Taken by the Pirate Billionaire

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Taken by the Pirate Billionaire Page 5

by Shelli Stevens

  “May I come in?”

  She gaped at him for a moment, before squeaking, “How’d you find me?”

  He allowed a slight smile now. “I was hacking into secure government websites while still in middle school, Renee. Finding out who you were wasn’t much of a challenge.”

  “Well.” She gave a weak laugh. “Aren’t you special.”

  “My mother certainly seems to thinks so.” Seeing that Renee wasn’t acting quickly enough to his request to be invited inside, he simply stepped past her into her apartment.

  The inside of her place was well kept and decorated with black and white photos of animals. Ones she took, or had purchased? Regardless, they were pretty damn good.

  “I wanted to congratulate you,” he murmured, turning his attention back to her.

  For a moment, her eyes rounded. “Congratulate me?”

  “On your most accomplished disappearing act. I didn’t even notice you leave last night.”

  “Oh.” She glanced away, but her cheeks filled slightly with color. “I’m not really good at the afterwards bit.”

  “I would’ve helped you through it.”

  “Are you,” she hesitated, “disappointed I left? Honestly, I figured I was doing you a favor.”

  “So many assumptions. Including the one where you assumed I’d forget that little bit where you crashed my party last night.”

  He watched her, but there was very little reaction now, only that he could nearly see the wheels turning in her brain.

  “Guilty as charged. Which we talked about last night.”

  “Yes, but I’m not quite sure I believe your reasoning, sweetheart.”

  She took a few steps away from him. “Whether you do or not is irrelevant. But as I said, I was just eager to try some stuff and heard your parties were the place to do it.”

  “The fact that you heard about my party and managed to get all the way to my front porch shows that you didn’t act alone.”

  This time she did react. Panic flickered in her gaze and her chest rose with the sharp breath she drew in.

  “Save your energy from giving me another lie. I know that Lucy was responsible for tipping you off.”

  The panic shifted to disbelief and fear. She shook her head. “We had breakfast together. She didn’t say a word.”

  Not a surprise. Lucy had probably been too dazed by her own turn of events last night. When Devon had realized it had been Eric’s guest who’d given Renee the information on the party, all it had took was a few carefully chosen words. He knew his friend well enough to recognize the quiet fury inside Eric, before he’d left promising to deal with his date.

  But the other couple couldn’t hold his thoughts, right now he was more interested in the woman in front of him.

  Devon closed the distance between them again, and caught Renee around the waist. Her breath hitched and yet she didn’t pull away. There was no titillating perfume on her today, just the clean, soft scent of soap.

  He was tempted to press a kiss to the wildly beating pulse in her neck and see if she tasted as fresh and tempting as she smelled.

  Catching her chin between his thumb and forefinger, he asked, “So are you still eager to ‘try some stuff’, as you put it?”

  The pulse in her neck quickened, and her pink tongue darted out to moisten her lips. There was blatant indecision in her eyes. Clearly, the urge to pull from his arms and run like hell. And then there was the dilation of her pupils, the sensual awareness of him. He was most intrigued by the flicker of calculation in her eyes.

  She watched him from beneath her lashes. “Are you inviting me back to your place, Mr. Murray?”

  “I am. How about dinner tonight?”

  “I suppose I could arrange my schedule.”

  His lips twitched with amusement. “I suppose you’d better.”

  Before she could reply, he pulled her into his arms and covered her mouth with his. She made a startled sound of protest, before she leaned into him and parted her lips.

  He delved his tongue inside, telling himself she couldn’t possibly be as sweet as he’d remembered. She was. And more so.

  Gripping his shirt in his hands, she kissed him back, her tongue sparring with his in a slow, seductive dance. She moaned softly, and the weight of her body fell against him as her knees seemed to weaken.

  When his cock began to stir and his pulse quickened, he lifted his head.

  “See you in a few hours, sweetheart.”

  Pleased with her swollen mouth and the glaze of arousal in her eyes, he gave her ass a light smack and then turned and left.

  Chapter Nine

  Renee peeked out the blinds of her apartment and watched Devon cross the street and climb into the back of the black Lincoln Town Car.

  He fit in with this neighborhood about as well as fleas on a white cat.

  She didn’t let the blinds fall back into place until he’d driven away.

  With a sigh, she lifted shaky hands to her mouth and closed her eyes. He’d shown up on her doorstep. He’d literally shown up at her place not even two hours after having breakfast with Lucy.

  Even with her friend’s warning in her head, nothing had prepared her for opening that door and finding him there.

  When she had, she’d realized her mistake last night. Mixing business with pleasure. Finding the brooch was business, and sleeping with Devon was a conflict of interest that boiled right down to pleasure.

  Grabbing her cell phone, she dialed Lucy again. “So he just showed up.”

  “Seriously? That fast? Wow.”

  “I know.”

  “I had a feeling he would.”

  Renee frowned, remembering something else Devon had said. “He also mentioned that he knew you were the one who got me into the party. Did he say anything to you?”

  A heavy silence met her reply.


  “No. Devon didn’t say anything. Eric did. But it’s over and done with, and really, I’d rather not talk about it right now.”

  Whoa. That door had been shut and rather firmly.

  “Okay.” Renee kept her tone light. “No problem.”

  “Thanks. So why did he come over? What did he say?”

  “He invited me back to his house for dinner tonight.”

  “Oh, well, hey that’s perfect, right?”

  “He wants more than just dinner.”

  “Well of course he does.” Lucy gave a soft laugh, as if the tension a minute ago had never even happened. “You’re going?”

  “Yes. And actually, I think I’m going to need some sleeping pills and handcuffs.”

  Renee had no trouble imagining the alarmed expression on her best friend’s face. The silence seemed a decent confirmation.

  “Umm...Renee, what do you intend to do with these things?”

  “If you don’t know, then you can’t be an accomplice.”

  Lucy laughed. “You’re right. Unfortunately I can’t help you with either of those.”

  “I might have some left over prescription meds,” Renee mused. “But as for handcuffs, I’ve got nothing.”

  “Maybe get some scarves from a thrift shop. They’re cheap and get the job done. Just wash them first. Are you restraining for pleasure, or...?”

  “The less you know.”

  “Right.” Lucy paused. “You realize Devon’s going to know you were the one who took the brooch. He’ll probably call the police and, even if he doesn’t, I’m sure he’ll come after you.”

  “Maybe not. The guy’s loaded. He probably wouldn’t blink over a missing brooch.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Me too, she thought as she hung up the phone. Her glance landed on the coffee table.

  She picked up the diary, careful as she did so. It was two centuries old and more than a little delicate. She was damn lucky Devon hadn’t spotted it, actually.

  The name inside the cover read Anne Stoddard, and she was Renee’s ancestor. The pages were yellowed and the hand
writing nearly illegible. Inside, there was a sketch of a ruby brooch, with the words Darren Murray the pirate next to it.

  Darren Murray. The pirate rumored to have been Devon’s ancestor. The more she knew about Devon, the more she believed it.

  Some of the diary was unreadable, but she’d deciphered enough to learn one certain truth. Darren had stolen the brooch from Anne.

  And if it was out there, she intended to get it back. Devon wouldn’t know the story of Anne and Darren. Would never know Renee’s motivation for seeking out the brooch.

  “Last night I totally blew it.” Renee traced a finger across the sketch of the brooch. “But I won’t mess up tonight. If at all possible, I’m going to make sure this gets back in Hawkins hands again.”

  Renee showed up at Devon’s in a low cut dress the same shade as her pale blue eyes. Her heels were high, she’d dabbed her perfume in the erogenous zones, and had put on some makeup again. Though the makeup was nowhere near as dramatic as last night’s. Tonight she planned to be the one in charge. Devon had no idea what he was about to get himself into.

  She rang the bell and a moment later Kurt opened the door.

  “Good evening, Renee. Please, come inside.”

  “Good evening.” She stepped into the foyer, avoiding eye contact.

  How did he feel about her return? When he so clearly knew she hadn’t been invited here the first time?

  The inside of Devon’s house looked so normal when it wasn’t lit by candlelight and hosting a kinky sex party. It really was a beautiful home.

  A pang of envy struck her as she compared it to her apartment. Where was karma for God’s sake? His ancestor had been a pirate.

  “Mr. Murray has asked that you join him in his room upstairs.”

  Renee glanced up at him, startled, but didn’t comment. What if Devon wanted to jump right into the sex? That could pose to be a problem. She’d have to convince him for some wine at least. She needed a vessel for the sleeping pills.

  Guilt pricked lightly, but she ignored it.

  She climbed the stairs, waiting to see if Devon would appear at the railing near the top. There was no sign of him, so she continued down the hall until she reached his room.

  Ah, this was familiar. Being early fall, it was already dark outside, but candles provided the lighting. She couldn’t immediately see Devon, but then noticed the balcony door was open—the gauzy white curtain swayed inward with a breeze.

  Outside maybe?

  Renee took a deep breath and continued to walk through the room to the balcony. She lifted aside the curtain and stepped outside. The breeze that greeted her was warm as it drifted across her face.

  Her attention slid to the table that had more candles on it and a rose—red this time—in the middle.

  Devon was facing away from her, leaning against the iron railing and looking out over a river running through his property.

  Her heart tripped and she swallowed against the sudden rush of nerves.

  You’re in charge. Fake it if you have to.

  She lifted her chin and approached him from behind, slipping her arms around his waist.

  “What an amazing view, Devon.”

  His hands covered hers. “You came.”

  “I said I would. Was there any doubt?”

  He turned to face her. “Actually, no.”

  The predatory smile and cool gaze had her pulse racing. “And don’t you look damn sexy, sweetheart.”

  He drew a finger down her top and into her cleavage and her breath caught.

  “You did this all for me?”

  This? Dress up? It was hard to think when his finger caught her nipple and stroked it lightly.

  “I’m tempted to eat you before the dinner.”

  His shocking, erotic words had her legs going weak and for a moment she nearly forgot what her purpose was. Not to be seduced, but to do the seducing.

  “But I’m going to attempt self-restraint,” he murmured reluctantly. “My chef put a lot of time and effort into our dinner by my request.”

  She forced a light, sexy laugh. “Mmm. I suppose I can wait.”

  Waiting was good. It gave her the opportunity to slip the pills into his wine.

  “It won’t be long. I promise.” He stroked his finger over her nipple one last time, before releasing it and moving to the table. “Our food will be here momentarily. Would you like some wine?”

  “Please.” Her throat felt suddenly dry.

  Devon removed the cork from the wine bottle and poured a good amount into the waiting glasses.

  Renee sank down into a chair and drew a slow breath in.

  Now she just had to figure out how to get the sleeping pills into Devon’s drink. She slid her hand into her purse and managed to grab them out of the bottle and tuck them in the palm of her hand.

  She just needed the perfect opportunity.

  Devon settled himself into the chair across from her. She seemed nervous. Were his instincts right? Did she have something up her sleeve?

  He’d invited her to dinner tonight because he hadn’t yet figured out why she’d snuck into his house in the first place. He wasn’t buying her sexually curious bullshit excuse. Not even a little bit.

  Despite all the information Kurt had given him, Devon couldn’t pinpoint why Renee seemed so familiar, and had from the start.

  He knew who she was now. Knew what she did for a living—ran a doggy daycare, which was pretty damn interesting.

  But why had she snuck in last night? What had she been searching for when he’d caught her red-handed? And, more so, would she try anything again?

  He suspected she would. Which, if she had any sense, she wouldn’t dare.

  But that wasn’t his only motive for inviting her to dinner. There was also the very simple fact that he wanted her in his bed again.

  He’d assumed that his desire for Renee would have diminished some, especially after last night’s escapade. But his desire to possess her again was just as strong, if not more so.

  He continued watching her sip at her wine. Her hands trembled. Her lashes swept up and she met his gaze. With a smile, she got up from her seat and came around the table to where he was sitting and eased onto his lap.

  He wondered just what she was up to, and then her mouth closed over his. He gripped her waist, letting her tongue stroke deep into his mouth.

  His cock started to do the thinking, but instinct warned him not to let his guard down. That’s when he noticed her hand reaching over his wine glass and returning a moment later. She kissed him, touched him, for what must’ve been several minutes, before she lifted her head and licked her lips.

  “You didn’t kiss me when I arrived,” she said softly, “and I wanted to remedy that.”

  The hell she did.

  He didn’t stop her as she sat back down in her own chair. Devon’s anger reached a slow simmer inside him, but he was careful to show no outward reaction.

  The wine glasses were black, which made it damn impossible for him to see what she’d put in there. He lifted his glass and made the appearance of drinking, but simply whet his lips.

  A moment later his chef arrived with their dinners.

  “I hope you enjoy salmon,” Devon said, once his chef had left again.

  “I love salmon.” She smiled, although it seemed a little bright and forced looking. “Actually, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to use the bathroom before we eat.”

  “Of course.”

  He watched her disappear through the French doors leading to his master bath, as if she couldn’t wait to escape his scrutiny. Then, after she’d disappeared from view, he turned to contemplate his glass of wine once more.

  Chapter Ten

  Renee glanced in the mirror and shook her head. She was a bad, bad person. What kind of woman would drug someone?

  “They’re just sleeping pills,” she whispered back to her pale image.

  Two little sleeping pills. Granted, twice the dose that Lucy said to take. But De
von was a large man and he’d probably needed a bigger dose. Even then, it would probably only make him woozy, not knock him out.

  And in the morning, he’d just remember falling asleep after some good foreplay. Maybe. Hopefully.

  Still, she’d had to leave before watching him take another sip of the tainted wine. Her acting skills were pretty much between level shitty and sucktastic. He would’ve realized something was wrong right away.

  Renee took a deep breath before going back to rejoin Devon on the patio.

  He smiled at her as he sipped his wine. Her stomach rolled and she dropped her gaze. Don’t think about it.

  She sat at the table and picked at her dinner, too nervous to eat very much, but hoping the wine calmed her nerves.

  “Not hungry?” Devon raised an eyebrow as he glanced down at her plate.

  No use trying to keep faking it.

  “My mind is on other things.” She glanced at him through her eyelashes in what was probably an awkward attempt at being flirtatious.

  “I may be able to help with those other things.” Devon laughed and set down his fork, then tossed his napkin on the table. “Let’s go inside.”

  And here we go.

  “I have a fantasy,” she murmured once they were back in the bedroom. “That maybe you could help me with.”

  “Is that so?”

  She started unbuttoning his shirt. “Mmm hmm.”

  She slid the shirt off of his shoulders and then reached for his belt buckle.

  “I’ve always wanted to have a man defenseless and at my mercy.”

  He made an interested sound, a deep type of growl in the back of his throat.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  Renee unzipped his fly and then pulled his pants down so he stood in only his boxers.

  “Well, for starters, this.” She fell to her knees before him, nuzzling him through the thin cotton.

  The answering hiss of pleasure had her smiling, and through the boxers she closed her mouth over his growing erection.

  His fingers tangled in her hair.

  “I like what we’re starting with,” he said thickly. “What comes next?”


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