“You had an orgasm.”
“I don’t think so. Just as I felt like I would explode he stopped.”
“Did you tell him to keep going?”
“No. Am I allowed to do that?”
Save me from virgins who can’t remember the simplest details. “Of course you can. Tell him whatever you want; it’s your body. Damn it to hell! If he is too stupid to realize you’re close to coming, then you need to tell him.”
“I don’t think he’s stupid. He just changed what he was doing. When he took his fingers out of my pussy, he kissed my lips for a second, then he moved down to the bottom of the bed. He lifted my calves over his shoulders and put his head between my legs. His tongue licked my clit a few times, before he sucked it into his mouth and pushed his tongue into my pussy.”
“One of the most enjoyable things a woman can experience.”
Nicole watched in silence as tears start to flood over Tami’s lashes again. “I wouldn’t know.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Because two seconds after he started, he stopped.”
“Did he say why?”
“He didn’t have to. I watched as he pulled something out of his mouth.”
“Oh, he got a hair.”
“NO, it was a little piece of toilet paper. He was spitting and sputtering as he dropped my legs back on the bed and went in the bathroom. I didn’t know what to do.” Don’t laugh, Nicole. Tami must have heard the giggling start; her face turned a little red. “Do not laugh at me!”
“I’m not, honey, really.” Oh, my God, I’m going to crack a rib here.
“Yes, you are, and it’s not funny. He seemed so mad. He slammed the bathroom door and I didn’t think he was coming back.”
“Did he?”
“Did he what?”
“Did he come back?”
“Yes, and he told me maybe we should take a shower and I could douche before we continued. I told him it wasn’t fair that he expected me to take a shower when I sucked his cock without knowing if he had showered after he peed.”
“You didn’t?”
“Yes, I did.”
“What did he say?”
“He said, of course he showered before we went to dinner and it was nothing to be embarrassed about … then he said it.”
“Said what?”
“He said, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, after all you’re a virgin and don’t know about such things. I wanted to hit him. Men are pigs.”
“Yes, we have already agreed men are pigs.”
“I mean it, Nicole.”
“Of course you do, darling. Men are pigs. Say it after me.”
“No! You think this is funny!”
“Actually, yes. Listen to me, sweetie, this is all part of getting to know each other. If sex were easy, more people would be doing it right. The women of the world would have several orgasms a day. Men would be walking around with satisfied grins on their faces all the time, and we would most likely have more happy marriages. But sex is not easy. Finding out what makes each other happy can take a long time, and even then, it can be frustrating for both people.”
“You really believe that?”
“Yes, I do. Now tell me about what happened next. Did you take a shower?”
“Hell no! I told him I wanted to go home. He tried to apologize, but I wasn’t in the mood anymore, and I was embarrassed. I just wanted to get out of there before he called me a virgin again.”
“What did he do?”
“He yelled at me. Told me if I wanted to be childish about it to go ahead and go home. He stormed out of the room. I got dressed and left.”
“I’m sure he wasn’t really mad at you. Probably just upset because he wanted to return the favor.”
“What favor?”
“Tami, honey. You made him come the last time. I’m sure he wanted to make you come this time.” Either that or he is a pig.
“You really think he wasn’t mad at me?”
“I’m pretty sure.” Might as well give her hope, since I know he still has her number handy.
“So I blew it?”
“Will you please stop with all the negatives? All you have to do is call him and apologize, ask him to come to your place this time. Make it romantic and be sure to take a shower and douche before he comes.”
“How do I know if it’s clean?”
“Try using a mirror, push your fingers in and feel around, trim your hairs and hope for the best.”
“Do you think he will come?”
“Call him. It’s the only way to know for sure.”
Tami smiled. Nicole watched as she reached inside her purse for a cell phone. She dialed his number, the look on her face one of terror. When he answered the phone, she asked him if he would join her for dinner at her place. After getting his answer, she hit the red disconnect button and smiled. “He said yes.”
Of course he did. This is likely the most fun he’s had in years. “Okay! This is good. Now you need to make it an evening to remember.” Nicole waited for Tami to respond. After several minutes of silence, she asked, “Tami, what are you thinking?”
“I’m just planning what I need to do.”
“Sweetie, what you need to do is get your ass out of here and go home. Thinking about it won’t get it done.”
“Oh, ya, right. I’ll see you tomorrow. Wish me luck.”
Nicole sat there stunned as Tami ran into the door on her way out of the diner, stumbling backwards into a man trying to exit after her. The man grabbed Tami by the waist and helped her get steady on her feet before tipping his head and continuing on his way. Tami turned and smiled though the window, waving at Nicole as she headed in the direction of her apartment.
Nicole said a silent prayer. Oh Lord, please let this evening go well, or I may have to hang up my title as sexual advisor to my friends. Break’s over, bud; get your ass back to work. She left the diner and headed home.
Chapter 5
I Do
As if awaking from a dream, Nicole tried to concentrate on the progress of the ceremony.
“Do you, Jerry Edward Miller, take this woman, Tami Lynne White, to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The minister’s voice was beginning to affect her like a class A narcotic, her limbs going numb, her brain screaming to be outside in the cool evening air.
“To have and to hold from this day forward. For better or worse. Richer or poorer. Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish her, keeping only unto her, till death do you part?”
What do those words mean exactly? For better or worse, God, if these people only knew the worse Tami and Jerry already lived through.
“I do.” Nicole heard Jerry’s voice ring out, loud and strong. As if saying it louder made it more truthful or important. His tone triumphant, like a quarterback saying, “I’m going to Disneyland,” after winning the big game. She glanced at the minister, waiting for him to slap Jerry a high five, or something equally ridiculous. Instead, he turned his attention to Tami.
“Do you, Tami Lynne White, take this man, Jerry Edward Miller, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward. For better or worse. Richer or poorer. Do you promise to love, honor, and obey him, keeping only unto him, till death do you part?”
Wait; now wait just a damn minute! Ouch! Sorry Lord, didn’t mean to swear. But, really, why didn’t he have to promise to obey her? It’s the twenty-first century, damn it to hell. Ouch, sorry again, but, if she has to obey then so does he!
“I do.”
Nicole groaned inside as her friend agreed to this unfair contract, in which she was doing all the obeying and all he had to do was love, honor, and cherish. Just wait until I get you alone, my friend. We will have to discuss having this part of the vows revoked, unless of course, Jerry agrees to obey you as well.
Before she could continue the battle she was fighting in her head, Nicole heard the minister announce, “I now present Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller.”
h great, I thought it was agreed that you would use a hyphen. It’s Mrs. Tami White-Miller, Mr. Minister, you twit.
The guests rose to their feet, clapping enthusiastically, as Jerry and Tami started back down the aisle. Nicole followed behind, her hand resting on the best man’s arm, her mind once again going back to that week six months ago.
Chapter 6
Dark, rich, sweetened coffee flowed over the rim of the mug as Nicole tipped it to her lips. Everything seemed so bright and wonderful today. She had a good feeling about how her friend fared last night. Food tasted better, coffee smelled sweeter, and the sun seemed to hold more warmth. Okay, you sap, she cautioned herself, let’s not get carried away! Robert, Nicole’s high school sweetheart and sometimes lover was back in town. And just because Nicole was the first person he called that didn’t mean he was ready to move in. Their on again, off again relationship had more pitfalls and speed bumps than a racetrack in disrepair and Nicole knew her life might take a turn around curve sixty-nine soon. She watched as Tami opened the door and walked into the diner. She quickly closed the file in her brain that held Robert. Tall, sexy, oh my God, will you fuck me, Robert. Stop! Pay attention to your friend. Pulling her mind back to the present, Nicole waved at Tami.
“Hi.” Tami shouted from across the diner.
Nicole waited for her to take a seat before answering. “Hi. So how did it go?”
“Just okay?”
“Order first and then I’ll tell you.”
“Well, at least I don’t see any trace of tears, so it must not be all bad.”
“It’s not any bad.”
“Is that proper English?” Great, now she is going to be giddy.
“I don’t care. Now order some lunch so I can tell you what happened.”
Ten minutes later, they had soup and sandwiches in front of them. The coffee was hot, the waitress was gone, and the diner was quiet. Tami could hold it no longer. “I came.”
“Just like that?”
“Well no, but that is the important part, isn’t it?”
“For sure. However, a few details might help set the mood.” And, be quick about it or my brain is gonna take the fast lane back to thinking about Robert.
“The mood for what?”
“Come off it. You know that every time I’ve given you a blow by blow of my sexual exploits, you’ve gotten a little wet and needed to rush home and use a vibe. It’s payback time.”
“This is different; I’m not used to telling you about such things.”
“Now is as good a time as any to learn. I want details. Hot, over the top, details.”
“I’ll try.”
You’ll do more than try, darlin’, or it’s hasta la vista, Jerry; hello, Robert. “That’s better. Now start at the beginning.”
“Okay, here goes.”
Nicole settled back into the seat and looked across the table at Tami. Her eyes held a new glow, her lips curved in a soft smile, and she seemed more womanly than yesterday. Sex does that to a woman, she thought. “Don’t leave out any details.”
“I won’t. It was fourteen minutes after seven o’clock when he knocked four times on the door. I think he used his knuckles, however since I couldn’t see him, I can’t say for sure.”
“Smart ass, not those details. Tell me about after dinner.” Nicole watched as Tami chuckled. “You’re teasing me.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”
“Right. Details. After dinner, which was very good by the way, we went in the living room and sat on the couch. I did what you said, had candles lit to keep the lighting soft, music was low in the background, and I had on a very sexy dress without panties or a bra.”
“Thank God, you did listen to me all these years.”
“Of course I listened.”
Fuck, about time.
“He sat down on the couch and I sat right next to him. I put my leg over his knees so he could see my bare thigh. He stroked his hand up and down my leg a few times, getting higher on each upward pass, pushing the hem of my dress closer to my hips. I think it was about four or five strokes up before he knew for sure that I didn’t have panties on. The look on his face when he realized it was pretty hot.”
“Did he say anything?”
“No, he just took my lips with his as his fingers moved up my ass. He moved around to my stomach and pushed his hand up the front of my dress. When his fingers found my bare breast, he moaned and started sucking my tongue. His fingers twirled around my nipple until it was a hard little nub. He kept kissing me as his hands moved all over my naked skin. I could feel juice flowing between my legs as the heat grew.”
“Were you kissing him back? Did you use your hands to explore his body?”
“I can’t remember. It was like being lost in a deep sense of pleasure and all I could concentrate on was the flame inside my pussy. His hand moved between my legs and he started stroking his thumb over my clit. I could tell his fingers were wet as they slid in and out. He used his body to shift me on his lap until he had my legs spread, and his hand could rest easily between them. His fingers kept pushing deeper and deeper, and he went faster.”
“Was he still kissing you?”
“No, I pulled away from his mouth. My head arched back as moans started escaping from my lungs. Somehow, he managed to get my dress off, without me knowing it. I don’t remember his hands leaving my pussy, yet I knew my dress was gone when his lips locked on my nipple. His fingers were pumping fast, and he sucked my nipple into his mouth. I thought I was going to explode. The heat was so intense and the muscles in my stomach pulled tight. I could feel my pussy contracting against his fingers when he pushed up hard and hit something. I thought I’d peed on his hand, because I could feel hot juice running down my ass crack.”
“He hit your G-spot.”
Nicole once again found herself amazed at the lack of knowledge Tami retained after six years of listening to her recount her sexual adventures. Yes, your G-spot; we’ve discussed this before. You have more than one, and when a man knows how to find them and use them, it’s like sending you to heaven and back again.” Maybe the pig has promise.
“Yes, that’s what it was like; I just forgot the name, is all!”
“Okay, get back to the story.”
“Right, I could feel hot juice running down my ass crack.”
“We’ve been there already.”
“Well, stop interrupting me and I’ll remember where I’m at.”
“Your G-spot … he hit your G-spot.”
“Whatever it was, it felt overwhelming. I remember my body shuddering as he continued to push up into my G-spot, a hard nub. He kept strumming with his finger. I think I screamed, really loud.”
“Most likely; sounds like he made your first orgasm one to remember.”
“It was the first, but not the last.”
“So things continued?”
“Oh, did they ever. I know you told me it was possible for a woman to have more than one orgasm, but I didn’t really understand.”
“Okay, that’s it, back to sex 101 for you.”
“Stop. I think I did just fine, and Jerry thought so too!”
Nicole watched as Tami laughed, then blushed as if she suddenly remembered she was talking about sex with her boyfriend. “Well, then I think you should continue with your story. More than one…”
“Yes, more than one orgasm. After the first one, he carried me to the bed and positioned me so my ass was at the edge, my feet planted by my hips, legs spread, back on the mattress.”
“Oh nothing … it’s just you’re getting better at the descriptions.”
“Well, you said not to leave out details.”
“That I did, honey … so keep going.” Nicole pulled open the brain drawer holding Robert’s mental picture. Oh, yes, now I’m ready to listen again.r />
Tami continued. “He knelt down on the floor, his face right between my legs and oh my God, he took my clit in his lips and sucked it so softly, his tongue flicking back and forth, until I was shaking.”
“Mmm. Sounds wonderful.”
“It was. I think he’s had some practice at it.” Tami’s face creased with a frown.
Okay, that was like a cold shower. Back in the drawer you go, babe, sorry. “What’s the sudden gloom about?”
“Well, shouldn’t I be upset that he is so good at it?”
“For heaven’s sake, no!”
“But why?”
“Listen to me, darling. The last thing you want the first time out of the box is some inexperienced school boy who is fumbling his way around your body.”
“No buts! Trust me on this. You want a man who has learned how to please a woman…” Thank you very much, Robert…”not some first timer. Just think of it as a football game.”
“A football game? What the hell for?”
“Shut up and listen. At the beginning of the season, the coach sends in all his players, rotating them around until he figures out who the best ones are in each position.”
“Yes, that’s true.”
“Now, four months later, the team is in the Super Bowl. Do you think the coach is going to take a chance on his third string players?”
“Right. The coach is going to send in the very best he has. It’s how games are won.”
“Yes, but, what the hell does that have to do with sex and experienced men versus inexperienced men?”
“Honey, third string players might get lucky and stumble their way to a touchdown, given the right conditions. Same thing applies with sex. Inexperienced men might fumble their way to giving you an orgasm. For me, I’ll take the first string every time. It’s the only way to have multiple orgasms.” Give me an R-o-b-e-r-t, what’s that spell? Robert!
“Yes, but the first string has been with lots of other women.”
The Diner Page 3