Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included!

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Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included! Page 16

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  “It is.”

  “I’m worried about Jax – I don’t want to put him at risk. Trin…errr…Meg either.” She voiced her concerns, and her worry was to be expected.

  “They’re safe. They’re never left completely exposed or unprotected,” he started with confidence. “I sent them to McKenzie Ridge because I knew they would be looked after, protected. Some of the best people I know are there – she’s built a good life with these people, just as I expected. My sister is one of them. This was all intentional from the beginning.”

  “Sister?” she questioned, remembering how fondly he spoke of her over their months together.

  “None of them know who Trinity really is, or Jax. The relationships are completely organic, but I knew putting them there, my friends and family would take care of them.”

  “Your sister, she doesn’t know…”

  “None of them do, but they’re about to. Esteban’s men have already been in McKenzie Ridge – and everyone knows they’re there - they just don’t know why. We’re going to tell them when the time is right. We need things to play out this way if we’re going to get him,” Declan promised.

  “It just feels so unpredictable,” she admitted.

  “We need him on our heels – do you trust me?”

  A long pause stood between them while Lydia worked over the details in her head. It was risky, it was frightening, and there was a lot on the line. But…she trusted him. After nodding her head, acknowledging such, he pulled her into a warm embrace and held her tight. He wouldn’t let her down.

  It was their last night in Deception Pass, and Lydia was going to miss it. It had quickly become her favorite place they had been. They had lived like a couple, albeit for a short time, and had to remind themselves why they were there to begin with because being there together felt so right. It wasn’t lost on either one of them that once all of this was over, they could be over, too.

  While the tide was out, they had a picnic on their beach in the cove. It was quite possibly their last night together; they weren’t sure what was next. It was bitter sweet, and they wanted to make the most of their time together.

  Declan confessed his feelings for her, admitted that he’d loved her longer than she could imagine. But love came at a cost, and he’d have to pay the piper. He couldn’t be the reason behind anything happening to her, and she was already a target. He had a lot of loose ends to tie up and a past to sort out before they could be anything. He wanted a life with her, but not one that had them looking over their shoulders like they were now. He loved her too much for that.

  They made slow sweet love on the beach, letting the intimacy between them say what words couldn’t begin to reveal. It was consuming, full of passion – it was beautiful.


  After a ninety-minute ferry ride, followed by a two-and-a-half-hour drive south to Portland, Declan and Lydia pulled up to Watermark Tower – where Brother’s Keeper was run and each of the O’Reilly brothers lived. The couple was meeting with all four of the brothers as well as their cousins for a debriefing and to get Lydia up to speed on the who’s who in McKenzie Ridge before their stealth-like arrival – so she knew who was safe, who she could trust.

  “This building…it’s enormous. Is it all yours?” she asked as they pulled into the gated underground garage.

  He nodded.

  “How the heck do ex-military, security guys manage a place like this…it’s incredible,” she admitted, in total awe as they took the elevator several floors up to the conference room they would be using.

  “It’s high end security. Our clients aren’t your average citizens. They are corporate tycoons, celebrities, government officials, and some are just private sector citizens with more money than God. The rich don’t always deal in money; they deal in assets, too. That’s how we landed Watermark Tower.”

  “Someone paid you with a building, a skyscraper no less…I don’t even know what to think of that,” she laughed. “For such a privacy driven business, you’re sure out in the open, sitting here in the hustle and bustle of Portland.”

  “That’s intentional and actually what Watermark’s namesake is derived from. Just like a watermark on a dollar bill, it’s in plain sight but not to the naked eye. This place is more secure than Fort Knox, completely untraceable in every way, doesn’t even show up on a Google map.”

  “That is brilliant.”

  Watermark Tower sat on the trendy waterfront area of Portland where urban lifestyle was all the hype. Waterfront meaning the district that literally sat on the Willamette River. Like all of the buildings in this particular waterfront neighborhood, the street level floor was all retail – from grocery, to boutiques, florists, coffee shops and salons, even restaurants, and insurance agents. Above, was the urban lifestyle living – apartments. The neighborhood boasted area parks, recreational attractions, and public transit. One never had to go far from home for anything.

  “We lease out all of the retail space – it lends to the disguise. Some of the business owners live in the building but only on one floor. The rest is all us,” he informed.

  “You and your brothers use an entire skyscraper…” A statement not a question.

  “Sure. We each live here on our own floor for space and privacy so we don’t feel like we are living on top of each other. We also have guest quarters for our cousins and close family friends. The only other person that lives here is our one and only employee. She sort of works around the clock, so it’s just…easy. The rest is Brother’s Keeper Security, which includes a few temporary housing arrangements for relocations.”

  “That’s – impressive. I had no idea,” she admitted.

  “Well, the less you knew…” he teased, tossing one of his favorite old sayings that used to bother her to her core.

  She giggled at the reference. “Right…the safer I was.”

  They stood outside the conference room door, ready to go in. “Tomorrow, everything changes. Are you ready for that?”

  She smiled shyly, feeling a bit nervous. “I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I can’t believe, after all of this time, it’s going to be…over.”

  “Yeah,” he said, with sadness in his eyes, “over.”

  Both hung on those words, reading into them what they really meant. They didn’t know what was next for them. Once Esteban was out of the picture, they were no longer forced to be together. Dec said he had a past to sort but didn’t mention if she was a part of that process. Time would tell – one day at a time – first they had to catch the bad guy.

  They entered the room where everyone was already seated. First, they passed her pictures with quick bios so she would know who everyone was, the people they would be working with and engaging with. Her sister’s new family-like friends.

  It was overwhelming at first, but she went through the pictures over and over, learning names and faces. One in particular stood out. Colton Sparks. He was Trinity’s love interest, well, Meg’s…she needed to remember her name was now Meg. She was happy that her sister was able to build such a good life for herself, and even find love in what could have been the worst of situations. She really did make the best of it and gave Jax the life she promised she would.

  “You’re awfully quiet tonight.” Declan said, stepping out onto his balcony where she was sitting.

  She sipped her glass of wine and smiled, her gaze stuck on the view that twenty something stories above the city boasted. “Just a lot to think about. Today was pretty crazy, right?”

  He sat next to her in the corner of the plush outdoor loveseat and took her wine glass, placing it on the small table next to him. He pulled her back against him and held her. “I know this is hard, but we are so close to getting him. You can do this, Lydee. You’re strong, smart, and you can beat him. You’re going to get your son back and won’t have to worry or run anymore.”

  “I know. It seems so weird to be so sullen. I should be happy, and I am, but it’s all so overwhelming, ya know?” A single tear
streaked her cheek; she didn’t know if it was one of joy or sorrow.

  “I know. This is what we have been fighting for, and it’s all about to come together, but then what…” he said, knowing her sadness was less to do with a chapter closing and more to do with them possibly ending. He had the same fear and worry. “Once we get what we’ve wanted, and Esteban goes away, what do we do the day after?”

  “Exactly.” It was like he was reading her mind. She was getting her son back, her sister…but where did Dec fit into all that? If they weren’t running, what were they doing?

  “How about we go back to one day at a time. It’s all we can do, focus on the now, deal with tomorrow when we have to. You know I love you, Lydia, and that doesn’t change just because our circumstance does,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  She turned her head to look up at him, taking his mouth in a long kiss that was full of meaning. Turning the rest of her body to face him, she straddled him, her kiss becoming more urgent. Her hands running through his hair.

  With his hands on her ass, they slid up her back, under her shirt where his fingers raked against her skin, setting her on fire. He stood, her legs still around his waist, and he moved inside the sleek penthouse-like apartment. Down the long hall, he ended in his bedroom where he finally broke their kiss.

  “Let me show you – let me show you how much I love you,” Declan said in a deep seductive timbre.

  His words were as sensual as his hands under her shirt, massaging her body. When he climbed into the middle of the bed and set her down, she pulled her white fitted t-shirt over her head. He followed by unclasping her bra and tossing it aside. His hand landed on her chest, and he dragged it down between her breasts, feeling her silky soft skin.

  Eyes heavily hooded, a breathy sigh of pleasure trailed as her tight rosy buds tightened in response to his smoldering provocative touch. Laying back slowly, she arched her back in an alluring come hither way, inviting him to take more of her.

  With his shirt over his head and his gym shorts shed, he sat bare and looked at the beauty that was Lydia. He was hungry for her, every inch of her, and he knew this night was perhaps his last to leave his mark. Grabbing the waist of her legging style yoga pants, he pulled them down her body; she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

  Surprised by his findings, he let out a moan of his own. The sight of her, laying there, writhing in desire, was something he had no words for. Grabbing each ankle, he widened her legs, exposing the very thing he hungered for most.

  At first, she was shy – the move had been bold, intimate, and left her feeling vulnerable. But when she saw the pleasure the sight of her body brought him, she felt brazen and sexy, widening her legs even more, dropping her knees to the sides, arching, tempting him, daring him…begging him.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said before dipping his head between her legs and pleasuring her.

  He brought her to the edge, several times, but wouldn’t give her the euphoria she desired. Not until he was done tasting every inch of her body. He stroked her with his fingers, dipping inside of her every few strokes, teasing her as he licked and bit his way up her body.

  Spending time at each breast, he loved on her, showed her how much she meant to him with every kiss, every lick, and every nip along the way. When he finally made it up her collar bone and to her neck, he stopped and looked her into the eyes.

  They were swirling with delight, pure ecstasy; she was lost in him. He didn’t want to forget a single moment of his night. He positioned his body above her, his heavy length at her entrance, and he just looked at her. He wanted to remember every sound she made, every sultry expression. He finally entered her, causing her to arch even more from the pleasure it brought her.

  It was clear to him, she was hanging on every moment too, taking everything she could and committing it to memory. They had made love many times and enjoyed each other thoroughly each and every time. This time, however, there was something different. Something deeper. Something more meaningful.

  It felt like an emotional, heartfelt, goodbye.


  The O’Reillys’ old hunting cabin in the woods was where Declan and Lydia were hiding in McKenzie Ridge. The four brothers had accompanied them and set up a mobile command center. They each took turns rotating in and out of the woods where Declan had mobilized his team from the agency, finally bringing them in. The team worked tirelessly doing surveillance, and keeping eyes on Esteban’s men at all times.

  They were scattered around McKenzie Ridge, keeping watch from every angle, protecting the innocent who didn’t even know they were bait. A plan was in the works, and they were preparing to execute it. Esteban’s highest ranked associates were in town, and that meant Esteban was nearby.

  “Let’s recap,” Dec said to his brothers and the closest member from his team, Tom Boyd. “What do we have?”

  “We know the subject,” Tom started, “Meg, as she’s known here, went to Portland with her boyfriend and another couple…a…Dawson and Sam Tayler. They were followed and had a face to face encounter in a mall before abruptly leaving and coming back here to McKenzie.”

  Luke chimed in, “It seems Trinity, or Meg, is still holding cover despite making Esteban’s guys. They are all on their way back, his men right behind them.”

  “Can we just call her Meg from now on; this is getting confusing,” Wylie mentioned, earning a nod from the men. “So, what’s she going to do? Stay or run? She knows she’s been made. Protocol says to call us and we do an extraction and relocation, but she hasn’t made the call.”

  Lydia frowned. “She hasn’t called? Are you sure? Why would she stay; why would she stand in harm’s way like that? She wouldn’t do that, not with Jax.”

  “Boyfriend maybe?” Dace inserted. “Maybe she doesn’t want to leave him.”

  “No. She’s been selflessly doing this for well over a year, nearly two. She wouldn’t just risk it all like that. It’s too dangerous, especially for the boyfriend, and anyone else around them,” Lydia defended.

  “Let’s give her the benefit of doubt. It just happened. She’s surrounded by people she likely wants to protect, and they are driving through a no-cell zone,” Liam reasoned, realizing part of maintaining cover included not blowing theirs, and she was aware of that. “We have guys right behind them and people all over town when they get here. She’s safe either way. Let’s just see what she does when she gets back to town.”

  “Good point, brother,” Declan inserted. “I think it’s time we get some local help and let this group in on the ruse. Esteban’s men are getting pretty bold, approaching her like that. Our people need to know so they can all take precautions. If nothing else, to keep them out of the line of fire.”

  “What’s the plan, Dec?” Luke asked, ready to get on with whatever they needed to do.

  “I paid a visit to an old friend this morning, Blake Cooper. He heads up local P.D. and just happens to be right in the middle of this group she’s befriended. He’s one of us or used to be. He’s the main reason I sent Tr…Meg here in the first place. He’s been watching over her all along and didn’t even know it.”

  Luke laughed. “And how did Coop react to you sending this shit his way and leaving him blind?”

  “He got over it quick. Turns out he was on the verge of cracking this thing wide open anyway. The boyfriend found my name and number, along with a newspaper article about the sisters dying. Someone had left it on Meg’s porch. There was also a guy plowed down in front of Meg’s flower shop. A John Doe who had been lurking just before he was hit. I saw the photo – it’s one of Esteban’s head hunters.”

  “Oh, my God.” Lydia panicked. “That’s twice they got close to her. I don’t like this. Not at all.”

  “It’s okay,” Declan assured. “They’ve been here a while. They’re just messing with her to flush you out. There was an explosion at her house in the middle of the night, but in her garage, too. They also arranged a problem with a tire so they
could catch her down and off guard. If they wanted to kill her, they would have by now. This is all about you.”

  “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this sooner,” she cried.

  “What would that have served?” Dace defended his brother. “You just would have worried, and it wouldn’t have changed a damn thing. We’ve been nearby all along. This guy doesn’t want Megan. He wants you and Dec.”

  “It’s over now, guys,” Liam interrupted, ever the peace maker. “What’s next, Dec?”

  “Blake has Colton covered – that’s the boyfriend – getting him up to speed. Then tonight, everyone in their group who’s been around this will be at Colton’s house for a little identity reveal, and they’ll be brought up to speed.” Declan looked to Lydia. “That’s when we show up, in the dark, and leave the same way we go in. Stealth all the way.”

  “Wait…” she said, taking to her feet, her excitement evident. “I’ll get to see Jax?”

  “Only for as long as we are there, which won’t be long,” he informed. “He needs to stay there when we leave. Can you do that? Just a few more days?”

  Tear streamed her cheeks as she nodded – she was going to see her son.

  “Let’s get ready,” Declan said.

  Declan’s team had been briefed and were ready. Those posted around McKenzie held their positions, while a mobile team came in to escort Declan and Lydia to Colton Sparks’ house where the group of friends were headed, based on feedback from the guys in the field.

  Three dark SUVs pulled in front of the cabin, ready to drive them in. Tom Boyd, Declan’s right hand, came in to announce they were ready. Liam was staying behind, watching from afar via satellite and security feeds he had hacked, ready to do whatever needed done from there.

  The rest of the boys were going out ahead of them with a tactical team to secure the area they would be infiltrating. Declan trusted his team; his brothers did not and wanted to be certain they weren’t walking into a trap.


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