Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas)

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Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas) Page 2

by Marian Tee

  He was possibly the most handsome man she had ever seen, and that was saying something since she had once met the actor playing Captain America in real life.

  When she started to speak, he placed one finger on his lips, indicating that she had to be quiet.

  Against her better judgment, she did.

  A moment later, she came to regret her decision because apparently, keeping quiet meant permission for him to maul her. He was on top of her in an instant, her body trapped under his muscular form. Something sharp pierced her flesh, and when she looked down, she saw the man’s mouth sucking on the skin right above her heart.

  Oh my God, he was a vampire and he was going to suck her dry!

  She screamed, and a moment later, the trolls burst through the door.


  But her screams died when all they did was laugh at her. The way they were gazing at her made Zari’s skin crawl, and she realized she had foolishly forgotten something just as important.

  She. Was. Naked.

  “Got thirsty right away, did ya?” Troll A cackled. She recognized him by the gash on his forehead.

  “Just don’t ya kill her,” Troll B reminded.

  The man on top of her shifted, his body shielding hers from the trolls. She was almost grateful for it, but then he lifted his head. That was when she saw the faint traces of blood lining his lower lip, just before he licked it dry. The way he did it so calmly left her dazed, enough for Zari to start doubting herself. Was she really going to survive this without succumbing to fear and madness?

  “Come on, give us some privacy.”

  Zari jerked in shock under the vampire, his strange tone leaving her even more bewildered. Her attacker had been the picture of formidable strength a moment ago, but now his mewling voice made him seem pathetic. Maybe she really was going crazy.

  The vampire was still whining. “I can’t get my cock up when I have an audience.”

  Troll A snickered. “Doesn’t matter if it stands or not. It’s still gonna look like a piece of shit next to our dicks.”

  Troll B laughed. “That ain’t no way to speak to our rich friend here…even if it sure is true.” They began shoving at each other in jest as they trudged out of the room, the door closing behind them.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but instead she ended up swallowing several drops of blood. Her eyes darted up, and that was when she saw the vampire had his wrist above her lips, his flesh ripped open and blood trickling out of the wound.

  Zari choked, but it was too late. The metallic taste of the vampire’s blood was flowing down her throat.

  Easy, pet. There is nothing to be afraid of. I had to do this so we can share a blood bond.

  Her eyes flew wide open at the voice inside her mind.

  I’m sorry I had to do that suddenly. It was the only way to communicate with you without the others knowing.

  Zari stared at the man still half-lying on top of her. His face remained impassive, but a gentle, quiet sense of strength shone from his bright green eyes. We may be watched, so do not say anything out loud, he continued inside her head. It is best to be careful.

  Was this really happening, Zari wondered dizzily. But then – after everything that had happened, surely this one shouldn’t seem so unbelievable?

  Can…you…hear…me? She asked the question haltingly, unsure if this strange form of communication was two-way.

  Yes…I…can. He deliberately mimicked her halting tone and, after a short stunned pause, Alexandru was rewarded with a murderous glare. Her fiery response pleased him since it meant her captors had not succeeded in breaking her spirit.

  I’m going to get you out of here, but I need your help.

  How? Zari asked the question warily while determinedly squashing the spurt of hope trying to blossom inside her. She wanted so much to be free that false hope would kill her at this point. She didn’t think she’d be able to handle the disappointment if that happened.

  Here comes the fun part, Alexandru thought. You need to pretend that I’m having sex with you while we’re talking. Otherwise, they’ll think that we’re too quiet inside here.

  The way her cheeks puffed and her lips formed a perfect O in surprise like a cartoon character nearly made Alexandru slip. Dammit, that had almost made him grin. Did this girl know how ridiculously expressive she was? It was extremely cute, and usually, Alexandru hated anything that was “cute”.

  Did you just say---

  ---that you should fake sounds that would make them think we’re having sex? Absolutely. They expect me to do it to you and if they don’t hear any sound coming out from you anytime now---

  Almost on cue, they heard the noise from outside the door suddenly dropping, as if the trolls had thought of listening to the door and making sure they were still inside. Realizing that the trolls were once again suspicious, Alexandru reached out to the soul seer and pinched her cheeks. Hard.

  She yelped.

  He winced. That didn’t sound like good sex, but in situations like this, that was probably a good thing, his reputation in the bedroom be damned.

  That hurts!

  Really? Then I should do it again, I guess. He pinched her cheeks again, applying greater pressure.

  This time, though, instead of shrieking in pain, she growled. A loud, angry growl that rumbled from the deepest part of her stomach, making her sound like someone suffering from a demonic possession.

  It was a frighteningly realistic sound. It was a cute sound, and damn if it didn’t make his cock twitch inside his pants. His body’s reaction to the soul seer’s cuteness made Alexandru pause and stare down at his body in amazement. It had been a long time since he had found himself this sexually affected by a woman, and it was just his luck that his body had chosen to be attracted to a woman he was honor-bound to keep from harm.

  That definitely made having sex with her out of bounds since he was notorious for being the bed ‘em and leave ‘em type.

  Zari stiffened when she realized that the vampire on top of her was looking at her like he wanted to devour her. Which should have been a good thing – if he didn’t live on human blood. She did her best to cross her arms over her chest even though it was silly.

  Ah, pet. Why are you covering yourself? I was just enjoying the sight of your naked body.

  She gaped at him, irked, frustrated, and just plain confused at the same time. How can you joke at a time like this? Don’t you realize that this is a dangerous---

  I do, of course, which is why I told you that I needed your help. I need you to distract them a while and buy me some time. He stroked her cheek. Now, how about doing better this time? Scream for me please.

  Her lips took a mulish slant for a second, as if everything about her hated having to follow him. As all the women he knew had been eager to do his bidding, may they be human or not, he found her determination to resist him refreshing.

  And cute.

  Cute and hot, and again he was tempted to do something. It was a toss-up between grinning and kissing her senseless.


  His lips met in a straight line as she glared at him. She took a deep breath, opened her mouth, and screamed.

  It was irritatingly high-pitched, making Alexandru wince. Outside the room, he heard the trolls stop talking.

  “Do you think he’s hurting her? They’re gonna kill us if he hurts her bad,” one of the trolls muttered nervously.

  Hearing that, Alexandru said hastily to the soul seer, Change of plans, pet. Now we have to convince them you’re enjoying sex.


  If not, they’ll barge in here and then you’ll leave me no choice but to make love to you. They’re worried that I’m hurting you. They’re scared of the repercussions since they’ve been asked to keep you unharmed at all costs.

  Zari tried to understand what the vampire was saying, but it was hard to concentrate when there was a very hot and intensely male body pressed against her. For the past ten minutes now, she had been
doing her best not to think about the fact that something had stirred into life against the junction of her thighs. Something long, thick, and so amazingly hard.

  Do it now! Or they’ll come in---

  Zari let out a scream.

  Alexandru’s jaw dropped. That sounded like someone had just tried to kill her. I said, make it sound like you’re enjoying my touch.

  That WAS what I was trying to do!

  Ah, okay. Then try it again but less like…you’re being killed?

  Frowning, Zari tried again, and this time she added a little moan.

  Alexandru slowly ran a hand over his face, using it to keep the fact that he was laughing his ass off hidden. This time, she had succeeded in not sounding like the next victim of Norman Bates. This time, she succeeded in sounding like a ghost.

  Outside the door, the trolls were becoming more anxious, the bag of gold coins in their pocket ignored.

  Ah, damn. He was left with no choice---

  Zari froze when she heard the door being opened.

  She looked up at the vampire, and once again he took her by surprise by closing his mouth over hers. The kiss was hot and deep, drugging her senses to the point that she had a hard time remembering this was not what she wanted. She tried to struggle against the vampire, but every movement only made her cock slide up and down against her flesh, which was slowly…getting…wet.

  The realization made her whimper in dismay against his lips, a sound that only made him chuckle before he deepened the kiss, his tongue invading her mouth and making her head whirl. She tried to beat his chest with her fists but when he started sucking on her tongue, her hands somehow ended up clutching his shoulders, nails digging deep in the sinewy strength of his back.

  Passion was beginning to cloud his mind, but Alexandru did his best to remain alert. Slowly, he moved his hand up, brushing against the sides of the soul seer’s soft body before cupping one breast. The little whimper she did was as cute as he feared and hoped, and his cock ached even more at the sound. Knowing that all her attention would be focused on his hand on her breast, Alexandru reluctantly pulled away from their kiss to address the trolls.

  “I need some privacy,” he whined even as he started kneading her breast. With his back to the trolls, the soul seer’s nudity was completely hidden from their view and only her face was visible. He needed the trolls to see the expression on her face to assure them he was not going to kill her.

  “You sure giving it to her good, vampire,” one of the trolls muttered.

  “I like her soft with pleasure before I start to hurt her,” he answered without looking away from the soul seer. When she glared at him at his words and opened her mouth to retort, Alexandru’s lips only curved – just before his fingers around her breast closed in on her nipple. And then he pinched, ever so gently, just enough to make the pain arousing.

  No man had ever touched her breast, and no man certainly had ever touched her nipple. The sensation was so shockingly intense that she forgot what she wanted to say to the vampire and ended up whimpering instead.

  His fingers moved again, rubbing and pulling on her nipple, and Zari bit her lip, not wanting to make another embarrassing sound.

  Even as Alexandru heard the trolls leaving and shutting the door behind them, he couldn’t make himself stop teasing the tender, sensitive flesh under him. What he was doing now had nothing to do with convincing an audience about his ability to bring a woman to an orgasm. Right now, all he cared about was the girl under him – and teaching her the real meaning of pleasure.

  His cock throbbed urgently at the look on the soul seer’s face. Her eyes were hazy with desire, her cheeks flushed with pleasure. If this went on any longer, he really would fuck her now, and that just wouldn’t do.

  In his mind, he called to his men. Are you in position? He had given them as much time as he could to follow the coordinates he had provided.

  Yes, milord.

  Thank fuck. Alexandru untied his cloak and wrapped it around the soul seer, surprising her. Stay here and do not leave this room until I come back for you. Do not trust anyone except me.

  The words made Zari pull the cloak tighter around her body. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was worried about the vampire. Even though he had taken gross advantage of her body, he was still the nicest “monster” she had encountered ever since her abduction. He was, in fact, the only living creature she knew, now that her parents were…missing. She didn’t allow herself to think they were dead.

  What are you planning?

  There is nothing for you to worry about.

  She stiffened. I’m not worried.

  A sly smile flashed on his lips. I truly must teach you not to lie to me one day. Do you know that every time you lie, you only become irresistibly cute and it makes me want to fuck you even more?

  Her mouth opened and closed. She had no idea what to say to that, and judging by the glint of amusement in the vampire’s green eyes, he knew it, too – and was relishing it.

  His fingers twisted around her hair all of a sudden, and before she could think of pulling away, he was already moving in, taking her lips in a deep kiss. One last kiss to wish me luck.

  One blink, and he was gone from her side, the sound of the door smashing against the wall the only clue about where he had gone.

  Another blink, and she saw terror distorting the troll’s already-hideous faces just before they slumped to the ground, their necks twisted.

  Third blink, and Zari heard everyone outside screaming.


  Dawn had broken by the time Zari stepped out of the mining shaft, the carnage behind her a nightmarish memory she probably would never forget. The rocky walls of the tunnels had been splattered with blood, the ground littered with bodies.

  When the vampire came to stand next to her, she whispered, “The other candidates? What happened to them?”

  “They’re all safe, pet. You need not worry about them.”

  “Are you sure?” She didn’t think she could live with herself if they had suffered because of her.

  “I always speak the truth. Lying is a waste of time for me.”

  She nodded, paused, and mumbled, “Zari.”

  Alexandru slowly turned his head to look at her, pretending not to understand what she had said. “What’s that?”

  “My name.” She swallowed and pulled the vampire’s cloak closer to her body, feeling cold and alone all of a sudden. “It’s Zari.” She glanced up at him. “What’s yours?”

  “Alexandru.” Before he could say something else, one of his men approached him, kneeling in courteous greeting before speaking. Alexandru mentally winced at the show of respect. The old guard just couldn’t accept that he was no longer a part of the ruling family of Sangre.

  “My lord, all the slave masters have been accounted for.”

  Zari started at how the other man – vampire? – addressed Alexandru. He was a nobleman vampire? Like Count Dracula?

  Zari’s thoughts were so loud that even though she hadn’t meant to use the blood bond between them, Alexandru was still able to hear them. Her last thought made him cough, and he said in exasperation, I am not like Count Dracula.

  When her jaw dropped, it was clear that she had also forgotten they were able to communicate mentally. This was also cute, but the way his cock instantly reacted to it was not. Alexandru rubbed his jaw grimly. He had to get rid of the soul seer as soon as possible. He didn’t like the way his body was reacting to her.


  When he turned to Zari, none of his frustration was evident on his tone as he asked, “What is it, pet?”

  “My parents…” She told him what happened, doing her best to keep her voice void of emotion. If she heard herself break down just the tiniest bit, she didn’t think she’d be able to stop crying.

  Alexandru carefully considered her words. If her parents had indeed drowned, then his men should have found their bodies. They had scoured the woods far and wide several
times to make sure that none of the slave masters had escaped.

  But if they had not drowned, where were they? Why had they not come to claim their daughter? The information he had been given about Zari’s parents were unclear. No one could say if they were her biological parents and thus full-blooded soul seers as well. But if they were, surely they should have sensed the danger hunting them down?

  “Do you think there’s a way to find out…where they are?” She couldn’t make herself question whether they were alive or not. She just…couldn’t.

  “I will do my best.” Alexandru expected her to ask for more reassurance, but Zari only nodded, surprising him. He cupped her chin, and when their gazes met, he felt a strange pang in his chest when he saw her blurry gray eyes.

  His tone gentle, he said, “I mean it, you know. I will do my best to find out what’s happened to your parents.”

  She managed a smile. “I know. You told me you don’t lie, remember?”


  The way she trusted him so even though they had just met? Cute.

  The way she was doing her best to maintain a strong façade even if it was obvious she was worried about her missing parents? Cute.

  Everything she did was too damn cute, and right now, it wasn’t just his cock affected by it. His whole damn world was impacted by her every word and smile.

  And that was not good.

  Not good at all.


  He blinked, realizing that she had been calling his name several times now. Looking around, he also realized that his men were nearly finished with cleaning up, ensuring that there was not a speck of evidence that might allow humans to discover their existence.

  This particular mission was already complete in other words, so what was he still doing here? He had never lingered around this long and had certainly not spent this much time with any of the targets he had rescued.


  Damn. He had lost himself in his thoughts again. Looking down on Zari, he said gruffly, “I apologize, pet. What is it?”


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