Arms of Deliverance

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Arms of Deliverance Page 29

by Tricia N. Goyer

  “I think, Sister, I’ll tell them the story of Hannah today. And of the son she dedicated to God. It’s a story of hope.”

  “Good choice.” Sister Clarence readjusted Rebecca’s hands on her lap, then pushed her wheeled chair to the schoolroom where the children waited.

  “Hope is a good thing, Sister. Hope that one’s child will be safe and loved. It’s all a parent really wants, is it not? My father would be proud, I think, to know where I’ve placed my hope. My body is broken, but my heart is well, Sister.”

  “Well? Yes, it is well. You bore Samuel, then gave him over to a godly couple, that his destiny, and theirs, might be fulfilled. But remember, Rebecca, your Samuel is not the only child of destiny. You are too.”


  Destiny’s Child is the name of a real B-17 Bomber that was shot down by Luftwaffe fighters on July 20, 1944. The crew was on a mission to Leipzig, Germany.

  As described in this novel, Destiny’s Child had an illustration (painted by crew chief Jack Gaffney) portraying the little baby in the hillbilly cartoons, wearing diapers and carrying a shotgun. The name of the bomber was chosen by those tossed into a hat.

  Destiny’s Child was on her 53rd mission when she was shot down. The story of this bomber was told to me by its Ground Crew Chief Jack Gaffney—one of the wonderful veterans who helped me with this novel. Sgt. Gaffney later was awarded the Bronze Star for the excellent maintenance he and his crew had performed on her, keeping her combat-ready and in the air without an abort.

  While the demise of Destiny’s Child has been altered in this novel for fictional purposes, both Jack Gaffney and original tail gunner Jack Paget (who did not make the July 20th flight) encouraged me to use the name as a way to honor this crew, and the numerous others, who were shot down during their time in service. Little did the two men know the aircraft’s name would tie in perfectly with the story God had placed on my heart.

  The crew consisted of the following individuals with their fate indicated.

  KIA—Killed in Action

  POW—Prisoner of War

  Pilot—1st Lt. Charles Van Ansdall (KIA)

  Co-Pilot—Flt Officer Joseph Sammon (POW)

  Navigator—2nd Lt. Richard Loomis (KIA)

  Bombardier—2nd Lt. John Butler (POW)

  Engineer/Gunner—TSGT Charles Sullivan, Jr. (KIA)

  Ball Turret Gunner—SSGT Anson Riley (POW)

  Waist Gunner—SSGT Winton Blevins (POW)

  Tail Gunner—SSGT Vernon Winters (KIA)

  May these men and their courage never be forgotten.


  Psalm 96:3 (NLT) states: “Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.” The following people made it possible to share this story from my heart:

  John, my other half. You make it easy to write stories of love and hope.

  Cory, Leslie, and Nathan. For all the days you made me lunch, encouraged my progress, and bragged on your mom. You’re the best.

  My grandma, Dolores Coulter. Seeing you with your open Bible and bowed head every morning makes me thankful for my godly heritage.

  My mom, Linda Martin. You always said I could do anything I set my mind to. You were right. Thanks, Mom.

  My heart-friend Joanna Weaver. For all those times we escaped away to write, encouraged each other, and prayed. You’re an awesome cheerleader.

  More forever-friends Twyla Klundt, Tara Norick, and Cindy Martinusen who listen to my heart time and time again.

  My prayer friends from One Heart, AWSA, and Blessed Hope. Thanks for the faith-lifts!

  My Coeur d’Alene retreat buddies. Brandilyn, Janet, Sunni, Nikki, Karen, Robin, Tammy, Ruth, Sharon, Gayle, and Bev. Great minds unite!

  My agent, Janet Kobobel Grant. I’m thankful for your wisdom and dedication.

  My editors, Andy McGuire and LB Norton. You make me look brilliant.

  My “unofficial” editors, Ocieanna Fleiss, Jim Thompson, Bev Hudson, and Kathi Mathias. You’re the best!

  Finally, this book wouldn’t be written if not for the wonderful men and women who helped with my research:

  Veterans from the 91st Bomb Group who lived what I wrote:

  Jim Bard, Frank Farr, Don Freer, Jack Gaffney, Ed Gates, Lowell Getz, Joe Harlich, Marion C. Hoffman, John Howland, Asay Johnson, Conrad L. Lohoefer, Philip Mack, George Parrish, Robert M. Slane, and Verne Woods. Also, the late Rodney Demars, B-17 gunner. Thank you for your stories.

  Mike Banta, 91st Ring. Thanks for connecting me with these amazing veterans!

  Historian Roger Marquet from Belgium. Thanks for all the information about the castle and your country.

  Mary Lou Wilson, ETO. Thanks for your input on London during WWII.

  May the men and women who served never be forgotten!

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