A Mate the Dragon Does Not Deserve [A Dragon's Growl 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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A Mate the Dragon Does Not Deserve [A Dragon's Growl 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to think about it. It was getting too dark. The instincts rushing through him were the kinds he wasn’t used to dealing with.

  If fucking this omega would alleviate this strange sensation pulsing trough him, then so be it.

  “Like this?” Jesse asked, and the way he glanced over his shoulder at Andrei was beyond fucking sexy.

  “Yeah,” he said, his voice raspy, breath heavy.

  He couldn’t help but touch him. His fingers reached out, pressing against Jesse’s pucker, stroking, watching as the man shivered.

  Andrei had anal sex before, so he knew what to do. It wasn’t as if he was walking into this blind, but again, he was fascinated with how Jesse reacted to his touch.

  It made him wonder how much he could touch him, how much he could stroke and tease him before he couldn’t contain himself anymore and came.

  That was something he definitely wouldn’t mind seeing.

  Andrei wiggled his fingers slightly against the man’s hole, watching as Jesse moaned, shivered, and thrust his ass back against Andrei’s hand, as though desperate to have his fingers inside.

  Andrei smiled. He liked this. He liked the feeling of control it gave him, and he liked knowing that he was having this sort of effect on the man.

  That he was useful even if in this small way. That someone wanted him. Needed him.

  He reached for his nightstand. His hand fumbled around in the drawer, desperate for something he could use, and he growled when he found nothing at all.

  For fuck’s sakes. Seriously? Andrei knew it had been a while since he’d masturbated, but Christ, he should have had something on hand in there for him to get at.

  “Goddammit, stay here.”


  Andrei ignored the man as he practically jumped out of bed. His room had a connecting bathroom, because of course it did. He lived in a home stolen from the vampires, who had built it on the land they had, in turn, stolen from Seth when he was still a child.

  Only the best for the vampire overlords.

  Andrei hurried to find anything that could be useful to him in the bathroom. A desperation the likes of which he’d never before felt came over him, and he almost didn’t know what to do about it. It was almost too much for him to handle. His hands trembled as he searched for anything he could use to lube Jesse with.

  “Hurry, Andrei,” Jesse called.

  Gritting his teeth, Andrei reached into his shower and grabbed his body wash.

  He ran back out to meet Jesse, who was sitting on the bed, wide-eyed and looking a little paranoid that Andrei had tried to leave him for real.

  The relief when Andrei appeared was more than obvious. “You’re back.”

  “Yeah, and I didn’t tell you to turn around,” Andrei said, climbing back onto the bed.

  Jesse wouldn’t stop smiling as he returned to his hands and knees. “Right, right.”

  Maybe he really had wanted this for more than just a curiosity. Andrei couldn’t figure out why, especially since he’d already made it clear that he wouldn’t be giving Jesse anything emotional.

  But he wasn’t going to stop and ask if Jesse was sure. As far as he was concerned, that ship had sailed.

  He opened the cap of the body wash with a flick of his thumb. The scent of Irish Spring hit him, and he may have poured a little more than he needed into his palm, but that was all right.

  “Hurry, please hurry,” Jesse said, looking over his shoulder.

  It was almost as if he was in pain the longer they both drew this out.

  Andrei couldn’t figure out why that would be.

  He slathered the body wash around Jesse’s hole, making it slick before pushing his fingers inside. Jesse threw his head back, a deep sigh escaping him, his lips pulling back in a smile as he was given what he wanted.

  And he was tight. Holy God, was he ever tight. Andrei’s heartbeat picked up speed as he thrust his fingers as deep as they could go. The grip of Jesse’s asshole around the digits made his body warm up all over.

  And he was supposed to be an ice dragon.

  Andrei hooked his fingers, searching for the sweet spot he knew was in there.

  When Jesse moaned, he knew he’d found it, and he stroked and teased it without mercy.

  “That’s it, come on,” Andrei purred. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to like it, aren’t you?”

  “Y-yeah,” Jesse moaned, his head collapsing between his collar bones, as though he couldn’t bear to hold it up anymore.

  “My dick is going to feel so good in your ass, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Jesse said again, panting for breath.

  He wasn’t the only one. Andrei couldn’t seem to catch his breath. He leaned over Jesse’s back, sliding his teeth down the flesh between Jesse’s shoulder blades, tasting salt and skin and loving the flavor he was being given.

  Jesse shivered and moaned. He thrust his ass back against Andrei’s fingers, humping against them, as if he was trying to get off with Andrei’s fingers alone.

  And that was totally unacceptable. There was no way in hell Andrei was going to let him get away with that.

  He growled, pulling his fingers back, and, in a twisted sense, enjoying the disappointed moan Jesse let out, and the half-lidded glare he threw over his shoulder was positively gorgeous.

  The sexiest damned thing Andrei had seen in a dog’s age.

  Which he supposed was a proper analogy, considering Jesse was an omega wolf.

  “Missing something?” Andrei asked.

  “Stop teasing me!” Jesse snapped.

  “Be patient,” Andrei shot back, stroking some of the body wash onto the length of his cock. He had to be careful to give it only a single stroke, just enough to spread out the body wash. Otherwise, he might have made himself orgasm.

  Andrei found himself puffing for breath, hardly able to hold back the orgasm that really did want to burst out of him as he pressed the head of his cock against Jesse’s stretched hole.

  After this, he was going to have to find someone to spend the night with. Maybe a couple of nights. And maybe a couple of someones.

  If he wanted to get…whatever this was out of his system, then a three-way might just be the thing he needed to deplete his reserve of lust and energy because there was no way in hell he was doing this with Jesse again.

  It might give the omega some ideas about what this was.

  But Andrei stopped thinking about that when he pushed his cockhead forward, Jesse’s body resisting him only somewhat before finally opening for him, and Andrei’s cock popped inside, and then it was just a delicious, slow forward slide.

  He sighed, the heat of Jesse’s body engulfing him, taking him all the way and gripping tight, as if Jesse never planned on letting him go, even like this.

  And it was wonderful. Andrei clenched his teeth to the point where he worried they would crack on him, but even that was all right. He didn’t care about the pain he was putting himself through. The only thing that mattered was the sweet, hot forward slide, the pleasure, and the moans Jesse let out as Andrei found himself suddenly balls deep within the man.

  Andrei exhaled a hard breath he hadn’t even been aware he’d been holding. His strength nearly gave out on him. Andrei barely managed to stop himself from collapsing entirely on Jesse’s back.

  Which was difficult to do when he came hard inside Jesse’s body. It would have been hard for any man to keep himself up right.

  He managed it, and even when he finished spilling everything he had inside Jesse, there was still more to give because his cock was still hard and throbbing as though he hadn’t orgasmed at all.

  And Jesse moaned and bucked beneath him, thrusting back against Andrei’s prick. He clearly hadn’t come to his own pleasure yet, meaning there was still work Andrei had to do.

  “D-don’t stop,” Jesse begged.

  Andrei got a firm grip of the man’s slim hips. “I won’t,” he growled and then thrust forward ha
rd and fast.

  Chapter Four

  It was good. God, it was so good. It hurt, a lot, but it was still good.

  Jesse didn’t have words for it. The way Andrei filled him up, his cock touching and stretching every part inside him that could be reached, just made the heat intensify that much more. He moaned helplessly as he felt the back-and-forth rhythmic motion inside him as well as outside as his body was rocked again and again.

  Andrei grunted. His claws dug into Jesse’s hips, but Jesse didn’t mind. If anything, he wanted more of it.

  More pain, more pleasure, more of Andrei. Why had he ever been scared of this man? Made no sense because this was too good. This was the sort of thing he wanted. This was the sort of thing he’d always dreamed of having but could never put a name to.

  This was what really made him free. Being here, with Andrei, in his bed, the alpha inside him taking his pleasure again and again…there was nothing in the world better than this.

  Andrei didn’t say anything. Jesse didn’t know if that was normal or not, but he wasn’t much in the mood to talk either. It seemed kind of wrong when he wanted to get lost to the sensation. He moaned. He couldn’t hold back those noises, but since Andrei said nothing, Jesse didn’t either.

  He just wanted to take his cues from Andrei, do whatever the alpha wanted him to do, because he was the one who really seemed to know what he was doing when it came to the pleasure he was able to give to Jesse.

  And he couldn’t hold on. Jesse liked orgasming. He gave them to himself all the time whenever he had a moment alone. They were some of the only ways he could let himself forget about the horrible situation he and his friends had been in with the vampires, but now, for the first time, he found himself not wanting to have an orgasm. Instead, he wanted to draw out his pleasure, to make this last, to hear the growling moans that Andrei snarled and groaned into his ear with each hard thrust of his hips.

  He didn’t want to come just yet. He didn’t want to come a single minute before he would be ready for it.

  Andrei must have noted the way Jesse held back because he finally spoke, snarling the words into Jesse’s ear as the force of his hips picked up.

  “Come for me. Do it now,” he said, his hips punching forward until their flesh slapped hard together.

  The noise, and the vibration that rippled through his body with each hard thrust, made it impossible to not give in and give Andrei exactly what he wanted, though God knew Jesse still tried to hold back.

  His claws came out, and though they were fairly small and nowhere near as strong as Andrei’s claws, Jesse still managed to rip small holes into the bedsheets beneath his body as the tension, the building pleasure beneath his belly, finally had nowhere else to go but out.

  He yelled out loud, his body trembling with the shockwave of pleasure and not stopping even as he felt the warmth of his cum spilling from him and onto the bedsheets.

  A piece of Jesse, the piece of him still a slave to the vampires, was scared of any repercussions he would get for soiling the sheets.

  Andrei didn’t seem to care. He proved that as he kissed and sucked on the back of Jesse’s neck, his warm moans rippling through Jesse’s body as the taller, stronger man continued to pump his hips, his cock still pushing in and out before the man picked up the pace.

  Jesse moaned. He was finished with his orgasm, but now it was the pleasure that came after, his body sensitive to it in ways he hadn’t been before. It was uncomfortable at a certain point, but Jesse still wanted it. He still wanted to be made love to, to feel as if Andrei might, even in some small way, care about him.

  Andrei’s lips, the way he kept kissing Jesse’s throat, prompted Jesse to turn his head, just enough so that he could look Andrei in the eyes.

  And look at his mouth.

  Andrei took note of where Jesse’s gaze had fallen, and the alpha groaned, in that next moment their mouths connecting.

  This time it was Jesse who moaned, a heavy shiver rushing through his body as he felt the touch of Andrei’s tongue between his lips.

  He came again. Jesse moaned. He tried to hold it back, but it was impossible, and there was nothing he could do as another rush of warmth shot from him.

  He hadn’t even realized his cock was hard again, but it must have been because he definitely felt the spill of a second orgasm.

  Oh God, he was going to melt away. Andrei wasn’t even done, and yet Jesse felt as if he had nothing left to give.

  Nothing left to give and, at the same time, more than eager to scrape together whatever bits and pieces of himself he could collect and hand them over to Andrei without thought.

  More. More. More.

  “Fuck me. K-keep fucking me,” Jesse begged. He didn’t care if he wasn’t supposed to be talking. He just needed Andrei to know he wanted this. To know he wasn’t done needing this.

  Andrei growled, and then the best thing in the entire world happened. Jesse felt the rush of warmth inside his body, and as Andrei growled and stiffened, Jesse knew it was because the alpha dragon had come to his pleasure inside him.

  Andrei was coming inside him, and something inside Jesse’s head clicked, some deep instinct he hadn’t noticed was there but had been present with him from the moment he’d first laid eyes on Andrei when he’d come and helped to liberate the house and inhabitants from vampire rule.

  He had no idea what the name for this instinct was, but it was there, and it was something he could never in a million years forget about either. He just knew it meant he would be connected to Andrei for the rest of his life. That should have scared the hell out of him, but it didn’t. It made him feel good, wanted, and God, he was happy to feel wanted by anyone, but to be wanted by Andrei made him the most overjoyed person on the planet.

  Jesse could not hold himself up. His arms trembled as he gasped for breath. He hadn’t noticed he’d been losing strength, but now that it was no longer with him, he collapsed onto his face.

  He didn’t even care about the wet, cold patch of ripped blankets beneath him. His body just needed to rest. Then everything would be all right.

  Jesse felt the hard tremble of Andrei above him, heard the heavy panting of breath and felt the heat of each exhale against the back of his neck.

  Jesse had fallen into a pillow of pleasure easily enough, but now that he was finished, that his orgasm had come and gone, a sudden fear made every muscle in his body tense up.

  This was it. Andrei was about to kick him out of this bed, tell him to get out and go back to his room with Taylor and to never bother him again now that he’d gotten what he wanted.

  Jesse didn’t want that. He wanted to stay here. He wanted to stay with Andrei and never leave his side.

  Except Andrei had made it clear that he wasn’t ever going to love Jesse. He wasn’t ever going to even like him.

  Jesse’s heart hurt so much, even though it didn’t have the right to hurt. He’d been warned beforehand, and he’d begged for this. He had no right to feel heartbroken when he’d stepped into this situation on his own.

  And yet he still wanted to stay. Like an idiot, he’d managed to make himself forget about the situation for just long enough to dull his selfish impulses.

  Now he was left waiting for the moment when Andrei would shatter his hopes.

  Andrei growled, and Jesse tensed. Here it came. He waited for it.

  Andrei collapsed next to him on the bed. Jesse tensed, looking at the other man and wondering if that really just happened.

  Andrei let out a soft snore. His eyes were closed. Jesse leaned in a little closer, just to make sure and…

  He was sleeping. Holy God, he was actually…

  Maybe he was tired. That could explain it. It was closing in on the end of the day, though Jesse knew the dragon warriors frequently stayed up all night so they could protect the house, patrol the property, and make sure no vampires or their men got too close.

  Andrei had seemed to be overworking himself lately, and after what he and Jesse ha
d just done, well, it seemed to have sapped him of his strength.

  Jesse relaxed in bed next to the man. He sighed, letting his body relax somewhat now that he knew he wasn’t in any immediate danger of being thrown out.

  He watched Andrei sleep. Somehow, he managed to look even meaner when he slept. His features didn’t relax at all, and it made Jesse even sadder for him.

  The polite thing to do would be to see himself out, knowing Andrei didn’t want him here.

  At the same time, Jesse couldn’t help but snuggle up closer to Andrei’s chest. He felt the man’s heat, and it warmed him in more ways than just the physical.

  There was something else about it that made Jesse close his eyes and sigh.

  It was again something he couldn’t put his finger on, and he wished he were smarter so he would know what it was, so he would have a proper way of describing it.

  But he wasn’t smart. He wasn’t educated, and he was just a slave trying to pretend to be a normal person.

  He hoped that excuse would be enough to let Andrei forgive him when he woke up and found Jesse in his arms because Jesse couldn’t bring himself to pull away.

  These were the arms where Jesse felt the most safe and free. For now, it was impossible for him to leave them.

  Chapter Five

  Taylor yawned and stretched under the covers of his bed. His big bed, the kind of bed he would be lashed for sleeping in if his former masters ever came back and found out he’d been sleeping in it.

  But they weren’t here, so he could enjoy it to himself.

  At least for tonight. Usually, he and Jesse shared this room and the bed. It was big enough for the two of them to have their space, and they rarely ended up touching each other during the night by accident.

  Taylor didn’t mind sharing the room. Seth had apologized to him and the other slaves for it, but no one seemed to mind having to share their space.

  Especially considering the accommodations the vampires had been giving them before Seth came and took over.


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