It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb Page 10

by Dawn Martens

She pushes at me, smacking me a little roughly on the nose.

  “Oh, you wanna get rough, do you?”

  “No, I...” Her face gets red. Loving that I just made her blush, I can’t stop myself, even though I know she will get mad, I have to taste her lips. She is biting her lip, and I can’t take it. I grab her chin and hold her face still. She is looking at me, and I know a part of her wants to kiss me too. I lean forward, and she doesn’t pull back. My lips connect with hers, and for a fraction of a second, her tongue touches mine. If this is what a kiss is like with her, sex would kill me.

  She pulls back from me, wide-eyed. “Don’t do that. I was starting to almost like you living here.” She smacks my arm. “Next time you kiss a girl, brush your teeth first. You have potato breath.” She stomps down the hall and slams her door shut. Throwing my head back, I still feel her tongue tangled with mine.

  There is a knock on the front door, and I hear Jordan go answer it. I check the time and realize that Hayley is early for once. Weird shit that, she’s never early for anything.

  Tonight we’re just going to lounge around, watch some Sons of Anarchy, drink, and chat. I’m wearing some sweats and an old t-shirt. My hair is thrown up into a messy bun, and I have on no make-up. No point in that shit if we’re sitting at home.

  I walk out of the kitchen with my glass of rum and sprite and say hi to Hayley. She narrows her eyes at me, running them over my body. “Couldn’t you have at least put a bra on?” she asks.

  Jordan turns to look at me. Something shifts in his eyes, and he glances at my chest. The look in his eyes causes my pussy to clench. Oh shit! This isn’t good.

  I shrug. “I don’t wear a bra at home. You know that. Hell, if I could get away with it, I wouldn’t wear one ever. Those bastards are not comfortable.”

  Hayley looks at me in thought. Then she shrugs off her hoodie and puts her hands up the back of her shirt, before flinging her bra off. “You’re right,” she says, then gives her tits a massage, the same way I do after I take mine off. “Man, that feels great,” she says smirking.

  Looking behind her, I see Jordan blushing and Brock gulping then shaking his head.

  “Come on, Sons is starting in a few. We gotta get shit done and set up,” I say, grabbing Hayley’s hand and dragging her into the kitchen to help make food.

  “Told you Jordan likes you,” she hisses. “Did you see his face when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra?”

  “You are imagining things,” I grumble and start on the appetizers.

  “Nu uh, he’s got it bad.”

  I shrug my shoulders; doesn’t matter. It’s not going to happen. Besides, he has backed off since the whole sort of kiss thing. I think we are back on friendly territory.

  Shit, I spend more time tonight trying not to focus on the fact that Alix isn’t wearing a bra, than on the show. How can she make a tee shirt and sweatpants look irresistible? She could wear a brown sack, and I’d still get hard. I move around on the couch, trying to get comfortable.

  I feel something shifting tonight. Fuck, I haven’t made a move or used my cocky comments on her since I first got here. I tried backing off, until I kissed her a few weeks ago, just letting a friendship build up. It was awkward for about a week between us, but I think it’s back to normal around here. I had to push away all thoughts and feelings about having her moaning underneath me, and that’s harder than you’d think.

  I look over at Brock. “So, how long have you guys been together?” I ask him.

  “A few months, although she wouldn’t say that,” he says smirking.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  “She says we’re just fuck buddies,” he says, throwing his hands out and sounding as if the idea pisses him off. It seems like he wants more.

  The girls come back out before I can say anything more, handing us over beers and flipping the TV on. They spread some snacks out on the coffee table. I reach over and dip my chip in the salsa again, and Alix smacks my hand, knocking my chip to the floor. “What was that for?” I snarl at her.

  “Don’t double dip. It’s gross.” She sticks her tongue out at me, then double dips her chip. Damn, is she flirting with me? I shake my head at her and go back to double dipping. I can see her smirking from the corner of my eye. She loves to mess with me just as much as I do her. Knowing she would never admit it, but I think she likes me too.

  After snacking around, Alix stretches her legs out across my lap, her feet landing on me. Tickling the bottom of her foot, she snatches them back in her direction. An angry but amused smile plays on her lips. “Don’t fuck with me when my show is on.”

  “Alright,” I surrender, taking her feet back in my lap and rubbing them.

  I notice Hayley staring at our interaction, watching us intently.

  “God, that feels good.” Alix lets out an appreciative moan.

  “Oh, baby,” Hayley teases, killing the moment.

  “Fuck you.” She throws a pillow at Hayley, hitting her in the head with it. It turns into a throwing match between them until one of them turns a drink over.

  Alix squeals and pulls her shirt off without thinking, to clean up the spilled drink. “Shit! This wood can’t get wet. It’s not good, not good,” she says, freaking out as she’s wiping.

  Brock is trying his hardest to look away from Alix’s bouncing tits. Hayley just stares, looking almost jealous.

  “Shit, Alix, I didn’t realize your tits were so damn perky and huge,” Hayley finally says.

  Alix freezes, realizing what she’s done, and quickly tries to hide her tits with her arms. “Oh my God,” she breathes out before rushing off to her room. She comes back minutes later in a blue spaghetti strap tank top, looking all sorts of red.

  “I can’t believe I just did that,” Alix says, eyes wide.

  Hayley giggles. “I thought it was hott,” she says with a wink. “And by the tent Jordan is sporting, I’d say he thought it was hott too.”

  I quickly cover my lap, but I can feel the heat in my face. “Okay, uh, let’s just get back to the show,” I say to the room.

  Everyone settles back into their spots as we finish the show, a show that my mind is not even close to being on. The image of Alix’s tits is stuck in my head.

  After watching Sons, we’re all sitting around the living room, watching random TV, and having drinks. Everyone else is drinking beer. However, I’m working on my third mixed drink, rum and sprite, and only now am I starting to feel it, which is good, because I need it to block out the most embarrassing moment in history.

  “Hey, Alix, did you tell them about the sleeping on the plane problem you got?” Hayley asks after sipping her latest beer.

  I shake my head, not really wanting to relive that conversation because I gotta admit, it was pretty odd. It was also one of the reasons that Jaxon tried at one point to throw me in a mental asylum. When I first got to England to stay with Kellie, she wondered why I was so damn tired and why I hadn’t slept on the plane, so I told her my fear.

  “Tell us! I need to hear this, but I don’t know if it will top the story about the condoms filled with glue that you threw around at cops,” Jordan says. Of course he would say that. Hayley spent most of the night informing him of all the crazy shit her and I, mostly just me I guess, got up to in middle school, and even a few stories of what I did with Kellie. Brock also ended up laughing his ass off because it turns out his Uncle told him about that. He was apparently one of the cops that got a condom full of glue in the face. Oops.

  “Hayley, why don’t you tell this one?” I say.

  Hayley chuckles and retells my fear about sleeping on a plane. Jordan starts choking on his beer, and Hayley is laughing so hard at telling this story, she starts to dry heave. Lovely.

  “Are you serious about that?” Jordan asks, looking at me with disbelief.

  Nodding my head yes, “Well, of course I am. Stranger shit has happened,” I say seriously.

  “Yeah, but really, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a
bout someone shoving a dick into a sleeping person’s mouth on a plane before,” he says with a laugh and a shake of his head.

  “Stop,” Hayley wheezes. “I can’t! No more! Please!”

  “I’ve never seen someone laugh so hard they start to almost throw up. That’s just strange,” I say to Hayley.

  “Not as strange as you thinking some perv is going to put his penis in your mouth,” Brock says, chuckling.

  “Ha! You said penis!” I say and burst out laughing. “Who says that? No one says penis these days. It’s got many names, but penis so isn’t one of them anymore.”

  “Enlighten us then, Princess,” Jordan says, raising an eyebrow. God, that’s sexy.

  I hear chuckling, and I realize that not only did I say that out loud, I was licking my lips as I checked him out. “Oops,” I say with a shrug, but I can feel the heat rise in my face.

  “Okay, we have dick, cock, dong, hammer, love-stick, pussy-pounder, wang—which is so fucking stupid, and whoever made that one up shouldn’t have a damn wang—and snake. Those are the good ones I’ve heard. I stick with dick or cock, though. Oh, and never refer to a dick as a member or organ. That shit is just weird,” I say, all in one breath. “And don’t even get me started on vagina names, because honestly, most are nasty.”

  “How the fuck did you meet her, sugar lips, ’cause she’s fucked up?” Brock says.

  “Aww, sugar lips—that’s so cute,” I say to Hayley, giving her kissing faces.

  She throws the throw pillow at me, laughing and starting another fight.

  I give my head a shake, hearing all the shit that just spewed out of Alix’s mouth. I’ve never met anyone like her. Thinking that I’ve met all the crazy that was out there, between ex-girlfriends, Liz, and Sarah, but Alix takes the cake for sure. She and Hayley are pillow fighting again. I can see Alix’s tits bounce. Fuck me! Her head is thrown back as she laughs. She looks so beautiful; goofy and drunk but beautiful.

  I can tell she’s starting to get sloppy drunk, so I decide to end the night.

  “All right, I think it’s time to call it a night,” I say as I try to help her up off the couch.

  “No way, dude. Let’s just stay here. This is fun,” she says as she tries to stand up, but quickly loses her footing and goes crashing onto the floor.

  Then she decides she likes the floor better and starts rolling around on it.

  “Uh, a little help here? How old is she, because this is fucking ridiculous,” I say to Brock.

  “I no need help, hott stuff, and okay, maybe I do, but not getting up help. I need a good hard fucking. The floor is as good a place as any,” she says, slurring. Shit, even sloppy drunk, my dick gets hard hearing her say that shit.

  I shake my head and decide to carry her in a fireman’s hold. “Puke on me, I’ll spank your ass.”

  She purrs and says, “Baby, you shouldn’t say stuff like that. I happen to like a good spanking as long as you pull my hair at the same time.”

  Shit, maybe I should get her drunk every day. She’s hott as fuck.

  Getting her to her room is hard; she keeps trying to grab my dick. Once I finally get her in and get the door closed, Brock calls out, “Good luck with that.”

  Crazy woman is sitting on her bed. As I try helping her out of her clothes and into bed, she starts singing at the top of her lungs, some song by the Backstreet Boys. When she starts singing the chorus, I’m stunned. Girl has an amazing fucking voice.

  Usually, drunk chicks pass out cold by now, but not her. It’s like she just keeps going and going. Suddenly, she starts singing Spice Girls while jumping on her bed.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I feel like I should be banging my head against the damn wall.

  “Alright, drunk girl, it’s bed time. Want to shower first, sober you up a bit?” She stumbles out of bed, into my arms. Her arms go around my neck, face into my chest, and she’s smelling me.

  “God, you smell good,” Alix whispers.

  I almost don’t want to let her go. I want to fuck her, hard, fast, or maybe even a little slow. Shit! Knowing I’m going to regret this, I pull away from her slightly. She looks confused as to why I’m pulling away, but it doesn’t last long. Done with indecision, I move my hand to grip the back of her neck, bringing my mouth crashing down on hers. She kisses me back, her tongue entwining with mine, tasting like rum and sprite. I don’t even mind. She grabs my ass, pinching it hard.

  Starting to move her toward the bed, I end up tripping over her clothes on the floor. I let go of her, and maybe I shouldn’t have because she ends up bouncing off the bed and onto the floor, landing on her ass.

  Looking down at her, I laugh.

  “Fuck you, asshole. I’m not letting you anywhere near my drunk pussy,” she growls and gets herself up off the floor. She takes a step toward the bathroom and trips over her jeans but doesn’t fall this time.

  The sight has me in a laughing fit, until I realize she has her cell phone in her hand and is throwing it at me before she stomps fully into her bathroom, slamming the door shut.

  Realizing that it’s been ten minutes since she went into the bathroom, I decide to check on her, make sure she’s okay. I turn the knob on the door, and it’s unlocked, so I peak in.

  “Uh, you know you are sitting naked on the toilet?” I say, trying my hardest not to laugh again.

  “Shut up. I know. The toilet seat is down at least, so it’s not like I’m pissing or taking a shit right now. I’m trying to pick up the courage to face you after falling on my ass, which by the way was your fault in the first place,” she says, looking up at me from the toilet.

  Fucking hell, she is stunning. I walk toward her, lift her up, and place her on the sink. She swears at me and then pulls me in for a fierce kiss. My cock springs back to life as she nibbles and sucks down my throat.

  “Lick my pussy,” she demands.

  Fuck, she is bossy, but I like it. Grabbing my hair in her fist, she pushes my head down toward her wet slit, so eager. As I run my tongue over her hardened clit, she begins to squirm. Her hips buck, so I go down on my knees and give her exactly what she wants.

  Alix spreads her legs, giving me a better angle to give her more pleasure. Her head is laid back against the vanity mirror as I finger her tight cunt.

  “Oh, God yes!” She moans. I lift her from the sink and carry her to bed, ready to show her I can make her feel even better. Her head hits the pillow, and she begins to snore. Fucking perfect!

  Annoyed, I roll over and try to get some sleep, when she snakes her arm around my waist, grabbing my dick.

  “Just fucking with you,” she purrs.

  This woman is going to drive me insane.

  She starts stroking my length with eager determination. “You have a nice cock.”

  She runs her tongue around the shell of my ear then climbs over me, forcing me flat on my back. Straddling me, she inches my dick deep inside her pussy. Fuck me, she feels like a wet dream. Plucking and pinching her nipples as her hips roll and grind against me. Her head is thrown back—fucking sexy! Leaning forward, she smashes her breasts against my chest, and kisses me, threading her fingers through my hair as our bodies rock into one another.

  I wake up to the sun shining on my face, feeling stiff. Fucking hell, how much did I drink last night? I’m going to sleep off this damn hangover. Trying to move my face into the pillow, because there is no way in hell I’m getting up right now. Trying to turn over, I realize I’m trapped, and by trapped I mean, there is an arm over my stomach, and I’m totally naked.

  “Oh shit, no!” I’ve had one night stands before, during the times I took off travelling, but this? Shit, I can’t believe I was so damn stupid! This is going to be one of those really awkward one night stands too, especially since he’s staying here.

  As quietly and quickly as I can, I sneak out of the bed and out of Jordan’s hold. I can’t believe I let him take me to bed, drunk or not. I hardly know the dude!

  I creep out of the roo
m, grabbing my tee shirt off the floor and make it quietly to the kitchen to get myself some Advil and orange juice. Sinking down on the couch, I worry, really worry. I didn’t see any condom wrappers anywhere. I sure hope he just got rid of it before falling asleep, because I’m not on birth control. While I don’t hate kids or anything, I love them; I just don’t want any of my own. Did we discuss this shit? Fuck, what if he has herpes or something? My mind is racing a million miles a minute, thinking of all the possibilities and how many ways this can go wrong.

  I scratch an itch on my leg and look down. I haven’t shaved in like two months. I figured what’s the point, since it’s not like I planned on any dudes seeing them. I wonder what Jordan thought of that. I giggle at the thought; maybe he got weirded out and didn’t go all the way. That would be a big relief, but by the way my vagina feels used and abused, we definitely had sex and I need a shower.

  Sitting here thinking, I decide I need to leave before he wakes up, because otherwise, this will just be really awkward. I move off the couch and go to the bathroom. Hopefully he’ll stay asleep long enough for me to get out of here. I rush to start the water; it is taking way too long to warm up. I swear the universe has been working against me ever since Jordan moved in. No matter what I do, it’s like life is pushing us together. Part of me wishes I could trust him, but men are jerks. I don’t do relationships anymore. While the water heats, I move to the mirror and tweeze my brows. With every pluck, I cringe, and tears form in my eyes. This shit hurts! I give up; I’ll just have Hayley wax them later.

  I stick my hand under the steady stream of water, finally feeling warm. I don’t know how late of a sleeper Jordan is, but I am crossing my fingers and toes I can make it to work without seeing him.

  I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside. I reach over to feel for Alix, but come up empty. “Fuck!” I say, knowing she ran off. I toss the blankets off her bed and gather up my clothes from the floor. Looking around the room, I realize that I’m a fucking idiot. I didn’t use a condom last night.


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