Addicted to You

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Addicted to You Page 25

by Bethany Kane

  A spasm of emotion flickered in her face.

  “So when I say I don’t have a claim on your life, I just mean I don’t have any say in how you plan your future. Because I think that’s what you’re doing here, Katie. You’re carving out a future for yourself, and it’s going to be great. How could it not be, when you have so much to offer the world?” He grimaced when she sobbed softly.

  This wasn’t going how he planned at all.

  “Aw, Katie,” he murmured regretfully when more tears spilled around his thumb. “I came to this old town and existed like a festering sore up on this hill. You came and lit up the place like a beacon. It’s not wise for you to worry about what I think of your plans, not when your future is so bright, not when you have so much to give.”

  “You’re not a festering sore,” she snapped between sniffs.

  Rill suppressed a sigh of relief. Having her pissed at him was a damn sight better than seeing her looking so sad and lost. He couldn’t stand that. He smiled and dried off the last of her tears with his fingers.

  “Thanks to you, I’m not quite so bad. At least I don’t smell like a rancid wound anymore.”

  She gave him a forbidding glance for his levity. “You smelled more like a distillery when I arrived. Festering wound, my butt; no variety of infection could have existed in the midst of all that alcohol. Just inhaling your breath was enough to make me tipsy,” she told him testily.

  “Thank God,” he muttered under his breath. “I don’t know what to do if you’re not grouchy.”

  She bit her lip and took a deep breath. His admiration for her grew as he saw her master her emotions. “Don’t worry,” she grumbled. “I’m not asking you to make a lifelong commitment to me just because I decided to take a job in this godforsaken place.”

  He put his fingers beneath her chin and tilted up her face. “I can make you one promise. I will always care about you, Katie. Always.” He pressed his thumb to her plump lower lip when it trembled.

  “There’s something else,” he admitted. “Now that you’re in my blood, I have a feeling I’m never going to be free of you.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her. A powerful emotion rose in him as she softened beneath his mouth. He didn’t recognize it, and since the feeling coincided with the experience of his cock stiffening into a lead pipe, he assumed it was blinding lust. He’d grown used to having it happen constantly in Katie’s presence, although he had to admit, the feeling seemed to have grown exponentially tonight.

  “You know what I’d like?” he asked Katie against her damp lips after a minute or two of slaking his monumental thirst on her mouth.

  “Let me guess,” she whispered between soft pants. “You want to tie me up and have me go down on you one or a couple dozen times.”

  He grinned. “You do come up with the good ideas.”

  “That’s what I’m paid for,” she said, her arch look assuring him she was all for forgetting what he’d just said about not having any hold on her future.

  “A couple dozen times?” he mused.

  “Are you suggesting I’m not good enough?”

  “I’m suggesting no one is good enough, even if you traveled back in time and looked me up as a seventeen-year-old. I have to admit, though,” he added under his breath, his gaze fixed to her mouth, “if anyone could make a decent run at it, it’d be you, Katie. No, that’s not what I had in mind, though, as appealing as the idea is. I think I’m in the mood to watch a black-and-white Hitchcock movie on our color TV.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You may not be seventeen, but you’re not eighty-five, either, Rill.”

  He smiled and reached for the hems of her robe and nightgown. Beneath the two layers, she was wearing a tiny scrap of silk. He wondered for the thousandth time in the past several weeks why Katie even bothered with underwear. He settled her with her back against his chest and slipped his fingers beneath her panties.

  “You’re right. I’m thirty-six,” he spoke next to her ear. “Which is the perfect age for dissecting a classic movie and making you come one or a couple dozen times.”

  “Oh,” Katie gasped in understanding.


  “Again,” Rill whispered in her ear. The man was insufferable. He’d just made her come three times as they snuggled there on the couch, and he had the nerve to order her to climax again. Given the magic evoked by his fingers, she’d probably be complying very quickly.

  She was so hot she was melting. Her cheeks burned and the soles of her feet tingled from sustained arousal. Perspiration beaded between her breasts. He’d gathered her wrists in one hand and held them next to her waist, preventing her from doing anything but stare blindly at the television screen and gush in orgasm. She couldn’t touch, but she could see the magnificent erection that pressed against his jeans. It was driving her crazy not to touch him.

  She twisted around and tried to see his face. She made a disgusted sound when she saw that his eyes were glued to the TV.

  “Are you actually watching that damn movie?” she accused.

  “Sure,” he replied, even as he strummed his fingers and the sound of wet flesh agitating wet flesh entered her ears. She was soaked. It was a little humiliating to hear the evidence of her flagrant arousal and to burn beneath Rill’s hand when he sat there and did a mental film critique of Rebecca. He glanced down and noticed her irritation. His gaze held.

  “It’s helping me keep my cool. When I see your face while you’re coming, it drives me nuts,” he muttered. “I can’t control myself.”

  “Oh,” she said, ensnared by the vision of the TV screen flickering in his blue eyes. She gasped as he began stirring in the juices of her pussy more stringently. He made a sound of dissatisfaction and removed his God-given hand.

  “Hey—” she protested. He jerked her panties down her legs. When she’d kicked free of them, he pulled her into his lap. His hold on her wrists remained, but at least now she could feel his hard, strong thighs and the stiff column of his cock against her bare ass. He spoke directly next to her ear as his hand settled between her legs again.

  “I want to make you hot and bothered enough to scream, because as soon as this movie is over, I’m going to take you back in the bedroom and put my cock in your ass,” he whispered roughly. “Shhhh, Katie,” he growled. His tone surprised her. It sounded rough and hard. He wasn’t as unaffected as she’d thought when she’d glanced at his face a moment ago. He was edgy with arousal. “I’m going to release your hands, but I want you to keep them where they are, or I’m going to spank your ass before I fuck it. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she muttered as she shifted her bottom in his lap and groaned at his continued relentless clitoral stimulation. What he’d said had sent her into a fever pitch. She’d wondered when he was going to ass-fuck her several times over the past few weeks, mostly because he often pushed his finger in her rectum when she was all hot and bothered and alluded to the fact that he would. She wanted it, too, although she’d never desired it with another man, always pulling back when it was suggested. With other men, the raw intimacy of the act seemed repulsive.

  With Rill, the idea made her feel horny as hell.

  Rill released her wrists and slid his free hand between their bodies. He palmed an ass cheek and pressed up on her, grinding her pussy against the stroking hand between her thighs. She whimpered in excitement. He’d sandwiched her between both of his hands, playing her pussy with ideal pressure. Her muscles grew tight with arousal.

  “Are you going to come for me again, Shine?” he rasped in her ear before he kissed her there.

  Her hips made subtle little bucking motions against his diddling finger. “Oh, yes.”

  “And are you going to take my cock in your ass?”

  She rolled her head on his chest as the sizzling burn at her clit rose to the flash point. “Yes, yes,” she groaned. “Every inch.” She reached for him mindlessly, stroking the tip of his cock where it strained beneath his jeans. She felt him lea
p at her touch.

  The next thing she knew, her ascent toward rapture came to a rude halt and Rill was scooping her into his arms and striding out of the living room.

  “Movie’s over,” he muttered.

  A potent mixture of wariness and excitement surged through Katie’s veins as Rill flew down the hallway to his bedroom. He set her on the bed and began to remove her robe and nightgown. The cool air struck her nipples and made them tingle and tighten. Then again, Rill’s blazing eyes might have been responsible for that. She could see them by the light filtering into the room from the hallway. His facial features were rigid with arousal as he undressed, his movements rapid and forceful.

  Maybe it wasn’t wise for her to undertake such an intimate act with him. What he’d said out there in the living room had hurt. But he’d said things that had given her hope, as well. Or maybe she was just an eternal optimist.

  Maybe she was just an idiot.

  At least the pregnancy test had come back negative. Or at least she thought it had. When she heard Rill come into the house earlier, she’d wrapped up the kit and thrown it in the bottom of the garbage can, too anxious to read the nitty-gritty details of the directions to accurately interpret the test.

  It’d been foolish to buy the test anyway. Surely it was too early to tell anything. She’d get her period any day now.

  Which was a good thing. Especially since Rill had made that comment about not having any claim on her future.

  Rill stood before her, naked and aroused. She unglued her gaze from his swollen cock when she realized he hesitated.

  “Maybe I should have come first before trying this,” he said.

  Katie scooted to the edge of the bed and reached for his erection, happy to bring him off after all those times he’d made her come. Rill grabbed her wrist. She looked up at his face.

  “I said maybe I should have.” He pulled her up to a standing position next to him. “It’s too late now, Katie.”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  His hand rose to caress a breast. He shook his head regretfully. “You give yourself too trustingly, Katie. Do you know how turned on I am?”

  She glanced down at his engorged penis. “I have a pretty good idea.”

  “I come from a family of lecherous, selfish wastrels. Did I ever tell you that?”

  Her mouth dropped open. She giggled. She couldn’t help it. He seemed so serious. When his expression didn’t break, she sobered.

  “Rill, you’re hardly a lecher.” She thrust her breasts out so that his caressing hand was filled with flesh. He immediately molded her to his palm. “Maybe you’re way up there on the bell curve of horniness, but in a good way, not an ick one.”

  His nostrils flared slightly as he gazed down at her. “Well, like I said. It’s too late now. Bend over the bed, Katie.”

  She turned and did what he said. She licked her lower lip nervously, thoughts of their first, impulsive tryst while she held that very same position flooding her mind. A moan leaked past her lips when she felt Rill open his hand on a bottom cheek. He rubbed her and shaped her buttock to his palm before he lifted. A long finger reached, finding her slit.

  He made a choked sound at the evidence of her abundant arousal. His hand moved and he popped the cheek with his palm.

  “Hey,” Katie mumbled in surprise. It hadn’t really hurt—it never did when Rill spanked her—but it made her ass prickle and tingle. That sensation inevitably made its way to her pussy. As aroused as she already was, it didn’t take long for that burn to transfer tonight.

  “I told you I’d spank you if you didn’t keep your hands to yourself,” he murmured behind her. Katie noticed how think his accent was before he spanked her again. It was one of the reasons she’d started to become so horny at the warning of a spanking. She liked how much it aroused Rill.

  Pop. His hand smacked against her ass again. He stepped closer and Katie’s eyes sprung wide. She felt his cock brush against the skin of her ass. She twisted her head around, eager to see him. The next thing she knew, however, his hand was pressing down gently on the back of her head.

  “Put your forehead on the mattress, Katie. I’ve told you what your eyes do to me.”

  Katie lowered slowly, pressing her forehead to the mattress. Her bottom stuck up farther in the air in this new position. She thought Rill must have noticed, because she felt his cock leap against her ass before he stepped back and resumed her spanking.

  Her ass began to burn under Rill’s hand. When he thought she’d had enough, he’d paused and rubbed her in circular motions that struck her as lascivious and exciting.

  He held up one buttock and smacked her several times low, near her pussy. Then he gathered both cheeks in his palms and lifted. She felt her wet tissues stretch and cool air lick at her pussy.

  “Spread your thighs more, Katie.” She trembled because his breath had struck her bottom. He was bending down . . . looking at her. She parted her thighs and waited on a razor’s edge in the silent seconds that followed while he inspected her.

  “You make my mouth water.”

  Katie blinked. She’d barely understood him, his voice had been so thick with arousal and Irishness. Her heart began hammering double time when he released her and she heard him rustling behind her.

  “Rill?” she asked anxiously, barely managing to keep her forehead on the mattress, her curiosity was so great.

  His hand was back, stroking her tingling bottom.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to try it yet. I’m just going to play with you a little more.” He rubbed her bottom again before he landed a spank. He palmed the cheek and spread it back. This time, she had a very strong feeling he wasn’t staring at her pussy. She jumped when she felt him press his finger to her rectum.

  “Shhhh, just my finger,” he soothed. “I’ve done this to you before.”

  Yes and no, Katie thought as he penetrated her ass. He hadn’t ever used bottled lubricant when he’d done it before, just eased into her with the help of her own juices.

  He hadn’t ever told her in the past his cock would follow.

  She moaned as he began to move his finger in and out of her, his progress made slippery and easy with the lubricant. Still, Katie felt the friction. She moaned as her clit began to sizzle.

  “Feel good?” Rill asked.

  “Yes,” Katie admitted. She was glad her face was hidden so he couldn’t see her blush. It was too intimate to put into words, what he was doing to her, what he was making her feel.

  “It’s going to be a hell of a tight ride,” he mumbled as he fingered her with more force. Katie began to pump her hips against the pressure of his hand. “You like this, lovely?”

  “Uh-huh,” Katie gasped. “Does that make me a lecher, like the rest of your family?”

  She couldn’t quite tell, because he smacked her bottom with his left hand at the same moment, but she thought she’d heard him laugh. He paused in his thrusting. Katie stilled when she felt a stream of the cool, silky liquid hit her ass.

  “I’m going to put another finger in you,” Rill said behind her. “I’m sorry I don’t have anything better to prepare you. Tell me if it hurts. Push back against my fingertips; that’ll help. There you go.” He rubbed an ass cheek soothingly as he penetrated her and she gasped.

  She began to moan as he fingered her. It didn’t hurt, but the pressure created an indirect friction on her pussy. Nerve endings she’d never known existed began to throb and burn, millions of them seeming to beg for Rill’s stimulation. She bit her lip to keep from wailing in arousal.

  That keen of pleasure broke loose when Rill used his left hand to rub her clit while he continued to probe her ass.

  “Ahhhhh,” Katie wailed.

  “Okay, okay,” Rill murmured as he withdrew his fingers.

  Okay? What did he mean it was okay? Katie wondered dazedly as blood roared in her ears. She’d been on the verge of coming yet again, and he’d deprived her!

  “Rill, what the—”
  “Get on the bed, Katie, on your hands and knees,” he interrupted.

  Katie scrambled onto the bed. She glanced over her shoulder and froze. Oh no. What had she gotten herself into this time?

  Rill stood at the side of the bed and was rubbing lubricant over his cock. He glanced up at her from beneath lowered brows when it glistened from cock head to balls.

  “Katie?” he asked slowly.

  “Yeah?” she asked in a wavering voice.

  “You’ve done this before, right?”

  She bit her lower lip, trying to decide how to answer.

  He cursed bitterly under his breath. She never had been very good at misleading someone. He sat down on the bed.

  “Lay on your side,” he ordered.


  “Kai-tie,” he said in an exasperated tone.

  Katie rolled over on her side, her bottom facing him. He came down behind her, his chest to her back. “You’re not going to stop because I’ve never done it before, are you?” she asked shrilly. “Because there has to be a first time for—”

  She stopped rambling when Rill parted her bottom cheeks and she felt his erection slide into the crack of her ass, feeling like a slick, hot poker.

  “I told you it’s too late now,” Rill muttered. “You’re going to get it in the ass, all right. It should go easier on you this way. And there’s less chance I’ll lose control in this position.” Her eyes popped wide when she felt the slippery head of his penis probe her rectum. She was so eager to show him that she wasn’t afraid that she pushed back forcefully. Pain jolted through her, the concentrated force of it making her gasp.

  Rill grunted and popped an ass cheek with his palm.

  “If you don’t take it easy, Katie, I’m going to drill this hot little ass of yours and then find something to paddle it with. Do you feel that?” he grated out furiously. Katie didn’t have to guess what he meant. The first three inches of his cock throbbed in her ass. “That’s a stick of dynamite, angel. Quit playing with what you don’t understand.”


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