Moonshine For Three

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Moonshine For Three Page 3

by Lauren Gallagher

  The hatch is barely shut, and not even latched, before Alice shrugs off the blanket. She sets the holsters on it, and she reaches for me. Hands on both sides of my neck, one leg hooked around my waist, she kisses me, and it's a wild, feverish kiss. She's one of those girls, the kind who just wants more and more, and it'll probably be dawn before we're finished with her.

  Alice whimpers. Squirms against me.

  A hand slides between us. Without breaking away from her hungry mouth, I open my eyes. Robert's behind her, kissing his way up and down that beautiful neck. He's got a handful of her breast, and he's kneading it while she wriggles between us.

  "Bed," she chokes out between kisses. "Please."

  "I do so love the way you think, darling." Robert's his voice borders on a groan, and when our eyes meet, his grin makes me shiver. "To the bed, indeed."

  The stateroom is small for a bedroom, but big for a ship. The bed's barely bigger than the cot I sleep on each night, but we fit. Robert's between us. He's facing her, a hand over one of her breasts, and I'm like I never thought I would be again: up against him, skin to skin, with my mouth on his neck and my free hand all over him. My cock is so hard I can't think straight, and I'm aching to fuck him. God, it's been so long…

  I suck two fingers into my mouth at the same time I press my knee against the back of his thigh. He moves his leg forward, hooking it over Alice's, and his whole body quivers when I slide my hand between his legs, then slip a moistened finger into the cleft of his ass..

  Robert groans. "Oh God, please—"

  Alice cuts him off with a kiss. He kisses her violently, hungrily, desperately, and as I press my fingertip into him, he moans against her lips. I slide my finger deeper, withdraw it, slide it in again.

  "Remember the way we used to do this?" I whisper in his ear. "When I used to make you beg before I'd—"

  "Paul, oh my God…" Robert's back arches off me. He presses against Alice, and shivers between us. "Please, I want… I want…"

  "I know you do." I nip his shoulder as I add a second finger. "What do you think, Alice?"

  Alice whimpers and bites her lower lip, but says nothing. Then I realize her hips are moving, and so is Robert's arm. His hand is between her legs, and they both move in time with my hand as I slide my fingers in and out of him.

  "Fuck her," I growl in his ear, and press my fingers deeper. "Fuck her, and I'm going to fuck you."

  Robert makes a quiet, strangled sound.

  "Please, baby," Alice pleads.

  "You want that?" he asks in that low, gravelly voice. "Want me to fuck—"

  "Please, Robbie, please."

  "You heard the lady." I slide my fingers free. "You gonna disappoint her?"

  "Absolutely not." Robert gets up so Alice can move to the middle of the bed, and then he's on top of her. She parts her long, gorgeous legs for him. I just about groan myself, watching him take that first stroke, because I know what it feels like to fuck her, and I know what it feels like to be fucked by him.

  I spit on my hand and rub it onto my cock. A little more, just to be sure.

  Then I'm behind him. For the first time in so damned long, I'm behind him, and as he leans over her, I press into him. I work myself into him, the whole time hoping I don't end this before it's started, because I've waited too long. I need to savor him. Them. All of this.

  He takes me easily, and I rub on some more spit before I start moving fast, the way I know he wants me to. He follows my lead and fucks Alice the same way, thrusting into her just like I'm thrusting into him.

  She rakes her nails down his back. He shudders, and he tightens around me, and I fuck him harder, and when she scratches him again, me and him both groan.

  Robert lowers himself over her and kisses her. His back and shoulders quiver, and God knows if it's from the way he's moving in Alice or the way I'm moving in him.

  Her hand drifts up from his neck, pale fingers and red nails pushing apart his dark hair. She holds him just like that, cradling the back of his head, and she's whispering in his ear. Don't know what she's saying, but her voice jumps to a soft yelp every time her husband takes a hard, eager thrust into her cunt after I've taken a hard, eager thrust into his ass.

  Alice rolls her hips. I fuck Robert even faster. He's shaking, moaning, swearing. He buries his head beside her neck, and she sinks her teeth into his shoulder, and I'm almost a goner because he's making that sound, that helpless half-sob, half-groan that means he's almost there.

  Robert throws his head back. He roars, and I grab on and keep riding him good and hard, until there's nothing left of that roar but a breathless whimper, and that's when I lose it. As deep as I can, as hard as I can, I keep moving as long as I can until the world's spinning too fast and even one more thrust will send all three of us up in flames.

  I shudder to a stop. Robert slumps over Alice. He and Alice kiss as much as they can when they're this out of breath. He's still kissing her when he puts his weight on one arm and reaches back with his other. He finds my hand on his hip. Clasps our fingers together. For a while, this is all we are: still, silent, as joined as three people can be.

  Eventually, I withdraw from Robert. He pulls out of Alice. We separate, and then collapse together on the narrow mattress with Alice in the middle.

  Robert wipes sweat from his forehead. "How ‘bout that moonshine?"

  Alice responds with a breathy laugh. She's trying—but not really—to organize her hair. "I could use a drink." She looks at me. "Paul?"

  I nod. "Please."

  Robert picks up the bottle and glasses off the deck. The three of us sit up on the bed, and Alice pours us each a glass.

  Robert raises his, and his hand's still shaking a bit. "To every reason I married this beautiful woman."

  Alice giggles and blushes.

  "I'll drink to that." I lift my glass. "Cheers."

  The first swallow makes my eyes water.

  We don't speak. We just sip the powerful booze, and enjoy the boat's steady rocking.

  While we drink, the air's changing. We're naked and spent, piled on a bed that's as disheveled as we are, but that don't change why we came down below decks to begin with.

  I roll the last of the moonshine around in my mouth, because it burns just like the stuff we used to make in his daddy's old barn. Never thought back then I'd be one of those guys who chased down the boys who made this booze and sold it.

  Robert lies back on the pillows. Alice cuddles up beside him, her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest.

  "I was right, wasn't I?" she whispers.

  Robert turns his head. "About what?"

  She nods toward me before resting her head on his shoulder again. "You still love him."

  My heart jumps. Robert's eyes dart toward me. Then he touches her face and kisses her tenderly.

  "I love you, baby," he whispers, and I've never heard the man sound scared like that. "You know I do."

  "I know." She pushes a strand of hair off his forehead. "But you've never stopped loving him." She glances at me, and turns back to him as she whispers, "Have you?"

  Robert looks at me. Then her. Then me again. He closes his eyes and scrubs a hand over his face and through that slicked hair that's not so perfect and styled now. After a moment, he rests his hand on her stomach.

  I lay my hand over his. "Nothing's changed, Robbie. You ought to know that."

  He chews his lip. "‘cept you're a cop, now."

  "I am," I say with a slow nod. "But this boat's out of my jurisdiction. Nothing I can do, even if I wanted to."

  His eyebrows slide upward. "Then why are you here?"

  I swallow. "Needed to know if it was really you."

  "It's really me," he says with a faint smile.

  "So it is." I keep my voice hushed even though the bulkheads ought to keep prying ears at bay. "Listen, there's a bounty on your head."

  Robert laughs. "There's a bounty on every bootlegger's head."

  "This is a big one, Robert,
" I say. "Long Island's trying to crack down on the gambling ships and keep the liquor from moving. Everybody in California knows you're running more booze, to more people, than anyone else on the west coast."

  Alice puts a hand on his arm. Robert glances at her, then turns to me. "So, what?"

  "So the higher ups, all the way back to Washington, they want you shut down."

  Alice scoffs. "If they shut him down, someone else'll just move in on our territory."

  "And they'll shut them down too." I look Robert in the eye. "By any means necessary. Minute you set foot on California soil, there's a hundred men who want to bring you in."

  Robert swallows. "You one of them?"

  I exhale. "No. I came out here because we had word you were running one of these gambling ships." I nod toward Alice. "Rumor had it, you two were involved, so they sent me looking for her to see if she'd lead me to you."

  Alice pales, tightening her grasp on his arm.

  "No one knows for sure you're here, Robbie," I say. "Far as they know, you could be on any one of these boats. Or up in Oregon, maybe even down in Mexico. But if you're out here, you've got to come to shore sometime, and they want to know where to be waiting for you when you do."

  "Once they know I'm here." He raises his eyebrows. "Which means once you report back."

  I run my thumb back and forth along his hand. "I don't have to tell them anything."

  "Everyone in that casino saw us head below decks," he says.

  I shrug. "Do they know I knew it was you?"

  He and Alice exchange looks.

  "I don't know," he says. "Do they?"

  "They don't have to." I watch my thumb still moving on his hand. "I didn't just come out here for them, Robbie. I needed to know…"

  "You needed to know what?" he asks.

  I make myself look him in the eye. "Like I said, I needed to know if it was really you. And I guess I wanted to know if you were still the Robbie I knew."

  "Am I?" he asks, almost whispering.

  "It would appear that way." I glance at our hands. "So now what?"

  He looks back at me, but doesn't speak. That suave, pauper-turned-prince from the casino deck is the kid I knew way back when. Cocky, but uncertain. Yeah, it's really him, and no, not a damned thing has changed. Not in all the years since he walked away, and I let him. Only thing different, besides the law and the liquor, is the woman lying between us.

  Robert turns his hand over underneath mine, and leans in to kiss his wife's cheek as our fingers clasp together. "So what do I do, then? I can't have both of you."

  "Robbie." Alice's lips twist into a smirk, and when he looks at her, she says, "You're runnin' liquor down the coast and raking in money from three off-shore casinos while the feds and Long Island PD are go crazy because they can't get near you." She traces his lower lip with her thumb. "Since when are you a man who follows the rules?"

  "Very true, darling." He laughs softly and reaches for the bottle. "Rules be damned. Another illegal drink, Paul?"

  I grin and hold out my glass. "Don't mind if I do."



  About the Author

  Lauren Gallagher is an abnormal romance writer who has recently been exiled from the glittering utopia of Omaha, Nebraska, to an undisclosed location in South America. Along with her husband, a harem of concubines, and a phosphorescent porcupine, she remains, as always, in hiding from the Polynesian Mafia. For the moment, she seems to have eluded her nemesis, M/M romance author L.A. Witt, but figures L.A. will eventually become bored with the wilds of Spain and come looking for her. And when that time comes, Lauren will be ready. Assuming L.A. doesn’t have her hands full keeping track of Lori A. Witt and Ann Gallagher, which she probably will.



  Twitter: @GallagherWitt

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