some breakfast.”



  Listening to how an enemy was outthinking and outmaneuvering your own intelligence community was frustrating and scarier than any fiction.

  There’s no way to protect us against all scenarios.

  It made her think that her enemies had an unfair advantage.

  Our politicians and our goals change with every election. Where’s our long term strategic planning?

  Regina had ambition and hoped to rise as far and as fast as she could. That normally meant being at her desk before seven and not leaving for at least twelve hours. She was smart enough to understand that most men wouldn’t put up with that much inattention.

  It’s okay if they put in the hours, but they want their woman making dinner for them.

  Most of the employees she knew had met their spouses within the CIA.

  Being married to her job, a cocktail was Regina Lofthouse’s favorite after-work pick-me-up.

  The upscale bar was her favorite. It was seldom full and wasn’t a favorite of the CIA crowd.

  When she was in the mood, she’d met several men here. Her favorite ploy was to undo the top button on her blouse to attract an admirer. They would pay for her drinks and she would string th
em along. The men who came here weren’t the nosy type. If anyone ever asked where she worked or what she did, she would get up and leave.

  Today the blouse remained buttoned. She needed privacy.

  Having endured another workday of being exposed to too much information that could lead to what if nightmare situations, Regina Lofthouse was anxiously waiting for her niece, Ashley Kelly.

  She was seated at a table in the back staring at her second cocktail. Her emotions were running high since her niece had asked for the meeting. Every meeting with her niece turned into a gut punch of remorse since Regina found she couldn’t reason with her.

  It makes family time that much more miserable. My sister expects me to help Ashley, but I’m not a psychiatrist.

  Maybe I need one myself. This past Christmas, I felt sadder, lonelier and more awkward than in the past.

  She took another sip. On the other hand, I’m making a real impact in the world. What my team and I do at the CIA is often misunderstood, misinterpreted, or unknown to those we protect, but we can wallop and shake the world.

  The promise of the smooth sweetness at the end of each day helped her slog through.

  Back in the nineties, the politicians told us that opening up our economy to Chinese goods would make China more willing to engage peacefully with the rest of the international community. Today, it’s obvious that the opposite has happened. They are laying the groundwork to replace us as the big dog internationally.

  It’s all beyond my pay grade. I need to focus on trying to help Ashley.

  Lofthouse lifted her cocktail with her long slim fingers and brought it to her lips. She knew the first sugary sip would send a message to her brain activating her dopamine reward system. Too bad Ashley can’t solve her problems by drinking.

  Ashley’s mother had told her that Ashley was as depressed as ever. “It’s as if her light’s been turned off and her psychologist doesn’t seem to helping anymore.”

  Regina wasn’t sure what Ashley’s problem was so she had asked a medical friend what the differences were between depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

  His answer had been succinct. “The good news is that they are all treatable. Research is showing that combining medication with psychotherapy is often better than treatment alone.”

  As Regina sat back in the red leather lounge chair, she recalled how Ashley had been a moody adolescent. She remembered getting the phone call from her sister telling her how Ashley had slit her wrist one stressful day after high school. The emergency doctor told her mother it was a cry for help.

  After intense counseling and medication, Ashley had seemed to gain control of her emotions and had attended graduate school where she’d received a Masters in Business Administration.

  While there, she had met and moved in with Frank Moretti. The very same young man I’m now blackmailing into working for me. How crazy is that?

  Regina knew her niece could never have passed the 12-month or more screening process of the CIA. They do deep background checks on every applicant. The CIA needs to know who they were welcoming into their family. Members may be privy to some of the nation’s sensitive and precious secrets and capabilities. Applicants have to endure polygraphs, medical and psych exams. Mental instability is an automatic disqualifier.

  Instead, Ashley Kelly had been brought in under Regina’s recommendation as a part timer. Like Frank, she’s being used only as required.

  Regina spotted Ashley entering the bar and waved at her.


  Ashley walked over with her eyes avoiding Regina’s face.

  Here goes. Regina took another sip of her cocktail.

  Ashley sat in her chair without saying a word.

  Regina broke the ice. “How was the drive over?”

  “Shitty. What should have taken twenty minutes took me forty.”

  If Ashley worked for me, I’d fire her ass. Toxic people like her drain everyone’s motivation and energy. “Are you feeling down today, Ashley?”

  “What makes you ask that?”

  Keep her on track. “May I ask why?”

  Ashley stared into her aunt’s eyes. “I’m still dreaming about Frank. I can’t seem to get him out of my mind.”

  Regina watched as Ashley ran her finger along the scar on her wrist. That was one of the reasons why Regina had gotten Ashley her job. I promised my sister that I’d keep an eye on Ashley.

  “What does your psychologist say?”

  “That I need to put Frank behind me. The asshole doesn’t realize that I’ve been trying to do that for some time. That’s why I asked to see you today.”

  I’ve already told her Frank won’t agree to see her.

  Ashley was fidgeting with her fingers.

  The cocktail waitress stopped at the table.

  Regina Lofthouse waved her away. “Give us ten minutes.”

  The waitress placed a napkin in front of Ashley and turned away.

  Regina spoke slowly. “I don’t see how I can help. I’ve already told you that I’ve asked him to meet with you multiple times now and he simply refuses. Frank has a new girlfriend and they’ve become a team.”

  “I know Frank and I can tell you that Naomi isn’t right for him.”

  I think they’re perfectly paired psychopaths. “How can you say that? You haven’t even met her.”

  “I have my resources. I know Naomi isn’t well educated so she can’t possibly communicate on a level playing field with him. In fact, education, religion, class, race are different. I’m a far better match for Frank on every level. Naomi’s a tomboy playing at being a bodyguard. I think she’s probably a dyke and a gold digger.”

  She must have talked someone into accessing my confidential database.

  “You’re dead wrong about Naomi. She’s a bright and talented young lady that I wish worked for me full time.”

  Regina could see Ashley wasn’t buying into what she was saying. “Sometimes opposites attract. Perhaps you just need to find a new young man that you can learn to like.”

  Ashley’s eyes bore into the table and her voice became strained. “I understand what you’re saying and I’ve tried. But I can’t move past Frank.” Then her tone changed completely. “What I’m thinking is that perhaps if we just bumped into each other, we might talk and then I can move on.”

  Regina wondered if Ashley had a plan in mind. “How do you envision that happening?”

  Ashley grinned. “I would like to be sent to a company of your choosing. One where another financial analyst wouldn’t look out of place.”

  That’s what this is all about. “Go on.”

  “Then all you have to do is to make up some reason why Frank has to visit the company. I’ll take it from there.”

  Regina sat silent for a moment. If I don’t want anyone finding out, it would be safer if it weren’t on American soil. “Well I do know of a laser technology company in Canada that is looking for new funding. I guess I could ask your boss for a favor and let me send you on a special assignment to look into their books for a few days.”

  Ashley’s face blossomed. “Perfect. Then just let Frank know about it, telling him he can make a fast dollar. He likes high tech companies.”

  What am I doing? I could be fired. “No it’s not perfect Ashley. As I’ve repeatedly told you, Frank’s told me he has no interest in ever seeing you again.”

  “If he said that, it’s only because he feels embarrassed and guilty over what he did to me. If he meets with me and he finds out that I’m not holding it against him, he might feel differently.”

  “For heaven’s sake, Ashley. He tried to have you killed. What makes you think he won’t try again?”

  “You aren’t listening. Medication and therapy haven’t erased him from my mind.”

  My sister will kill me. Regina took a deep breath. “I can’t be party to what you want. As a team, Frank and Naomi are very useful to me.”

  “Has he married her yet?”

bsp; “Not that I’ve heard. But, Naomi has clamped onto Frank like a crocodile to its dinner. I doubt a chainsaw could loosen her grip.”

  “Good. Then set it up for me to go to Canada. When you tell Frank he can make a fast buck, the greedy bugger will jump at the chance and I’ll take it from there.”

  “You aren’t listening to what I’m saying and don’t you think it’ll be obvious to him that I helped you set it up?”

  “If we get back together it’ll be a win for everyone. You can come to our wedding.”

  How can a blood relative of mine be so ignorant of reality? How do I get through to her? “Listen to me Ashley. I can’t do it. I need his skill set right now to help the CIA.”

  A cloud darkened Ashley’s mood. “Mom always told me not to appear to be too smart. She said I’d scare away the boys. So don’t lie to me. I can tell when you’re lying, Auntie Reggie.”

  Is there any malady as horrid as obsessive, unrequited love?

  “What does your therapist have to say about your obsession with Frank?”

  “Why do you keep asking me that? Therapy is for losers. I’ve gone but it doesn’t help me. I just need to meet Frank face to face.”

  Regina wanted to slap some sense into her niece. She gritted her teeth and let Ashley talk herself out.

  “There is a voice inside of me that keeps whispering that Frank still loves and wants me. The only problem is the bitch that you keep telling me he’s with is currently blinding him. If I can get to spend some time with him, I know we can be a couple again. If there’s no spark, I need to say goodbye. I just need to confront him to see for myself if we can’t get back together.”

  Regina felt cold inside. How did my bubbly little niece become such a screwed up frightened and lonely person?

  Ashley knew her aunt’s look. “Don’t judge me.”

  “But your mother told me you were getting better when you take all your medications.”

  “She just doesn’t get it. I’m not mentally ill. I just need closure. What if someone you were going to marry turned out to want you dead?”

  Regina couldn’t hold back her brief laugh. “Ha, ha. I would forget him and run like hell. Then I’d find me a better man and settle down with him or find a job like mine that demands all of your time and attention.”


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