Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 8

by Bobbi Brattz

  “Yeah, when do we get to watch them screw for real?”

  Anger flashed through his veins, yet Mateo had met his kind many times before.

  “If you want to be a voyeur, you have to be interviewed and put on the list. There is a two-year waiting list. Next question.”

  Though that shut the man up for a moment, it didn’t last.”

  “I’ll pay someone to step aside then. That’s something I’ve got to see.”

  Eyes narrowed, Mateo spoke in a calm voice. “You would still have to go through the interview process, sir, and I guarantee you, it won’t happen. Only clients who are interested in learning the finer points in lovemaking can reach that level of learning. I don’t allow degenerates in the classes. Anyone who crosses the boundaries of propriety will be evicted from the resort and not permitted back into the seminars. Next question.”

  The man, duly chastised, stood and grabbed his wife’s hand, dragging her to the exit. No one else spoke so Mateo ended the session.

  “I’ll see you all here tomorrow afternoon at the same time. We will discuss more sensual points on the body. Good day.”

  Without another word, he left the room, his assistants racing in to put out the candles and clean up after the class.

  * * * *

  “Where is she?” Mateo asked his administrative assistant.

  “The model? The doctor walked her back to her quarters. She was impatient to get back.”

  “Thank you.”

  Though he had paperwork to do, Mateo was dying to know Rae’s response to her first modelling class and left the building. The rest of the group was headed toward the rooms. Some of them held hands, and others walked arm in arm. All in all, but for the one bad apple, the class was a success.

  When he entered the house, he found Piers standing by the patio doors as he watched Rae in the pool. This time she wore a tank top and shorts. Though he wondered if he should give her the bathing suit he’d bought for her, he was hesitant to do so. With a shrug, he decided it would be easier on her clothing if he did.

  “How did she take it?”

  “She’s acting rather strange about it, Mateo. All the way back she never spoke a word and went straight to her room. Since it was so hot in there, thanks to your little broken air conditioner act, she changed and went swimming, asking me to leave her alone. I’m allowed to watch though. What do you make of that?”

  “I’m not sure. She’s different than any other model we’ve ever had. Her reactions are…”

  When he didn’t finish, Piers grinned.

  “Unusual, I know. Her heart rate accelerated when we kissed. I had my finger on her pulse to see how she responded. Underneath all that ‘I’m frigid’ belief her ex instilled in her is a passionate woman.”

  “Tonight we have to prep her for the next stage. Maybe we should go a step further. I’m curious to know what she’ll do with two men in her bed at once.”

  With a quiet chuckle, Piers kept his eyes on Rae as she swam.

  “I am, too, buddy.”

  The back flip sensation in Mateo’s stomach as he watched his friend was even worse now. What is wrong with me? This is the first time I don’t want to share a woman with my best friend. Can it be possible I want her for myself?

  * * * *

  What am I going to do? I can’t stand it. Wanting them both is tearing me apart, and I’ve never wanted anyone like I do them. I have to call home and see if Lance will help me get my passport. It’s time to leave before it gets worse!

  The ten laps she’d done left her breathless yet much cooler, though her pussy still ached for release. She knew Piers watched her every move since he refused to allow her to swim without a guard to ensure her safety.

  I’d best get out of here and hide in my room before Mateo gets back. I don’t think I can face him yet. That kiss. Those kisses! Both men are driving me crazy with need.

  As soon as she stood up, Rae realized she had a problem. The white tank top was plastered to her skin, her rosy nipples as visible as if she were naked. Crossing her arms over her chest she strode as fast as she could through the shallow water and up the steps.

  “Here’s a towel. Let me help you dry off.”

  The scream that ripped from her throat at Mateo’s unexpected appearance at her side seemed to startle him. The wince on his face and coldness in his eyes as he held the towel up shocked her. He was upset with her, but was it for screaming or for doing a lousy show? Rae was sure she’d screwed up when Piers kissed her.

  With Mateo’s smooth, sexy voice leading them through the kisses, she’d fallen under both men’s spells and lost herself, forgetting what she was supposed to do during the show. Mateo had taken the time to do a dry run with her and Piers in the change room so she’d know her role, but it all disappeared when Piers seized control of her mouth.

  “I…I’m sorry I screwed up today. I’m not used to acting on stage. Can I use your phone? I’ll call home and see if I can talk my ex into getting the documents for me so I can leave. You’d be better off with another model anyway.”

  For the first time the thought of leaving her two men hurt. She dropped her gaze to the puddle of water dripping onto the tiles off her body.

  “No. I told you I’d handle it, and I will. There are only four more shows this week. Then you have a week off. Just relax and do as I ask and everything will be fine. I bought you a bathing suit so you can stop wearing your clothes in the pool.”

  His snarled comments made her cringe beneath this scrutiny. Though it was extremely hot out, she began to shiver with reaction to his nearness and her emotional turmoil.

  “Strip off that top so you can put this towel on.”

  “I…no, I can’t.”

  “You insist on making Moki’s job harder, don’t you? She’s the one who has to clean up after you whenever you track all that water and dirt into the house, you know.”

  “Oh. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize…”

  “I said strip it off, now!”

  She could tell he was becoming even more angry so tugged at the bottom of the shirt then reached for the towel, but he only put it around her shoulders and spun her around, enclosing her in the circle of his arms. Though she was covered, she felt naked in front of him and quivered with excitement.

  “Now the shorts.”

  Her chin rose until her eyes met his over her shoulder as she gauged his reaction. Since there was no desire at all in his gaze, she looked back down and slipped the shorts off. His hands began to roughly towel her body dry, then her hair. The sun was still high in the sky, which made her feel conspicuous.

  “I’ll go to my room now.” Her whisper was barely loud enough for her own ears, but he heard her, she was sure of it.

  When he spun her back around to face him, the towel slipped, exposing her skin to his. With a gasp, she froze, the feel of her breasts crushed up against his hard muscles intoxicating.

  The protest she was about to make was cut off as his lips came down and took hers, his tongue delving deep within until her knees felt like jelly and she almost fell but for the support of his arms. When his hard cock ground into her pelvis, she moaned, helpless to fight his onslaught.

  She wanted him so much it hurt, yet a small part of her mind brought her to her senses and she pushed away. When he lifted his head and broke the kiss, she stared up at him in dismay. He appeared to be furious with her.

  “Let me go!” Her voice was hoarse, foreign to her ears.

  To her surprise, he released her, holding her arms to keep her from falling. With her body bared to him, his eyes dropped to study her. She wanted him to desire her like she did him, but the venom in his gaze brought tears to her eyes. He hated her!

  Without another word, she ran toward her room, slamming the door closed just before she threw herself across the bed and burst into tears. He’d warned her that she would be just like all the others, and he was right. She’d fallen in love with him, and there was no turning back.

Chapter 6:

  Lesson of the Rabbit

  Later in the day when Rae couldn’t take the heat in the stifling room anymore, she slipped on the skimpy bikini Mateo had bought her and studied her body in the mirror. Where her old bathing suit had blocked the sun, her skin was pure white.

  She found Moki in the kitchen.

  “Hello, dear. You look lovely!” The woman’s warm greeting always made Rae feel better. She gave Moki a hug.

  With a quick look down to make sure the miniscule scraps of white cloth covered her private areas, she adjusted the bodice and snickered. “Thank you. You’re so sweet, though I’m not sure there is much in the way of decoration. Is Mateo still here?”

  “You don’t need anything to make you more beautiful, Rae. Mateo went to the office to do some paperwork and make phone calls.”

  “Good. I mean, that’s good to know. I’m going to take a quick dip in the pool. He was angry with me for swimming alone, so I’ll only jump in and out to cool down. Any updates on the air conditioner?”

  Amusement lit in Moki’s eyes. “Sorry, dear. My nephew says that it is taking longer than he thought. A quick dip will help, I’m sure.”

  “I’ll see you later, Moki. Thanks.”

  “Aren’t you going to have something to eat?”

  “No, thank you. I’ll wait until dinner.”

  Rae left the kitchen on her way to the pool and stopped when she noticed Mateo’s cordless phone sitting on the table. For some reason he only kept them in his office and bedroom, and not throughout the house. Gnawing on her lip, she made a quick decision and picked up the phone to dial out.

  “Hello, operator? I’d like to make a collect call please.”

  “What are you doing?”

  Jumping at the barked question, she spun around to find Mateo frowning at her.

  “I was…I was just going to call the airport to see if they’d heard anything.”

  “I’m in contact with Jimmy every day, and they haven’t. I told you I’d handle this.”

  “Mateo, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you angry. Excuse me.” Though she tried to walk around him, he reached out and cupped her cheek until she looked up at him.

  “I’m not angry. You look stunning in that.”

  His lips captured hers before she could react. Her knees weakened as his tongue slipped past her teeth and stirred her senses once again. Angry at herself for giving in so easily, she pushed away from him and raced down the hall to the patio doors, leaving in a hurry. Without waiting, she dove right into the pool to cool off. Hormones raged as her sex craved release.

  How much longer can I resist him when he makes me crazy with want?

  When she’d finally worn herself out, she stood up only to find that he watched her with a pensive frown.

  If he hates me so much, why doest he keep kissing me and staring at me?

  “Dinner will be ready in half an hour.”

  Before she could speak, he went back inside and closed the door, disappearing into the dining room. Frustrated, Rae left the pool and dried off before she rushed to her room to change.

  Not that she wanted to sit in his company during another meal, but she was curious as to what made him tick. Perhaps a chat with Piers was in order.

  This time she took care to ensure her hair was perfect, swept back in a floral comb on one side above her ear. The turquoise dress she picked out was low cut and sexy as it clung to her curves. The image in the mirror surprised her. She was a siren, with a flush of color on her cheeks and a long, graceful neck that was revealed by the lack of jewelry.

  Lip gloss was the only makeup she needed as her eye lashes were already full and thick. The matching shoes she picked out had six-inch heels and high ankle straps that suited her mood. A few minutes later she was ready, chin high, shoulders back, and prepared to battle wits with Dr. Moody.

  When she entered the dining room, both men stood. Piers whistled, yet Mateo grimaced. Her heart ached that he didn’t feel an attraction toward her, so she focused on Piers. At least someone appreciated her.

  “Kalei, you make my heart skip a beat.”

  He kissed the inside of her wrist, and her pussy clenched in response.

  Piers held out her chair. “You look marvelous. I see you got a bit of sun on you today, too.”

  “Thank you, Piers. I’m hungry. What amazing meal has Moki whipped up for us tonight?”

  “Rice, fruit, and pork with her secret dip. She’s an awesome cook.”

  “Sounds delicious.”

  The wine was already poured, so she picked up her cup and sipped the tangy bouquet, the flavor bursting on her tongue as the aroma tickled her senses.

  “Mmmm, that’s a wonderful wine. I like it even better than the one we had last night. So what else did you do today, Piers?”

  His eyebrow rose in question as she turned her back to Mateo, ignoring him, but Piers answered.

  “I went to the clinic and spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about you after the seminar. You’re a great kisser.”

  Her false laughter rang out in the room, and she nearly cringed, hoping it wasn’t too obvious.

  “You are such a womanizer. I’ll bet you’ve kissed thousands of women, perhaps millions.”

  Her flirtatious game wasn’t getting the results from Mateo she’d hoped for. He remained quiet as they each took food from the platter. Though her appetite was suddenly gone, she nibbled on a pork rib and kept up talk with Piers.

  “It was so hot in my room I went for a quick swim. Moki promised to watch over me while I did so you wouldn’t get angry at me again.”

  “I couldn’t possibly be upset with you, darling. You are the apple of my eye, or should I say pineapple since we are in Hawaii?”

  Snickering, Rae drank the rest of her wine. Mateo refilled it without a word.

  “What are the plans for tonight? We could play cards or something.”

  Suddenly Piers’s gaze shot over to Mateo. She turned to look at him and saw a slow smile for the first time that day. From the expression on his face, she wasn’t going to like what he had in mind.

  “We’ll be practicing for tomorrow’s seminar,” he said.

  “Practicing what?”

  The grin widened. “Pleasure points.”

  Now I’m in trouble. “What kind of pleasure points?” She nearly squeaked when she asked.

  With a start, she sat back in her chair as Mateo leaned toward her to explain.

  “We are going to teach you how to please a man and how a man will please you with only a few points on the body that will make you cry out for more.”

  All thoughts of flirtation with Piers disappeared as she imagined the two of them having wild sex with her. Sex with Lance had always been a painful chore and was the last thing she wanted to experience again.

  Rather than leave the table and hide in her room as she’d done since she arrived at the resort, she stood her ground.

  “I’m not having sex with either of you. It would be a waste of your time and mine. Let’s get that straight.”

  Mateo’s low, sexy laugh curled her insides, but she refused to give in. She’d had enough humiliation in her marriage to make her want a lifetime of abstinence. Even with all the sensations that Mateo and Piers aroused in her, she wasn’t prepared to walk that path with them.

  A comforting hand on hers, Piers spoke up.

  “Rae, give us a chance to teach you a few things about your body and a man’s that you might not know about. I know you’re an adult and have been married, but obviously your ex had no interest in pleasing you. We have to do this on stage tomorrow, and the only way to get comfortable with it is to test it out.”

  “Piers, this is a bad idea. Get a model from your long list of resources to do the show with you. I’m done. I’d rather wait for months sleeping on the floor at the airport than go through that again. I don’t want to have sex.”

  “You don’t have to have sex. Just allow us to show you the pleasure points.
If you decide you can’t do it tomorrow, Mateo and I will let it go.”

  Indecision weighed on her shoulders as she looked at Piers, then at Mateo, whose expression was now neutral.

  “Why waste our time, Piers? She’s not going to do it. She’s afraid to. Look at the fear in her eyes.”

  Angered by Mateo’s dismissal of her, she picked up her wine and sucked the entire thing back. I won’t let him beat me at this. I’ll just have to prove it to him, and who cares if he likes me or not? I can pretend to be sexy and desirable.

  “Why wait until later? Let’s get it over with right now. Then you’ll see that nothing can make me enjoy sex. Where are we doing this?”

  As soon as Mateo cleared his throat, the smile returning, she knew she was done for.

  “In my bedroom.”

  * * * *

  When the men led her into Mateo’s room, Moki had the candles lit, a bottle of wine cooling in a bucket, and fresh flowers displayed in a vase on a table. On the dresser there was an assortment of sex toys, the sight of which nearly sent her running. Only the comfort of Piers’s hand on her lower back gave her the strength to stay.

  “The first thing we need to do is take your clothes off.”

  “Mateo, I’m not hav…”

  “Not to have sex. We need access to your body in order to work.”

  Close behind her, Piers murmured in her ear, “Let me help you, Kalei.”

  The heat and sweet aroma of his breath tickled her senses and made her quiver, her womb contracting as it awoke to the stimulation. Since she had no choice, she stood still while Piers reached around and undid the bow that held her dress closed. Instead of stripping the cloth right away, he began to kiss her neck and slowly revealed her shoulder, his lips following each bit of skin as he went.

  Suddenly breathless, she kept her gaze on the ceiling and waited.

  “Look into the mirror. Watch the way Ipo disrobes you as he worships your body. Allow the feelings he evokes to stir you. Imagine doing the same thing to him.” Mateo took a seat in a large stuffed chair and watched her.


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