It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb Page 15

by Dawn Martens

  “I’m sorry that happened to you,” I tell her gently. Now I understand the reason she got pissed at me for talking about my brother.

  She shakes her head, and a tear rolls down her cheek. “That’s not even the worst part. My parents knew this time, said they didn’t want to get involved between their children, which I thought was a stupid excuse. A few days later, I went back to my parent’s house to clean out the rest of my things from their basement, knowing I would never go back there, and I found a box. Turns out, my mom isn’t actually my mom biologically. She’s, by blood, my aunt. I was born via a surrogate because my parents were having problems getting pregnant after having Michelle, my sister, or half-sister. Everything felt like a lie, my whole life. Michelle always hated me. Mom was trying to make sure I never knew I wasn’t really hers by favoring me most of the time.” She pauses. “What parent does that? It’s just wrong.”

  I don’t know what to think. I came from a loving home, with great parents, and I get along with my brother.

  “Look at it this way, when you have kids of your own one day, you will be an amazing mother, knowing what not to do,” I say, smiling slightly at her.

  She gives me a horrified look. “Hell no! I do not want kids. Other people’s kids are fine, because when they stink or cry, you can pass them back, but me? Nope, never having them.”

  I smirk. “That will change one day.”

  She shakes her head. “Only way it will happen is if someone tricks me into it. I’ll never willingly have children.”

  I throw my head back and laugh.

  “What about you? You want kids?” she asks me after I stop.

  “Yeah, one day. No hurry. Be nice to have a few kids running around,” I tell her honestly, feeling somewhat upset that she doesn’t want kids. If we go the distance, which I hope to hell we do, because at this point, I can’t see my future without her in it, I’ll have to find a way to get her knocked up.

  “I mean it, Jordan!” I yell at him. Again. Jordan and I have eased into this coupledom freakishly easily. We’ve been dating now for about six months, and it, at times, is creepy weird.

  “Oh, come on. It needs love,” Jordan says, pouting.

  “I told you once, but I’ll tell you again. No blow jobs unless it’s in the shower or right out of the shower. I don’t like dick sweat, buddy! You’ve been in classes all day, and you’ve worked out a bit, so you are sweaty. You probably have boxer fuzz on your dick head too.” I shudder at that. So gross! I learned that lesson after going down on Liam once when he came home from work. Never gagged so hard in my life.

  Jordan starts laughing. “Something is so wrong with you.”

  “Shut up!” I say, moving positions on the couch. Next thing I know, he’s leaning over me with his pants down, swinging his dick in my face and smacking me with it.

  “What the fuck?! Really, Jordan?” I say and sit up, moving off the couch.

  He starts laughing and keeps trying to swing his dick in my direction.

  “You’re such a child!” I screech, running to the bedroom.

  He catches me, spinning me so I’m facing him, and kisses me, groaning into my mouth.

  He carries me to the bedroom, and we undress.

  Okay, sexy time sex is not how it happens in the movies or books. I swear, if I trip again trying to get these pants off, I’m gonna scream. There are no slow, sexy looks or removing of clothes. It’s trying to rush out of clothes, as they get stuck a few times, and then it’s sexy time.

  “Are you laughing at me?” I ask Jordan.

  His shoulders keep moving. “Yeah, uh, need some help?” He says through his laughter.

  I throw my pants at him, that I finally got off. “Fuck you.”

  “Oh, Princess, I intend to fuck you,” he says, turning around.

  Never had someone made me laugh so damn much in my life while trying to be sexy at the same time. God, she’s beautiful.

  We are lying side-by-side on the bed, tasting and testing each other’s boundaries. With every passing second, the passion growing between us intensifies. She continues to nip and bite at my skin, and I caress that sweet pussy with my fingers, bringing her satisfaction. I sink my fingers in deeper as her back arches, her hips bucking, meeting me with every movement. Her slender fingers slide up and down my dick freely. Fuck, I love the way she feels!

  Hovering over her, I’m supporting my weight with my arms, as she sucks on my tongue. Our chests our smashed together as she leans up, deepening our kiss. My cock is rubbing against her clit, and the friction is killing me. She is so hot and ready for me. I enter her slick, tight cunt in one quick thrust. She tightens her hold on me, our lips still locked, and her nails sink into my back as I move in and out slowly. I continue to slide in and out slowly, circling my hips. I dip my head down to her breasts, sucking and biting her sensitive buds as our hips grind and rock together.

  We are joined to the hilt; I can feel her pussy pulsing, tightening around me. I feel her heart beating beneath me, and it’s the best feeling ever, knowing I do that to her pulse. Her skin is slick with sweat; I don’t even mind it as I kiss her all over her chest. I love her so damn much. I love every little thing about her.

  I pick up her knees, hooking them over my arms as we collide once more. “Faster, harder,” she pleads, and I deliver.

  Brushing her wild blue hair from her eyes, we make eye contact. It is so sensual—erotic when we come together. “Jordan,” my name leaves her plump lips, so fucking sweet.

  “Yeah, Princess,” I breathe against her lips.

  “Wow, Missionary is officially my favorite position, which is weird because missionary is boring, but damn it was good,” she says, still panting after coming down from her high.

  I roll off of her and catch my breath. “Don’t get used to it. Seeing your ass in the air while I fuck you is my favorite, but Missionary is surprisingly up there since I get to watch you come, and you came hard,” I say, winking at her.

  Alix sniffs and gags. “Oh my God, what is that smell?” she says, gagging, flipping over and putting her face into the pillow. “You farted!” I hear her screech come out muffled.

  I chuckle. “Yeah, woman, it happens. I’m sure you do it all the time.” I grab the pillow from her and try to wrap my arms around her.

  She lifts her head and sneers at me. “Yeah, but at least I don’t practically kill people by the stench.” She shoves from the bed, going to the bathroom to clean up.

  I throw myself onto the bed and burst out laughing. She is a riot! I love it! Like she has never farted.

  I hear my phone ring, and I reach over to the nightstand to grab it. “Turn it off,” Alix says sleepily from beside me.

  “Hello?” I say, answering it.

  “Jordan,” I hear Dad’s reply.

  “Dad, what’s up? It’s early.” I rub my eyes, squinting and sit up against the headboard.

  “Yeah, shit, thought you’d want to know. Renee is off her rocker, thinks the results were fucked up. She believes you really are the father, says the boy looks just like you, and scared the shit out of Sarah. She ended up giving up your whereabouts,” Dad says.

  “Shit!” Knowing Sarah, she would have only done that as a last resort, just to shut Renee up.

  “However, she didn’t give an address. Sarah just said you went to Calgary for schooling. If she is as nuts as I think she is, she’ll probably end up on campus, looking around for you.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. The test said I wasn’t the father. What more does she want?” I fling my hand out, frustrated. I don’t need her showing up and stirring up shit between Alix and me—we are on a good page right now. We’ve been dating close to seven months, and I swear to God, I’m so in love with her. If Renee fucks this shit up, I’ll have no choice but to kill a woman.

  “She thinks you got a friend to take the test in your place,” Dad says mildly.

  “Jordan? What’s going on?” Alix asks, sitting up in bed, pulling the blanke
t over her tits and looking worried.

  “Just a minute,” I tell her quietly. “Dad, we both know that’s fucked up. She was even there in the damn doctor’s office with me when we did the tests.” Crazy bitch is going to fuck things up for me.

  Alix looks at me confused, but then her expression quickly changes to hurt. We might have talked about our lives over the last month, but I never mentioned the Renee thing. The look on her face right now hurts me. It really fucking hurts.

  She quickly climbs out of bed and pulls her clothes on. “Dad, I gotta let you go,” I say, not giving him a chance to reply when I hang up.

  “Alix,” I start.

  She holds up a hand. “No, just stop. You knew about the shit I went through with Liam, my parents, and my sister. You told me about all the problems with your brother and his girl, all about your family, but what you failed to tell me was how you possibly got a woman pregnant?” she says, sounding hurt.

  “Let me explain.”

  “Stop, just stop! I can’t do this! If this child is yours, I can’t be a part of that. That might sound selfish of me, but I just can’t. When I’m with someone, I want to be his only someone. I don’t want kids. I never did. Kids are fine, when they aren’t mine. I’ve told you that. You having a kid, that changes everything,” she finishes off in a whisper.

  “Alix, it’s not like that. Listen to me,” I say, getting out of bed and grabbing her arms. “We had a test. It proved I wasn’t the father, but she thinks the tests got switched or something and is determined to prove I am the father.”

  She pulls out of my arms. “Fucking hell, what’s next? She wants to take you to the Maury show? Jordan, I need space. I can’t do this right now,” she shouts, running out of the room, grabbing her purse, and taking off outside. I get to the door, chasing after her, but stop because I’m naked. Don’t think the neighbors would like seeing me outside in this state, and it is colder than a witch’s tit out there. I’d freeze my sac off.

  I close the front door and sit down on the couch. I’ve seen many sides to Alix, but hurt was never one of them. I hope we can work this out. I feel like such an asshole for not telling her, but I didn’t really do anything wrong.

  I pick up the cell phone after watching Alix run out of the house. I’m not sure what the fuck happened. One minute, I was tasting every inch of her body, the next, she’s running away.

  I hit the call button when I find Hayley’s name. “What’s up, hot stuff?” she says in greeting.

  “I think Alix is on her way to you. I’m not sure what just happened, but she took off on me.” I fill her in on what happened this morning.

  “Righty-ho, big boy. I’ll keep a look out for her and talk some sense into her stubborn head. Later,” she says and hangs up.

  I move to the bedroom, getting dressed while checking the time. Shit, it’s a good thing my dad called. I forgot to set the alarm for school.

  I get to my class, and sure enough, there is Renee, a baby boy on her hip, waiting by the door. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask, shocked as shit that she actually came up this way to find me.

  “Well, you took off, and since I know those tests were wrong, I needed to find you,” she says, trying to grab at me with one hand, while holding onto her kid.

  I step back from her and glare. “Seriously? You have to be fucking stupid. Those tests were not wrong. You need to focus on finding your baby’s real father, not trying to latch on to me! As if you haven’t noticed, the baby is black! Do I look black to you?”

  “But Jordan,” she starts. “Simone and Sam worked their stuff out. She was able to forgive. Why can’t you?”

  Simone and Sam worked their shit out two years ago, and their situation wasn’t anything close to what Renee and I have been through. Sam wanted children, but Simone couldn’t get pregnant. Her doctor said her uterus was tilted and she would need surgery to try to fix it, but he couldn’t guarantee it would help. It put a strain on their relationship. They thought about adoption, but the process seemed to make them fight all the time. It got to where they couldn’t stand to be near each other. Sam peaced out, but after a while, he realized he couldn’t live without Simone. Kids or no kids, he wanted her back. They’ve been back together ever since. Plus, the fact that by some miracle Simone ended up pregnant shortly after they got back together, solidified their marriage.

  “No, just no. Our situations are nothing alike, not even fucking close. I have it good here. I met someone. We’re happy. Back the fuck off and stay the hell out of my life! You aren’t fucking with me and my girl!” I stress my thoughts loud and clear and rush to class.

  I get to Hayley’s house and see she’s already standing outside, as if she was waiting for me. Bitch is still in her pajamas.

  “Did you know I was coming?” I ask her, confused.

  She gives me an annoyed look. “Yep,” she says, popping the ‘p’. “Jordan phoned me, told me to look out for you. Let’s get upstairs, and you can talk to me. I already sent Brock home.” She shivers, wrapping her robe around herself tighter.

  She grabs my arm, looping hers through it as we go to her apartment.

  I take a seat on her couch, and at first, I don’t want to say anything, but then I do.

  “I love him, Hay,” I tell her quietly. “I need out of this. Fast.”

  Hayley comes and sits down beside me, hugging me tight. “Seriously, knock it off. It’s just love, not a time bomb. You ain’t gonna explode. Okay, your panties might, and God that would be amazing. I wonder if panties actually have ever exploded, but wait, what was I saying? Oh yeah, you know me, and I didn’t think I would find love, but I feel it with Brock.” I smile at her. She’s strange.

  “I know, but Liam screwed me own parents, my sister. I can’t do that again,” I say then freeze. “Wait, did you just say you found it with Brock? I thought you were just fuck buddies.”

  “This isn’t about me right now,” she says, then gets back to my issues. “That was them, those assholes. I don’t think Jordan is anything like that crazy messed up family of yours. He might not have said it, but I know he loves you too,” she says, staring into my eyes. What she doesn’t know, is that he has said it before, that he was half in love with me. Of course, he hasn’t said it since that day, but he said it all the same. “Yes, you fight all the time. Yes, you two drive each other up the damn wall, fighting over the stupidest shit ever. Hell, yesterday, you even fought about fighting. You’re perfect for each other,” she tells me.

  I sigh, wiping a few tears off my face. “We are, aren’t we?” I say, smiling. “But I’m still scared, Hay. I thought Liam and I were perfect too.”

  “Jordan is not Liam, and I swear to fuck, if you keep going on about this, I’m going to hog tie you and stick you in the walk in freezer at the local McDonalds,” she says sternly.

  “Okay okay, gee! Don’t need to threaten me with that. That was harsh.” I grin sheepishly at her.

  She grins. “Go back to Jordan. It will work out. Trust me.” Hayley looks in thought for a moment. “Did you ever try out that vibrator you got?” she asks.

  My face heats. “Uh no. I can’t believe I forgot to tell you this story.”

  She scoots her legs up and wraps an arm around them. “Ohh, this sounds like something juicy.”

  I take in a deep breath. “Jordan was there when I got home. He was pissed, threw the thing outside in the snow.” I pause for a minute, not really wanting to relive the next bit. “Then later, we went back outside to get it, Jordan said he was going to toss it in the trash, but then we look across the street and see a few kids building a snowman, and what is in the middle of the snowman’s face?”

  Hayley cracks up. “No way!”

  “Yup, right there, a pink vibrator nose,” I say, shaking my head as I tell her about us making a run for it once their mother came out screeching.

  “Man, that’s awesome! I wish I could have seen that shit,” she says, laughing. “Alright, enough of this
shit! Go get your man,” she says with a grin.

  Smiling at her, I leave quickly. I decide to drive to the college to meet Jordan outside his classroom. Just as everyone walks out of the building, I see Jordan come out last.

  “Jordan,” I call. I see him whip his head around, searching. When he sees me, I see relief all over his face.

  Rushing to him, I kiss him deeply. “I’m sorry. I should have just listened, let you explain. I was being a turd.”

  He lets out a low chuckle. “Princess, you wouldn’t be you if you weren’t a turd.” I roll my eyes and kiss him again. He breaks the kiss and stares at me, no smile, but fiercely. “I love you, Alix,” he says.

  The wind has just been knocked out of my sails. Oh my shit! Him flat out saying that, just changed everything.

  “You don’t have to say anything. I know you love me too. It’s obvious. When you’re ready, you’ll tell me.”

  We spend his lunch hour just hanging out, eating, and talking. He tells me about the stalker chick showing up this morning with the baby in tow. That woman sounds deranged.


  Today is my day off, so I thought I’d try my hand at this baking business. I’ve never been good at it and usually ruin everything I try, but I’m quickly learning that maybe, just maybe, I should just give up. I look in the oven at the banana bread I’m attempting, and it’s another one ruined.

  “For shits sake! Why won’t you fucking cook!” I yell as I open the oven to take out the bread pan. How the hell does an oven boil banana bread? This isn’t making any sense! I wipe at the sweat beading across my brow from the heat of the oven.

  I angrily put the boiled banana bread on top of the stove. This is the second one I’ve tried. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing wrong because I’ve followed the directions exactly as it says. The universe is working against me.


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