Abraxis Complex 3: Abraxis Code

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Abraxis Complex 3: Abraxis Code Page 1

by Ben Winston

  Abraxis Code

  By Ben Winston

  Copyright © 2015 Ben Winston

  Published by Blue Space Publications, LLC.


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed by a newspaper, magazine, or journal.

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  A note from the Author

  This story contains fiction people as well as fictional places. Any resemblance to actual people of places is purely coincidental. It is not my intent to imply that any nation's intelligence service is bad or evil. This work is not a political commentary. I simply needed the fictional versions of those agencies to be bad for the story to work the way I needed it too. In other words, this is a work of fiction, written for the enjoyment of an audience. It is not intended to be taken as truthful in any way.

  -Ben Winston

  Abraxis Complex

  Origin of Prometheus

  Sword of Damocles

  Abraxis Code


  To my wife, Lori, without whom I would have surely never finished this book

  To my brother Michael, without whom this work would never have been published

  And to my mother, may she rest in peace, who taught me it’s alright to dream.




  A note from the Author


  Abraxis Code

  About the Author

  Abraxis Code

  In transit to

  Prometheus Base

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  Working with Carl, Jarad, Sharon, and Abraxis, Greg was able to put together a plan to gain the support of at least the American Government. Greg would have preferred to have global support, but Carl and Jarad managed to convince him that if he didn't bring in the American government first, they would be less inclined to agree to the plan.

  The shields, weapons, and helicopter landing area had been completed. Jarad had set up the meeting with his old bosses and was currently bringing them to the base in a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.

  As they took off, the three officials began grilling Jarad for information.

  "Jarad, it’s not often a field agent can get all of us out of our offices to personally inspect a facility. What makes this time so damn special?" John Stapleton asked.

  Jarad smiled. "Like I said earlier; if I simply told you, you'd think I was off my rocker. John, I've never steered you wrong; trust me here, this is big, and you'll want to know about it."

  "Your reputation is the only reason I'm even here, Agent Danielson. This better be good; I had to delay my budget appropriations meeting for this. You should know better than any of us that we need that budget!" Director Whiteshield said.

  "To be completely honest, Sir, the only reason these two are here is so I could get you to come," Jarad said indicating his two immediate supervisors. "This whole trip is actually for you to see what we're doing out here, because we're going to need you to understand exactly what's happening."

  "Is this related to the Mederos Incident?" Director Whiteshield asked.

  Jarad nodded. "Very much so, Sir. In fact, as a part of your briefing when we arrive, we'll explain that incident, as well as a few others that have not been directly linked together before this."

  "So you've figured out why three UFOs attacked and destroyed a small high school, then tracked down some of the female students and murdered them and their families?" Colonel Susan Florence asked.

  Jarad nodded, "As well as how DEFnet was hacked by someone you couldn't locate. I can promise you that by the end of that briefing, you won't believe a word of it. However, by the end of your visit here, you will be absolutely convinced."

  "So, you did prove it was aliens after all?" John asked.

  Jarad grinned. "You just can't wait for the briefing, can you?"

  "Patience has never been my strong suit," the man replied.

  "Okay Agent, let's say I'll be convinced of whatever it is you've dragged me out here to see. Will I like it, or are you going to ruin my day?" Director Whiteshield asked.

  "I am most definitely going to ruin your entire year, Sir. For what it’s worth, you have my apologies for that," Jarad said. "But the upside of the whole thing is we have a pretty good handle on everything, we just need support."

  Director Whiteshield narrowed his eyes at Jarad. "What kind of support?"

  "The kind that the President will have to approve, Sir. I’m not talking about monetary support; don’t get me wrong - the money is nice, but if we won't actually need it if we don't have to hide anything. So in that manner, this will be a help to you as well," Jared explained.

  "Then what kind of support will you need?" The Director asked.

  Jarad smiled, "That's all part of the briefing, Sir. I can pretty much promise you'll be entertained if nothing else."

  "Well, as long as I'm entertained…" the Director said, shaking his head. “You’re going to have a hard enough time convincing me of the little green men aspect of this. I still haven't seen any proof that the Mederos Incident was anything other than an experimental aircraft staging an attack as a weapons test."

  "With respect, Sir, the Mederos Incident was carried out by a Drellian Ranger team hunting for my daughter. The reason they were hunting for her is that she carries the kill code for an ancient alien sentient AI in her DNA. Currently, that AI believes she is dead, which is why they have left us alone since my family was killed off. We do have proof to support all of this. We can also prove to you that they will be coming back. When they do, they will not be here to play nice. They will turn this planet into a smoking cinder," Jared said. "…and that, Mister Director, is the god's own truth."

  "Alright, I'll try to keep an open mind, Agent Danielson," the man replied. "John tells me you are one of the best field operatives we have, and that counts for a lot, but I’ll have to see how all of this sounds."

  Jared chuckled. "Mister Director, why do you think it’s taken us this long to bring it to you? Both Sharon and I know exactly how all of this sounds. The fact that our children are involved is another issue not conductive to our credibility. But, we are banking on the fact that both John and Susan know us and how we operate to help moderate this. This whole…… ah, project, is going to peg your bullshit meter until you see our proof."

  "It'll have to be convincing, especially if you want me to present this to the President for you," Director Whiteshield said. "If you can prove this to my satisfaction, you'll be saving some lives too; we've stepped up operations in Asia in order to discover who built the aircraft responsible for Mederos High School destruction."

  "Yes, those agents are looking for something that isn't there. By the end of the day, you'll understand exactly what I'm talking about," Jared replied.

  The conversation stopped there since the helo was circling for a landing at the base.

  Jared changed the channel on the headset he was wearing so he could speak to the pilot. "Captain, once we land, shut down the engines and stop the rotors as soon as you can. They won't lower us into the base while they’re still turning."

  "Excuse me, Sir, did you say ‘lower us’?" the pilot replied.

  Jared nodded. "Yep, so don't get out until you’re told you can."

  "Understood, Sir," The pilot replied.
/>   Jared changed back to the channel used to talk to the others. "Once we land, please remain seated. Control will lower us into the base as soon as the rotors stop turning. We can get out once we're there."

  Outside the aircraft, a Marine signaled the pilot on where to land the aircraft so it was properly positioned. As the wheels touched down four other Marines approached the aircraft to chock the wheels into position so that it wouldn’t roll while on the elevator. After the pilot shutdown the engines and braked the rotors to a stop, the elevator began to lower them into the base.

  Prometheus Base

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  When the lift stopped moving, the visitors and Jared got out and were met by Greg, Mandi, Bella, Jolene, General Hollister, Captain Washington, Ned, Jon, Beth, and Sharon. Greg stepped forward.

  "Lady and Gentlemen, welcome to Prometheus Base. I am Commander Greg Albright, leader of Earth's Ranger team," Greg said as he held out his hand to the newcomers.

  Jared made introductions as everyone shook hands and Greg led them all to the conference room next to the command and control center while Mandi led the flight crew to the cafeteria and the lounge area for visitors before rejoining Greg’s party.

  Greg took the floor. "Before we begin, I'm sure it was a long flight from Grand Junction. Would anyone care for any refreshments? There are restrooms available as well."

  "Just coffee would be good for me, Son," Director Whiteshield replied and the others opted for either water or coffee as well.

  Once everyone was served, Greg began the briefing by introducing Abraxis and asking him to explain his history and how he found the team on Earth.

  "The event you all know as the Mederos Incident was carried out by a Drellian Ranger team in an effort to kill Captain Amanda Adams. I know this for a fact, because I was there and witnessed the event personally. After discovering Abraxis, we believed that the attempt had been made against both Captain Adams and myself. Since that time however, we have discovered that not to be the case." Greg was interrupted by a question from the Director.

  "What proof of these events can you show me, Son?"

  "Of these events, none, Sir. I can only offer my testimony and the evidence you've already seen that was gathered for the report. We do have more to tell and show you, and perhaps that will also help you to accept what we've presented so far. Unfortunately, all I can give you for the time being is my word, Sir," Greg said. "I don't blame you for having doubts; all of this has to seem pretty amazing and very difficult to believe. Please, just hang in there for a while longer and I think you'll begin to understand."

  "Okay, please continue," Director Whiteshield replied.

  Greg continued on, telling the visitors of all the events since the Mederos Incident and how they related to this situation. When Greg got to the mission flown to protect Abraxis, the Director once again stopped him.

  "Son, if you flew on a mission against these aliens, then you have ships, correct?"

  "Yes, Sir. You'll be seeing them in a few minutes right after the briefing," Greg explained. He smiled, "If you would like, I'll even give you a ride in one."

  "At this point, I think that would be a very good idea," the man said.

  Greg quickly finished the meeting and led the group on a tour of the small base and its facilities. When they finally got to the small ships, the director laughed.

  "Okay, this has been a great joke, but what's the real reason you brought me all the way out here?"

  Greg smiled. "Colonel Florence, Director Whiteshield, please follow me." He led them to a small room with lockers and a shower facility off to one side. Greg moved over to one of the lockers and opened it. "Colonel, we took the liberty to create a flight suit for you, would you please change." He turned to Director Whiteshield. "Sir, yours is over here by my locker."

  Jolene and Bella had already begun to strip out of their uniforms, so the Director was a little distracted by their nudity. "You don't have separate dressing rooms?"

  "No point to it, Sir," Bella replied as she stepped into her skin-tight flight suit.

  Colonel Florence had been a little shy at first, but seeing that the girls weren't bothered, she shrugged and got undressed.

  Greg had already taken his clothes off and had pulled up his suit; he put his arms through the sleeves, leaving only the place where a zipper should be but wasn't.

  Director Whiteshield followed along and changed into the tight fitting suit, feeling a little self-conscious about his unfit and slightly over-weight body. He relaxed when no one paid him any attention at all.

  When he got to the no zipper in front to close it, Greg helped him. "It's bio-reactive, Sir. Just press the edges together and the suit bonds to itself. When you want to take it off, you simply try to tear it at the neck."

  "That's a handy way to do it," the Director replied. "You have three ships, why didn't you bring John with us?"

  "So you will have a witness you trust that will see us fly away in those tiny ships you think are a joke," Greg replied as he handed the Director his helmet. "Don't forget this, Sir, you're going to need it."

  Seeing that the rest of the group was ready, Greg led them back out to the sleds.

  "Mr. Stapleton, I apologize for not including you in our demonstration, but we need you to stay here and make sure we are not trying to pull a fast one on anyone. Once we get in the sleds, I would like you and Jared to ride to the top with us, so you can see that we do indeed fly away in these small ships," Greg explained.

  "I understand, Commander," John replied. "You really believe this don't you?"

  Greg smiled again. "So will you in about five minutes."

  Greg helped the Director get into the rear seat of his sled, while Bella did the same with the Colonel. The team mounted up, sealed their canopies, and Mandi activated the lift.

  John Stapleton was right next to them the whole time and watched everything closely. Jared handed him a headset so he could hear the Rangers as well as their passengers.

  "Mr. Stapleton, the hypersleds use a form of antigravity for atmospheric flight, so you won't need to worry about getting singed by rocket exhaust. However, when we do take off, the displacement of air could be damaging. Could you please step back to the edge of the platform to be safe?" Greg asked.

  Outside the ships, Jared guided the man back.

  "Okay, Control, we are clear and ready to rock. Ranger flight requesting launch clearance and exit vector," Greg called.

  "Ranger flight, there is traffic in the area. Launch on heading two-zero degrees for twenty miles at five thousand. Turn to zero-niner-zero and proceed to heaven's gate. Launch when ready."

  "Course set, we are launching!" Greg said and gently lifted the sled off its cradle. Outside the craft, John Stapleton's looked on in stunned disbelief. Greg moved the throttle forward and the small ship took off to the northeast gaining altitude as it went. The two other ships followed suit.

  "Holy shit! Can you hear me Director?" John called.

  "This is a hell of a ride, John!" the man replied.

  "Sir, that little fucker is really what they said it is. You shot outta here like a bullet from a gun!" John replied. "Sir, I… I think they’re telling us the truth."

  "Maybe; we're not in space yet," the Director replied. "As a pilot, what are your thoughts, Colonel?"

  "There is no feeling of movement, Sir," Susan replied. "But if they are using AG as propulsion, there wouldn't be."

  "We're taking you to the moon, to show you the base we are building there. You'll be able to get out and walk around for a little bit free of the gravity drive's influence. Once we are in orbit, I'll also shut the engines down so you can feel the weightlessness," Greg replied.

  "We are not wearing space suits, how will we be able to walk on the moon?" the Colonel asked.

  "The suit you are wearing will protect you from the vacuum as well as any radiation. That's the reason we had
you put them on. We won't be staying very long, but we wanted you to see, with your own eyes, that this is very real," Greg explained. "Control, altering course for heaven's gate."

  "Roger, proceed for orbital track, Lunar One course is set. Have a nice trip," Mandi replied.

  "Thanks control, see ya in a few hours," Greg replied.

  In very short order, Greg and the girls had their passengers in orbit. "Ranger One, this is Ranger Two, shutting down the gravity drive for a minute."

  "Copy Two, we are too," Greg replied. "Ready, Mr. Director?"

  "Yeah, go ahead," the man replied and was startled when he felt the change. "This is really amazing, Son. How long will it take us to get to the moon?"

  "If we jumped there, about a half a second. But honestly, it's close enough to not even bother plotting a jump. Our flight time will be just over twenty-five minutes." Greg opened his com again. "Two, this is One, set course for the moon, we need to have our guest home before it gets too late."

  "Roger, One. Re-engaging engines and ready when you are," Bella replied.

  "Ranger Three is ready," Jolene replied.

  "Okay ladies, let's get it on the road. Cruise formation, speed point four," Greg ordered.

  After the girls acknowledged the order, the Director asked. "Point four? Is that a setting or a speed?"

  "That's a setting, point four C would be a little too fast for this trip," Greg replied.

  "Just how fast are these ships, Son?" the Director asked.

  "I can't answer that directly, Sir. The physics that we know and understand don't apply very well to these craft. They do have faster than light capability, and we could survive in here indefinitely. However, there is a relativity issue on longer missions. The last mission we were on took a little over five hours for us, while on Earth, almost four days passed."


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