Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300 to 1815, 8th Edition

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Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300 to 1815, 8th Edition Page 85

by Spielvogel, Jackson J.

  Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride (Van Eyck)

  Giovanni di Dondi


  Globalization: expansion and

  Globe theater

  Glorious Revolution (England)

  Goa, Portugal and

  Gold: in Africa Spanish for trade

  Gold Coast

  Golden age: of Dutch Republic “Golden Speech, The” (Elizabeth I) Gonfalionere (Florence)

  Gonzaga family (Mantua) Francesco Gian Francesco I Gorée, Senegal: slave trade in Gouges, Olympe de Government: of Austrian Empire of Catholic states of France of Inca Empire of Italian city-states Montesquieu on nobility in Ottoman of Poland of Prussia of Russia of Spain of Spanish America of United States See also Monarchs and monarchies specific locations

  Government bonds

  Goya, Francisco

  Grammar schools


  Grand Army (Napoleon)

  Grand Duchy of Warsaw

  Grand Empire (Napoleon)

  Grandi (nobility)

  Grand tour

  Grand viziers (Ottoman)

  Gravitation, Newton on

  Gray, Thomas

  Great council (Venice)

  Great Council of barons

  Great Instauration, The (Bacon)

  Great Lakes region

  Great Northern War

  “Great Retreat,” by Napoleon

  Great Schism (Catholic Church)

  Great Wall (China)

  Great War for Empire

  Greco-Roman culture: Renaissance and

  Greece: Classical

  Greek Orthodoxy. See Eastern Orthodoxy

  Greenwich, England: Royal Observatory at

  Gregory XI (Pope)

  Grimmelshausen, Jakob von Groote, Gerard

  Gros, Antoine-Jean (Baron)



  Guicciardini, Francesco

  Guilds: in 18th century Renaissance artists and


  Guise family (France)

  Gulf of Mexico


  Gustavus III (Sweden)

  Gustavus Adolphus (Sweden)

  Gustavus Vasa. See Vasa, Gustavus Gutenberg, Johannes

  Guzman, Gaspar de. See Olivares (Count) Gymnasium

  Habsburg dynasty Bourbon dynasty and economy and in 18th century Thirty Years’ War and and War of the Austrian Succession Habsburg-Valois Wars


  Hall of Mirrors (Versailles)


  Hamilton, Alexander

  Hancock, John

  Handbook of the Christian Knight (Erasmus)

  Handel, George Frederick

  Hanoverian dynasty (England)

  Hanseatic League (Hansa)

  Hardenberg, Karl August von


  Harvey, William

  Haydn, Franz Joseph

  Healing. See Medicine

  Health and health care. See Medicine

  Heliocentric conception of universe

  Henrietta Marie (England)

  Henry II (France)

  Henry III (England)

  Henry III (France)

  Henry IV (England)

  Henry V (England)

  Henry VI (England)

  Henry VII (England)

  Henry VIII (England)

  Henry of Navarre

  Henry the Navigator (Portugal)


  Heresy: in England in Renaissance


  Hevelius, Johannes

  Hierarchies (social): in Prussia

  High culture: of 18th century

  High Renaissance, artistic

  Hindus, in India

  Hippolytus (Euripides)



  Historical and Critical Dictionary (Bayle)

  History and historians: Enlightenment writing and

  humanism and

  History of Italy (Guicciardini)

  History of the Florentine People (Bruni)

  History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, The (Clarendon)

  History of Tom Jones, The… (Fielding)

  Hobbes, Thomas

  Hohenstaufen dynasty

  Hohenzollern dynasty

  Holbach, Paul d’ (Baron)

  Holbein, Ambrosius

  Holbein, Hans, the Younger

  Holland. See Dutch Netherlands

  Holy League

  Holy Office. See Roman Inquisition

  Holy Roman Empire Bohemia in Catholic Church and divisions in in 18th century France and German city-states and Habsburgs and independence of states in Th irty Years’ War and

  Hondius, Henricus


  Hospitals unwanted children at


  House of Commons (England)

  House of Lords (England)

  House of Medici. See Medici family

  Housing: in Amsterdam architecture of

  Howard, Catherine

  Huayna Inca

  Hubertusburg, Peace of

  Hudson, Henry

  Hudson’s Bay Territory


  Humanism Christian education and history and Luther and in Renaissance Italy sciences and

  Human sacrifice: in Benin

  Hume, David

  Hundred Years’ War

  Hungary Austria and Ottomans and revolts in Roman Catholicism in

  Hus, John, and Hussites

  Hussite wars

  Hyde, Edward (first earl of Clarendon)

  Iberian peninsula See also Portugal; Spain

  Ice age: “little,”

  Ignatius of Loyola. See Loyola, Ignatius of

  Ignorant Philosopher, The (Voltaire) Illegitimacy

  Illness. See Disease; Medicine

  Imitation of Christ, The (Thomas à Kempis)

  Immigration: to cities

  “Imperial Edict to the King of England, An” (Qianlong)

  Imperialism: in 19th century


  Inca Empire

  Independents: Puritans as

  Index of Forbidden Books

  India: cotton from Dutch and England and France and Jesuits in Mughal Empire in Napoleon and Portugal and in Seven Years’ War and War of the Austrian Succession

  Indian Ocean region

  Indians (Native Americans): conversion of in French and Indian War in Latin American society Spanish treatment of use of term Individualism




  Industrial Revolution: in England

  Industry: European mechanized in Renaissance Spanish trade and


  Infanticide: in 18th century

  Infant mortality

  Inflation: in 16th century See also Economy

  Inquisition Galileo and Roman Spanish

  Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin)

  Institutional church, in 18th century

  Instruction (Catherine the Great)

  Instrument of Government (England)

  Intellectual thought: Chinese influence on in Renaissance Italy women and See also Enlightenment Humanism Renaissance Scientific Revolution


  Inventions: in 14th century

  Ireland: England and potato in Isabella (Capetian family)

  Isabella of Castile

  Islam. See Muslims

  Istanbul. See Constantinople (Istanbul) Isthmus of Panama

  Italy: Austria and Black Death in city-states in France and Germany and Holy Roman Empire and intellectual thought in mannerism in Napoleon and Renaissance in slaves in Spain and states in warfare in See also Renaissance Rome

  Ivan III (Russia)

  Ivan IV the Terrible (Russia)



  Jadwiga (Poland)

  Jagiello dynasty (Poland)

  Jakarta. See Batavia (


  James I (England)

  James II (England)



  Japan: Catholic Church in Europeans and Jesuits in


  Jeanne d’Albret

  Jefferson, Thomas Jesuits

  Jews and Judaism in eastern Europe plague and in Spain toleration and

  Joanna (Spain)

  Joan of Arc

  Joan of Arc (movie)

  John II (France)

  John of Leiden

  Johnson, Samuel

  Joint-stock company

  Jollain, Nicolas-René, the Elder

  Joseph II (Austria)

  Josephine de Beauharnais (France)

  Journal des Savants

  Journal of the Reverend John Wesley, The

  Judaism. See Jews and Judaism

  Judith Beheading Holofernes (Gentileschi)

  Julius II (Pope)


  Justification by faith alone

  Kangxi (China)

  Kant, Immanuel


  Karlowitz, Treaty of

  Kaunitz, Wenzel von

  Kepler, Johannes

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Kingdom of Naples

  Kings and kingdoms. See Monarchs and monarchies specific rulers and locations

  Kirch, Gottfried

  Knighton, Henry

  Knights: in Hundred Years’ War

  Knox, John

  Königshofen, Jacob von

  Kosciuszko, Thaddeus

  Kosovo: Battle of (1389)

  Kuchuk-Kainarji, Treaty of


  Labor: in 14th century in 18th century Black Death and as social estate See also Slavery; Workers Working class

  La Bruyère, Jean de

  Lafayette, marquis de

  Laissez-faire doctrine

  Lake Texcoco

  Lamentation (Giotto)

  Lampi, Johann

  Land: in 18th century European conquerors and in High Middle Ages See also Agriculture

  Landing of Marie de’ Medici at Marseilles, The (Rubens)

  Landlords: in 14th century

  Laocoön (El Greco)

  Las Casas, Bartolomé de

  Last Supper, The (Leonardo da Vinci)

  Lateen sails

  Later Middle Ages See also Middle Ages

  Latin America: European colonies in independence and See also Colonies and colonization specific locations

  Latin Christianity. See Catholic Church

  Latin language: in Renaissance

  La Tour, Maurice-Quentin de

  Laud, William

  Launay, marquis de

  Lavoisier, Antoine and Marie-Anne

  Law(s). See Law codes Scientific laws specific laws

  Law, John

  Law codes: Napoleonic in Sweden Law of 14 Frimaire

  Law of the General Maximum

  Lay piety, in 14th century

  Lazar (Serbia)

  Leeds Woolen Workers’ Petition, The

  Legal issues. See Law codes

  Legislative Assembly (France)

  Leibniz, Gottfried

  Leiden, University of

  Leipzig Debate

  Leo X (Pope)

  Leonardo da Vinci

  Leopold II (Holy Roman Emperor)

  Lepanto, Battle of

  Lerma, duke of (Spain)

  Lesueur brothers

  Letters: of Isabella d’Este between Louis XIV and King of Tonkin

  “Letter to Paolo Foscarini” (Bellarmine)

  “Letter to Raphael Sanchez, Treasurer to the King and Queen of Spain” (Columbus)

  “Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina” (Galileo)


  Leviathan (Hobbes)

  Leyster, Judith

  Liberal arts

  Liberals and liberalism: economic

  Liberty: Locke on

  Lifestyle: in 14th century in 18th century in Amsterdam aristocratic Black Death and Columbian Exchange and in country houses of Dutch grand tour and in Italian Renaissance of Louis XIV (France) of nobility in Russia

  Lima, Pizarro in

  Limited monarchies

  Limoges: sack of

  Linen Cupboard, The (de Hooch)


  Literature: Elizabethan in England in France novels and in Spain travel vernacular See also specific works and authors


  “Little ice age,”

  Little Pretty Pocket-Book


  Livingston, Robert


  Li Zicheng (China)

  Locke, John

  Lodi, Peace of



  London: finance in


  Long Parliament


  Lope de Vega, Félix

  Lord Protector (England)

  Lords See also Nobility

  Lord’s Supper See also Eucharist


  Louis XI (“Spider” king, France)

  Louis XIII (France)

  Louis XIV (France) absolutism of letters to king of Tonkin parlements and religious minorities and Royal Academy of Sciences and Versailles court of wars of

  Louis XVI (France) execution of French Revolution and National Assembly and ouis XVIII (France)


  Louis of Hungary

  Louvois, marquis de (François-Michel Le Tellier)

  Low Countries See also Belgium Netherlands

  Lower Austria

  Lower classes See also Classes

  Loyalists: in American Revolution

  Loyola, Ignatius of (Saint)


  Ludlow, Edmund

  Lussault, Françoise

  Luther (movie)

  Luther, Martin on education marriage of Peasants’ War and Zwingli and

  Lutheranism in 18th century in Netherlands in Scandinavia spread of

  Luther Versus the Pope

  Lützen, Battle of


  Luxury goods


  Macartney (Lord), China trade and

  Machiavelli, Niccolò

  Madison, James

  Madras (Chennai)



  Magellan, Ferdinand



  Magic Flute, The (Mozart)

  Maine, France

  Maize. See Corn


  Malay world


  Manchu dynasty (China)




  Manufacturing: in France industrialization and

  See also Industry


  Marburg Colloquy

  Marcel, Étienne

  Maria Theresa (Austria)

  Marie Antoinette (France)

  Marie Antoinette (movie)

  Markets: in 18th century

  Marlborough, duke of (John Churchill)

  Marriage: age at arranged clerical in 18th century Habsburg dynastic Luther on in Middle Ages Protestantism and in Renaissance Italy

  Marriage of Figaro, The (Mozart)



  Marsiglio of Padua

  Martin V (Pope)


  Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, The (Pollaiuolo)

  Mary, queen of Scots

  Mary (Burgundy), marriage of

  Mary I (England)

  Mary II (England)




  Mästlin, Michael


  Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Newton). See Principia (Newton)

  Mathematics: Scientific Revolution and

  Maurice (Saint)

nbsp; Maximilian (Bavaria)

  Maximilian I (Holy Roman Empire)


  Mazarin, Jules (Cardinal)

  Mechanics: motion and


  Medical schools

  Medici family Catherine de’ Church of San Lorenzo and Cosimo de’ Cosimo II Lorenzo the Magnificent

  Medicine: in 14th century in 18th century in Middle Ages in Scientific Revolution See also Disease

  Medieval Europe. See Middle Ages Mediterranean region: in 18th century

  Mehmet II (Ottomans)

  Melanchthon, Philip


  Memoirs (Comtesse de Boigne)

  Memoirs (Ludlow)

  Memoirs (Saint-Simon)

  Memoirs of the Dauphin (Louis XIV)

  Men: roles of



  Mercator, Gerardus

  Mercator projection


  Merchant fleets

  Merchants: in Amsterdam in Asia mercantilism and in Renaissance slave trade and See also Commerce Trade Merchant ships

  Merian, Maria Sibylla


  Messenger, The: …

  Messiah (Handel)



  Metals. See Gold Silver

  Metamorphosis of the Insects of Surinam (Merian)



  Mexico population of Spanish conquests in

  Michael Romanov


  Middle Ages entertainment in See also Plague

  Middle class(es): French Prussian

  Middle Passage


  “Mighty Fortress Is Our God, A” (Luther)

  Migration: in Middle Ages See also Immigration

  Milan Austria and duchy of

  Militarism: Prussian

  Military: in 18th century in France in Hundred Years’ War Japanese nobility and in Prussia Russian in Spain after Thirty Years’ War See also Mercenaries Navy specific battles and wars Millenarianism, of Melchiorites

  Milligen, J. G.


  Mines and mining

  Ming dynasty (China)

  Minorities: religious (18th century)

  Miracles: humanist historians on

  Mission, The (movie)

  Missions and missionaries: in Asia in colonies in Japan Jesuit

  Moctezuma (Aztecs)

  Modern Devotion

  Mohács, Battle of

  Molière, Jean-Baptiste

  Moluccas (Spice Islands)

  Monarchs and monarchies: Austrian divine right and in Dutch Republic in eastern Europe in England in 14th century in France in Germany Holy Roman Empire and limited in Poland in Renaissance in 17th century in Spain in Sweden See also Absolutism Limited monarchies specific rulers and locations

  Money. See Currency Inflation

  Money payments, as scutage



  Monism. See Pantheism

  Monopolies: in England

  Montcalm, Louis-Joseph

  Montecino, Antón

  Montefeltro family (Urbino)

  Montesquieu, baron de (Charles de Secondat)



  More, Hannah


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