Taken by the Pirate Billionaire

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Taken by the Pirate Billionaire Page 10

by Shelli Stevens

  She hated lying, but how the hell did she explain what she couldn’t understand herself. She couldn’t. Not yet.

  “Yes,” she managed. “Yes I knew.”

  “I don’t know how you did it, sweet girl, but you’ve saved our home. All our memories.”

  Her grandma was crying now and the lump in Renee’s throat grew.

  “Will we see you for dinner tomorrow?”

  “I’ll be there.” She nodded, closing her eyes. “I need to go, gran. Let me call you later, all right?”

  “All right. We love you, Renee.”

  “Love you guys too.”

  The click a moment later signaled her grandma had hung up.

  Was this really happening? Had Devon truly paid of her grandparents’ mortgage? He couldn’t have.

  But he did.

  The sick feeling in her stomach turned downright acidic. She put a hand over her mouth. She had to thank Devon. Call him and explain she’d sell the brooch and give him all the money. And maybe hope there was a chance in hell he’d take her back.

  After that message...she couldn’t blame him if he never spoke to her again.

  But she still had to try. Renee scrambled over to her desk and grabbed her keys.

  As she climbed into her car and drove to his house, she thought again about everything that had happened in the short time she’d known Devon.

  She’d almost let society make up her mind for her. Ignoring everything in her heart. All because Devon didn’t walk the society line, and maybe had a bit of a kinky and was deemed unacceptable.

  She’d been right when she’d thought history was repeating itself. Two centuries ago Anne and Darren’s love had been controlled by other people. And the same damn thing was happening again.

  And she’d come so close to allowing it.

  Damn! She pressed down harder on the accelerator.

  Devon glanced again at the message icon on his phone. It was the days old message from Renee, and he still had yet to delete it.

  It was a good reminder when there seemed to be a strange emptiness inside him. Where parts of his life just felt off and lacking. When his heart felt a bit shaken after being gently stirred.

  He looked at the message any time he was ready to summon his driver to take him to Renee’s apartment. It kicked him back to reality in a moment of weakness.

  Renee had made it clear she wanted no part of his infamy. That his money and intrigue did little to attract her—funny, because that was the draw for other women. He might as well have been a pirate as his ancestor had been for all his notoriety.

  He thought of the email in his inbox. A last minute invitation to fly out to Seattle to speak at the University of Washington. He’d initially turned the offer down as usual, seeking to keep his privacy. Stay in the shadows. But now his face was out there, and getting out of town seemed like a good idea. It was time to put some space between them. Physically as well as emotionally.

  Picking up the phone, Devon called Kurt.

  “Please send all calls to voicemail and turn away any visitors. I’m leaving for Seattle in one hour.”

  He hung up the phone and sat for a moment, willing his thoughts away from Renee and instead trying to focus on what needed to be done. First and foremost, packing.

  It was pouring down rain. Renee swept wet strands of hair out of her eyes, shivering as she glared at Kurt, who’d answered the door.

  “He’s not here, ma’am.”

  “I know you’re lying.” She lifted her chin and met his blank stare. “Please tell him I’m here. I have to see him.”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. I’m going to ask you to leave one last time before I force you to.”

  Renee had a moment of déjà vu from the night of the party. Only this time the only fear inside her was from not getting a chance to see Devon. Not getting the chance to try and make things right.

  “Look,” she pleaded. “We’ve been here before. Only you know Devon would want to see me this time. Please.”

  Kurt hesitated and hope flared inside her.

  “Please, Kurt,” she said with as much dignity as she could muster—which wasn’t much. “I’ve done something terrible and I need to make it right. Please.” Her voice cracked on the last please.

  “Renee.” Kurt shook his head, and finally emotion flickered on his face. Even if it was resignation. “I’m sorry, but he gave strict instructions—”

  Renee ducked around him and ran into the house.


  Kurt caught her before she even reached the stairs, stopping any further advancement.

  “Devon,” she screamed again, more frantic, fighting against Kurt’s firm grasp. “Please, Devon, I need to see you!”

  Kurt swung her toward the door, and she kicked her feet, trying everything to keep from being forced out the house.

  But it was going to happen. She knew it with a sickening despondency that brought tears to her eyes. Devon wouldn’t even see her.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “Let her go.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The deep voice rang out from the second floor.

  Renee went weak with relief as Kurt immediately released her. She drew in a ragged breath, before turning around. When she raised her gaze, she found Devon at the top of the stairs.

  Kurt shut the front door and then disappeared into another room, leaving them very much alone.

  Renee swallowed hard. He hadn’t sent her away. And yet now she was struck with the sick feeling in her stomach that there was nothing she could she possibly say to make things right.

  Devon continued to watch her without making any move to walk down the stairs. It was clearly an intimidation tactic, and her knees began to tremble accordingly.

  Okay. He could stand there looking all foreboding and condemning. She deserved it. And she’d face up to it. She’d just go to him. Easy enough.

  She took a few steps, hesitated, and then took the rest of them until she was on the landing. When she was just a few steps away from him, she stopped.

  He arched a brow, clearly waiting for her to say something.

  “Thank you for not having me thrown me out.” It was hard to get the words around the thickness in her throat. Not to mention pride. She lifted her chin. “I’m here to say I’m sorry...and to say I was wrong.”

  “About what?” He lifted one shoulder. The expression on his face seemed utterly bored. “You were absolutely right, Renee. It was good sex.”

  She couldn’t help but flinch. “That’s not exactly what I meant. I, um, well I misjudged you—”

  “Ah. I see.” He smiled, but there was very little warmth in the gesture. “You just discovered that I paid off your grandparents’ mortgage. Of course. Why else would you show up so long after that message you left me?”

  She flushed and dropped her gaze. “Look, I know how it must seem, and that has nothing to do with it. Though it was an incredibly generous and amazing thing for you to do. I plan on paying you back once I sell the brooch.”

  “I don’t need your money, it was pocket change, really. Keep the brooch for yourself.” He glanced at his watch. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a flight to catch.”

  Renee’s stomach dropped and panic slammed into her. She fought back tears. “You’re leaving?”

  “For a while, yes.”

  “Please.” She took another step toward him, shortening the distance that separated them. “This has nothing to do with the money, Devon. This has everything to do with me being a complete and utter idiot.”

  Despite her determination not to, her eyes filled with tears now. And just for a moment, she thought she saw his gaze soften. Some of the ice in his demeanor thaw.

  “It wasn’t just passion talking in the shower that morning,” she choked out. “I really do think I’m in love with you.”

  His jaw flexed, and his chest rose unevenly. “I’m all wrong for you, Renee.”

  “You’re perfect for me.�

  “I’m not exactly society’s idea of a role model.” His voice was harsh now, and she could see his knuckles turn white as they gripped the railing. “I managed to smother the first news story about us, but there would be many more. Harsher. Dissecting—”

  “I don’t care, I’ll risk it. And I’m not looking for a role model, Devon.” She took another step toward him, until they were almost touching. “You’re a perfect match for my heart. It just took me a while to see it. To realize that I don’t want to lose you—”

  Devon dragged her into his arms and his mouth closed over hers, silencing her broken words. She kissed him back just as fiercely, so eager for his touch, for any sign that he might love her, too.

  Then they sunk to the floor of the landing, Devon pushing her to lie on her back.

  “You love me,” she whispered hopefully, as his hands moved under her shirt to caress her breasts. “I know you love me, or I wouldn’t still be here.”

  He didn’t answer, but ripped open her shirt, sending buttons flying everywhere. She’d been in such a hurry she hadn’t put on a bra. His mouth closed over her nipple, and she groaned, holding his head to her breast.

  “You’ve got to at least care for me? You said you did.”

  She felt his smile against her breast, even as his fingers moved under her skirt, inside her panties, and then inside her. She gasped and tried to squirm from beneath him, but he followed, sending his fingers deeper.

  The sound of his zipper going down resonated, and then the thickness of his cock thrust into her. She gasped, closing her eyes, losing all motivation to think of anything but pleasure now.

  The sound of their heavy breathing filled the air as they rocked together in a slow, languid rhythm. Neither of them spoke.

  Devon touched her face gently, his gaze holding hers, and she knew the truth before he said the words.

  “I do love you, Renee.”

  He moved deep inside her. “So much that your message nearly killed me.”

  Her heart swelled with a mix of relief, pleasure and guilt.

  “I know, and I’m so sorry. I was just stupid and scared.”

  “And I hope you know it’s for more than great sex.” Even as he said it, he thrust harder into her. Faster. “Amazing sex.”

  “Amazing.” Her body clenched around him, and she felt the swelling of an orgasm.

  His gaze darkened. “You’re mine, Renee.”

  “Always,” she admitted raggedly. “And you’re mine.”


  The words between them died as he claimed her fiercely, passionately, until they both cried out in release moments later.

  She wasn’t sure how much time passed, only that she still trembled beneath him, when she could finally speak. “Does this mean you forgive me?”

  “You have doubts still?” He kissed her nipple and gave a husky laugh.

  “No,” she murmured. “I think you’ve cleared up any of those.” She stroked the back of his head and sighed. “Not that I want you to leave, but do you really have a flight to catch?”

  “Not anymore. I’ll fly in tomorrow instead.” He lifted his head and propped an elbow on the ground, staring at her. “I’m glad you came back.”

  Renee smiled. “I realized I would be stupid not too. I thought about Darren and Anne, and how they didn’t have much of a choice. Then I thought about us and how we did. And really, it was pretty much a no-brainer after that.”

  He threaded his fingers into her hair. “And you hadn’t sold the brooch yet.”

  “No. Almost, but no. I kept putting it off...” Because of everything it stood for. The connection to her past and present. And now her future.

  “Good.” He stood, scooped her up and carried her towards his room. “I want you to wear it if we get married.”

  Renee blinked in surprise. He wanted to marry her?


  He kissed her forehead. “Well, you have to say yes first, sweetheart.”

  “You don’t think it’s too soon to be talking like this?”

  “I think it’s a few centuries overdue.”

  “That sounds awfully romantic, and your pragmatic mind doesn’t work that way, remember?” she teased as love and happiness raced through her blood.

  “Just picking up where our ancestors left off.” He laid her on the bed and then kissed her gently. “So what do you think?”

  “Well I’d hate to be responsible for dropping that ball again.” She looped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. “I don’t care how quickly it happened, or if we’re reborn souls given a second chance. I love you Devon Murray and my answer is yes.”

  The words were barely out before he was claiming her mouth in a hungry kiss again. With a sigh she surrendered her body and heart to the one man who would always have them.

  She knew somewhere in the heavens, her and Devon’s ancestors were probably smiling down and thinking...about damn time.

  ~ The End ~

  Thank you for reading Taken by the Pirate Billionaire! I hope you enjoyed it. Look for Lucy and Eric’s story to be published in the future, but for now, you might also enjoy the other books in the A is for Alpha series: Beauty and the Sheikh, and The Billionaire’s Baby Bargain.

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  Here’s an excerpt from my book Beauty and the Sheikh.

  Rafiq watched the flicker of emotions on Holly’s face and cursed himself for not being able to let her go. There was no threat, no reason to keep his fingers curled around the delicate curve of her shoulder. Except touching her was like breathing air he’d long been denied.

  The soft scent of her perfume, subtle and light, caressed his senses. It was the same one she’d worn two years ago, and just the smell of it sent memories careening into him like a deadly sandstorm.

  How was it possible to have missed something he’d never really had? How could he possibly still want this woman?

  Her tongue darted out, traced over the lush mouth he’d once had the pleasure of claiming. His groin tightened and he bit back a groan. Would he find her body unchanged beneath the burka? Would it still be as flawless as the face he now gazed upon?

  “You have yet to explain to me why you’ve come to Raljahar, Holly.”

  The steel in his tone did little to intimidate her as defiance flickered in her eyes. It was one thing that had initially intrigued him about her. Holly had never recoiled from his appearance, had not been intimidated by him at all in their first meeting.

  “Raljahar is a worldwide tourist destination. Americans are often inclined to visit just as much as those on this continent, Your Majesty.”

  Amusement warred with irritation that she seemed to resent calling him by his title. Did she not even realize how fortunate she was to have gained a personal audience with him? It was rare even citizens of his country received this opportunity. Had he not intervened, she’d be sitting in a jail cell at this moment, awaiting a trial. “So you’re telling me you’ve come on holiday?”

  “Of course not.” Her eyes rounded in horror. She shook her head, her cheeks tingeing a beguiling pink as her tongue swept across her mouth again. “I would never… My journey to Raljahar isn’t for my benefit.”

  Warning bells rang in his head. “Then whose benefit is it for?”

  She swallowed hard and lifted her chin, desperation and naked agony in her gaze. “Andrew Gray. He’s in your prison, and I’m here to beg you to release him.” She choked on the last word. “Please, he’s all I have, Ra—Your Majesty.”

  Rafiq’s world spun out of focus as her w
ords echoed in his head. His heart thumped painfully against his chest and everything inside him clenched with shock. She came here to beg for her lover’s release? The idea of Holly with another man—let alone begging Rafiq to help him—made something dark and resentful build inside him.

  With a growl, he reached down and caught her hand, abruptly pulling up the sleeves of the black garment. Holly gasped, attempting to tug her soft fingers away, but he tightened his hold as he searched her fingers again, looking for the ring that perhaps he’d missed initially.

  “What are you—”

  “You dare come to beg for the release of your lover?”

  “N-no.” Understanding dawned in her eyes and she shook her head. “Andrew’s not my lover. He’s my brother.”

  Rafiq stilled and some of the tension eased, but he wasn’t certain he believed her. Perhaps she would say anything at this rate to save the man. “Your brother? Then why do you not share the same family name?”

  “Winchester was an alias chosen for my modeling career. I ultimately changed it legally.”

  “And Holly?”

  “Is my real name.”

  The fury that had consumed him faded away almost completely. He was inclined to believe her, and all he needed to do was give the word and he could have her story confirmed. Without a doubt he would see it done, would find out if this Andrew was truly not her lover, but her brother.

  “Tell me more about your brother, Holly.” He drew his thumb across the knuckles of her hand, watching as her mouth parted and a shudder racked her body.

  Her gaze slid to his scar, lingering there, and Rafiq’s nostrils flared. His touch and his appearance repulsed her that much, did it? And yet he couldn’t bring himself to release her hand, no matter how unnecessary holding it was.

  There was a fleeting moment in the past where he’d been fooled into believing she enjoyed his touch and had seen beyond his flawed face. Until he’d discovered that not only was the American beauty a top model, but an accomplished actress.


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