Lucius (Luna Lodge #3)

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Lucius (Luna Lodge #3) Page 12

by Madison Stevens

  Lucius sat down hard on a nearby stump and placed his head in his hands. “I’ve really fucked this up.”

  He sat like that, trying to think of some way he could convince her that he would do better. Would be better.

  Hannah watched him from the tree as he sat on the stump. All this time she thought he didn’t care when, in truth, he cared so much that even the chip hadn’t been able to stop him. She had been hurt, but so had he. They were both victims of a cruel game, and if she ever found the person responsible, she’d make sure they paid.

  Not able to take his pain any longer, Hannah went to him. She sifted her fingers through his soft brown hair. It was amazing to her how such a hard man could have such soft hair. He looked up in surprise, and she smiled. Her love for him wouldn’t be tarnished by some chip. She let her hand slide to his cheek.

  “I don’t deserve you.” His voice cracked as he spoke, and she couldn’t take it any longer. Hannah straddled his legs and sat down on his lap. Her whole body wrapped around him, and she smiled when he returned the embrace.

  “Maybe I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. I don’t have the most forgiving past,” she whispered.

  He pulled back quickly and looked at her in irritation. “You were young and just doing what you had to. Sometimes things are what they are, and you just have to move on. But then,” he said. “You already knew that.”

  Hannah’s smile grew. “Sometimes the best person to get advice from is ourselves.”

  Lucius sighed and rested his head against hers. “I know this. I really do, and one day I’ll have the courage to tell you what I went through,” he said. “But you’re right. I need to get past this. Part of surviving isn’t living in the past.”

  “Couldn’t have said it better.” Hannah smiled and gave him a gentle kiss.

  She gasped when he deepened the kiss and pulled back.

  “The festival,” she panted as he fumbled with the odd Roman shorts for the costume.

  “Fuck the festival,” he said. “I can finally use all my senses now, and I plan on doing just that.”

  She yelped when he plunged two fingers deep in her and moaned when he started to move.

  Hannah leaned forward and placed her head on his shoulder.

  “God, I missed you,” he mumbled in her ear, and she shivered.

  She had missed him. One night together hadn’t been near enough, and she had ached for him nearly every night since.

  When he pulled out, she twitched inside at his absence, but it didn’t last long. His thick head pushed at her entrance.

  “I’m not going to last this time,” he whispered. “The smell of you is driving me crazy.”

  With one swift push, he was fully rooted inside her. Unlike the last time, he slipped in much easier, and she found herself making the first movements.

  “Hannah,” he growled. “Don’t push yourself.”

  She placed her hands on his shoulders and ground down hard on him.

  “Just shut up and fuck me,” she groaned.

  Her eyes sprang open as he stood with her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. It always surprised her how powerful he was. Hannah wrapped her legs around him when she felt his hands move to her ass. Like it was nothing at all, Lucius pumped into her while standing. His long, hard strokes brought her closer to the edge, and she moaned with each stroke.

  Hannah moved her dress out of the way and watched their bodies meet.

  “Fuck,” Lucius grunted.

  When she looked up, his eyes were fixed on her. She flushed and placed a hand over his heart. Hannah grunted in frustration when she met the plastic plate from his costume. Lucius ground deep inside her and brought her to his mouth for a searing kiss. Her head spun as she tried to match his frenzied state.

  Lucius was the first to pull away and release her legs one at a time. She slipped down his body and when she stood on her own two feet, her knees wobbled like Jell-O. He pulled her over to a tree and placed her hands on the tree.

  “Like this,” he growled and bent her over.

  The cool air rushed over her flushed body as she waited for him to get behind her. When she felt the head of his cock again, she moaned. In one smooth move, Lucius was inside her, buried deeper than he’d been before. She spread her legs a little wider and groaned when he reached around to rub her clit. The new position was just enough to send her into a shivering climax. She moaned and came hard around him, squeezing him with each stroke. A few more strokes, and he shouted his release. Deep inside, she could feel him come, and there was something that felt very right about that.

  Exhausted, Lucius watched as Hannah sank to the ground. The woods maybe hadn’t been the best place to have sex. He held up a finger and raced to the car. Lucius still didn’t want to talk with everyone about the chip, but he did want to make sure that Hannah got what she needed. If that meant braving the outside, so be it.

  When he came back, she was gone.

  “Hannah,” he called.

  She stepped out from behind the tree. “Just cleaning up.” She smiled.

  He tossed her a t-shirt. “I thought that might help.” He placed his jacket around her shoulders. “It’s cold,” he said and frowned when he looked at her dress. “Besides, I don’t want the other men seeing you like this.”

  She looked down at her dress and then back up to him. “What’s wrong with it? I thought it looked pretty.”

  He growled. “That’s the problem.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “Well considering what we’ve just done, I don’t think anyone is going to think they are getting anywhere.”

  Lucius grinned. At least none of the hybrids would bother. It was clear she was his woman.

  He stopped. Was it clear?

  She was fixing the hair on her head when he stood in front of her.

  “You are mine,” he said and then frowned. Maybe that wasn’t the best way. “Are you mine?”

  Hannah stopped with her hair to look at him. Every time he looked at her, his breath was sucked out. She was just so amazing.

  “Yes,” she said and smiled. “And you are mine.”

  * * *

  They hadn’t been as late as Lucius would have liked, which would have meant getting there as it ended, but they had shown up late. It also hadn’t missed his attention that more than one person was looking at him, and it wasn’t because he was lucky enough to just have sex. The news about the chip was spreading. It was something they were all going to have to address after this whole thing was over. If he had one, others might as well, and they might even be relaying information.

  Lucius shook his head. He didn’t want to think about all the shit that could have been going out about them to those people. Tonight, he wanted to focus on the one thing good in his life, Hannah. She turned to smile at him from across the room, and he couldn’t help but smile back.

  “She’s good for you,” Titus said beside him.

  He wondered when his leader would make his way over.

  “Yes,” he said simply. There was really nothing else to add. Hannah was good for him.

  “Meeting tomorrow afternoon,” Titus said without much fanfare. “We’ll talk about the chip and where we’re going. Marius might be on to something.”

  Lucius looked over to Hannah. What would she do if there was no job to do here?

  “Relax,” Titus said quietly, as if sensing Lucius’s thoughts. “She’d always have a place here if she wants one.”

  Lucius sighed.

  “Besides,” Titus smirked, “I think we’re all enjoying the all new hormone-driven Lucius.”

  Lucius frowned and flipped him off.

  “Go fu—”

  “Come dance with me,” Hannah said quietly from beside him. His hands dropped to his side, and he smiled down at her. She had taken off his jacket, which he hated, but he understood and secretly loved it since he got to look at her as well. Despite it being outside, all the bodies under one tent still made it fairly

  Lucius held out his hand, and she slipped her small hand into his. On his way to the floor, he caught sight of Titus grinning and flipped him off one last time for good measure. Prick couldn’t get away with that shit. Leader or not.

  Something soft and slow played. He was glad that it was something he could dance to.

  “I’m glad Titus decided to do this.’’ She sighed in his arms.

  He looked down at her and had to agree. Everyone seemed to be having a nice time. Titus had been right. They did need it. They couldn’t live in a perpetual siege state. There had been games earlier, but they had missed out with their other activities. He couldn’t help the grin that came to his face.

  “Would you stop that?” She batted at his arm. He might have believed her irritation if she didn’t keep staring at him like he was her Friday dessert.

  Lucius leaned down to her ear.

  “I can’t help it,” he said. “Every time I look at you, I think about how you looked watching my dick slip inside you, and I just want to do it all over again.”

  Hannah shivered in his arms. Her breath came in hot little bursts against his neck.

  “I think maybe I should get my purse,” she whispered in his ear. Her mouth brushed his neck where she gave a playful nip. Lucius growled, and several of the couples around them moved away.

  “Forget the purse.” He placed his hand on her ass and pressed her against his hard length. “Let’s just go home.”

  Hannah groaned softly and moved away from him. “Two minutes. I’ll be right back.”

  He watched as she scurried through the growing crowd. She reached the far corner table where it was sitting and turned to give a small wave. Lucius felt his heart leap. She really was amazing. She took a few steps toward him but stopped when a man stepped into her path.

  Lucius frowned and took a step forward, narrowly missing a woman with a white cape.

  “Excuse me,” he said and stopped as she passed by.

  A chill went down his spine as the wind picked up and swirled her scent. He turned to look where the woman in white had just went but came up with nothing.

  “Vanessa,” he whispered. His stomach clenched at the name.

  A scream shot out across the room. Hannah’s scream. Lucius turned as the lights shut out. Thick gas filled the tent.

  “Hannah!” he roared.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lucius breathed in deep, but the odd smoke clung to his nostrils, overwhelming any scent other than its noxious burnt chemical odor.

  “Hannah!” he shouted again.

  Blinded, he made his way in the direction he had last seen her. No additional screams, gun fire or sounds of combat reached his ears. The smoke didn’t seem to be a prelude to a further attack.

  Several people had pulled out flashlights, and he was able to find the corner from the flashes of light. Apollo was already there.

  “She’s not here,” he said when Lucius got close enough.

  “The babies?” Lucius coughed.

  Apollo shook his head.

  “Everyone is fine,” Titus said from behind him. “This was targeted.”

  “It’s Vanessa,” Lucius said.

  Titus frowned. “The Vestal? Why would she want Hannah?”

  Lucius looked to the woods.

  “She doesn’t want Hannah,” Lucius growled. “She wants me.” He walked toward the woods.

  “Lucius,” Apollo called. “What the hell are you doing? We’re not going to be able to find them with our senses knocked out like this. They knew what they were doing when they tossed that in the mix. Wait until Carter’s men get ready.”

  “I can’t,” he shouted over his shoulder. “They have Hannah.” He burst into a sprint.

  He kept running. There wasn’t time to wait. Vanessa wasn’t a patient woman, and he knew what happened to those who kept her waiting.

  This time he was going to have to find her without using his hybrid senses.

  He stormed further into the woods. “Vanessa,” he shouted. “I’m here.”

  Two red eyes loomed from the line of trees. He didn’t blame the hybrid for not coming forward. He killed his buddy without much effort and wouldn’t be bothered doing the same to them.

  Something pierced his neck, and he swayed. Within seconds, he careened toward the ground. The world spun around him. Lucius grabbed for the dart and yanked it from his neck. He rolled on his side just in time to see a hooded figure in a billowing white cape.

  “Lucius!” Hannah shouted. His cloudy thoughts focused on the fact she was still alive.

  He looked back to Vanessa. She slipped the hood off. Her black hair spilled out. Something red flashed in her eyes. He shook his head and tried to focus as the world started to fade to blackness.

  “Hello, Lucius,” she said and crouched by him. She ran her long, red nails down his chest. When he shivered, she smiled wickedly at him. “Did you miss me?”

  Hannah watched the woman with a burning hate. Touching him like that. If she could get her hands on that bitch, she’d punish her for everything she’d done to Lucius. She struggled to get free of the zip ties, but it was no use. A mutated hybrid sat in the front of the car, watching carefully as she struggled.

  Two enemy hybrids called to the one in the car to help carry Lucius. He looked back to her and then to the heavy man. Once he climbed out, she jumped into action. This was her opportunity, even if she didn’t know for what. She didn’t even know where to go, and if she did, she couldn’t go without Lucius.

  She tossed herself back against the seat, and the heavy necklace containing the vial from Rachel smacked her chest. Hannah glanced around. She pressed the piece between her breasts and twisted with her mouth. A few sharp twists, and the cap easily fell away. She put the bottom half in her mouth and tipped back until the vial hit her lip. Hannah grabbed it with her teeth and lifted the top with her tongue. She tilted it back and drank. The sweet liquid had a bitter aftertaste and slid down like snot. It churned in her stomach.

  The vial fell from her mouth to the floor. She kicked it under the seat.

  Hannah waited. Nothing happened. She wasn’t really sure what she was expecting, but she’d expected at least something noticeable. If Rachel had just given her vitamins or something stupid, Hannah was going to kill her.

  She watched as the mutant hybrids neared. One opened the front door for Vanessa, and she climbed in. It wasn’t lost on Hannah she had seen this same thing from Lucius on many occasions. The sweet act now seemed like some sort of trick.

  “Just put him in the back,” Vanessa said, waving a hand. “The lovers can be together.”

  They opened the door and shoved him in head first. She was grateful considering his size.

  Not really certain what came next, Hannah sat quietly in her seat. She glared daggers at the woman in front of her, hoping that if she did that long enough, her head might just pop off.

  They only drove for a bit before coming to the outer wall. She glanced around and looked for what they would be riding in next, but there didn’t seem to be anything.

  The hybrid turned and headed toward the wall.

  “Um,” Hannah said.

  The hybrid pressed further on the gas.

  “There’s a wall there,” Hannah said, with increasing worry.

  They closed on the wall.

  Hannah tossed herself over Lucius and scrunched her eyes closed. If they were going out, they would do it together at least.

  She blinked and looked around after a bit of time had passed and nothing happened.

  Hannah looked through the back window. It was an optical illusion, just like the one at his house. Her head spun a little. There could be dozens of these all over the place. Why hadn’t the hybrids ever noticed them before?

  When she turned back around, she found the sharp woman staring pointedly at her.

  “It’s amazing what they’ve missed, isn’t it?” Vanessa said.

  Hannah stared at her. It was st
range to think that this woman had been the cause of all those scars on Lucius. A woman who wore a white cape decided it would be good to inflict brutal pain.

  “How could they miss something like that?” Hannah had to keep her wits about her. She needed to bring back as many details as she could. Assuming she survived, that is.

  Vanessa reached around and ran a finger through Lucius’s dark hair. Hannah had to fight the urge not to slap her hand away.

  “I always told him they relied too much on their senses,” she said. “We just made sure that when they did, they would see what they wanted.”

  Hannah thought about it. What she said made sense. They did rely on them too much.

  “Drug her,” Vanessa said to the mutated hybrid. “I’m finished talking.”

  Before she knew what was coming, something pricked Hannah’s neck. She slumped over Lucius and watched as the world faded away.

  * * *

  Lucius woke up slightly groggy and disoriented. Familiar smells he had spent the last two years trying to forget filled the air.

  “He’s awake,” a man whispered to the right of him.

  Lucius’s eyes were heavy as he tried to pry them open. When he finally did, the fluorescent lights flooded them, and he clamped them shut again.

  “They keep it bright in here, so it’s hard for us to see,” another man said to the left of him.

  This time when his eyes came open, he was able to keep them that way. The light was too bright, but it wasn’t going to stop him from escaping. He moved his arms and groaned when they stopped in place. Massive chains constrained his arms.

  “Arms and legs,” the man to the right said quietly. Lucius turned to look at him. Thin and worn, the man looked like he couldn’t have been older than twenty, but his gaunt face held the weariness of a thousand men. A few more days and this man wouldn’t be around.

  “Looks like this isn’t your first time with Vanessa,” the man to the left said.

  Lucius turned. The other man was the polar opposite, fit and still in good health. Lucius wondered how long he had been with Vanessa and if she had broken him.


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