Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series)

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Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series) Page 6

by Kay, Amanda

  “I love you, Bethany Donald,” he whispered against the skin of her neck. Bethany tensed. She didn’t respond. Jordan’s breathing evened out. Her eyes filled with tears. She loved him too, she just wasn’t ready. She was still broken, she was still…she really didn’t know. Damn, Raiden! Why hadn’t Raiden proposed to Tai yet? It made her nervous. And then of course there was Kai Lukas.

  “Kai!” She called once they were dismissed. He turned towards her and just shook his head before walking away.

  “I can’t believe he didn’t choose dark night,” Raiden spoke coming up behind her as Kai walked away. Bethany shrugged at his words.

  “I need to go,” she said hastily. She didn’t feel right and she feared…well, she feared what would now be the worst.

  Raiden grabbed her hand and spun her around. They hadn’t talked since that night. Bethany hadn’t been able to face him after she slept with Kai. “Are you okay, Bethany?”

  She just nodded. “I’m sorry about three weeks ago, Beth.”

  “I know,” she said twisting away from him. She couldn’t do this, not now at least.

  Was Jordan really her answer? Could he really be the one to cure her broken heart? She’d never know if she didn’t try, but she didn’t know how.


  His phone was ringing and he knew who it would most likely be. He sighed at his sleeping beauty next to him before leaving her to answer the call.

  “Morning, Meredith.”

  “What the hell, Jordan?” she screamed at him.

  Damn, it was way too early for this. “What are you talking about?”

  “She’s staying, you’re staying. And if that isn’t bad enough, you’re just going to let another man have her.” Jordan groaned in frustration.

  “You spoke with Tai, that’s good,” he replied.

  “Jordan, don’t change the subject! Why aren’t you fighting for her?” Meredith hissed.

  “Because I don’t love her!” Jordan yelled back. It wasn’t completely true he did love Tai. Just not in the way Meredith thought or wanted.

  “Oh Jordan, baby, how can you say that? Think of what we could have if you and Tai married.” Jordan shook his head at her words to process them. Was she really suggesting they could continue their affair if he married Tai? He had nothing for her, so he just hung up and tossed his phone onto the coffee table.

  She called back, but he didn’t answer. It took five times before she got the hint that he was done.

  He leaned his head back against the couch and closed his eyes. It wasn’t long before he felt the presence of the one he loved. He opened his eyes to find her leaning over the back of the couch staring down at him. “Bad morning?” she asked.

  He chuckled, “You could say that. Beautiful, we’re both off today, could we maybe go somewhere and just hang out?”

  She nodded and kissed his forehead. He loved her. He told her last night, although he wasn’t sure if she heard him. He was going to address it though. “Beautiful, last night…” She placed her finger over his mouth silencing him.

  “I heard, I can’t yet, but I like knowing how you feel. I have demons, too. I just hope I get the chance to explain them before you leave.” He shifted on the couch so he was sitting up and looking deep into her eyes.

  “Why would I leave? I. Love. You.” She shrugged.

  “You might,” she sighed before heading into her room. Jordan wasn’t sure what she was holding back, but it couldn’t be any worse than sleeping with your fiancée’s mother.


  Their day out was nice. It was peaceful. Bethany was enjoying herself. She really liked Jordan’s company. They were sitting on a blanket, his hand was resting casually on top of hers. She was still thinking about his ‘I love you.’ Truth was, she loved him, too. She just couldn’t admit that to anyone but herself for now.

  “You’re really quiet, beautiful,” he said, straightening up from his half laying position.

  “Sorry, was thinking about a lot of things. Tai’s worried,” she replied. Bethany and Jordan had talked about the affair, but not the other part of the conversation. The part where Tai asked her if Raiden had changed his mind.

  “What about exactly?” he asked and she sighed. She didn’t want to tell him Tai was worried. She wanted to move forward with him, but with Raiden stalling she just couldn’t.

  “Tai’s worried that Raiden has changed his mind,” she finally got out.

  “She’s only worried because of what happened to us. This is my fault. Her insecurities are my fucking fault.” He jumped up and took a swing at the nearest tree. Bethany was taken back.

  “No, it’s Raiden’s, for stalling,” she retorted.

  “Yes, but she wouldn’t have reason to have that kind of doubt, if I hadn’t done what I did.” He knelt in front of her and cupped her cheeks placing a light kiss against her lips.

  She sighed, she couldn’t argue with him, because in all likelihood Jordan was right. His light kiss reminded her of what she wanted so badly, but couldn’t have, not yet at least.

  “Maybe an intervention is in order,” she thought out loud.

  “Hmmm…that’s an idea,” he responded, taking a seat next to her again and lounging back. Damn, he was sexy in all the right ways. He smiled at her and her heart skipped a beat.

  “I’ll talk to Raiden and you talk to Tai,” she continued trying to pull her stare from his body.

  “That might seem odd to them,” he answered, taking another strawberry from the basket they had packed. She watched him carefully wishing this was a date. Wishing that at the end of the day they would be curled up in her bed with no clothes on. “Shit,” she muttered.

  “What is it, beautiful?” The concern look now etched on his face made her cringe. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

  “Nothing. I agree about it being strange, but I’ve known Raiden my whole life and even though you and Tai didn’t work out, there is a connection that only you two have.” He didn’t argue with her. Nor did he question about her changing the subject back to Raiden and Tai. She liked that he never pushed her.

  He was getting bolder in his moves. Saying ‘I love you.’ The light kiss on her lips, it was all nice, and it was Jordan’s way of saying ‘I care. I’m not leaving. It’ll work out.’ It was also his way of moving things forward while allowing her to have her space and somewhat guard her heart, she was failing miserably though at that.


  The day had arrived. He would be confronting Tai about her fears. He would ask for a huge favor, one he most certainly didn’t deserve. Bethany was working today so Raiden would be meeting her at the diner leaving Jordan to travel to Raiden’s house to meet with Tai.

  He climbed into the car and started it up. The drive wasn’t long, but it was torture.

  “Hey, Tai.” Jordan said as he walked out to the back porch where he knew she was waiting.

  “Hi, Jordan, what’s going on?” she questioned him right away as he took a seat at the patio table. As expected, both Raiden and Tai were confused about Jordan wanting to meet with Tai and Bethany wanting to meet with Raiden.

  “Tai, I need you to do something for me.” He felt like an ass asking her for a favor after everything he had put her through.

  “What do you need?” She was confused, he could hear it in her tone.

  “Propose to Raiden.” He spit out. It was lame. He knew that, but he loved Bethany and they were stuck at a standstill till Raiden and Tai took another step towards marriage.

  “Excuse me? Why?” She was just staring at him.

  This was going to sound selfish and it was. “Because he’s stalling and I’m falling hard for Bethany. But she’s scared to put her heart out there in case she has to fulfill her obligations. I know she’s falling for me, please, Tai.” He was begging he knew that, but he needed her to understand.

  “I can’t do that, Jordan. I need him to do it. I need to know he’s sure. I’m sorry, Jordan.” He sighed at her wo
rds, because he understood where this was coming from. He didn’t know what more to really say, but he tried one last attempt to get her to see she didn’t have to fear things.

  “Tai, talk with him, anything. Something is holding him back find out what it is. Aren’t you curious?” he pressed her for an answer.

  “Of course I am, Jordan.” Well that was good. “But I don’t want him to feel like I’m forcing him to do something he isn’t sure of.” He cocked his head to the side and his brow furrowed. Suddenly he wondered if Tai knew more about what had happened than she had been told by him. Did Meredith tell her about his meeting with her dad? Or tell her about the ring? Jordan was really worried that she might have. He couldn’t give up though.

  “Tai, just talk with him for your sanity. Something is up; maybe he’s nervous. It couldn’t hurt to talk to him. He loves you way beyond I ever thought one person was capable of love. But with Bethany, I’m beginning to understand. Come on, Tai, don’t wait because you have your own fears, you know damn well Raiden wants forever with you.” She just shook her head. Jordan knew that was it. Hopefully Bethany had better luck with Raiden.

  “Good luck, beautiful.” he whispered as he left.


  She hoped this intervention would work. Although she thought that maybe Jordan would have it easier with Tai. Raiden walked in, but he was a little early.

  “Be with you in a minute, Raiden. I get my break here soon.” He nodded her direction and walked towards his usual booth.

  She got her break and grabbed Raiden a soda before joining him at the table. “Thank you for coming, Raiden.”

  He nodded, “It’s no problem, but I feel like Tai should be here and I should be meeting with Jordan.” That was expected. “What’s going on, Bethany?” Raiden continued.

  “What the hell are you waiting for?” she snapped, and gaining his complete attention.

  “I don’t want a lecture, Bethany.” She shook her head at him. He didn’t get it.

  “Raiden, the longer you wait the more doubt she has.” Raiden’s eyes fell away from her telling her he hadn’t thought about that.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t found the right moment. I was thinking about doing it next week when her dad was in town.” Her dad was coming in? Bethany was shocked. Tai hadn’t mentioned that. “I was going to surprise her she doesn’t know he’s coming,” Raiden continued, well now that made sense. It didn’t change the facts. Tai was worried.

  “Raiden, I’ve talked to Tai. She’s nervous and dude, I know you are too, but the longer you wait the more you risk destroying more than your own chance at happiness,” she stressed.

  “I want Tai happy. I don’t want to mess that up.” He sighed and Bethany grew frustrated. Was he that blind to what was happening between her and Jordan?

  “I wasn’t only talking about Tai.” He stared at her. He was blind. She was going to have to spell it out. “Raiden, you have blinders on. Jordan and I…we’re…well…we’re getting close, but I’m not putting it all out there because if I do, and something happens and we have to go through with the arrangement, it will break me.” She could see the emotion flash in his eyes. He didn’t want to hurt her either.

  “I’m sorry, Bethany. I didn’t think of that. I just want to make sure she’s not going to say no.” His admittance that he was still scared of this sent Bethany spiraling.

  “Dude, wake up she’s not going anywhere. Raiden you did it, you got her over her fear she’s ready to say yes. Your stalling though is making her question every fucking detail.” At her words this time, he covered his face with his hands and brought his elbows to the table.

  “Are you sure, Bethany, because I couldn’t take it if she said no?”

  She winked at him, “I’m sure, playboy.” She laughed as she stood up. “I got to get back to work, but remember, Raiden, it’s about more than you, and even more than you and Tai. Jordan and I are involved as well.” She left him with that final thought, but she wasn’t sure if it was going to sink in.

  “Hope you had better luck, Jordan,” she whispered as she began work again.


  “So…?” he questioned from the kitchen the minute she opened the door.

  “Smells good, like always.” she chuckled.

  “Thank you,” he replied, turning to face her he stared and waited.

  “He’s waiting till her dad arrives next week. She doesn’t know he’s coming.” Jordan spun quickly back towards the stove. ‘Fuck Dale was coming to town. He was dead.’

  “You okay, Superman?” she questioned as her arms wrapped around his stomach.

  “Dale is going to kill me,” Jordan replied through gritted teeth.

  “I’m sure it will be fine. How did things go with Tai?” she asked her head resting on his back.

  “She’s worried, and she’s curious, but she doesn’t want to confront him because she doesn’t want to pressure him if he isn’t sure.

  “It’ll work out. It has to,” Bethany whispered.

  “Hey, beautiful, your mom needs help at the clinic tomorrow. She called the apartment phone.”

  “Got it,” she replied dropping her hold on him. She missed her touch. This had to work.


  It was early when Bethany left for the clinic. Jordan would’ve come help, but she decided to let him enjoy his day off.

  “Hey, mom!” Bethany called.

  “Damn, I thought I would get both you and Jordan.” Her mom said coming out of her office.

  “Do you need both of us? I figured I would let him sleep. He’s had a lot of doubles lately.”

  “It would be nice. The clinic is going to be packed today.” Bethany nodded. Walking outside she pulled out her phone. Jordan was now number one on her speed dial. Raiden had moved to two and Kai three, just in case he ever regained his senses.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He yawned.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.” She felt bad.

  “No problem. Where are you?” He asked, sounding a little more awake.

  “Mom’s clinic,” she replied.

  “Oh shit! I overslept, beautiful. I’m sorry.” She laughed.

  “I let you sleep, but mom said she could use both of us today.”

  “I’m on my way. Can you text me the address. I’m pretty sure I know where it is at just want to make sure.” He panted. ‘What the hell was he doing? Rushing?’

  “Sure, Jordan. No rush, okay,” she stated.

  She hung up and smiled as she texted over the address to the clinic. She could tell he pretty much jumped out of bed and was racing around. He had told her he would go with her last night, but he looked so peaceful this morning when she crawled out of his bed she just couldn’t wake him.


  He rushed to get ready and flew out of the apartment. Once on the road though everything changed. He had gotten behind a car that was speeding and he debated calling the police. That was until Tai popped the trunk.

  He dialed Raiden, “Hello,” Raiden clipped.

  “Ummm…” How did he explain what was happening in front of him? “I’m behind a car, Raiden, and ummm…Tai just opened the trunk. I think she might…Oh shit, she just jumped.” Jordan spit out halting his car instantly.

  “Jordan, is she hurt?” Raiden asked in a panic.

  “I can’t tell yet, man, but she did pull herself to the sidewalk.” He heard Raiden suck in a breath. He had to get to Tai, for Raiden.

  “Take care of her, Jordan. I’m on my way.” Jordan would do exactly that. He explained to Raiden where they were and then hung up the phone to check on Tai.

  “Holy shit, Tai! What the hell was that?” He didn’t mean to snap at her, but that…what he just witnessed scare the shit out of him. He cared for her even if they weren’t together anymore he would always care for her.

  She looked relieved to see him. “Jordan…Kai…need…I need…” She paused and Jordan could see her wince in pain.

  “You need a doc
tor. I called Raiden the moment I saw you poke your head from the trunk.” She gave him a nod. “Let me at least get you off the sidewalk.” He said as he bent down to pick her up. He was going to take her to his car till Raiden arrived.

  “Easy, Jordan,” she whispered, but the pain in her voice clear. Raiden was going to lose it.

  “Damn it, Tai. Raiden is going to flip his shit. What the hell happened?” he asked walking towards his car.

  “I got up before Raiden, which is rare, by the way, so I thought I’d make him and Lee breakfast and someone knocked on the door. I answered it.” Jordan was listening carefully. He might have to relay this to Raiden when he arrived. “It was Kai and before I knew it I was in the trunk. Lucky for me Kai fails at kidnapping and didn’t tie my hands.” Lucky? She felt lucky? “Once I got the trunk open there was only one option.” He did agree with that.

  He set her down in the backseat of the car and waited for Raiden to arrive.

  “Jordan, I need to go home,” she whispered. He told her he had called Raiden already, but maybe she didn’t hear him.

  “Yes, Tai, Raiden’s coming to take you home.” He replied. She shook her head at him though. Jordan didn’t know what was going on.

  “No Jordan, I need to go home. I can’t do this.” She stressed still barely above a whisper, but it was all Jordan needed to understand.

  “Tai no, this is fear talking. You don’t want to live without him.” He knew what Tai wanted.

  “Jordan, we have to go home, we have to let Raiden and Bethany get married. It’s the only option I see.” She was pleading with him. He deserved this. He didn’t deserve to be happy, but fucking hell she was not doing this. He wasn’t leaving.

  “Damn it, Tai, no! I asked you not to do this to me.” He wasn’t backing down on this. Bethany was his, damn it!

  “I’m sorry, Jordan, but we have to.” She begged him. No! No he wasn’t going anywhere.

  “No. Fuck ,Tai, I’m not leaving you want to go? Fine, go!” She sighed at his words and he knew he wasn’t being fair to her in this moment, but what she was asking was impossible. He couldn’t leave Bethany, ever.


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