Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas)

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Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas) Page 12

by Marian Tee

  “Please.” This time, the whisper had turned into a moan.

  She reached up for the door and found it unlocked, the door swinging open with a loud creaking sound.

  Alarm bells started to ring inside her mind. Something was wrong.

  Swallowing, she pulled herself up using the bars and took a small step forward.

  A keening cry of hunger---

  Oh God!

  Even before Zari looked up, she already knew what was coming for her and what she had gotten oh so wrong.

  The woman in the dungeon lunged towards her, Zari barely managing to escape. Her tongue had been cut, her teeth all pulled out, which was why the man upstairs had to grind the flesh. It was the only way this woman could eat her meals---

  Zari tried to run, but the woman managed to catch one of her ankles. One strong yank, and Zari screamed as she fell. Her face would have smashed against the ground if she hadn’t managed to cover her face first.

  The woman flipped her around, her incredible strength telling Zari that this was no human she was up against. An otherworlder as well, perhaps another vampire---

  Long, sharp, blood-encrusted nails glinted in the dark like silver as the woman raised her hand, ready to slice Zari’s throat.

  She screamed, in and out of her mind, “Master!”

  Chapter Ten

  “Additional grounds must be provided for a pet to use when terminating a claim.” She had read this over and over in front of the mirror, but when it was time to read it out loud in front of her Master, her practice was all for naught, her voice breaking at the end.

  With a groan, Alexandru reached for his pet, and when she was on his lap, he pressed a tender kiss on her forehead. “You must stop torturing yourself with this. I know I agreed to it, but if it’s only going to bring up bad memories that hurt you---”

  She shook her head. “It’s all right, Master.”

  He flinched.

  Her eyes widened in alarm. “What is it?”

  “I remember the last time you said that to me…and you didn’t mean it.” He cupped one soft cheek. “You told me it was all fine, but in the end you still left me, pet. So I beg you now – don’t tell me it’s fine if it’s not.”

  Alexandru reached the server room just in time to see the killer about to escape through the window. Without hesitation, he went into attack mode, fangs extending as he made a swipe for the other vampire’s throat.

  But the killer was strong – too strong for an ordinary vampire, making Alexandru suspect that the killer had fed on a demon. Demon blood had the power to give an otherworlder incredible strength – if he didn’t go crazy first.

  Walls cracked and equipment crashed to the floor as they fought and tussled on the ground.

  Slash. Alexandru managed to slice the killer’s chest open.

  The other vampire howled as he charged towards Alexandru, managing to leave a long red gash on Alexandru’s arm.

  The door burst open.

  Erou leapt into the fray when he realized what was happening, and with the younger man’s help, Alexandru was able to subdue the vampire. When Erou lifted his hand to kill the vampire, Alexandru said sharply, “No.”

  “Why?” Erou demanded.

  “I want him interrogated,” Alexandru said. When his men arrived, he ordered them to take the man to the enforcers.

  As the others left, Erou looked around the room, demanding, “Where is Lady Zari?”

  “I left her upstairs.” His tone was distracted, Alexandru unable to shake off the feeling that he was missing something here. The flesh of the women had been missing in parts, and in some crime scenes, there had been bits and pieces scattered on the ground. There had to be a purpose for that. Even killers had motives, no matter how crazy, and he just couldn’t understand why a vampire who seemed to lead the quiet life of a librarian would do something so heinous.

  It didn’t make sense unless---

  Unless he was doing it for someone else?

  His blood chilled.

  And that was when he heard it---


  “Zari.” He didn’t realize he had said his pet’s name out loud until he saw Erou glance at him sharply.

  “Something’s wrong, isn’t there?”

  He didn’t bother answering, racing out of the room and hurrying the sound of his pet’s screams. I’m coming.

  She didn’t answer.

  Zari, wait for me!

  Knowing that he would only waste precious time if he traced his pet’s steps from scratch, Alexandru simply followed the source of the sounds, crashing into walls and furiously digging his way down until he smashed his way into the dungeons.

  He saw a female vampire on top of a frightened-looking Zari.

  With a roar, he charged towards the vampire.

  There was no fear in her expression when she saw him. Just hunger and rage as she launched herself towards him---

  She was as strong as the other vampire, but she was no match against Alexandru.

  Everything in him was focused on keeping his pet safe, and what threatened her must be eliminated.

  His fingers closed around her neck.

  Zari gasped as she watched Alexandru lift the female vampire up in the air---

  His fingers closed around the neck, squeezing until the vampire was flailing, her legs kicking in the air. He squeezed until bones cracked---

  The female vampire went still.


  Even before Erou reached the dungeons, he already knew that Alexandru was gone – together with Zari. He found a dead female vampire on the ground, the flesh of her neck torn and the bones inside it smashed into pieces.

  So she had made her choice, Erou thought. And unfortunately, the Lady Zari had not chosen him.


  An hour had passed since her Master had brought her back into the safety of his room, and still he had not talked. He had waited outside her door when she asked if she could take a bath, and when she was done, he had carefully carried her to bed and tucked her under the covers.

  She had thought he would talk to her then, but he had simply kissed her on the forehead.

  And then he had left, just like that.

  Zari told herself to be patient, to wait for her Master to come back to her, but in the end she couldn’t do it. Her Master just had to accept that she was not the most patient person in the world. Swinging her legs over the bed, she padded barefoot to the door and when she opened it, she found her Master seated on the couch, the room cast in darkness except for the table lamp glowing brightly next to him. He had a glass of whisky in one hand, and his gaze was brooding when it met hers.

  Slowly, she walked to him, her heart beating loudly. She had so many things to say, to ask, but the way he was looking at her told Zari that whatever her problems were right now, it was nothing compared to the burden weighing him down.

  Zari whispered, “What’s wrong, Master?”

  His answering laugh was hollow. “Are you certain you want me to be your Master still?”

  She took a few more steps, stopping only when she was standing right in front of him and her shadow fell over her Master, making him look like a dark angel. She repeated quietly, “What’s wrong, Master?”

  This time, he didn’t speak, a blank mask settling on his face.

  Somehow, that scared her and she found herself falling to her knees, adopting the ceremonial position of pets when they were claimed by Masters. She hadn’t actually done this before, but she had read about it. The position was supposed to symbolize a pet’s complete allegiance to her Master, and she was hoping her Master knew that.

  When she heard Alexandru suck in his breath, she knew she had made the impression she wanted. Seconds later, he was tipping her chin up, and he asked tightly, “Why are you doing this? Didn’t you want to be released from my claim?”

  “Only if it was what you wished, Master.”

  He gritted out, “I am not the best Master for you. When I thought…�
�� He expelled his breath in a furious hiss. “When I thought you were about to die, I blamed myself for ever bringing you to this kind of world. I should have sent you to Sangre and let you lead a normal life there---”

  She shook her head vigorously when she realized what he was saying. “No, Master.” She thought about what he was proposing, about what life would be like without him, and her voice broke. “Don’t send me away…please.”

  “You’re not safe here.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “And I can’t…I can’t be the Master you deserve.”

  “You are---”

  “No. I’m not. I can’t ever be. I’m sorry if this is not something you wish to hear or believe, but I am only being honest for your sake. I care for you, pet, but there are things I can’t ever do for you---”

  “Let me be the judge of that, Master,” she said fiercely. “Just don’t send me away.” Blinking back tears, she choked out, “Please.”

  When she looked up, she saw that his face was a mixture of despair and hope.

  “Ah, pet.” His hand shook as he reached for her hair and stroked it. “You’re too damn cute.”

  She waited for him to kiss her, to seduce her like he always did, but instead he remained unmoving except for his hand, which continued to stroke her hair. Somehow, the fact that he was not making a move on her this very moment made her heart pound hard like it never had before.

  Slowly, Zari laid her head on his knee as he combed her hair with his fingers. When she rested her hand on his other knee, she was surprised to see him reach for it, twining his fingers with hers.

  Tears struck her eyes, but again she blinked them back quickly. “This time,” she heard him murmur above her. “I mean it, pet. I will never let you go.”

  She closed her eyes. I never wanted you to, Master.


  When she woke up, she found herself alone in her Master’s bed. Sunlight had filtered into the room from the windows, and she rubbed her eyes groggily. When she sat up, her gaze fell on the parchment on the table.

  Her breath caught at the sight of it, and her hand trembled as she slowly reached for it. She started to cry when she saw his signature at the bottom. She touched it, wanting to trace every curve---

  She began to see.


  Zari found herself in a palatial room, decorated in rich colors and fabrics. An array of battle weapons cast in gold hung on the wall, and in every corner was a priceless piece of art, ranging from a waist- high vase made of pure jade to an ivory sculpture.

  At the center of the room was a long table made of heavy wood. Seated at the head was a man who bore a strong resemblance to her Master, only his face was more stoic, and his build more akin to a Viking warrior than a knight’s.

  To his right sat her Master, whose usual sly smile was nowhere to be found.

  “I heard you have found your heartkeeper,” the man at the head of the table said.

  Alexandru did not speak.

  The man leaned forward. “Listen to me, brother. You know my words are for your sake---”

  “I didn’t say it was not, Mihail.”

  “Just listen then.” Mihail waited until his brother had turned to face him. “Do not make yourself suffer just to prove me wrong. I already know how strong you are. You are, in fact, one of the strongest persons I know – more so than me because you had the courage to love. You fought for that love even if it meant leaving us---”

  Alexandru said tightly, “I didn’t want to do it, but you leave me no choice.”

  Mihail shook his head. “The past is over and done with. There is no need to argue over it. What matters is today – the present – and you and I both know that you have found her.”

  “It doesn’t make a difference---”

  “Of course it makes a difference,” Mihail exploded. “She is your heartkeeper, Alexandru! You know what that means----” He broke off when his brother stood up.

  “I apologize, milord. I recall a previous obligation that requires me to leave---”

  Mihail watched his brother turn his back and head for the door. “Alexandru---”

  Alexandru paused. Without looking back, he said, “I respect you, Mihail. Not only as an older brother but as the Marquis of Sangre. You know I will do almost anything for you, but not this. Do not expect me to change my mind about this.” He exhaled sharply. “Even if Zari is indeed my heartkeeper, I will not claim her as such. My heart belongs to Katarina, no one else.”




  The first thing she saw was a blurry image of her Master as he came to sit at the side of the bed.

  “What’s wrong, pet?” His voice was rough with worry, and when he reached for her face to wipe her tears away, that was the only time she realized she was crying.

  “Did you have a vision again?”

  She shook her head, still crying.

  “Then what’s wrong?” Alexandru demanded, the sound of his pet’s tears hurting him.

  She could only look at him, the vampire she used to think she was being manipulated to care for.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, pet.” His gaze fell to the contract. “Is it because of that? You do not want…you have changed your mind then?”

  Her heart broke at the question. Oh, if only she could change her mind. But even after what she had learned, she knew it was too late.

  She loved him.

  She was hopelessly in love with her Master, and he was just as hopelessly in love with another girl.

  Managing a smile, Zari said, “I’m all right, Master. I’m just happy…” She reached for the pen he had left on the bedside table. Head bent, she signed the contract. By placing her name next to his, she knew she had made a choice.

  Over her head, her Master said quietly, “It is done then.”

  Not looking at him, she whispered, “Yes, it is. Master.” Zari’s tears started to fall again as she watched his hand cover hers, their fingers entwining with each other. Their gazes met as he raised her hand to his lips.

  Alexandru asked softly, “Why do you keep crying?”

  She shook her head.

  His voice turned harsh. “No more lies, pet.”

  She wanted to say she was afraid. So, so afraid. She was afraid of her Master leaving her, of realizing he couldn’t ever love her, of a woman named Katarina taking him away from her.

  But of course she couldn’t say that. She owed it to her Master, to her parents – to herself to be strong. So many people had risked their lives to keep her from harm. The least she could do was to enjoy the life they had gifted her, even if it meant living with half of her heart in pieces.

  Slowly, Zari looked up, her chest squeezing painfully when she saw the worry in her Master’s gaze. She knew then she wouldn’t be able to lie to him, not when he was looking at her like that. And so she reached for his face instead, knowing this was the only way she could avoid saying the truth.

  Her Master drew his breath sharply at her touch, and Zari knew it was because she had never been the first one to touch him and certainly not like this in the past.

  She whispered, “Master…kiss me.”

  For a long time, Alexandru only gazed at her.

  And then he smiled, a beautiful smile that was both warm and sad, and she knew then that he was aware she wasn’t quite being truthful with him – that he thought she was regretting her decision to be his pet but unable to say it.

  The realization had her lips parting in painful dismay. Oh, God, no, she didn’t ever want him to think like that, didn’t ever want her Master to feel hurt like that. But before she could speak, he had beaten her to it.

  “My pleasure, pet.”

  He drew her in his arms, his lips touching hers, and unlike in times past, her Master no longer allowed her to resist or struggle. He kissed her with a hungry, all-consuming need, his mouth devouring hers, and his passion inflaming her every sense until all she could do was feel.


  Part Two

  Chapter One

  “You have to be serious.” Her voice was a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. “You can’t possibly spend the whole day with me.”

  Alexandru only raised a brow. “Why not?”

  “B-because you have duties,” she sputtered. “That’s why.”

  He traced her lips, something he liked to do because he knew how sensitive they were. At her shiver, he murmured, “The only duty I care about is what you want me to do for you.”

  She shivered even more, knowing that so many women would have sold their souls just to have someone like Alexandru say that to them. And yet those words were for her, the one who didn’t deserve him.


  Although the walls of La Scala Legaturia were behind us, this part of the land still belonged to the school. A dense forest made treacherous by its poisonous plants, it was one of LSL’s first lines of defense. Humans like me could so easily die just passing through it, but all of us there knew the forest wasn’t to blame in this case.

  The dead man on the ground was unkempt, his clothes frayed at the edges, his shoes worn. The flesh on one side of his neck had been ripped apart, but this was no vampire’s doing. It was worse. The bite marks, the way the flesh had been torn – no, this was done by another human. It meant this man had to suffer prolonged agony. No death made quick and painless by a vampire’s razor-sharp fangs. Instead, his last few minutes on this earth had been made excruciating by dull human teeth.

  The crowd parted on the other side, Sir Richard, our school’s headmaster, coming forward with a worried frown on his rounded face.

  I quickly stepped back, hiding behind other students. Sir Richard was one of the few persons who knew what I was. Like other students, I was human, tasked to master the ways of becoming an ideal pet to my Master. But unlike other students, I was also a soul seer, possibly the last one left in this world. Being a soul seer meant seeing the past and the future, a skill that some otherworlders or non-humans wouldn’t hesitate to kill for.


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