It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb Page 17

by Dawn Martens

  I do, but I won’t admit that to him. I smirk, knowing he can’t see the smile on my face because he’s too busy pleasing me.

  “These need to come off.” He pushes at my pants, sliding them down my thighs.

  Bending her over the bed, I take a look at her ass; so fucking perfect. I slam into her without warning. “God, you fit me like a fucking glove,” I moan.

  “Harder,” she says, moving her hand and putting it on her clit, rubbing.

  She moans out as I slam inside her, harder and faster. I squeeze her ass, my fingers digging into her soft creamy flesh.

  Moving my right hand to her rosebud, I rub it and insert my thumb as I pound harder. She stills and tries bucking me off. “Yeah, that’s it, Princess. Come for me.”

  “No, no way. Remove your fucking thumb,” she gets out between a moan. “No ass!”

  Ignoring her, I press my thumb in deeper, thrusting as fast as I can to find my release. Minutes later, I’m emptying into her. Pulling out, I lay on the bed, one leg dangling off the side, and ignore an angry Alix, who’s stomping around the room. She is grabbing clothes so quickly I’m not sure any of the shit she just snatched, matches.

  “Ouch!” I say when Alix kicks me in the shin. “What was that for?” That hurt like hell.

  “When I say no ass, I mean it! No fucking ass! Would you like it if you had a thumb or finger in your ass? Huh? I bet you wouldn’t! Bastard!” She finishes yelling and storms out of the room.

  I burst out laughing. I thought chicks loved that sort of thing. Seems like I am learning a lot of do’s and don’ts with her the hard way.

  I get out of bed and go to the kitchen to find something else to eat. I don’t have anything to do today, since classes finished up yesterday. Alix doesn’t often work Saturdays, but she decided to go in today to help Hayley, since Hayley was doing a birthday party thing at the salon.

  I send Alix a text, telling her not to be mad at me, that we are still getting to know each other through trial and error. She shoots back a quick text that she isn’t mad, just not to do it again. I do some laundry and clean up the dishes from this morning.

  I still feel bad, so I decide to do something nice for her, like buy her some flowers and candy. While I’m out, I grab some new movies, ones I hope she hasn’t seen yet. Figure we can enjoy a nice night in. Hell, I am even going to cook for her.

  It’s late afternoon when there is a knock on the front door. I’m just getting ready to start dinner, and Alix should be getting home any minute now. She didn’t mention anyone coming over when I texted her earlier, asking her not to make dinner plans.

  I open it and come face to face with a man I’ve never seen before. When he sees me, he looks pissed.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he demands. “Why are you in my woman’s house?”

  I raise my eyebrows at him. “Your woman? If we’re talking about Alix, you’ve got issues, man.” I should hook this moron up with Renee. He’s going to learn quickly that Alix is my woman. I don’t share, and he sure as fuck doesn’t have a foot in the race to win her, whoever he is.

  I stare this douche nozzle down. Dude looks like a total pansy. He is dressed all business like, a little too nice for a casual visit. I sure as fuck hope Alix didn’t date this panty fucker.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I ask, frustrated this loser is ruining my plans.

  “I’m her fucking fiancé,” he quips. Oh, fuck no! This dude is crazy. This must be that loser that fucked her over, Liam.

  I make my way to the house when I notice another car in the driveway beside Jordan’s. He didn’t say anything about having guests over tonight. I’m exhausted from working all day, so I hope they don’t stay long.

  I make my way in the house when I hear raised voices.

  “Get out!” Jordan yells.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Alix needs to hear what I have to fuckin’ say!” I know that voice. Oh God, why is here?

  “She’s mine. You fucked with her not once, but twice. You ain’t doing it a third fuckin’ time,” Jordan growls.

  “She’s always been mine. I was her first.” Oh my God! Liam is here! My heart sinks to my stomach. I never wanted to see him again, ever!

  I rush into the living room and see the guys nose to nose, chests puffed out and nostrils flared. They must have heard me come in because they back off instantly.

  “Princess,” Jordan says, solemnly taking a step away from Liam.

  He doesn’t move to come greet me, so instead, since I don’t give a shit that Liam is here, I move to him, giving him a deep hard kiss by grabbing the back of his neck.

  “Missed you today,” I say, smiling at him, completely ignoring Liam.

  “Yeah, Princess, me too,” he says back, giving me a quick peck.

  “I love you,” I tell him, looking him in the eyes. This is the first time I’ve told him. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have said it at this exact moment, but I kind of wanted to rub it in Liam’s face, and at the same time, finally let Jordan know.

  He stills, eyes widening, and his face goes soft. “I knew you did,” he whispers with a smirk.

  “This is fuckin’ great and all, but Alix, we need to talk,” Liam says, sounding extremely pissed and interrupting our moment.

  Sighing, I look Jordan in the eye. “Trust me?” I ask him.

  He nods. “Always.”

  I let him go and step away. “Let’s go outside,” I tell Liam.

  “Why can’t he fuckin’ leave?” he asks, not budging, nodding at Jordan.

  “Because he lives here. Move it,” I growl out at him.

  He reluctantly moves when I shove him toward the door.

  I shut it behind me and move down my front steps to his car. “Why are you here?” I ask him bluntly.

  “I came to talk. You never emailed me back,” he says, shrugging.

  “Did it ever occur to you that I didn’t want to email you back? Did it occur to you that I didn’t give a fuck? Oh wait, wanna know what I did though? I laughed and got drunk, and I thanked fucking Karma for the shit you’re in!” I tell him hatefully. I shove hard against his chest. What an asshole.

  His face drops. “Babe, you can’t mean that.” Babe? Seriously, where does he get off?

  “Oh, hell yes, I do mean that! I met someone, someone that means everything to me, someone that lights up my world. I fucking love him! Knowing what kind of love that is, what I have with him, I know I never loved you. What we had was child’s play.” Hands on my hips, I stand my ground.

  “Look, I came here because I wanted to apologize. I never should have given you up,” Liam says, raking a hand through his hair. “As for him, end it. I’ll forgive you, and we can get back to what we were.”

  “Gave me up? You didn’t give me up! You cheated, and I left you! Twice!” I yell, throwing my hands in the air. “Forgive me? What the hell for?” I say darkly. “Fuck you, and fuck that cunt of a sister of mine. You cheated, so you best run along home now.” He really has a lot of nerve showing up here like this. He must have grown some big balls this past year.

  He turns away for a moment after wincing. “Your parents miss you. You changed your number, so they don’t know it. You don’t reply to their emails. They want you home. You need to stop running every time you get hurt. That’s not life!” he says, getting angry. His cheeks are heated red, his fists clenched.

  “My parents? I don’t care. They hurt me, you almost destroyed me, and my own sister betrayed me! I’m good here. I co-own a salon, business is booming, and the minute you leave, I’m walking inside to make love to my man,” I shout at him, spit flying from my mouth as I talk. After everything they did, all of them, I washed my hands of all of it. I am happy here with Jordan, the happiest I have ever been.

  He grabs my arms tightly. “You’ll always be mine, Alix, always. I don’t give a fuck who the asshole is. You’ll be coming home with me,” he shouts in my face.

  He starts yanking me to the passenger side of his car when Jord
an comes barreling out toward us.

  “Get your fucking hands off her!” he yells.

  “She’s coming home with me,” Liam says calmly.

  “Like fuck she is!” He rushes at Liam, causing me to land on my ass with the movement as he tackles him to the ground. They each trade blow for blow, until Liam low balls him and gets Jordan in the balls.

  Liam quickly moves, coming toward me. “Don’t touch me!” I scream.

  I run around him to get to Jordan, to try to help him up off the ground when I feel Liam come up behind me. I kick my leg out and back, hoping to stop him from coming at me. Instead, he sidesteps and grabs Jordan.

  Men, always fighting over pointless shit, thinking their fist will solve problems; they both end up fist fighting on the road, when I notice a car coming at them. All I see is a blur of blue hurling their way.

  “Move!” I scream.

  Neither of them pay attention to me, and just keep fighting. I don’t think twice about it. With the car fast approaching, I move swiftly and shove them out of the way.

  Suddenly, pain shoots through my body, and then nothing.

  The screech of tires grabs my attention after I’m on the ground next to prick boy. I sit up and look around; shit, we ended up taking the fight to the road. “Oh my God,” a woman’s voice says hysterically.

  I look to where the woman is staring, and my blood chills. I don’t even pay attention to who the chick is. Alix is lying on the ground, blood coming from her head.

  I quickly get up and go to her, getting down on my knees. “Shit, Alix. No, you can’t do this to me, babe. Wake up,” I sob out.

  “Jordan, just leave her. She probably won’t make it,” I hear said from my side.

  I whip around, knowing that voice, and stare the cunt down. “Renee, you will pay for this. Fucking bitch,” I roar at her.

  “Baby, please, she was keeping us apart. Now she’s not.” She tries to touch me.

  “Call 911, you bitch. You better pray she doesn’t die on me,” I tell her.

  I look down to Alix. “It’s gonna be okay, baby, I promise.” I place a kiss on her forehead.

  “Shit. You know that bitch?” Liam, the fucker asks, crouching down beside me.

  “Yeah, stalker bitch and I dated over a year ago,” I tell him, holding on to Alix tightly. “This is on you too. Alix, right now, her bleeding in my arms, is your fuckin’ fault too.”

  “I’m sorry. Shit, I wasn’t thinking. My life is so fucked up right now,” he says.

  “Look man, I don’t care. You won’t get pity from me. You need to back the hell off.” He just stares blankly at Alix as she lies motionless. Renee is still hovering, the crazy whore.

  The police arrive, and Liam quickly fills them in on what he knows. Moments later, the ambulance arrives, and I don’t give them a choice; I climb into the ambulance and ride to the hospital, praying to God she’s okay. I won’t lose her.

  “Hey, Princess.”

  I look toward the voice that called to me, seeing Jordan walk in, looking relieved. “Hey,” I say quietly.

  “You feeling okay?” he asks. The doctor said I should be fine, other than a cracked rib, some bruising, and a mild concussion—oh, and the road burn. I suck in a breath through my teeth, feeling the burn slightly. My pain meds must be wearing off.

  “Who hit me?” I ask him. I didn’t see anyone; I was too scared Jordan was going to be the one hit. Not thinking, I just reacted.

  “Renee,” he grits out. “But first, why the fuck would you do that? It was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done!” he says angrily. “You scared the shit out of me, Princess. I can’t lose you. I just got you.”

  “Well, sorry, I was just looking out for you, you idiot, and who is Renee? Is she the wench that was trying to claim her baby was yours? What the hell was she doing in town still?” I ask him.

  “I don’t really know. The woman needs some medication. She’s in jail right now, so let’s hope she stays there a while. Her kid was in the car with her when she hit you, too, so he’s been carted off by social services. Your family is also here. I told them all they wouldn’t be allowed in unless you gave the okay.”

  I try to sit up, and groan out in pain. I feel so stiff. It hurts to even think right now.

  “Lay back down. You don’t need to be sitting up yet,” Jordan says. He takes a cup of water with a straw in it and helps me get a drink.

  “What about Liam?” I ask him out of curiosity.

  His face turns dark. “That chicken shit was here, but the minute your parents walked in, your dad ripped him a new one and he left. I highly doubt you’ll ever hear from him again.”

  Well, that’s good news, finally. Good riddance.

  “Can you bring my family in? I think we should talk,” I tell him. As much I don’t feel up to seeing them right now, I know I need to do this for me. Jordan helps me adjust the bed and my pillow, so I am sitting up more comfortably.

  “All in at once?” he asks hesitantly.

  I shake my head no. “Michelle first. I think we should finally have a talk. I have things to finally say to her.”

  “Okay, Princess,” he says, leaning over the bed and kissing my forehead. “Be right back.” He looks back at me one more time. I smile weakly at him and nod my head, giving him a final okay.

  I watch him walk out, and I take in a deep breath. I can’t hold onto the hate any longer; it’s time to let it out. I can forgive, but it doesn’t mean I have to forget. This is more for me than it is her. I am ready to let go and move on with Jordan. When I thought that car was going to hit him, the only thing I could think, was that I knew I couldn’t let anything happen to him.

  I love him. He is my world. I can’t even begin to imagine my life without him.

  I step out into the hall, letting the Brinkley’s know Alix is okay, and she wants to talk to them, but one at a time. First up, she wants Michelle.

  I follow behind her and stand by Alix at the side of her bed for moral support. I look at the two of them, and they don’t look anything alike, even though they have the same dad. Michelle seems a lot more uptight than Alix, too.

  “I don’t hate you anymore, Michelle,” Alix starts timidly. She tries to clear the frog in her throat, taking another drink of water.

  Michelle steps forward and speaks quickly. “I’m so sorry, Alix. I really am. I’m so damn sorry.” Her head hangs down in shame. I get a good look at Alix’s sister and realize she is pregnant; not that far along, but there is a slight bump.

  Alix holds up her hand. “It’s done. It’s over. You hurt me. My whole life, you’ve been hurting me. I never did one thing to you, so I never deserved any of the shit you’ve done to me. I want you to leave, Michelle. You are officially done in my life. Leave and don’t contact me again.”

  “Alix, please,” Michelle pleads. I think Michelle is sorry, but the damage has been done. I can see it written on Alix’s face that she is done with her.

  “I feel nothing anymore, not with you. It’s high time I let it go, and that’s what I’m doing. You need to be a mother to that daughter of yours. Don’t let her grow up with such hate.” Alix looks her sister over, and her gaze settles on her stomach. “And that new child you have growing inside of you.”

  That’s my girl.

  Michelle, I notice, is sobbing as she walks out of the room. The door doesn’t closed before her parents walk in quickly.

  “Alix, honey,” her mom, Tanya, starts. She wrings her hands together, looking so tired and worried.

  Her dad, Johnathon, doesn’t step forward. He stays back by the door, just watching the room.

  “We’re so sorry we didn’t say anything. We should have, and we know that now. Please.” Tanya’s voice cracks. She leans down, wanting to soothe Alix but not sure how to do it. She quickly regains her composure and stands back up straight.

  “I forgive you. I doubt we’ll ever be close again, but I love you. You’re my parents,” Alix says, tears in her eyes. “But y
ou need to let me heal. Visit me every so often, but I’m done with Michelle. I don’t know why she hates me so badly, but I’m not even for a moment going to tolerate her in my life. I don’t need her drama, her hate, none of it,” Alix states plainly, making her feelings clear.

  “I understand, baby girl,” her mom says hesitantly, looking like she wants to mend the breach between the sisters.

  It’s then that her father comes over beside the bed, grabbing her hand. “You’re my daughter. I love you so much, Alix, and I stand by your decision about Michelle. I love you.” Her father leans over the bed and kisses her head. He nods at me with a brief weak smile.

  They both walk out of the room and quietly close the door.

  “That was hard, but I’m glad it’s over,” Alix says softly.

  I sit on the bed beside her as she reaches for my hand. I rub soothing circles on her hand, avoiding the other one with the IV.

  “I love you, Jordan. I mean that with everything in me,” she says.

  “Yeah, Princess, I know. I told you,” I say, winking at her. I pick her hand up and kiss it softly.

  “Don’t push it, Jordan,” she says warningly.

  “I love you too, Alix, always,” I say, bringing her in for a kiss. She shifts and uncomfortably moans, so I help her get comfortable. I watch as she drifts off to sleep, knowing this girl is going to marry me. She doesn’t realize it yet, but in time, I am going to build my life with her.

  I’ve been home a week now, and Jordan is driving me absolutely insane, constantly hovering and taking care of me. He needs to cut that shit out. I was hit by a car, but I am able to wipe my own ass. Not that he has tried, but still…

  After hearing of my accident, my friend Kellie finally came out of the woodwork. She was staying at her little brother’s place, hiding, since Jaxon doesn’t know anything about her family. At least, I don’t think he does. Being who he is, I’m sure he knows but is giving her space. She has been keeping me from choking Jordan for being overly attentive.


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