Maid For The Hollywood Heartthrob: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 200)

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Maid For The Hollywood Heartthrob: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 200) Page 5

by Flora Ferrari

  Glancing around, I almost feel she’s right. There’s the door to my room, the hall I used to play in. I’ve been here my whole life and maybe she is right, who would have me?

  I don’t have a job anymore and no real money either.

  I’d last a day, maybe two on my own before I had to come crawling back to-


  No, no, no. I love Tony and I know deep down he loves me too. He wants me, and I won’t let this crazy woman trick me like she’s trying to trick everyone else.

  Stacy sighs loudly and goes to fix herself a drink, something she’s long overdue for.

  I slip into my room, and with the door closed, I pack a small bag with the few precious things I can’t be without, along with some clothes and my phone, and a roll of cash I’ve been saving since I can remember.

  “And just where do you think you’re going?” Stacy asks me when I reappear, heading for the door.

  I turn to her, but I can’t think of one thing I want to say to her.

  Without a word, I open the door and pull it shut behind me, Stacy screams that she’ll change the locks; that I’m never to return if I leave her now.

  Tony? I hope I’m not making the biggest mistake of my life… but I want to go home… my real home.

  Our home.



  Max’s plan is thorough, and he’s giving me the rundown in his deepest, lecturing voice. Looking down frequently as he works on something else at the same time, probably another client, maybe something to do with me. Who knows?

  But I can’t focus on anything he’s saying. All I can think of is Ashlee, all I want is her back here with me.

  After a few minutes, I can’t stand it. Max’s voice is annoying me now and I fumble for my phone, deciding to do a little multi-tasking of my own.

  Max only stops talking when I start, but I’m not talking to him.

  It’s the cleaning agency I’m calling.

  “They’re doing a fine job,” I reassure them. “I just need to call Ashlee, the daughter of the… yes, that’s right. Would you mind? Oh no, it’s fine… I can have an autographed picture sent out if you’d like… Oh, you’re too kind… Who should I make that out to…? Bridgette… No problem. The number… please? Ashlee’s number?” I have to remind the bubbly receptionist, melting off her chair when Tony Fontana himself calls through to get the number of one of their cleaners.

  It’s the only thing I can think of, and I only hope I’m not too late.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Max says in his best attorney baritone, looking over his glasses and trying to disguise the mischief in his own eyes.

  “Oh, I know what I’m doing,” I promise him, punching in Ashlee’s number, praying she’ll answer.

  When it goes to voicemail, three times, I growl out loud, snarl again and punch at the air.

  “Easy, Tony. Take it easy,” Max says, comforting me. “Take a few minutes and a deep breath, then try again.”

  It’s the most stupid, dumbest… most sensible advice he’s ever given me, and free I hope.

  He charges by the hour, which is why I’m worried he’s set himself up in my lounge room, working on other cases at the same time.

  It’s worth it, but all of it’s for nothing if I can’t have Ashlee.

  I breathe, I wait, but I’m no calmer. At least I have her number, but if she’s not answering, what’s the point?

  I start to pace and Max breathes through his nose, looking down his glasses at me again, accusing me of breaking his concentration.

  I try her number again, this time actually leaving a message in the hope she might just be screening her calls.

  Max smiles to himself, humming a few bars of some tune I know he likes. Classical stuff.

  He chuckles warmly when he hears my cell chiming, and I answer it, breathless except for one word.


  It’s her, and I feel my heart leap, a groan escaping me, like a relief I’ve never known until her.

  All of what in, a few hours?

  Incredible, she’s just incredible.

  “Tony? she asks, and I can hear she’s been crying, making my jaw clench and my hands fists, the phone creaking in one of them.

  “It’s me. Where are you? Why’d you…?” but I stop myself, I don’t want to lecture her for leaving, I just want her back.

  “I don’t know, I’m walking… I’ve left home. I’m not going back… Oh, Tony I don’t know what I’m gonna do!” she says, starting to cry again.

  “You’ll come home to me. D’ya hear me?” I tell her, feeling her nodding, picturing her all alone, walking around without me there to protect her. It’s too much.

  “Tell me exactly where you are, Ashlee… uh-huh… now, stay on the phone, will you. I’m coming to get you myself… yes! Right now, don’t move and stay on the line!”

  I put the phone down, scrambling to search for my car keys. I hardly ever drive anywhere, a studio car or my own private drivers ferry me around.

  The jingling of a set of keys gets my attention.

  “Take mine, Tony. I’ll wait here.”

  I snatch his keys without thinking, then scooping the phone back up, making sure Ashlee’s still on the line, I head for the door.

  “And don’t forget that young receptionist’s autograph!” he bellows, humping to himself before resuming his own work, charging me by the hour for the privilege of using my home as his office.

  It’s about a half hour drive, and although I try and keep her on the phone, my heart stops when the signal cuts out.

  Shifting up a gear in Max’s Mercedes, I try and keep to the speed limit, knowing where she is and the fact I’m on my way to her should be enough, but it’s not.

  I won’t rest until she’s in my arms again and I’m never letting her go again, not ever.

  Not for anything or anyone.

  It’s my own radar as much as her directions that finds her. I see her outlined in white before I even see her face, relaxing just a little now that I know she’s safe.

  I get closer, and it’s clear she’s been crying. I don’t even have to honk. As soon as I pull up next to her, she’s reaching for the door, she knows it’s me.

  Struggling to put the car into park while I also reach across for her, while we reach for each other, I lean over and hold her so close and tighter than she might like but I don’t care right now.

  “Ashlee,” I try to speak, but the emotion in my own voice is choking it. Her tears return, but they’re a different kind now.

  Tears of joy.

  “I’m sorry, Tony… sorry for everything… my mom… everything…” she sobs, but I don’t care about any of that, not anymore.

  I’ve practically pulled her into the driver’s seat with me, holding her and rubbing her back with my hands, wanting to kiss her but giving her time to recover.

  Once she’s calmed down, once I’ve calmed down, I hold her face in my hands, promising her just one thing.

  “I’m never letting you go, not ever again Ashlee. Understand?”

  She sniffs, then laughs and nods. “I don’t want you to, Tony. I want to be yours, forever,” she says, and I kiss her, a hard, salty kiss that’s desperate from my passion for her and saturated with emotion, but it’s a kiss that tells us both we’ve found each other again after being apart and that we will never part again.

  Not ever.

  “Now,” she finally says, grabbing my hand and sliding it up between her legs, her damp heat making me groan instantly.

  “Take me somewhere and finish what you started. I want you more than ever Tony… I need to give myself to you, right now…” she whimpers.



  “What is it?” I ask him, worrying I’ve been too forward now, that I’ve put myself out there like a slut.

  “I mean… we don’t have to,” I lie. But Tony’s furrowed brow is deep in thought, not regret.

  He c
huckles softly, then kisses me again. “Sorry, baby. It’s just my is house occupied by my attorney right now, this is his car too… I guess your place is out of the question?” he asks before apologizing. “Sorry, bad choice of words.”

  Then he hits his palm to his forehead, starts the car and we’re off again, the shine in his eyes meeting mine in the rear view mirror, telling me he has a plan.

  And what a plan it is.

  About fifteen minutes later we pull up to one of the most expensive hotels in the city. A valet opens my door, and Tony urges me to go ahead.

  “I almost forgot, I keep a suite here. It’s close to the airport, for times I don’t feel like I can go home when I have to work again the next day,” he explains.

  I feel a familiar warm travel all over my body, from the top of my head all the way down to my toes.

  I still have my little bag, which I insist on carrying once we're checked in and Tony has the key card from the front desk.

  “And what an honor it is to have you stay with us again, Mr. Fontana. Always such a pleasure,” The concierge gushes, reminding me that I’m not the only one who has a wet patch for Tony, something I’ll have to deal with I tell myself, but I can’t help feeling just a little jealous every time I see it happen.

  By ‘suite’ Tony must’ve meant the whole top floor of the hotel, the place is massive. Making me feel like I haven’t lived, like I don’t know anything about the man other than I love him no matter where he lives or what he has.

  The view from the huge floor to ceiling windows is breathtaking and dropping my bag, I rush to the windows, pressing myself against the glass.

  I’ve never been so high up and the view over Hollywood is spectacular, the orange-purple light of dusk just starting to make itself known across the huge arcing skyscape.

  “It’s just beautiful,” I murmur, feeling Tony coming up behind me, his hands on my hips.

  “You sure are,” he growls, nibbling my ear and then kissing my neck until I squeal, spinning me around so his hands can pull me close. So he can kiss me on the mouth.

  I can feel his hardness pressing up against my belly, him being so much taller than me, so much bigger everywhere. And all muscle, which I run my hands over now, amazed at how someone can be so perfect.

  Amazed he’d be interested in me let alone want me like this.

  “Thanks for coming to get me,” I tell him, resting my head for a moment on his chest, feeling his huge arms encircle me as he kisses my head.

  “I should never have let you leave, but let’s not dwell on that,” he murmurs.

  “I want you so bad, Tony… want to give myself to you… but…”

  “But what?” he asks, lifting my face up to his.

  “But I just don’t get how someone like you could ever-” I start to say, but his mouth silences me, his hands doing the talking while I feel myself collapse into him, yielding to his touch as he picks me up again for the second time in one day, carrying me to a bed.

  It’s like we haven’t been apart, like we’re picking up where we left off and Tony laughs softly as he reminds me of the fact.

  “If it wasn’t for that damned photographer,” he muses, but I don’t want to even think about it.

  “You’re here now, that’s all that matters. And you don’t have to worry about anything, ever again, understand?” he asks, making a point of it waiting until I nod.

  “Not about anything,” he stresses before he kisses me again, so gently, so tenderly, I’m grateful to be lying down, swooning for him all over again.

  I shiver as his hand slides up my skirt and we’re both grateful I haven’t got anything underneath. My bra and panties somewhere back at his place still, I assume.

  We giggle like a couple of kids, and as much as I have my own body issues, I can see that Tony has his about being an older man.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he reminds me, lifting my blouse off and pulling the skirt free, leaving me completely naked.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I remind him, reaching for his waist, palming his huge cock through his pants and making him groan softly.

  “For an old guy?” he asks, and I think it’s the only time I’ve ever seen him doubtful of anything.

  “You’re my guy,” I tell him, quickly trying with both hands now to unzip him, making him laugh again until he has to help me.

  “Thank you,” he murmurs, freeing himself from his pants and kicking them off in the same moment he tears his shirt off, buttons popping and flying across the room.

  “Tell me again,” he demands with a smile, “just once more.”

  I’m rubbing my legs together, eager for him between them, but I have no hesitation in telling him again, even if it’s just to hear myself say it.

  “I’m yours, Tony. I want to give myself to you, body and soul.”

  I’m trying to grab hold of him, to run my hands over his whole body, but he helps us both.

  In a second, I’m lying on top of him, skin to skin with his huge, hard body under mine.

  I can feel his heart pounding, his thick cock too, hot and smooth on my belly, which feels so soft compared to his.

  He moans softly, and I moan louder. This feeling… just us, together as one. It’s better than anything I could have ever imagined, making all my Tony Fontana fantasies instantly redundant. The real thing is the best.

  His hands stroke my back, running down to my ass as he clenches both my cheeks, telling me it’s his favorite part of me, if he has to have one.

  I straddle him, opening my legs and resting my palms on his huge chest. I sit myself up, feeling his thickness rub against my mound, making me gasp.

  “We can take it slow,” he croons. “We can go as slow as-”

  But I can’t wait.

  Fuck slow, I need him inside of me now.

  I’ve waited a lifetime already and the delays of today are too much. I’m gonna burst if he doesn’t just take me already.

  Jesus! What this man does to me.

  Leaning forward and reaching around, I grab his cock with one hand, surprised I can even get my hand around its smooth hot head.

  I tease myself with it, and Tony lays back, his mouth open and his eyes on me the whole time as I circle my throbbing hole with it.

  A thick line of precome mixes with my own essence, I can feel it and after nodding to signal him I’m really ready, I start to guide him gently inside of me.



  Fuck, she’s so tight.

  She feels just as amazing from the inside as she does outside, and I swear I can’t get enough of either.

  Hearing her tell me she wants to give herself to me, knowing she’s finally going to be mine… I shiver with excitement and will myself to give her the ultimate pleasure before I empty my seed inside of her, filling her with our children.

  She’s on top, which is perfect because I can take in her perfect thick chest, feel her ass and thighs on mine as well as watch her move… watch her face as she takes all of me.

  She grips my hands in both of hers, and working her way down, there’s only a moment of resistance before I fill her completely, instantly finding a new and I can tell, exciting place inside of her.

  I can’t believe how good this feels, and her moaning my name, starting to work herself up and down my shaft is already drawing my balls up tight, making me feel the urge to come already.

  But I steady myself, relaxing into her body on top of mine, focusing on her warmth and her pleasure.

  “I want you to come on my cock, just like you did on my face,” I tell her firmly, gripping both my hands on her hips as she gasps, starting to buck and thrust herself on me like a wild animal.

  For a first timer, it feels like we’ve been doing this forever, like we’re just made for each other, and in no time I can sense her own arousal giving way to her first cock induced climax, but it’s not one I want to share with her.

  Not yet.

  “Come for me,�
�� I growl, gritting my teeth as I feel her tense up, her slick tunnel tightening and starting to grip my cock.

  “Come for me… right on my cock!” I tell her, and I smile watching her pumping my organ, her tits bouncing, begging me to touch them but I have both hands on those magic hips.

  “Tony… Tony…” she starts to gasp, her breathing getting so hard she can’t speak, and I know it’s her time, I let one of my hands stray across her chest, glancing her hard nipples, making her whine until she leans forward enough for me to take one in my mouth.

  I suck it hard, squeezing her whole chest with both hands now as she fucks my rod so hard and fast I can feel her coming, but she won’t stop.

  I grip her tighter, she’s incredible and despite all my efforts, I can’t hold back.

  She wins.

  Her heaving gasps, then her moaning laughter as we share our climax makes me feel like I’ve come for the very first time. Like this is what I’ve wanted my whole life but never experienced.

  Like finding the lost part of myself.

  Her back arches and her thighs grip my body, a perfect fit. I feel myself coming so hard I can’t understand it.

  Her own climax just keeps going, and so does mine until I don’t think I can take much more, the feeling is so intense, it’s almost too beautiful, until her eyes meet mine.

  We find each other again, eventually. Our waves of intensity slowing down but there’s still a ton of aftershocks, making us both gasp, giggle and I can see another silver tear in her eye at one point, which I kiss away.

  “I love you, Ashlee,” I tell her without hesitation. The words seem like nothing compared to the feeling, but I have to tell her. I need her to know.

  “I love you too,” she whispers, still clamping down on me and still keeping me hard.

  A hardness I’ve never known, but one I know I’ll have for a while yet, until I’ve made her come so many times on my cock we both forget and sleep for a week afterwards.

  That’s what it feels like

  While I’m still inside her, she shimmies her way around, turning to face away from me and I pout.


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