Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 21

by Bobbi Brattz

  * * * *

  The anger he felt was worse than anything he’d ever dealt with before. Rae refused to open her door for him. To fool her into thinking he’d given up, he slammed the office door and raced down the hall to the dining room to slip outside and wait for her to leave her room. He knew she would because she hated being shut away. He’d learned that much about her anyway.

  As he’d expected, her door slid open. Before she could step out, he grabbed her. The scream she released hurt his ears, but he chuckled at her careless move.

  “You will do as you’re told.” With a shoulder to her waist, he lifted her up in a firefighter’s carry and took her to his room, opening the door with one hand while keeping her struggling body still with the other.

  “Put me down right now, Mateo!” she shrieked.

  “Not until I’m damned well ready.” Once he’d locked the door and closed the curtains, he dropped her onto the bed then leaned over to pin her shoulders in place.

  “I told you not to touch me.”

  “You need to make sense before I’ll let you go. What was in that thick head of yours, planning an outing with Piers?”

  “I was going to go screw his brains out all night long and leave you here.” Her defiant attitude had him steaming to teach her a lesson.

  “Like hell you were. If you need a screwing, you’ll get one from me.”

  She shoved at his immoveable shoulders and kept struggling to no avail.

  “I’m not willing!” she shouted.

  “You will be, Rae. It’s just a matter of time.”

  “How I ever let you talk me into having sex with you is beyond me. You egocentric, bullheaded, annoying…lump of lard!”

  “Oh, how you hurt my feelings.” His chuckle made her fight like a wildcat. He held her down until she was panting from exhaustion.

  Lying full out on top of her, he kept her in place until she gave up then began to nuzzle her neck and scrape his teeth over the veins in her throat, which were pulsing fast as her heart sped along.

  “Stop that! I will not have sex with you.”

  “You’re probably pregnant anyway. What’s the difference?”

  “I am not pregnant!” She renewed her struggles, pinching the skin near his ribs until he lifted up. In a blink she shoved him aside and ran for the door.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I can wait a little longer.”

  Her curvy ass disappeared behind the door as she shut it with the force of a bullet. His grin faded fast as he felt his groin throbbing with unquenched desire. He wanted her more than any other woman he’d ever had. Now if only he could figure out why.

  Chapter 15:


  The next day, Rae heard the phone ring while she sat by the pool. She was startled when Mateo handed the cordless to her, his expression cold and unrelenting.

  “Who is it?”

  “Your new doctor.”


  Rae listened for a moment before her hand flew up to cover her mouth. “You’re sure?” She began to tremble. “Thank you. I will. Good-bye.”

  Once she’d pressed end call, she stared into space for such a long time, only Mateo’s touch on her shoulder brought her out of the zone out.

  “What did she say?”

  When she looked up at Mateo, it was all she could do not to cry and dropped the phone on the chair, rushing to her room. He didn’t try and stop her.

  With the door closed and locked, she curled up in a ball on the bed and cried until she had nothing left. It seemed as though hours had passed when she finally went to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water. As she lifted her head, she saw the results of her tears, a rash along her upper lip, and her skin was all blotchy.

  Hand on her lower belly, she whispered, “I don’t know if I’m good enough to be your mother. I’ve made so many mistakes lately, it’s impossible to say if I’ll be able to provide for you.”

  “I’ll be with you, Rae.”

  Jumping at the sound of Mateo’s calm voice, she tried to move past him, but he pulled her into his arms and held her, pressing her head to his shoulder.

  “You aren’t taking my baby away from me, Mateo. I don’t care how much money you have. I’ll figure something out.”

  “Rae, you could take me up on my offer of marriage. That would allow you to stay here with me.”

  Bitter laughter escaped as she pushed him away.

  “And how do you know it’s your baby? Piers is just as likely a candidate. I’m not going to marry either one of you, so get that through your thick head.”

  “Then stay here until the baby’s born. You can decide what you want afterward. There’s nothing for you back in Canada.”

  “Says you! How about a hundred thousand dollars for my viewpoint on what went on behind your closed doors. I’m sure the tabloids would pay that gladly.”

  The sudden flare of fury in his eyes scared her enough that she backed into the wall. He followed and placed his palms on either side of her shoulders, pinning her there with his hard muscles.

  “If you want our child to suffer, go right ahead and do that. Just remember what other children of stars have to go through when the tabloids get a hold of them.”

  “He…she…the baby will never have to deal with that. By the time he grows up, this mess will be behind me and I’ll have a good job to back me up so I can take care of him.”

  “And when will you begin that work? No one would touch you with a ten foot pole right now. How easy will it be to hold down a job while your belly expands with the child of the Love Shark? You’d be hounded left, right, and center, Rae. Think about that.”

  Once again the door hit the frame hard as he left her. She sank to the carpet as dismay washed over her.

  “He’s right, damn him. I’ll have to stay here at least until the baby’s born. At least that will give me time to figure out how to ruin him.” Bitter hatred raged within her gut as she realized how hopeless her situation was. Revenge was her only option.

  Though, for the first time since she began seeking vengeance, she discovered that she was afraid of the repercussions, not only to her and the child, but to Mateo and Piers.

  * * * *

  Hungry, Rae stepped into the kitchen the next morning and looked for something to eat. In the fridge she found cheese, eggs, milk, butter, and bread. She pulled them all out and began mixing up some cheese omelettes. It wasn’t hard to do since she was a good cook, but it was Moki’s kitchen and she had no idea where everything was kept.

  “Ouch!” she cried as she dropped a frying pan on her toes.

  The door flew open as Mateo charged in, picked her up, and sat her on the edge of the counter.

  “Where are you hurt?” he barked.

  “I’m fine. The pan hit my toes. It wasn’t heavy.”

  “What the hell are you doing in here anyway?”

  She frowned at him and narrowed her eyes, her spine going stiff as the rebel in her came out.

  “Unlike you, I need to eat something. Now let me down so I can get to it. I’m hungry.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  The concern she saw in his eyes surprised her. He usually kept his expression serious.

  “I told you I’m fine. Now back off.”

  Instead of stepping back, he lifted her by the waist and let her slide down his body until her feet touched the ground. He refused to let her go until she showed him she could stand on her foot without incident.

  “Do you want something to eat?”

  His Gallic shrug as he turned away made her realize that he once again looked like he’d had a rough night. His breath was stale from alcohol the night before.

  “What did you do, stay awake all night drinking?”

  “None of your business.”

  “Sit down and I’ll pour you a glass of orange juice, you idiot.”

  For a moment she ignored him and moved to the fridge to get the drink. Once she’d put it down in front
of him, she went back to making the omelettes. The silence stretched between them while she worked. He didn’t try to talk to her, but sat quietly watching her, his eyes boring holes in her back.

  When the meal was ready, she buttered the toast and sat down with him to eat. Neither of them spoke for such a long time she couldn’t stand it and broke the silence.

  “I want to go into town to shop.”

  “I’ll take you.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I can call a cab.”

  “Stop being such a stubborn woman and finish your breakfast. We’ll leave right way. I have to go into town anyway.”

  As she studied him, he dropped his gaze and finished his juice.

  “Do you want coffee? I forgot to make it.”

  “I’ll get some while you get ready. Leave the dishes. I know how to do that in the kitchen at least.”

  “Surprise, surprise. You never cease to amaze me, Dr. Mano.”

  A thick black brow rose at her light comment.

  “Are you going to be this nice all day? I could get used to it.”

  “Don’t hold your breath.”

  She stood and took her plates to the sink then left the room. Wondering what to wear to make him drool, Rae searched through her wardrobe and realized how little she owned. All her summer clothes had come with her. On top of the dresses he’d bought her, she barely had enough to scrape by for the next few months.

  “Oh, no! I have to get some maternity clothes soon. This baby is going to cost a small fortune!”

  Her hand rested over her belly as she looked in the mirror at herself. The slow grin of joy belied any sadness about purchasing new clothes.

  * * * *

  Though Rae knew she had little money left, she wanted to buy something for the baby. With a flat stomach, there was no sign of her joy, but she felt something deep inside and wondered at the connection. By her estimate, she could only be about four weeks pregnant.

  Mateo followed her into each shop and stood silent while she viewed the merchandise. When she picked up a blue rattle, she heard him suck in a quick breath and wondered if he, too, felt different. Rae decided it was too soon to buy the rattle but instead picked up a thin blue and pink blanket. The silky material was the softest she’d ever felt. Tears built up behind her eyes as she thought about her baby and suddenly couldn’t wait to hold him, or her, in her arms.

  With blanket in hand, Rae walked up to the counter to pay for it. When Mateo put money down on the counter, Rae’s back stiffened and she turned on him.

  “No! It’s my baby, and I’m paying for his first gift. Keep your money.”

  Mateo didn’t say a word but pocketed his cash and walked out of the store, his poker face unable to hide the hurt in his eyes. Rae felt like a jerk for being so cruel. When she stepped outside, Mateo was sitting in the Jeep, his sunglasses secure in place.

  As she climbed in, Rae cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, Mateo. I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. I just…I want to be independent. The last thing I ever wanted from you was your money. Can you understand?”

  Instead of answering her, he started the Jeep and headed for home.

  Upset that she’d hurt him again, Rae was unable to stop the flow of tears as she stared out the side window. She started when a few minutes later he took her hand.

  “I want our child, too, Rae. I’m trying to understand, but it’s just money.”

  His voice was gruff with emotion. Before she could look at him, Rae had to swipe at the tears to in an attempt to hide her pain.

  “Money means nothing to you because you have a ton of it, Mateo. To me, it’s something I have to work hard for. Buying my baby’s first gift is sort of…well, it makes the pregnancy seem real.”

  He let go of her hand and drove the rest of the way home in silence.

  * * * *

  One of the stores Rae had stopped in was the lingerie shop. She’d picked out a sexy pink silk teddy which she was sure would entice Mateo. Since it was just the two of them in the house, she slipped it on before dinner and put an apron on over it while she made dinner.

  I’m going to tease the hell out of him until he can’t stand being away from me and then turn him down flat! She wanted his heart but knew it was useless to hope he’d offer it, so she settled for desire.

  When Mateo stepped into the kitchen, she felt his eyes on her and kept her back to him, focused on cooking. The pink teddy left little to the imagination, the garters holding up white fishnet stockings. Her white high-heeled shoes were the sexiest pair she had, and she knew they made her legs look shapely.

  “Dessert already?”

  Rae looked over her shoulder in question, knowing what he meant.

  “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes. You need a shower. I can smell you from here.”

  Indeed, Mateo looked like he’d spent another afternoon drinking in his office. Rae was concerned and hoped to bring him out of his bad mood.

  “You’re not my mother.”

  “No, but I have to live with you. Please, Mateo, go shower so I can feed you a good meal. Meet me in the dining room when you’re done.”

  Since she’d asked rather than told him, he seemed more interested in listening and left the room. Her body trembled at the chemistry she felt toward him, but Rae fought back the desire and forced herself to concentrate on the meal.

  When she finally was ready to serve the meal, she took a minute to fix her hair and adjust the bodice of the frilly lingerie before removing the apron. Rae took a deep breath and lifted the platter of food to carry it into the other room.

  The moment the door swung open, Mateo climbed to his feet and practically snatched the tray from her.

  “You should have called me. I won’t have you lifting such a large…”

  His eyes widened at the sight of her cleavage. When he swallowed hard, Rae bit back a smile and tried to take the tray back.

  “Careful, you’ll catch flies if you don’t close your mouth. Put it down on the table, or I will.”

  Her false, sugary sweet voice seemed to enthrall him, but he did what she asked, tipping over a vase without seeming to notice.

  “Something wrong, Mateo?” she asked, offering a look of innocence.

  “Moki never dressed like that to serve dinner.”

  “Oh. Well, I found it extremely hot in here tonight and decided I might as well use my pyjamas while I could. You know, before I turn into the size of a house.”


  Pleased that Mateo seemed completely lost in space, Rae changed the subject.

  “Sit down and I’ll serve you.”

  The way Mateo landed hard, nearly missing the chair, almost made Rae laugh out loud.

  “Here. I’ve made you my favorite dish from home. Do you like lasagne?”

  As she leaned over to place a serving on his plate, Rae made sure that her cleavage was on display for him. She’d left her hair down, flowing over one shoulder, a hibiscus flower behind her ear. The natural fragrance from the soap Moki had given her was all she needed. Mateo never looked down at his plate while she placed a piece of garlic bread on the side of his plate then poured him a glass of milk.

  Finally, Rae sat and picked up her fork.

  “I’m famished. For some reason my appetite is in full gear tonight.” She picked up her glass of milk and held it up. “Cheers.”

  Mateo blinked then picked up his glass, barely looking at it then took a sip. He spit it out in surprise.

  “What the hell?”

  “Mateo, you’ve got milk all over the table.”

  “You gave me milk? What happened to the wine?”

  “You don’t expect me to drink alone, do you? No wine for me, no wine for you. Besides, I think you’ve had enough booze lately.”

  She took a sip of her milk then put her glass down. “I’m so glad you missed the plates. I worked hard on making your meal. The least you can do is enjoy it.” After a moment, Rae said, “Oh, I’ve forgotten the parme
san cheese. I’ll be right back.” As she stood, she avoided his gaze, dropped her napkin on purpose away from the table, then bent over with her legs straight, ass facing him to pick it up then placed it on her chair and left the room.

  From the corner of the kitchen door, she looked back to see Mateo’s face flushed red, his hands covering his eyes. Once she’d grabbed the cheese, she wiped the satisfied smile off her face and went back to the table.

  “Would you like some?”

  Mateo’s eyes widened at her question, his eyes burning with desire.

  “Cheese? Would you like some cheese, Mateo?”

  He nodded slowly, licking his lips.

  “You are in a strange mood tonight. Cat got your tongue?”

  Through the entire meal, Rae made small talk and Mateo watched her every move. When she took a sip of milk and spilled a drop on her breast, she was quick to giggle and dab at it with her napkin. His gaze followed her fingers.

  “Aren’t you hungry, Mateo? You’ve barely touched your meal. Don’t you like it?”

  His focused stare was nearly her undoing, but she kept a straight face regardless, snapping her fingers in front of his face. “What is with you? Maybe we should call a doctor to check you out. Are you okay, Mateo?”

  By the way he shook his head as though to clear the cobwebs, he was just fine.

  “Fine.” At that, he stood and left the room, heading out through the patio door. She heard a splash a moment later and snickered.

  * * * *

  Rae was in the middle of cleaning up the dishes when a dripping wet Mateo stomped into the kitchen and scooped her up in his arms. His expression was one of fury and frustration as he began walking toward his bedroom, keeping her hostage.

  “What are you doing?” she cried in alarm, but he didn’t say a word.

  Seconds later they lay on his bed, Mateo full length on top of her, anything but fury in his eyes as they blazed with passion.

  “Mateo, don’t touch me, please.”

  Her heart beat a mile a minute as she wondered if he’d go against her plea. She needn’t have worried though as he only watched her, his hands on either side of her head yet not holding her down.


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