Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas)

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Vampire Love: Fated Mates and Paranormal Bully Romance (Supernatural Alphas) Page 24

by Marian Tee


  It was the color of her hair, a beautiful shade that had everyone in the small village she was born to gasp in wonder for they had never seen such a thing.


  It was her favorite color as she grew up because she realized it was the color of blood.


  She was fifteen when she painted her entire village red, killing them all single-handedly. She invited everyone to supper, and they all came to celebrate the day she was born, not knowing that it would also be the day they would die. For everything had poison in it and one by one they dropped to the ground like flies.

  When it was over, she slit their necks for the blood to run and turn the nearby river into the same shade of red. Then she threw her hands in the air and forsook God before throwing herself prostrate on the ground and offering her soul to the Devil.

  There was no rhyme or reason to what made her evil.

  Some people just were.

  When she left, she thought it was all over. But she was wrong. A child had been left at home for her parents thought she was too young to join such celebrations. And so that saved her life. When she came to look for her parents found death surrounding her, she, too, fell to the ground, crying.

  She prayed to God, asking Him to use her line to deliver justice.

  And God said yes.

  A day would come when one of her descendants would be His weapon, destined to deliver justice and put an end to the Red Witch.


  Zari was in grave danger. His instincts told him so, and he had learned to trust it over the centuries. He searched for Katarina and found her dining with the enforcers. They were the only patrons in the restaurant, and the entire resort felt empty with all professors and students on their way back to the school.

  “May I speak with you?” He wasn’t quite able to keep his voice from being harsh with worry.

  “Yes, of course, my lord.” Katarina excused herself as she stood up. As they walked away from the table, she asked, “What is it?”

  “How did your talk with Zari go?” He knew he wasn’t supposed to ask about it, but Alexandru thought it might give him a clue about where his pet was now. He had tried contacting her through their bond but while he could feel her presence, it was all he was able to glean.

  She had effectively blocked him out, and she had never done that before.

  Katarina appeared confused. “My…talk? But I haven’t seen her since we were all together.”

  Alexandru whitened.

  Zari? Answer me, Zari.

  But there was no answer.

  Stiff with tension, he thanked Katarina for her help and spun around wordlessly. He called to his men in his mind. Be ready to leave.

  “Alexandru, wait!” Katarina caught after him. “What’s happening?”

  “Zari’s gone,” he said curtly without pausing in his stride. “I have a feeling she’s gone back hunting on her own so I’m going to the hospital, where she had her first vision.”

  She paled. “On her own? Why wouldn’t she tell you? Or any of the others?”

  “She might have told others. I’ve let Sir Richard know about what’s happening and he’ll let me know if he’s find out something.” His jaw clenched. “But if she’s lied to me then she must have seen me in her visions.”

  Katarina was able to read between the lines. “And she saw you, like she saw me, didn’t she?”

  He didn’t have to answer.

  Goddamn you, pet. I’m going to kill you for this.

  Chapter Ten


  The burning heat woke me up. The visions had tired me out, the senselessness of the killings making me unconscious. I screamed when I found myself surrounded with fire. It was everywhere, my nightmare come to life.

  I looked around and saw that the Red Witch was gone, probably so she could watch LSL burn to the cinders. And while the school had all kinds of spells protecting it, I knew it might not be enough.

  The Red Witch was strong, and she had unfinished business there. The one destined to kill her was studying in LSL and she wouldn’t stop until every student in the school died.

  Knowing I had little time left, I turned towards the shadows, where I knew she lurked, watching silently as she always did.


  The ghost appeared before me, her disfigured face becoming more ghastly as she gave me an inquiring smile.

  I forced myself up, which was doubly hard with my hands and feet bound. She watched me struggle, not offering to help. I wasn’t sure she even knew how to speak. None of the case studies ever recorded her speaking, but most of the studies reported that she did understand when people talked to her.


  She looked at me again.

  “I need you to come inside of me, like you did before, with the boy. You remember him? His name was Jeremy?”

  The single eye she had lit up.

  “Help me. Come inside of me.” With her inside of me, I would be free from the pain. It was the only way I’d have the courage to go through the fire and save myself.

  I closed my eyes.

  Something cold blew.

  She was inside of me.

  Elsa and I walked through the fire. She didn’t feel it because she was immune to pain, not because she was a ghost but years of parental abuse had made her so. My body was wracked with coughs as we finally made it to the stairs, only to find the door locked.


  Tears from smoke stung my eyes.

  It couldn’t end like this.

  With Elsa’s help, I slammed my shoulder into the door, again and again, hoping it would give way.


  Fire. It rose in the night, swaying and roaring like a hungry beast.

  Alexandru broke into a run, using his speed as a vampire hunter, no longer caring if humans might see him. The others followed him, Katarina just behind him a few steps. They found the entire hospital in flames, and Alexandru realized that if this was happening then her other vision might happen, too.

  Everyone, go inform the enforcers about what is happening. Accompany them back to the LSL and tell them to prepare for an attack. Someone will try to burn the school down.

  His men bowed and disappeared into the night.

  Katarina was aghast. “But Lady Zari…”

  His jaw clenched. “She would want it this way, too, Katarina. Too many lives are at stake for me to be selfish.” His gaze went back to the hospital. This was no ordinary flame. This was Hellfire, something that could kill even immortals like him.

  “Stay here,” he told Katarina.

  “No. I’m going to help---”

  “She saw you die---”

  “And if it will happen, it will happen. I won’t just stand by if someone needs my help.” Katarina looked at the hospital. “Just like old times, right?”

  “Just don’t die on me,” he said grimly.

  “Same to you, hunter.”

  They looked at each other.

  On the count of three, Alexandru murmured.

  Katarina nodded. Three.

  They burst into the broken windows, both of them wincing as the fire licked their skin. Immediately, they heard the banging on the door.

  “Zari!” Alexandru shouted.

  “Alexandru!” A coughing reply.

  Relief slammed into him. He sped towards the door, his only thought saving his pet. But the moment he touched the knob, the spell on it came to life, blowing him straight into the fire.

  The door swung open, in time for Zari to see Alexandru’s back hitting the opposite wall and falling in the middle of a burning hallway.

  “Alexandru!” she screamed.

  She and Elsa ran towards him, and when she reached her Master, Katarina was there, too. Together, they helped Alexandru up, who was shaky on his feet, his back badly burned.

  “Hellfire,” Katarina explained shortly. “It’s fatal to immortals.”

rrying Alexandru slowed them down, and with each second that passed, fewer passageways were left for them to travel unscathed. The last one that Katarina and Alexandru had used was already completely gutted with fire.

  “There!” Katarina pointed to a window to their left. It required them to balance on a plank of wood that had so far escaped the fire, but they both knew it wouldn’t last long.

  “You go first,” Katarina instructed. “Crouch down and carry Alexandru like this.” It would mean Zari having to move backwards towards the window, but Zari knew it was the only way she could carry Alexandru on her own.

  “Ready?” Katarina asked. “I’ll follow after you. It won’t hold all of our weight if we go together.”

  Zari hesitated. “Lady Katarina---”

  The other woman shook her head. “Remember what I said, Lady Zari. If it will happen, it will.”

  Zari started to move, slowly and carefully, not wanting to place too much weight on the plank. Alexandru was heavy but she gritted her teeth and pulled her with him. Only a few feet now, Master. I’ll save you this time. We’ll save you---

  And then she felt it---

  The plank creaking, giving out on their weight---

  She screamed as the plank split into two and they started to slip.

  But Katarina had dove forward, managing to grab the edge of the plank and pulling it back up before Zari and Alexandru could fall into the basement, which was completely engulfed by fire.

  Katarina’s face was red with exertion, and her entire body was shaking as she bit out, “Go now!”

  Zari shook her head. “No!”

  Because now, it was clear to her that this was what the visions were all about.

  “If you don’t go now,” Katarina said hoarsely, “we’ll all die…even Alexandru. And I’ll kill you if you let that happen.”

  Zari started to cry. “Lady Katarina, no.”

  “Move,” Katarina screamed. “I can’t hold on much longer!”

  “Lady Katarina, please, we’ll…”


  It was the first time Katarina had called her by her first name like that, and it was the first time she saw the hunter’s face streaked with tears.

  “Promise me you’ll love him the way I’ve never been able to?” Katarina whispered. “Promise me you’ll be the one protecting him? Promise me, Zari. It’s the only way I can go in peace.”

  Zari whispered, “Yes.” She looked inside herself. Elsa. Go to her. Keep her from feeling pain.

  And then she started to move, pulling Alexandru with her.

  The moment she pulled Alexandru out through the window, the fire roared up as if it was unwilling to go without taking someone with it to Hell.


  La Scala Legaturia was no more when Zari and Alexandru came back. It was completely burned to the ground, just like how it was in her visions. But no one had died, with everyone’s lives saved thanks to the early warning Alexandru had sent.

  Or at least everyone had lived but Katarina.

  Hunters all over the world came to pay their respects as Katarina’s body was taken back to Chalys and laid to rest.

  When the rites were over and her casket sealed in the marbled tomb, Alexandru drew his pet to his side.

  Rest in peace, Katarina.

  Beside him, his pet squeezed his hand. You have very good taste in women.

  The words almost made him smile. I’m sure she’ll be happy to know you think so.

  They walked together in silence, and as they came further and further away from the others, it was only then he asked, What now, pet?

  Zari took a long time to reply. I want to be strong, Master. Strong enough so that people like Katarina won’t have to die for me. Strong enough so I can protect you on my own.

  It was his turn to be silent.


  You understand that if you study in ANEX it will mean we will not be able to see each other for two years?

  She wasn’t even surprised that he knew about it, even though she was sure the marquis had yet to speak to his younger brother about her intended transfer. Master, I’m yours for eternity. Two years won’t matter.

  You speak as if you’re already immortal. His lips curved, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  The haunted look in his gaze made Zari ache. Master, if you don’t want me to go---

  I don’t. His voice was grim. Alexandru cupped her face and brought her mouth to his. She leaned into the kiss, loving the way it was hot, hard, and possessive.

  Alexandru raised his head. I despise the thought of you not being by my side where I can always guard you...but I can’t – I won’t stand in the way of your destiny.

  Tears stung her eyes as she felt her Master’s lips press to the top of her head. It was a long road ahead, but she knew she had made the right choice, knew she owed it to Katarina’s sacrifice to learn to be strong on her own.

  She laid her head against his heart. Master, this isn’t goodbye. I’ll always be yours. Always.

  The End

  P.S. Good news! DEMON LOVER, the sequel to Alexandru and Zari's story, will soon be available.

  If you want to be notified about its release, please click here to subscribe to my newsletter.

  Thank you so much!

  P.P.S. Continue reading for other books set in this world and which are directly tied to Alexandru and Zari's story!

  P.P.P.S. As always, if you guys enjoyed this book, I'd like to ask a moment of your time to post a review for Vampire Love. It's such a huge help to indie authors like me, as more reviews tend to have a positive effect on algorithms, i.e. my books enjoy increased visibility in the market.


  Events in this book take place shortly after Vampire Love.

  Alexandru and Zari play minor roles in the story.

  The city of Asphodel glowed like a brilliant diamond in a sea of emerald fields, with the noblemen’s mansions and townhouses ablaze with lights. Everyone who was anyone had either thrown a ball or was attending one, and these were expected to last until dawn, much to the chagrin of the aristocrats’ sleepy and overworked coachmen.

  Laughter and music played by the orchestra streamed out of the balconies, entertaining the peasants below. As they had no means to have parties themselves, they had taken to hanging outside the grandest mansions, doing their best to catch a glimpse of the well-dressed couples waltzing inside.

  Past the main neighborhoods of Asphodel, the sound of gaiety faded, and the streets became emptier and narrower. At the edge of the city was an abandoned keep, its crumbling roofs crowned by low, stormy clouds and its grounds seemingly shrouded in a mysterious fog.

  Locals thought it haunted, and so it was…as of ten minutes ago.

  In the keep’s basement, a squad of less than twenty of the city’s human defenders had just finished barricading the main doors of the dungeons, thus trapping the imps that they had seen crawling out of a hellhole.

  But the danger wasn’t over, and no one knew this better than Soleil Orpheline, the squad leader.

  Not wanting her soldiers to witness her disquiet, she turned her back on her soldiers and faced the doors of the dungeon once more.

  Let’s consider the facts, she told herself.

  Tonight was supposed to be a simple cleanup operation, meant to teach rookies about getting rid of pranks left by otherworlders. They ranged from a witch’s spell for diarrhea to a wizard’s one-day curse of selfie madness, in which a human being would find himself addicted to taking as much selfies as a celebrity. They were frequently irritating, moderately harmful at times, but that was it.

  The mission wasn’t supposed to put her recruits’ lives in danger.

  And yet here they were, about to go against the forces of Hell, literally.

  Granted, imps were the lowest forms of demons, with sub-zero IQ. But they were still demons and thus inhumanly strong and, worse, soulless.

  Another loud, powerful thud hit the basement’s wall
s, the sound underscoring the peril they were in. It had no effect on Soleil, but the squeak of terror from one of her rookies made her mentally flinch.

  Dear God, I hate asking You for anything, but I think I’m going to need a miracle right now.

  The imps were head-butting the doors, literally throwing their lives against it. At the rate they were going, she would have less than three minutes before confrontation, and that was putting it lightly.

  Panic clawed at Soleil’s throat, but her concerns were all for her team. The youngest of her squad was just fifteen years old – the same age she and the others had been when they first had their field assignment. Then, they had only gone against possessed humans, and they had still come back bloodied and bruised.

  But kids pitted against imps?

  It would be a massacre, and their blood would be on Soleil’s hands.

  Another thud resounded through the basement, running through the walls of the keep, and a rookie cried out, “I don’t think the doors are going to hold that much longer.”

  She turned to her squad immediately, saying, “It’s okay.” Soleil managed to keep her voice calm even as whips of her terror flayed her body. She was ready to die, had been so for quite some time. But what she would never be ready for, never take lying down, was letting her team die without a fight.

  She reached into her pocket, digging out her Bluetooth earpieces, and only sheer experience enabled Soleil to keep her hands from shaking as she plugged her ears. The shock of her young soldiers was palpable, and one of them blurted out, “Is s-she doing what I think she’s doing?”

  When Soleil didn’t seem to notice them, the rookies turned in unison to the slim, brown-eyed redhead standing next to their commander.

  Seeing all eyes on her, Aurora deadpanned, “Nope. She’s just cleaning her ears.”

  The rookies didn’t laugh at all.

  Right. As second-in-command, Aurora knew she had to do a better job at keeping the rookies from pissing in fear. So she tried again, this time with the truth. “Commander Soleil is most likely listening to La Vie En Rose,” Aurora relayed. “The How I Met Your Mother version, just in case you’re wondering.”


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