Surrendering to Her General

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Surrendering to Her General Page 3

by Sadie Marks

  "But…I thought they'd take volunteers anyway, even if they didn't get turned on?" Kenzi asked.

  The woman hesitated and then nodded. "In some cases, yes. Some Pain Receivers don't experience arousal from the pain, but they still need it. We rarely pass those types when they are inexperienced like you are, though, dear. In most situations, those are people who have lived a lifestyle where they've received pain frequently and found it necessary," she explained.

  "Oh. I guess that makes sense," Kenzi replied. She tucked her hands into her pockets to still the shaking as her eyes were drawn to the wall of implements—whips and paddles mixed with more mundane items like hairbrushes and wooden kitchen spoons. Almost every possible item that could be used to spank someone hung there and a shiver rolled down her spine when she pictured feeling them.

  She knew many people had specific items that they hated or loved so it made sense there'd be so many to choose from. There had been questions on her forms about that, but she'd had to leave them blank because she'd never actually felt any of them. All she could answer was which ones had been a focal point in her fantasies, and that was a pretty wide selection. She wondered what they'd pick to use on her now.

  "Just go ahead and get undressed, Kenzi. You can keep your panties on if having them removed is part of your fantasies, but in the end, everything will come off," she said gently. "I just need to know what your preference is for the testing. Male or female?" she asked.

  "Oh! I get to choose?" Kenzi asked, surprised that she had the choice. For a second, she wondered if she shouldn't ask for another woman; maybe that would be less embarrassing. She'd always chosen female gynecologists for that reason, but no. This was about getting the best reactions from her body. Her fantasies had always run to alpha males, so it would probably be better to stick with a man. "Male, please."

  "Very well; he should be in to take care of you in just a few minutes. Remember, this is about setting the mood and preparing you—don't forget, with the Sadecs, you will be a slave, so you'll want to be obedient when he enters, or he might make it harsher as a lesson," the woman warned her.

  Kenzi frowned; she didn't entirely understand what that meant. This was just another test. Granted, it was an odd one that would test her erotic responses, but it was still part of the process. "Am I supposed to pretend I'm a slave for the testing then?" she asked.

  The woman gave her an indecipherable look and shook her head. "Kenzi, if your body reacts to this, you won't be pretending. This is the last step. All the paperwork is signed, and you were given the opportunity to change your mind last week. When you showed up this morning, you entered into a binding contract. If what happens here arouses you, you will pass the test, and if you pass, you will belong to them. Good luck, dear," she said. There was a look of compassion on her face as she left the room, closing the door firmly behind her.

  Kenzi, still kneeling on the stone floor, was pulled even deeper into the memory of what had happened next. She no longer felt discomfort as she dropped further into recalling that final test.


  The sound of the door snicking shut sent a wave of panic through Kenzi. Had that been the sound of the door locking her in? Suddenly, she felt like she'd made a terrible mistake and now she was trapped. She'd never even been spanked before, what if—what if she was wrong and she couldn't do this? What if she hated being a slave? Just because she fantasized about it didn't mean she'd actually like it.

  The truth was that while the lure of the new body had been attractive, it wasn't her main enticement to sign up for this. It had probably brought in tons of people who would never set themselves up for something like this otherwise, but, for her, it hadn't been the real hook. She'd given up, long ago, on being able to get over her issues long enough to try to find a dominant to submit to. She knew where there were clubs full of people who were interested in the kinky side of life and she'd tried to visit them, but each time, she'd frozen on the sidewalk outside, only to go home disappointed in herself.

  The idea that she could help her planet, be an asset to every other human being that lived on Earth and, in doing so, achieve her secret fantasies, had been the real draw. She wanted to be of service; she wanted to do good things, and she also wanted to sprawl across a lap as her backside was spanked bright red. The last part was what she'd never told a living soul until she'd landed on the doorstep of the volunteer center and put her name down for consideration.

  And now she was on the verge of achieving all of her dreams, and as usual, her mind was telling her to run! Only this time, she really couldn't. She had been given one week to reconsider before her final appointment, and she had shown up. The papers she'd signed said she was bound to this contract unless she failed the last test. Right now, her only chance of leaving this room and going home was if she could keep her body from getting turned on by a dominant in a room full of spanking equipment.

  Now she stood in the center of that room, hands fluttering like she was some kind of panicky bird, completely unsure of what she wanted. To fail the test and be sent home—dreams unfulfilled. Or to pass and be locked into five years as a slave to the whims of a strange alien Master. She was frozen with indecision.

  Outside the room, there was a commotion that caught her attention. Curiosity had her moving closer to hear what was going on, and her hand reached out to see if the door was locked. She intended to open it just a crack, so she could better hear what was happening, but just as her fingers brushed the knob, the door opened suddenly; she stumbled back, eyes wide with shock.

  The room and its non-clinical décor had been a surprise, but this—this was something else entirely. "You're not…I thought…" she trailed off, swallowing hard as her words deserted her.

  It wasn't a human man who came through the door. It was one of them, a Sadec, and he wasn't bothering with the disguise that most of them still wore when on Earth. Her breath caught in her throat and she paled. Seeing pictures of them hadn't really prepared her for coming face to face with one in his true form, and she was frozen to the spot.

  Mrs. Harshaw trailed along behind him looking flustered. "This isn't how we do things. She hasn't passed the tests yet," she said, waving the clipboard she carried. "Protocol says—"

  She was interrupted, words cut off, as he turned and looked down at her. "Leave us," he said. He didn't wait for the woman to obey; instead, he turned her around and sent her back out the door with a smack to the seat of her skirt. She was still squawking as the door closed in her face. Kenzi had a feeling that the officious woman wasn't used to that kind of treatment, and it almost made her smile to see it.

  The Sadecs weren't very good at following protocol when they saw something they wanted. And they had too much power for the interviewer to return with security. That would create an incident; even Kenzi knew that. For better or worse, the decisions had been taken out of her hands, and now everything rested on her body's reactions.

  Which meant she was already as good as theirs, because the hungry predatory way he was looking at her had her insides melting. Her panties were soaked, her skin stippled with little bumps, and when he spoke to her it was almost hypnotic.

  "You were told to undress, girl."

  His voice was deep without being rough. She had heard their voices on the Sphere, so the musical cadence as he spoke shouldn't have been unexpected, but somehow it was. He didn't look as alien as some of the races they'd met since the big reveal, and from a distance, he could probably pass, but he would never fit into a crowd as an average human without the advanced technology that had helped to hide their true nature.

  His shape was humanoid, though he seemed more solid in subtle ways, blockier—she'd heard the gravity on their home planet was heavier and it made them much stronger here on Earth. His color was a shade not found on earth people. She'd have to describe it as a rich honey color, but it sparkled with silver flecks, like mica. The Sadecs weren't big on covering their torsos, so she could see a lot of that alien skin of his
up close.

  His chest was smooth, and she had a sudden urge to reach out and run her hands over his muscles; she'd heard they were hairless everywhere except the head. From what she'd seen, they all had the same long black hair that fell in loose waves to the shoulder, but she wasn't sure if that was custom, fashion or genetics.

  After the skin, it was probably his eyes that stood out as the most alien feature. They were larger than human eyes, the same basic shape, but contained no white at all. Instead, they were solid and ink black, almost insect-like as they examined her without blinking. For a second, she wondered if they blinked at all, but then he did, and that, too, was different, with upper and lower lids meeting in the middle for a brief flash.

  She realized she was staring and that she hadn't responded to what he'd said. "I-I'm sorry, I think I changed my mind," she whispered. There was no conviction or certainty in her voice. How could there be when her body was already his?

  "No," he said. And then he laughed, reaching out to grab a handful of her hair and drag her closer to him. "You've never wanted anything more, have you, girl?" he asked.

  "I-I thought I wanted this, but I don't. I want to go home," she said, lying.

  He dipped his head low; his nose brushed the spot on her neck where her pulse jumped, and he inhaled deeply. "That's not what your body says." He dragged his tongue across that patch of skin, tasting her, and she was almost surprised to find it felt like a normal human tongue. "I can taste how much you want me to fuck you," he said.

  She groaned. Her knees felt weak, and for a second, she thought she might just slide to the floor. She'd been warned about their heightened senses but had somehow never really put them into context. She couldn't even muster up the words to deny it, and even if she could, it would sound silly when the evidence was right there in front of him. And she'd been told many times during the orientation that the contract was ironclad; the Sadecs were not human courts to be argued with and they took agreements very seriously. By continuing to argue, she could be causing herself more trouble than she wanted to deal with.

  She might have tried anyway. She'd always been stubborn like that, and maybe she'd convince him to let her go—but then what? She'd said goodbye to everyone, quit her job, packed up her things in preparation for this. She really had nothing to go back to but an empty house, and she was so tired of being alone.

  "Please," she heard herself say. She wasn't entirely sure what she wanted, what she was asking for, but there was a note of pleading in her voice.

  "Please what, little human girl? Please fuck you?" he asked. His voice was beautifully captivating; every word was like a song that made her body want to dance.

  Something clenched low in her body, and she groaned. "Yes, please."

  He gave her hair a sharp tug and then let her go. "Too bad you disobeyed. You'll have to be punished first. Maybe if you're good, afterward, I'll reward you," he said with a shrug. "Or not."

  The words implied he couldn't care less, but his body had reacted to her arousal; she could see the hard bulge of his erection inside of the tight pants he wore, but he ignored it. "Remove your clothing," he said, and though his voice still had that harmonic lilt, there was a different tone to it now, harsher.

  It was like someone had dumped ice water over her skin, and she shuddered. It wasn't fear, or not only fear anyway. Some of it was shock, she was sure. She'd had medical examinations, pretty thorough ones, during the process, but this was the first time she'd been given an order like that. It had always been, "Please disrobe." Or, "Step behind the curtain and put this gown on, please." At every step, she had been treated like a willing volunteer, a client. Now she was being treated like…

  A slave.

  Her hands trembled as she grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and tugged it up over her head. She hugged the fabric to her chest, covering the front of her bra as she watched him nervously. He didn't move, he barely seemed to breathe, and whatever she expected to happen—didn't. He didn't rip the clothes from her or force her to obey, he just watched.

  She wondered which of them would give in first until, after a silent minute had passed, he spoke, "Are you looking for a more severe punishment, because that's where you're heading, girl. It's better you learn now that disobedience isn't tolerated." There wasn't any anger in his voice; he seemed perfectly calm, but there was steel in the words and not the slightest bit of give.

  She slowly lowered her arms and let the shirt drop to the floor. Her jeans followed, and then, after one last hesitation, she removed her bra. She vaguely remembered that she'd been told she could leave her panties on, so she did, hoping that the same rules were still in force, even though her hired human dominant had somehow been replaced by one of the Sadecs.

  "Better." He held out a hand to her, and she approached with trepidation. "Drop your arms," he said, when she'd stopped in front of him.

  They were currently the only thing covering her breasts, and letting them relax down to her sides was one of the hardest things she'd ever done. Yet exposing her bare chest to him was probably going to be the easiest part of this test. Her nipples were hard peaks, jutting painfully as the skin tightened and made it obvious that she was already aroused. Her cheeks flushed, and she looked down to avoid his alien eyes. The solid black disturbed her; they were so different from human eyes that she had trouble reading his expression, even though the rest of his face wasn't much different from what she was used to.

  She'd heard their eyesight was different, better, and that they could see heat auras. If that was the case, maybe he knew that her face was burning, even though she was trying to hide it. Her cheeks weren't the only part of her that felt enflamed, either. Her whole body had been on a slow simmer since she'd first started the process of testing, but knowing that today was the last step had put things in high gear. She so desperately wanted her panties to stay on, and the fact that they were soaked through was only one reason.

  When her hands finally dropped, hanging loosely at her thighs, he gave no sign of approval, merely watched her for a few minutes while she got more and more nervous and flustered. The longer the silent watching went on, the harder it was to keep from covering her breasts again, but she felt like she was being tested, and the fear of failing while she was under his power kept her from trying it.

  She forced herself to relax, and then to prove she wasn't afraid of him, she straightened and looked him right in his strange eyes without flinching. It was a lie, of course, she was terrified of him. She wasn't sure if it was how closely he resembled a human, or the slight ways in which he didn't, that bothered her more, but something about his appearance was unsettling. It was sheer stubbornness that stopped her from looking down, but oddly, it seemed to please him.

  He laughed and reached out, running his finger along the soft flesh at her waist, just above the panties, and she shivered. When she started to take a step back, he hooked his finger in the band and yanked her forward, so she stumbled against him. Her hands went out automatically to stop the fall and slapped into his bare chest. It didn't seem to bother him.

  "I didn't expect you humans to be so small," he commented, and next to him, she did seem small. He towered over her by a foot at least, and at 5'7", she was fairly tall for a woman.

  "I'm not—you're just too big!" she retorted. He laughed, chest rumbling under her hands, and she flushed, realizing she'd been petting him. His chest was solid, muscular and firm, but covered with very short hairs that reminded her of velvet—so not hairless then, not exactly. It wasn't the kind of hair that human men had on their chests, and the fine, soft hairs were nearly invisible but so soft to touch. "Well, you are," she muttered as she forced her hands off his chest.

  "Teasing. I am taller than many," he said, still looking amused.

  His English was slow, as if he had to consider each word before he said it. She wondered if he was one of the Sadecs who had lived among them undercover. Some had been here for years and had managed to blend in seamlessly. It was o
n the tip of her tongue to ask him, but suddenly, her ability to speak vanished as his fingers dipped below the band of her panties, turning and sliding down to press between her thighs. Her mouth dropped at the suddenness, and she made an embarrassingly needy sound as the thick digits parted the folds of her sex and began to explore.

  "You're aroused. Why?" he asked.

  "W-why? Why the hell do you think? You're playing with my clit," she snapped. The anger was a response to the embarrassment of being asked a question like that, but the minute the words were out of her mouth, her stomach did a slow roll as she started to panic. She waited for his swift and punishing reaction, but he just continued what he was doing, strumming the pad of his thumb across her clitoris as he watched her face.

  It felt odd. Not bad; actually, it felt very good, but it wasn't quite what she was expecting. The soft velvet hairs apparently covered his hands as well, and when he stroked her most sensitive places, there was the slightest prickling feeling. It was like getting just a little extra friction, and it bordered on being too much for her swollen nub, especially when he kept his focus right there.

  She felt like she was going to orgasm at any second, but somehow, she never got there, and it began to get uncomfortable being right on the edge like that. She wished he'd switch back to the long strokes he'd started with, slipping smoothly the length of her folds, or that he'd press one finger up inside of her, so she could ride his hand to completion. He did neither, and she began to squirm, trying to shift her position.

  His free hand snapped out and caught in her hair, easily tangling in the curls at the back of her neck to hold her in place. "Why are you aroused?" he asked again.


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