Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas)

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Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas) Page 6

by Marian Tee

  Alexandru almost laughed out loud when he saw the look of horror dawning on his pet’s face just before color spread in her cheeks.

  And there it was, the blush he had missed seeing. It was disturbing, the way he had found himself thinking about that blushing look on Zari’s face so many times while he had been out hunting.

  Small and with a body so slim it was almost boyish, Zari would have appeared average if not for her lush, ash-blonde hair. But what he really liked about his little pet were her large gray eyes and expressive face. In all the years he had roamed the earth, and they were very many years, Alexandru had hated all things that could be described as cute…until this girl came into the picture.

  With her, “cute” was synonymous to arousing and right now, she was being extremely cute with the way she lied in a straight face. “My Master is the kindest Master on earth. He is the most intelligent, the bravest, and just the very best all around.”

  The entire class was silent, as if unable to decide whether Zari was being sincere or sarcastic.

  Zari lowered her head in shame. She was such a major fail at becoming an ideal pet.

  Alexandru slowly shifted on his feet, not wanting anyone to catch how his cock had reacted to Zari’s futile attempt to butter him up. Did she know how cute she was? Did she?

  Madame Lavinia cleared her throat. “We are so honored you have found the time to visit us, Master Alexandru. Class, please give Master Alexandru a warm welcome.”

  Wide-eyed, Zari watched the entire class quickly and gracefully slide to their feet and drop to a curtsy. She hurried to do the same, not wanting to be the odd duck out…again.

  “Welcome, Master Alexandru,” the entire class chorused.

  “Welcome, Master Alexandru,” Zari hurried to say, but she was too late. Her Master knew it, too, judging by the amusement glinting in his green gaze.

  It’s not funny, Master, she griped at him glumly.

  It is. And since I find the way you make the worst human pet in the entire school entirely delightful, you should be thankful.

  She glared at him. Is that supposed to make me feel better?

  His smile widened. You see, pet? You should have been happy about what I told you, and yet here you are, glaring at me in front of the entire class---

  Zari jerked at Alexandru’s words, and when she looked back at the other girls, she realized that all of them were glaring at her on her Master’s behalf.

  “Go and give your Master a proper welcome, dear Zari,” her teacher urged.

  Before Zari could even think of what a proper welcome meant, Madame Lavinia was already pushing her forward, leaving Zari no choice but to walk towards Alexandru. She stopped when she was in front of the vampire but kept her gaze down. She needed a moment to herself because right now, all she could think about was that her Master was really indeed here.

  Did you miss me, pet?

  No, Master.

  Alexandru chuckled in her mind. As always, the lies. You know I have to punish you for that, don’t you?

  Her head snapped up, Zari ready to protest.

  Alexandru took that as his cue to kiss her, his fingers curling around her nape just before his lips took hers.

  Shock and embarrassment flared up inside Zari at the unexpected touch of Alexandru’s lips over hers. Oh, she should have known! She thought about struggling but decided not to, knowing that would only make her lose much-needed brownie points with her teacher. The only way she could resist then – and stay sane – was to refuse her Master entry to her mouth.

  Fists clenched against her side so she wouldn’t accidentally cling to him, Zari did her best to keep her lips pressed together.

  Alexandru knew Zari was doing her best to resist him, but it only made him want her more. It only made more determined to have her begging. Open your mouth, pet.

  No, Master.

  If you don’t open your mouth---

  Slowly, he moved his hands, settling them on her waist. Just that one simple touch and he felt her shudder. She was so beautifully responsive, and Alexandru knew he would die a happy man if she remained like that for all eternity.

  Will you open your mouth now?


  He lifted his head up, reluctantly ending the kiss because he wanted to see her reaction. When her eyes slowly drifted open, Alexandru immediately moved his hands up, enough to reach the undersides of her breasts.

  Zari stiffened in shock at her Master’s touch, unable to believe where his hands were. Just as unbelievable was the lack of protest from the teacher and the other girls in the room. Did they all think this was a proper welcome for a Master?

  In a moment, I’m going to cup your breasts and play with your nipples. So one last time, pet – are you going to open your mouth?

  Knowing Alexandru was not the type to bluff, Zari did one better.

  It was Alexandru’s turn to be surprised when, instead of simply opening her mouth, Zari threw her arms around his neck and initiated the kiss. He recovered from his shock right away, of course, and returned the kiss with hungry passion, his tongue sweeping inside her mouth, dying for another taste of her sweetness.

  Just one kiss, and Alexandru knew it would be impossible for him to stop.

  Zari felt her Master sweeping her up in his arms just before breaking the kiss. She opened her eyes, dazed, and saw Alexandru staring at her like he was one inch away from devouring her.

  She gulped.

  Do you know how much I want you right now?


  I hope you’re ready for another private lesson about being my pet.

  Her jaw dropped at his words. Did that mean…surely he couldn’t mean…

  No, Master---

  I can’t wait, pet.

  But they will ALL know why---

  And they’ll hate you even more. Isn’t that wonderful?

  She dropped her head in defeat, hiding her face in the crook of his shoulder and neck.

  Her Master laughed in her mind.


  Yes, I am, Alexandru agreed. Out loud, he said, “Madame Lavinia, please excuse Zari from your class. I need a private moment with my pet.”

  “Of course, of course.” But this time, Zari could hear the awkwardness in Madame Lavinia’s tone, and she knew even the professor was taken aback at her Master’s boldness.

  As he walked away, Zari still in his arms, Alexandru told her cheerfully, You should have seen their faces, pet. They were all grinding their teeth and glaring at you.

  You are a BULLY, Master.

  Yes, yes, I know. But we both know you like it that way, pet.

  Chapter Two

  “A Master must be made to understand that all rules of possession are void in times of life-threatening emergencies,” Zari said as she munched on a fry. She was seated cross-legged on a chair, next to her Master, who was in his usual position at the head of the table.

  A rare scowl appeared on Alexandru’s normally smiling, handsome face. “No.”

  “Be reasonable, Master,” she cajoled. “What is one feeding in exchange for saving a life?”

  “Read my lips, my pet. NO.” He fisted her hair, bringing Zari forward so he could kiss her hard. “Everything of you is mine, and I do not care how many men have to die because of it.”

  You can put me down now, Master. Zari didn’t really mean it, but she thought she owed it to herself to say the words. After all, this feeling of wanting to be close to Alexandru and being attracted to him was simply a side effect of his powers. It was not real. She had to remember that.

  Alexandru gently lowered Zari to her feet upon reaching the spiral staircase, a majestic masterpiece with rails made of gold and the steps covered in lush red carpet.

  His sly smile reappeared when he caught the look of dismay on his pet’s face. “Disappointed I let you go?”

  “Of course not.” But as usual, her face belied her words as her cheeks turned pink with guilt.

  His smile widened. “Liar.”
He adopted a regretful tone. “I’m sorry, pet. I don’t think I can carry you all the way to the first floor. You’ve gained a little weight---”

  Her jaw dropped. “I did not!” She wrapped her arms around her middle, feeling self-conscious. Had she? Come to think of it, she had noticed how she ate more than most girls in school. All of them seemed to survive only on leaves and fruits while she couldn’t survive a day without being a carnivore. Was that why---

  Alexandru’s laugh put a halt to her thoughts. “Relax, pet. I was only teasing.”

  The look on his face told Zari he meant it. She sputtered in indignation. So many words flew into her mind, but in the end all she could grit out was, “Bully!”

  Still laughing, he reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “You must forgive me. It’s only because I’ve been away from you for far too long that I need to have my fill of your blushes.”

  His words made her blush harder and she accused, “You’re doing it again.”

  “Am I?” He looked at her with sham innocence, and he did appear like a black-haired prince who could do no wrong.

  Just like that, and her irritation vanished. Gah! She was so hopeless. All he had to do was give her his puppy-eyed look of innocence and poof! There went her always-justified feelings of anger, and instead she was left feeling all gooey and mushy.

  Was there really no way to combat a vampire’s powers of sexual attraction?

  Alexandru tugged on her hand then, making Zari glance up. “Shall we go?”

  She went with him, walking with her Master hand in hand even as she asked, “Where?” Her voice was embarrassingly breathless, but she couldn’t help it. A part of her was still in shock by the fact that Alexandru was really here with her.

  As they descended, Alexandru asked, “How are you finding school so far?” He rubbed her knuckles as he spoke, a simple gesture that had her swallowing as it sent tingles all over her body.

  Clearing her throat, she mumbled, “It’s fine.”


  Her Master said it in such a cheerful tone she had to glare up at him.

  Alexandru chuckled. “But you are. I only had to spend a few seconds in your class to know that everyone hates your guts.”

  “They do not.”

  “Of course they do. I’m your Master, aren’t I?”

  “Yes,” she said very seriously. “They hate me because you’re my Master and you are a disgrace to your race.”

  Laughter, dark and as sinfully attractive as its owner, followed her words, and it was clear to see that nothing she’d say would succeed in putting a dent in his humongous ego.

  When they reached the foot of the stairs, Zari was surprised when she felt Alexandru reach for her head and ruffle her hair. She was even more surprised when she heard her murmur in her mind. I’m sorry, pet.

  Their gazes met, his green eyes unreadable, her gray eyes questioning. What are you apologizing for, Master?

  I’m apologizing for leaving you her for so long, despite knowing that your personality wouldn’t have allowed you to make friends easily with the other pets.

  His sincere apology made her frown very hard at the ground. His words touched and embarrassed her, but at the same time, a part of Zari was also hurt. She was right then. Her Master had known the predicament she would find herself in. He did know her well enough to guess she’d have trouble fitting in.

  But in the end, he had still left her.

  Perhaps if Zari had been any other pet, she would have been able to tell him he was wrong for leaving her. She would have been able to demand he take her with him next time. But she was not. She was Zari, the human pet who had forced herself on her Master.

  So out loud, she said, “I’ll make friends eventually, Master.”

  “I’m sure you will.”

  She grimaced. “You could have tried to sound more convincing, Master.”

  “If I had,” he argued, “what would be the fun in that?”

  Before his pet could think up a retort, he changed the subject, asking soberly, “Have you seen anything unusual lately?”

  She frowned. “You mean, about…” She wasn’t sure if she could say it out loud and so she continued in her mind, Are you talking about visions?

  He nodded.

  No. I’ve tried touching every surface to have a feel---

  A laugh escaped him. It doesn’t work like that, pet. It starts with a color. Remember when we were at the tunnels and you told me the first thing you could see was just black?

  She cried out, You mean the whole time I’ve forced myself to touch the soil at the graveyard---

  He laughed harder.

  “Master, you should have told me!”

  He protested innocently, “I thought you’d have figured it out.”

  He was about to say something more, probably something that would either have her gnashing her teeth or blushing and wishing he was far, far away again, when someone called his name.

  Both of them turned around, and Zari saw the headmaster of La Scala Legaturia walking hurriedly towards them, an amazed expression on his chubby face. She had always thought that all headmasters of nonhuman schools like LSL would have long white hair, a beard, and an air of wisdom. However, Sir Richard was the complete opposite. Balding with gray hair, short, and chubby, the headmaster more often tripped than not---

  “I am so glad to be able to reach you, Master Alexandru---” A look of horror crossed Sir Richard’s face as he managed to miss seeing the huge warning about the wet floor in front of him and started to slide.

  ---like now.

  Both Zari and Alexandru reached for the headmaster, and they each managed to catch a hold of his arms, preventing him from falling.

  “Are you all right, Sir Richard?” Alexandru asked, only releasing the man’s arm when the headmaster had finally regained his balance.

  Sir Richard smiled sheepishly as he took out his handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his brow. “My apologies, Master Alexandru. Old age, you know.”

  Zari wisely held her tongue despite knowing age had nothing to do with it since Sir Richard was immortal like her Master. The headmaster had his pride, too, after all.

  Most other pets would have laughed at the headmaster’s lame excuse, but his pet didn’t, and his eyes gleamed in approval at Zari’s sensitivity. In the ways that mattered, Zari definitely promised to be the best human pet he could ever ask for.

  To the headmaster, he said congenially, “I understand, Sir Richard.” He didn’t say anything else, simply waiting for the other man to speak.

  Sir Richard glanced at Zari.

  Zari automatically said, “May I be excused, Master Alexandru?”

  You are getting better and better at this, pet.

  The sheer amount of happiness she felt at the compliment made Zari want to hang her head in shame. Dear Lord, she was hopeless. Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless!

  Out loud, Alexandru said formally, “Of course. Please wait for me at the courtyard.”

  “Yes, Master Alexandru.” She managed to remember to curtsy before leaving.

  In her mind, she heard her Master remark in mock amazement, Are my eyes deceiving me? Did you actually remember to curtsy?

  She pressed her lips together firmly, not wanting to smile. Not funny, Master.

  A smile underlined his voice as her Master replied, I will be with you shortly. Thank you for being understanding, pet. It is beyond what I expect and deserve.

  As Zari slowly made her way to the courtyard, she found herself mulling over Alexandru’s last words. Was he saying her good behavior was more than what he expected and deserved? If so, why? She hadn’t been living here for more than a few days when she started to hear people constantly talking about him.

  To both pets and vampires at LSL, Alexandru was a celebrity of sorts, a vampire whose skills in the battlefield were unmatched. His charm was just as legendary, and Zari had lost count of the number of times she heard the other girls gushing about him.

  When she considered all the great things she heard about him, Alexandru’s words made less and less sense. If anything, he deserved a human pet who was a lot better than she was.

  Zari absently seated herself on one of the stone benches lining the pathway. Her position allowed her to enjoy a sumptuous view of the school’s picturesque courtyard, with its marble fountain and ivory statues, but the beauty surrounding Zari was lost on her.

  Would Alexandru always be a mystery to her?

  Would she always feel undeserving of him?

  And last but not the least, would he really keep her waiting much longer? The question crossed Zari’s mind when nearly two hours had passed and there was still no sign of Alexandru. Had he forgotten her? Had he left her? Had he---

  Don’t think that way, Zari, she scolded herself. Her Master may be a lot of things, but one thing he was not was rude. A man who insisted that she avoid cursing, carry anything heavier than a kilo, and open doors without assistance would never be discourteous enough not to let her know she could go ahead without him.


  But Zari forgot her troubles soon enough when she heard a commotion at the edge of the courtyard, which was near one of the school’s main gates. There were lots of shouting, and the sense of urgency surrounding the men who came running into the courtyard was unmistakable.

  They were carrying a stretcher with a bloodied and injured man on top of it, and one of them kept shouting “Ajuta” over and over.

  She understood enough of the language now to recognize the word ‘help’ and Zari didn’t hesitate, hurrying towards the men. She kept one hand behind her, making sure that her skirt didn’t inch up and expose her cotton undies as she ran. The preppy uniform LSL insisted on was ridiculous, the way its buttoned-up top was so tight and its skirt so short.

  When she reached the men, she asked, “May I be of assistance?”

  “You’re human, aren’t you?” The one who appeared to be the leader asked, a desperate look on his face as he gestured for his men to lower the stretcher on the ground. “Are you Unclaimed? Lord Erou has lost a massive amount of blood, and he needs to feed right away. It’s the only way he can fight off the poison that’s entered his body.”


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