Unbound (Bound and Bared Book 1)

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Unbound (Bound and Bared Book 1) Page 19

by Christine Monroe

  Val’s eyes narrowed, “Afraid, Miranda?”

  I moved closer to the bed. Like a moth to a flame, he drew me to him. "Completely terrified," I whispered.

  “And I will take that as my cue to leave.” Sam walked out the room, and I felt the air shift.

  Val licked his lips, ready to eat me alive. I had spent the last three days trying to get him to keep his hands to himself. I didn’t want to risk hurting him, but every day had grown harder to resist him. His hand slipped into my hair, and he tugged. I tumbled forward as he captured my lips. His fingers dug into my skin, frantic and needy.

  My whole body begged for Miranda's touch. Every part of me had missed her. The past three days had been hell. Every time I had tried to touch her, she had denied me. Fuck the bullet. Not being with her with her was worse. I couldn't last much longer. I had to have her. I had grown desperate to have a taste of what was mine.

  “I’m going to taste you. Lift your dress.”

  She didn’t protest as she raised her dress to her hips. I found myself staring at her bare pussy.

  “You have been walking around like this?” I growled. I imagined her walking through the club with nothing under her dress. The idea sent jealousy spiraling through me.

  “Like what?” She smiled. She knew exactly how to push me, and when it came to Miranda, I only needed a small nudge before I started to lose control.

  "Don't worry no one knows but you." Her voice had changed as clear need flooded her system. She became as desperate for me as I was for her. I loved the way she looked when she wore lust, driven mad by the fact I knew she only wore it for me.


  I felt wetness pool between my thighs from the way Val stared at me. I was on the menu, and I planned to stay there. I wanted my pussy to be the only thing he ate.

  “Sit.” He pointed to his face.

  I realized what he wanted me to do, and the idea alone had me dripping wet.

  “Now, Miranda.” I didn’t need him to tell me twice. My hand gathered my dress up further as I swung a leg over his head. Gripping my hips, he pulled me down until my pussy sat right over his mouth, exposed, stripping me completely bare. He would be the only one who would ever see me this way. The thought sent lust coursing through me.


  My tongue thrust deep as I devoured her pussy like my last meal. Sweet sounds fell from her lips, her thighs trembling as I ate her without mercy. Driven to the edge again she could do nothing but let go, as I drank every drop, consuming her like the finest wine. I caught every tremble, every cry of my name. Her scream pierced the air around me, and her taste permanently branded on my tongue.

  Her body stilled, and I let go. She slid down my body careful not to touch where I still needed to heal. I didn’t want to admit it, but I secretly loved the way she was so careful with me. I loved the way she wanted to stand beside me no matter what may come. With her, I had the one person I thought I would never find. She humbled me with her love, with her gift of choice. I still wasn't sure I had done to deserve her, but I had forever to show her what she meant to me.

  Her eyes met mine as she sat up. Her fingers made quick work of pushing my pants and boxers down enough so my cock could spring free. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips, and I knew she wasn’t the only one the menu.

  “You’re trying to kill me aren’t you?”

  She didn't answer me. Instead, a wicked smile landed on her lips before her mouth captured my cock.

  I groaned. The action sending tiny remnants of her taste exploding on my tongue. She fucked my cock with her mouth. My hips raising to match her rhythm.


  I heard Val groan, the sound sending my core clenching. I became greedy, demanding he gives me what I wanted. If he had been dying for a taste so had I. I wanted him spilling down my throat, and I felt the moment he stopped holding back. He gave himself over to my frantic pace as I took him deeper. His hands wound around my hair, locking my head in place. His fingers dug in as he came, and his body shook as I drank him dry.

  My eyes caught sight of how beautiful he looked when he came. I became captivated by it, lost in the way I made him come undone.

  "Am I dead? If I am, what a way to go." Val's words came out rushed. His breathing fast and uneven. I sat up and walked to the bathroom, my laughter floating through the air. I never expected Val's sense of humor, but it was a pleasant surprise. I turned on the sink and grabbed a washcloth. This was a time I didn't mind playing nurse.

  I walked out of the bathroom, happy to find him right where I left him. His eyes met mine, and I became transfixed. I didn’t think I would ever get used to the way he looked at me, pure power, intense and all-consuming I became helpless and powerful in the same breath.

  His hand took my wrist, and I finally moved. He went to take the washcloth from my hand, but I resisted.

  “I can do it myself.”

  "I know. You have a problem with someone taking care of you don't you?"

  Val didn’t say anything, giving me the answer I suspected. It came as a surprise when he let go of my hand, giving me permission. I ran the warm cloth over his skin. I felt him tense under the touch then relax.

  "See it's no big deal." He raised his hips pulling his boxers and pants back up.

  “It’s not so bad with you.”

  A knock on the door made me jump. The door opened before Val, or I had a chance to ask who it was. I should have guessed. Thorn.

  “How’s my patient?”

  Val’s middle finger hit the air.

  “Well, I had hoped after Miranda took care of you, you wouldn’t be such a dick. Need another round?”

  My cheeks flamed bright red. That fucker. He'd been standing outside the door for much longer than I wanted to think about. That would explain why he just opened the door; he knew we had finished.

  "Get out Thorn," Val demanded.

  “That good, huh?”

  I saw a flash of metal. Val had a gun in his hand, and he aimed the barrel right at Thorn. Thorn glanced down to see a red dot right over his heart. Instead of being afraid he threw his head back and laughed.

  “Where did you get a gun?” I asked horrified.

  “I gave it to him,” Thorn said. “He didn’t like being without a weapon. I didn’t feel like arguing with him.”

  “You two are fucking crazy, seriously. Val put the gun down. Thorn, check him and then it would be better if you did what Val said and got out.”

  Val lowered the gun letting Thorn get to business.

  "You are looking good. I did a fucking excellent job."

  Val rolled his eyes. “The only thing I want to know is when I can get out of this fucking bed. I am tired of laying here.”

  Thorn raised his eyebrows in my direction. “I would never want to leave.” He winked at me. I didn’t have time to react. I heard a pop causing Thorn to jump.


  “Yeah. Why didn’t it work?” Val pulled the trigger a second time. I heard the pop again but still nothing fired.

  “I filled it with blanks, you asshole! I’m not fucking stupid!”

  I turned to Thorn. “At least one of you has a brain, be it a small one.”

  I caught the sound of something flying by my head as Thorn ducked.

  “You missed.” Thorn said as he stuck out his tongue.

  “Keep your eyes, hands, and everything else to yourself. Miranda is mine. Next time, it won’t be blanks.”

  "Thanks for the heads up and for the record everyone knows she is yours, V. We figured that part out when you started acting like a mental patient over her. Everyone here would die to protect Miranda. Keep that in mind the next time you try to shoot your friends." With those words, Thorn walked out.

  Val pulling a gun on him had hurt. Thorn was all talk, underneath everything he had a heart. I hoped Thorn would find someone who would see the side of him he kept to himself.

  “He would never touch me. Even I know that. We need to work o
n your people skills.” I picked up the gun off the floor and walked to the door. “Play time is over. I’ll be back in a while to check on you.”

  "You're leaving? If it helps, I was aiming for his leg."

  I shook my head as I walked out. Val was going to drive me to drink. Thank god I now knew how to make them.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  Two weeks had passed since I had been shot and left on death's doorstep. I had finally had enough of that fucking miserable bed, so I threatened to start using the bed as target practice. I owed Emily a thank you for making sure my threat had meaning, this time, the gun wouldn't be loaded with blanks. My threat worked and as long as was careful I was now back to running my club, and back showing Miranda who ruled her. I had also kissed and made up with Thorn. He had saved my life; a debt I could never repay. Miranda's words had hit home, and I knew she had been right. Friends like Thorn were hard to find. I had been too stupid to see what I had right in front of me. I felt strange knowing I wasn't alone, and I knew I would probably still fuck up, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Being confined to the fucking bed had done one thing, I realized what I wanted to do. The club I had built from nothing had been the only thing up until now that was truly mine. I had used Bound and Bared to hide, a well-crafted mask allowing me to live in the shadows. It was time to try something new.

  The sound of Miranda’s laughter echoed across the bar. I knew the sound so well I automatically turned my head. Her sisters, Selena, and Case had all gathered around her. Their faces never betraying the darkness they had all lived through. Instead, they smiled, taking comfort in each other.

  Sam noticed me first, rushing towards me she threw her arms around my neck. I hugged her back, my strong arms capturing her gently. I had discovered I had a weakness when came to her as well. The moment she took my hand I knew she had caught me. She thought I was a hero and wouldn’t believe me when I tried to correct her.

  Sam stepped back, flashing a smile so like Miranda's. "Nice to have you back in one piece. Bleeding out the floor wasn't a good look for you."

  “I wasn’t very fond of it.”

  Sam laughed.

  Miranda walked over with the rest in tow. I figured I had them all together, so now seemed like a good time as any to tell them.

  "I have decided I would like a vacation that doesn't begin with a bullet to the chest. Selena, I thought you could take over for a while. You love this place as much as I do, and I know it will be in good hands."

  Miranda’s mouth dropped in surprise so did Selena’s.

  “Stop fucking around, Val. This is your baby you can’t walk away.” Selena said as she got closer to me. Her hazel eyes had clouded over, tears threatening to break. I hadn’t seen her cry since the night we met. The night I picked her up from outside my door and promised she would always have a home at Bound and Bared.

  “I’m not walking away I’m taking a break. You have had my back since the day we met. I know I fucked up a lot, I didn’t realize what I had and when I did I didn’t know how to thank you. I owe you much more than I could ever repay. Besides, I stayed here because I needed to but now I have something I need more.”

  Selena furiously wiped away the tears that had collected in her eyes before she threw her arms around me. I didn't know what to do, so I stayed still. Displays of affection were new to me, and I still felt like I needed to learn how to interact with people without losing my shit and barking orders. At least not to the people I would never admit I liked, no the people I loved. Fuck, I was going soft.

  Selena's hug lasted only a second before she pulled and back and said, "You took long enough." With a simple kiss to my cheek, she stepped back, and I knew both of us had a lot to learn about playing nice.

  I could only shrug.

  “We’re not staying here? I like it here.” Miranda frowned as she met my eyes.

  "You seemed to like my house just as much." I held out my hand, and she took my fingers in hers without a second thought. I had to work hard to keep a stupid grin off my face. I loved knowing she belonged to me, not because I owned her, not because I ordered her to, but because she loved touching me. Her fingers warm in mine. A simple thing others took for granted but for me caused my heart to beat against my chest, seeking her, claiming her.

  “What about us?” Emily’s eyes tore through me, even though she was well guarded I still could guess her fear. I didn’t have any intention of taking Miranda from them.

  “There is plenty of room. I would love to have you and Sam and come stay as well.”

  Emily wore her shock for a brief moment before she relaxed.

  “You did bring me my gun so I owe you.” Emily smiled.

  Miranda turned on her sister, “Em tell me you didn’t.”

  Emily shrugged, “He gave me puppy dog eyes. What was I supposed to do?”

  "Val doesn't do puppy dog eyes, he does do this, or I will fuck you up eyes."

  "I think he realized that wasn't going to work on me. You and Sam are head over heels in love. I am not. I made him work for it. I found it pretty amusing." Emily winked in my direction, and I laughed.

  “Who are you?” Miranda shook her head trying to figure me out. She wouldn’t get very far; I couldn’t figure myself out at the moment. I didn’t know how I could be the same and so different all at the same time.

  “I thought about heading up and getting things set up.”

  "Need help?" Miranda's eyes flashed.


  Emily rolled her eyes. “Get a room you two.”

  "That's what we are trying to do," Miranda said as she eyed her sisters. "You guys will be good here for a couple of days?"

  Sam caught Miranda’s cheek with a kiss. “Take all the time you need.” Turning my way, she winked.

  “Shall we?” Miranda kept her hand in mine, so simple yet it had become my lifeline. She tugged me towards the door, and I followed, a king without a crown, a king who had finally found his queen.

  Chapter Sixty

  The drive had been silent except for the sound of sweet anticipation. I wanted to be back in his bed, my body at his mercy. The house came into view and memories raced through my head. Back at the club, we hadn’t wanted to take our time. We fucked fast and furious, our bodies needing each other with desperation. I wanted time. I wanted to see how far he could take me. The car came to a stop. Val went to open his door, but I caught his hand.

  “Take back what is yours.” I dropped my eyes. I knew what my words meant. I knew what I was offering. I didn’t want to be equal. I wanted to be ruled. I wanted to be owned with every ounce of pain. I wanted to come alive. The house became my place of worship. My feet crossed the threshold with reverence.


  I took Miranda’s leading her to part of the house I had always kept secret. I spent so many years wondering why I had even created a room that up until now had always felt like a cruel joke. A bitter reminder of what I craved. Now, with Miranda’s hand in mine, the room felt like home. I welcomed the need. I let her feed my darkness. I unlocked the door, pushing it open. Her eyes widened as her breath accelerated. I could taste her curiosity, no judgment or fear, only wonder, and lust.


  I took in everything around me. My hand slipped from Val’s as I walked over to a wall holding nothing but different types of whips and restraints. I ran my fingers over them all, images of how they would feel against my skin sent a shiver down my spine. My hands could feel the weight of the cuffs around my wrists. The bed stood tall and menacing in the middle of the room. All sides plus the floor and ceiling had places to lock chains or cuffs in place. The bed itself soft and inviting. The complete opposite of the rest of the room. I had come home. I slipped my dress off my shoulders, the fabric pooling at my feet. A simple confession, the declaration of what I so desperately needed.

  I couldn’t breathe. Miranda’s body glowing, lit beneath the lights. Her skin had turned back into pale perfection, a blank canvas to play with. I move
d around her, capturing her fingers as I brought over to a bench resting near the bed. I pointed and said, “Down.”

  She complied, draping her body over the bench. I clicked the cuffs in place as I could see a slight shiver running along her spine. My fingers matched its path. The touch igniting goosebumps on her flesh.


  Laying on the bench, left me wide open. My wrists and ankles cuffed on side platforms holding me in place on all fours. Soft padding rested beneath my naked skin, a contradiction for something meant for such wicked things. Val found my ear, I waited. The constant hum of anticipation coursing through my body.

  "I sometimes wonder if you are simply a dream. I am always afraid to wake up never knowing if you will be gone." His fingers danced on my skin. They landed on my ass, and I had to bite back a smile. With without warning, he struck. My skin burning under his palm.

  “I remember the first time.” Val’s voice seeped into the burn he had created. “The way your skin looked so perfect tinted red from my handprints.”

  Another hit landed across my ass, harder than first. I sucked in a breath. The blows mixed with Val’s words. I saw it all. The first time I saw him, the kiss that had stolen my very breath. His head between my thighs. The taste of his cock in my mouth. The first strike. The way he held me, his arms my anchor when I had nothing. His face when I told him I loved him. He owned me so completely, so fiercely I had no room for nightmares.


  Miranda had gone so. Still, I wondered if she was even breathing. I had only started, but it had already become torture. The way she allowed me to possess her was like shooting a pure drug into my system. No one had ever affected me this way. I had gotten high from only a few blows. I had to have more. Pulling a flogger from its hook, I stepped to the side of the bench. Her head turned, catching what rested in my hand as her eyes traveled back up to mine. She saw the madness, all the shadows I tried to hide. The way I enjoyed making her hurt. I stopped dead in my tracks as the mirror image of my soul reflected back in her eyes.

  She didn’t look away, taking every piece until she stripped me bare.


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