Unbound (Bound and Bared Book 1)

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Unbound (Bound and Bared Book 1) Page 9

by Christine Monroe

  Looking at her face, I realized I never wanted to wake up alone up again, but I couldn't change the ending. Miranda was leaving, four days with her was all that remained.

  "You are staring at me, Val." Miranda raised her hand up and went to touch my face, but halted mere inches from my cheek.

  “Why did you stop?”

  “I know you don’t like being touched.”

  “You didn’t stop last night.”

  Miranda blushed. “That’s not my fault. I can’t seem to think straight when you hop in bed naked with me. You are a huge distraction.”

  Taking her hand, I brought her fingers up to my face. They automatically wrapped around my cheek. Her touch so warm, a breath of sunshine when I had only known shadows.


  “So are you.”

  The look in Val’s eyes took my breath away. I am falling in love with him. My heart dropped the bomb, sending shrapnel straight towards my soul, tearing through me leaving massive holes in its wake. I shuddered at the revelation.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. Come on let’s go distract each other in the shower.”

  Val smiled. The kind that actually reached his eyes. Boom, more explosions. I am in love with him. If I could have, I would have reached inside and torn out my heart, ripping it out like cancer I needed to expel. Instead, I got up and headed to the bathroom, Val following behind. The holes were burning through my body, leaving an emptiness in their wake.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The last few days had flown faster than I could have ever guessed. Tonight was my final night behind the bar, my last night to spend with Selena. We had not stopped laughing or finding ways to talk about the chaos of a packed bar. We had only managed mere moments of time, but they meant the world to me. Selena had become my very first friend outside of my sisters.

  Every minute spent with Selena was one I didn't have to think about the fact that tonight was my last night with Val as well. I kept scanning the crowd, my eyes not able to stop searching for him. So far he hadn't come out of his office, and I couldn't help the disappointment I felt every time I glanced up and didn't find him.

  I had been branded by my time with him. His touch, his scent had been etched on my skin, and he had carved a permeant piece of into my heart and soul. Since the night I realized I loved him things had been different. I wasn't the only one who was changed. Val had been spending time with me instead of pushing me away. He hadn't spilled his secrets of confessed his undying love but the fact he was trying to talk to me was a miracle in itself. I had seen glimpses of the man behind the control. I had to catch myself from telling him the truth, from spilling I love you from my lips like a fountain. Luckily on most nights, Val kept me busy with other things on his body that nothing to do with his heart.

  A hand touched my back pulling out of my thoughts by Selena.

  "You okay? You looked lost." Worry darkened her features, and I wanted to tell her everything. My mouth sat perched on the edge of confession, my soul willing to reveal the truth. I had fallen in love with the king, surrendering my heart to his rule.

  My lips parted, but I slammed them shut. I couldn't tell Selena, falling in love with Val would have to be another secret Bound and Bared held within its walls.

  I offered a small smile. “I’m going to miss being here. I am excited to see my sisters, but they are the only good thing I have to go back to.”

  "You won't be away long. If anyone can help you, it's Val. You came to the right place, even if at times you weren’t sure you had made the right choice. Val won’t fail Miranda. If Val gets stupid and doesn't ask you to come back here, then I will get you and your sisters myself. You are part of the Bound and Bared family now, a crazy fucked up family but family all the same. You belong here, Miranda."

  The worry on Selena’s face eased as she leaned closer, her face lighting up under the club lights.

  Could I come back here and keep away from Val? He had never promised a future and while I was sure he would let me stay, staying here and being his were two very different things. I didn't think I couldn't see him every day and keep my distance. I would be free from one hell to be condemned to another. If that's what awaited me, I didn't want to come back.

  A voice called Selena from the other side of the bar interrupting my thoughts.

  "Mistress Selena, are you free tonight?"

  "One of my regulars." I nodded as I watched Selena make her way to the other side of the bar. Her legs parted slightly as she walked, her lips falling open as she focused all their attention of the man in front of her. Selena spun a web of sex and power, every strand beautiful, enticing and impossible to resist.

  I realized I had been staring, so I quickly turned around. The one person I didn’t care to see was heading my way. Ever since the night he had tried to touch me, Eddie had kept his distance. I shifted uncomfortably. I had one day left. I had been hoping I wouldn't have to deal with him, but my luck had run out. I watched him glance towards Selena making sure she remained occupied before he approached me.

  Eddie put his hands up. I didn't trust him, but I had nowhere to go. The club had gotten busy, and people were everywhere.

  "Look I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I can be a real asshole when I am drinking." Eddie smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. Something sick and dark slithered under the surface, and I didn't want ever to find out what it was. Chills raced down my spine, as I tried to think of something to say so he would go away.

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I should get back to work; we are starting to get kind of busy."

  I tried to walk away quickly, but he caught by the arm.

  "You are getting back to work. That's pretty funny. The only real work you do is on your back with your legs spread."

  My mouth dropped open as my heart picked up speed.

  “I have nothing more to say to you. After tonight we never have to see each other again.”

  Eddie leaned closer sending his foul breath sliding across my cheek.

  "You think that's what I want? What I want is to see you down on your knees sucking my cock. How much do you say daddy dearest would be willing to take for a night?"

  All the color drained from my face as the thought of Eddie touching me made me sick. My stomach recoiled, and I opened my mouth to scream, yell, do anything to get away from him but I never got out a sound. Someone grabbed him from behind, and Eddie's grip was dislodged as a wave of relief washed over me. Shock registered on Eddie’s face as fear made his eyes widen. Only one man could put a look like that on Eddie’s face.

  "V, man we were just talking. I wanted to apologize for what happened the other night. That's it. I swear."

  Val didn't say anything, just spun me around, so I faced him.

  “You okay?”

  "I'm all right." I prayed he wouldn't hear the traces of fear in my voice.

  “You’re lying. Miranda, what did he say to you?”

  I shook my head.

  His face grew tight, and his eyes turned dark.

  "Fine you want to do this the hard way." He went to push me away as he raised his fist. Curled tight it looked like a deadly weapon ready to be unleashed.

  “Stop. Fine. I’ll tell you. Only you can’t start fighting okay?”

  “He wanted to know how much I would cost for a night.” I tried to keep the tone light, as I said the words as fast as I could. They tasted vile on my tongue, but I had to keep myself together. I didn't want to Val to see how much Eddie's words had affected me.


  My face twisted into a mask of rage. Blood rushed to my fists, my whole body ready for a fight.

  “Val you said you wouldn’t.”

  “I lied.”

  Reaching faster than Miranda could stop me I grabbed Eddie around the throat and slammed his head into the bar. The force sent Eddie's head ricocheting off the top bending his neck back into my hands. Blood poured from Eddie's nose as I lifted him from the bar and tossed him. E
ddie hit the floor with a sickening thud.

  People got out of the way at the bar as soon as they saw me lift Eddie up and get ready to toss him. They stood in a circle, watching the scene unfold before them. Some wore looks of horror, but most of them were smiling. Loving the violence playing out before them.

  I stalked towards the man on the floor. Blood was falling from Eddie’s nose. He lay still on the floor, and as I drew closer, Eddie started to move. He tried to back away, but I was faster. Lifting him from the floor, I gripped his arms tight.

  "Get out!" I commanded giving a shove sending Eddie stumbling backward. Eddie had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

  “You don't mean that V.”

  "Did I fucking stutter? I said get out! I'm done with you. Do you want to push me? I wouldn't mind breaking a few more things."

  Eddie didn't move; he shook his head back and forth like he couldn't understand what I was doing.

  I closed the gap between us and pulled Eddie to the door. Ripping it open I tossed him outside. He stood there bleeding, his eyes begging me not to do this. I slammed the door as I walked away without even a backward glance.

  "Anyone else wanting not to play by the rules?" Everyone shook their head. The crowd filled the gap back in, unfazed by what had just occurred.

  The club settled into normal like nothing had happened. Selena walked over and grabbed a towel to clean the spot where Val had slammed Eddie into the bar top.

  “Has this happened before?” I managed to say once my mouth caught up with my brain and what had just happened.

  “Yeah, but it’s been awhile.” Selena smiled. “You seem shocked. Eddie had no right to touch you. Val had warned him once. Fuck up and Val will correct it.”

  I nodded numbly. It's not like I wasn't grateful. Eddie had been a complete dick but dicks I could handle. Eddie was more than that, and I felt relieved I didn't have to meet his dark side.

  The thought struck me that only Val had ever defended me. Not once, but twice. If I weren't already in love with him, I would have fallen right there.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  My whole body felt alive. Every nerve ending firing so fast I felt like a live wire. My fists ached to keep hitting something. My body strung so tight; I felt afraid I would lash out. Keeping my arms locked to my sides I moved as fast as I could to the safety of my office. Slamming the door behind me, I finally took a breath. My world spun, I hadn't gone postal over a girl since Selena. The day rolled through my mind, and I knew what I felt then didn't compare to what I felt when I saw Eddie touching Miranda. I felt primal. The need to protect what was mine pulsed through my whole being.

  The door opened, and I didn't even have to look to know who had entered my office. Only one person would dare approach me now. Miranda moved silently; every step sent her familiar scent swirling around me.

  “Val.” The name came out soft. I turned to the sound finding her eyes.

  “I wanted to say thank you. No one’s ever done something like that for me before.” A nervous laugh escaped her lips.

  “Then again no one ever thought I mattered before.” The sadness in her voice brought something unfamiliar to my chest. The primal feeling accelerated, coursing through my blood stream as I reached out and pulled her close.


  My body fell forward as Val's arms circled me. He pulled me close without demanding something more; his movements tender instead of rough. My head landed against his chest as his arms wrapped tightly around me.

  His hold bordered on crushing, but I didn’t care. The way he held me said all the things he couldn’t say. Tonight would be our last night together. I tried to avoid the rush of the things I wanted to say. It wasn't fair to say any of them, not when he was like this. If I had to guess, I would say this was the first time Val willing held someone without expectations, without the need to control. I choked on the tears wanting to fall. This was my end, there would never be anyone except Val in my heart, in my soul. When I left, I would leave them both behind, parting gifts to the man who had claimed me in more ways than I had ever known.

  “V. I need you.” The words became hushed against his chest, but he must have heard them because he pulled back. “Don’t deny me. Give me everything you got. Here. Now. Give me something to hold on to when I’m gone.”

  Val didn't move so I lifted myself up and pressed my lips to his. Soft. Gentle. My lips were asking for permission, begging him to give me what I needed.

  Val's mouth parted, and I pushed my tongue inside, trying desperately to memorize his taste. The action caused Val to groan, sending my core clenching.

  I gripped Miranda's arms and pushed. Her lips falling from mine as a look of shock appeared on her face.

  “I can’t Miranda. I can’t.” I backed away. My throat closed up as my chest tightened. I started slipping back to the place I felt safe in, but Miranda caught me. Her eyes narrowed as her fingers coiled into fists by her sides. She didn’t plan to let me get away with crawling back inside my mask, her eyes refusing to leave mine as she stepped closer.

  "No. You won't do this. You demanded I give everything to you, and it's only fair you do the same. Do you think I wanted to, knowing there was no future for us? That after tonight I don't have anything except the empty place you created. The place I know will stay empty because it belongs to you. I may walk out that door, but everything good I'm leaving behind with you."


  I moved into Val’s space, crowding him, making it impossible for him to escape.

  He could move me, but I would go right back. I wouldn’t let him push me away this time. This had become my Hail Mary, all my cards falling from my hand like snow.

  "This is all over after tonight. The deal is complete. I can't change what's coming, neither can you. There are no happy endings for people like us. I never expected you, but I don't regret a moment between us. We have tonight. Please," desperation edged my voice.


  Miranda was the type of woman a man would do anything to keep, too perfect for a man like me to hold on to. She would never settle for only part of me. She wanted everything, every dark secret, every second of my past, present and future. I knew I had to let her go, even if I saved her sisters Miranda would want more than I could ever give. I might not be able to hold her forever, but I could hold her tonight. I could let her see what rested underneath my mask. I would give her everything I could.


  "I will try Miranda. For you. Only for you." With those words, he closed the distance between us. Dragging me close he took my mouth with fierce possession. The kiss was desperate and demanding. He owned me with it. He let me own him with it. Breath mingled. Worlds shifted. Impact.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  "Put your hands against the wall," Val said.

  I turned and flattened my palms against the cold wall. I desperately wanted to turn around and see what Val was doing, but I held still. A strong hand reached up and gripped my wrists, pushing them together. Something sparkled, a silver chain swayed before my eyes. Taking my wrists together Val wrapped the chain around them, locking my hands together. A loop dangled from one of the links. He hooked it to a metal loop embedded in the wall above my head. Once he got me where he wanted me, he touched me, his hands slid their way down to my ass, pushing my pants and panties down until they rested by my ankles. I had never felt such anticipation. I couldn't see him. I had no idea of what he planned. Fingers slid around my hips, finding my clit he pressed down hard. Delicious pain mixed with pleasure shot through me. A finger pushed inside me. A rush of wetness flooded my pussy as I tried to press down forcing his finger to go deeper. He quickly pulled his finger out, leaving me empty.

  "Please." The sound fell from my lips in a desperate plea.

  I leaned my mouth against her ear. “Do you know why I don't have my finger buried to the hilt inside you right now Miranda?” She shook her head, the motion making the chains rattle.

  “Because you decided you wanted my fi
nger to go deeper. Haven’t you learned anything? I don’t think you can help it. Always so eager. Have I told you to drive me fucking insane?"

  I couldn’t answer. Words weren’t coming. I only felt the sharp pain of need.

  Val circled his fingertips around my hips. Ever so slowly he moved them, so they were so close to where I needed to them to be. A simple brush caused a whimper to escape my parted lips. Val teased me, making sure I knew he was the one in control.

  “Didn’t you say you wanted everything?” Val whispered into my ear.

  A small part of my brain sent a wave of warning, a tiny spark of logic. I shouldn’t let him do this. I didn’t know how far Val would go. My heart broke open, pushing every doubt out with every beat. I closed my eyes for a moment. Letting the world fall away until I could only feel Val’s breath upon my skin. The burn between my thighs.


  “V” One letter sounded like a prayer as Miranda came to life. Her eyes snapped open, awakening the part I demanded to own. Miranda offered to me with a simple letter, offering her trust in exchange for me to show her the things I kept locked away.

  She let go, her body relaxed, giving me full confidence to do what I wanted. The rare gift of her trust almost brought me to my knees. She had become the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. There was not one place on her body I didn't want to worship.

  “I don’t care what anyone says. You are perfect Miranda.” The words held the worship I so desperately wanted to show her. My hands roamed her body and Miranda let out another whimper.

  “So perfect.” Letting go of her body, I watched her sway, seeking me out with desperate need.

  I stood back and watched Miranda dangle. Seeing her bound like an offering to ancient gods made my whole body flood with need. I walked over to a box resting on the floor behind my desk. Lifting the top open, I felt a rush of excitement. I had ordered new inventory for Selena, but I never thought I would get the chance to use anything myself. Looking through the box, I wanted something with restraint. Our last night together would be one of pleasure heightened by pain, something to soothe our demons and give us a tiny bit of light to cling to when the world went dark again. A beautiful dark crimson crop called to me, and I pulled it free from the box. Something silver also caught my eye, and I reached back in the box to find a set of nipple clamps. Perfect.


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