Satan's Fury MC Boxed Set: Books 5-8

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Satan's Fury MC Boxed Set: Books 5-8 Page 47

by L. Wilder

  “Are you sure about this?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Yes… don’t stop. Please don’t stop!”

  I bit my bottom lip and moaned with need as his hand slowly slid between our bodies. He traced his fingers across my panties, teasing me with his light caresses. Pushing the fabric to the side, he slowly slid his fingers into me. He twirled and flicked his fingers inside me, tormenting me with the motion of his hand. “Is this what you want, baby?”

  “Yes! Please, Seth.”

  His thumb circled around my swollen clit, drawing out my pleasure. As he found my G spot, I held my breath, the muscles in my body quivering uncontrollably. I was still soaring in ecstasy when I felt my panties being slipped down over my hips.

  The blankets underneath me shifted as he reached for his jeans. I lifted my head to watch him slide the condom down his long, thick shaft.

  A look of satisfaction crossed his face as he settled back between my legs and positioned his cock at my entrance. He clenched his jaw before lifting my hips and making one forceful thrust deep inside me, filling me completely.

  For a moment, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to take much more, but he remained still until my body was able to accommodate his invasion.

  As I let my legs spread farther open for him, he growled, “Fuck. You feel so damned good.”

  He slowly began to move, each thrust deliberate and powerful. I rocked against him with every stroke, trying to take him even deeper inside. His gaze burned into me as he brought his hand up to my neck, his fingers gently caressing my throat. The intensity of our connection was there in his eyes, and there was no denying that I felt it, too. I’d felt it all along.

  “I’ll never be able to get enough of you, Zoe.”

  I groaned in pleasure, reassuring him that I felt the same way. I was lost in the waves of carnal sensation he was giving me, the fullness of his body inside mine. His eyes never left mine as he increased his rhythm, each thrust more demanding than the last. My inner muscles clenched around him as I felt another orgasm building inside me. “Oh, God! Don’t stop!” I pleaded.

  His punishing pace never faltered as his body continued to crash into mine. I’d never felt such an intense mixture of pleasure and pain. It was so intoxicating that I was finding it difficult to even breathe. His very touch sent me spiraling out of control, and I knew I would never be the same again. I wanted to remember everything about that moment… to focus on how incredible he felt, but it was all just too much. I couldn’t stop my treacherous body from seeking its ultimate high. I let out a strangled moan as my orgasm took over, my body jerking beneath him.

  I wrapped my legs tighter around him as the jolt of my release drove him to find his climax. A sublime sense of satisfaction rushed over me as his growl echoed around us. His body trembled and the muscles in his abdomen grew taut as he finally came deep inside me. Tremors of pleasure wracked his torso as he lowered his body down onto mine, pressing my breasts against his chest. He looked down at me reverently as our shallow breaths mingled in the air between us. I felt so close to him in that moment, I never wanted it to end.

  We both stilled as we listened to the satisfied sounds of the beating of our hearts. Eventually, our breathing began to steady, and he slowly lifted his body from mine. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and keep him close, but I hesitated. When he noticed my reaction, he paused to stroke my cheek and whispered, “I’m not going anywhere, Zoe. You’ve got me.”

  “I really hope that’s true, Seth.”

  His eyes grew intense as he reached for his t-shirt and jeans. As he started to get dressed, he said, “Then, I need to ask you something.”

  Suddenly I started to feel exposed and insecure, so I reached for my clothes and quickly stood up to get dressed. As I pulled on my t-shirt, I asked, “What do you want to ask me?”

  “Considering what just happened, it’s something I need to know.” He stopped getting dressed and waited for my reaction. “Are you seeing anyone?”

  There it was. The one question I wasn’t ready to answer. My eyes dropped to the ground with embarrassment. “Remember how I told you things with me were complicated?”


  “Well, that’s the understatement of the year. I’m trying to get things sorted, but it’s going to take a little while. I can tell you this: there is only one person that I’m remotely interested in, and that’s you—only you. And…” I tried to hide my anguish as I looked up at him. “I would just pack up and walk away from it all, but it isn’t that easy.”

  “Zoe, I’m going to say this again: you can trust me.”

  “I know that, but how can I ask you to take all this on?”

  “Because I’m asking you to. Because I want to be there for you.”

  “I understand that.”

  Before I could continue, he said, “Then tell me what’s going on and let me help you.” When I didn’t immediately respond, he stepped closer and placed the palms of his hands on my face, forcing me to look at him. “I know it hasn’t been easy since your dad died. You’ve had to handle things on your own. School. Work. The club.”

  “I haven’t had much of a choice, but I’m making it okay, Seth.”

  “I get that, but there is something more going on than just your everyday bullshit… and by the look on your face, I’d say it’s pretty fucking bad. You’re used to doing everything by yourself, but you don’t have to do that anymore. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. You just have to let me in.”

  The ability to trust left me a very long time ago. Like pebbles of sand being pulled away with the tide, each lie told and each promise broken made it harder and harder for me to put my faith in anyone. But there he was saying all the right things, and I found myself believing him. But after being hurt so many times before, it terrified me to let my guard down. I thought back to the past few months and everything that had happened, and I realized I was tired of living in the shadows of regret and misgivings. I wanted to believe in him. I needed to believe in him. “Okay.”


  “I’ll tell you everything, but you have to promise me to listen to everything I have to say before you react.”

  “I can do that.”

  “It isn’t going to be easy to talk about, and it won’t be easy to hear,” I tried to warn him.

  He finished putting on his clothes and sat down on the tailgate of his truck as he waited for me to do the same. Once I was done, he said, “I’m ready when you are.”

  Chapter 15

  Two Bit

  She wasn’t lying when she said it wouldn’t be easy for me to hear everything she had to say. I could see the torment in her eyes when she talked about her father’s death and her suspicions that it wasn’t an accident. It was agony listening to her voice tremble and seeing the tears stream down her face. I wanted to take her in my arms and make all the pain go away, but there was nothing I could do to change the past. So, I kept my word and listened to the entire story before I responded. She explained how she’d started working at the strip club to help pay for her classes. Graduating from college was important to her, and I respected her for not giving up. When she made her way into the present and started to talk about Slider, it become much more difficult to hold my tongue. A blinding rage surged through me when she told me about his ultimatum. I wanted to interject and tell her how fucked up it all was, but I held it in. Instead, I listened silently as she described how she didn’t want him touching her, so she’d knocked him out by mixing valium with his alcohol. I’d done my best to wait and hear her out, but when she started explaining her and Kat’s plan to have him arrested, I’d had all I could take.

  “No,” I growled.

  “What do you mean ‘no’?”

  “There’s no way in hell I’m gonna let that happen. Do you have any idea how dangerous that could be?”

  “Yes, but I don’t have a choice. I need to have time to access my father’s money, and that means dealing with Slider.”
br />   “I will take care of Slider,” I assured her.


  “I’ll have him behind bars by tomorrow night.”


  “You have my word.” I gathered the blankets and headed towards the front of the truck. “Get in.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she walked over to the passenger side and climbed in.

  “This is the part where you have to start trusting me, Zoe.” After I tossed the blankets into the backseat, I started the truck and headed towards the warehouse. Big and the others were there waiting for my return, so I reached for my phone and sent them a message, letting them know I was on my way and I had Zoe with me. I knew they’d be surprised, but no more surprised than she would be. Knowing I needed to explain, I turned to her and said, “There’s something I need to tell you.”


  I turned my attention back to the road as I told her, “I can’t go into detail, but The Chosen Knights took something from us… and you don’t take from Satan’s Fury without paying the consequences.”

  “Are you saying the brothers stole from Satan’s Fury?”

  “I am, and they are going to pay for that shit.” Without taking my eyes off the road, I said, “We could really use your help.”

  “My help? How?”

  “I’ll let Big explain everything when we get to the warehouse.”

  “No,” she snapped. “I want you to explain everything now.”

  I knew it would be hard for her to hear, especially since I hadn’t been upfront with her from the start. I wish I could’ve told her, but I didn’t have a choice. None of us knew for certain how she felt about the club, so there was no way of knowing if she could be trusted. I was supposed to get close to her and keep it friendly, but I’d fucked it all up by falling for her. “We’ve been trying to get intel on them for days. We need someone on the inside… someone who has access to the club.”

  As I pulled up into the warehouse parking lot, she glared at me as she crossed her arms. “And you want me to help with this?”

  “I know it won’t be easy, but if you do this, we’ll be able to shut them down for good.”

  “So, you being here really wasn’t about me at all. It was just about getting back at the club for stealing from you.”

  “You don’t honestly believe that, do you?”

  “What am I supposed to think, Seth? One minute you’re telling me you’ve come to Seattle to prove you’re one of the good ones, and then you actually make me think you are. You made me think there was something special between us, and now that you’ve pulled the wool over my eyes, you’re asking for help. It’s total bullshit, Seth.” Her anger quickly turned to heartbreak as she continued. “I hate what the club has turned into and would like nothing better than to see them pay for all the horrible things they’ve done. You didn’t have to make me think you cared about me to get me to help you.”

  I’d heard enough. I got out of the truck and walked over to the passenger side door. Determined to show her how I felt, I opened the door and reached for her, pulling her towards me as I stood between her legs. “I can see where you might think that I was just playing you, but you’re wrong, Zoe. Very wrong.”

  My hands dove into her hair as I leaned forward and covered her mouth with mine, kissing her deeply. It wasn’t one of those soft, tender kisses. It was full of passion and need. The caress of her lips made me hungry for more, and I wanted her to know exactly how I felt as I delved deeper into her mouth. Her fingers ran down my spine, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us. As she held onto me, I could feel the heavy beating of her heart against my chest, and when a slight moan escaped her lips, I knew I’d made my point.

  My hands slowly drifted to her waist as I pulled back and looked into her lust-filled eyes. “I want this. I want you, Zoe. And whether you help or not, I’m going to deal with Slider. His days of fucking with you are over, and in a matter of time, the club will take down the Chosen. You will be free of them. I’ll make sure of that.”

  She stared at me, studying my expression for several moments, then said, “Do you really mean that?”

  “Absolutely,” I assured her. “In my eyes, you’re mine, and no matter what happens from here on out, I’m not letting you go.”

  “Seth.” She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly as she whispered, "I’m sorry I doubted you.”

  “There’s nothing for you to be sorry about, beautiful.”

  She eased herself out of the truck and asked, “So, how exactly do you plan on shutting the club down?”

  “Let’s go inside, and the guys and I will explain everything.”

  Big, Clutch, and Stitch were waiting for us when we walked through the door. I could tell they were eager to know why I’d brought her there, so I wasted no time telling them everything that had transpired between Zoe and the club. None of them seemed surprised when I told them about her suspicions surrounding her father’s death, and while she hadn’t said anything, it was clear she was still struggling with it.

  Seeing the pain in her eyes, Stitch turned to her. “Lucky was a good man. He had good intentions when he started that club, and no one holds him at fault for how things turned out.”

  “I hope you’re right about that,” she answered.

  “I know I am.”

  “There’s more,” I told him.

  I spent the next half hour telling them about the bullshit with Slider. Once I was done, Clutch smiled. “Hold up. She drugged him?”

  “Can’t say I blame her, can you?” Big snickered.

  “Fuck no. I think it was brilliant.”

  “If you ask me, the asshole had it coming. That and more.”

  “Well, after hearing everything, it should be no surprise that Zoe has agreed to help us. She’s here now to find out what you need her to do.”

  “Are you sure you’re up for this?” Clutch asked.

  “I’m more than sure,” she answered adamantly. She never failed to amaze me. She’d been through hell and back, but she never stopped fighting. “I’ll do whatever you need me to do, but why do you need me? I mean… you’re Satan’s Fury. Nobody messes with you. I figured you’d just go in and wipe them out after all they’ve done.”

  Clutch hesitated. Under normal circumstances, there would be no way they’d tell her. Club business was kept under wraps, especially when outsiders were involved, but this was different. She was putting it all on the line to help us, and we owed her the truth. Before he could answer, Stitch took a step towards her. “We don’t want the wrong people getting hurt. You’ll be there to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “Okay. That makes sense.”

  After fucking around with his laptop, Big had already gotten into the shop. He’d hacked into their security system and managed to access the cameras and sound. It was the other locations we were having issues with. The systems were old, and he wasn’t able to get the sound to work. “Big will give you microphones to hide at Nudie’s and at the clubhouse. Those are places we know they will be talking.”

  “So, you’re bugging them?”

  “Yes. We’ve already accessed their security cameras, but they’re older or just junk, and we’re having issues with the sound. Seeing them does no good if we don’t know what they’re saying.”

  “And once I’ve done my part?”

  “We will use all the information we get from the mics to take them down. That’s all I can tell you.”

  I could see the wheels turning in her head as she wondered what we would do to her father’s club. We couldn’t tell her that we planned to burn down the strip club and the shop. The shop was something her father had established as a means for the club to make legitimate money, but that had changed. Big discovered that over the past year, it was strictly used as a means to distribute drugs and guns. We would’ve already burned them both down, but we hoped to use the intel from the microphones to locate their distributors and s
hut them down as well. Losing the club’s means to make money would be a hit—a hit that would make it harder to keep going.

  After a brief pause, she replied, “And Slider? What’s going to happen with him? I won’t be able to do anything if he’s around.”

  “We’ll take care of that. He won’t be an issue,” he assured her.

  “Okay. I’m in.”

  Big grabbed his bag and carried it over to her. He reached inside and pulled out one of the small microphones. “These are small enough to put just about anywhere. Just be careful. We don’t want there to be any way they can tie any of this back to you.”

  “Sounds easy enough. I’ll do it before we open tomorrow.”

  “There’s nothing easy about it. All it takes is one wrong move, and you’re done,” Big cautioned.

  Hearing his warning gave me second thoughts. He was right. If anything went wrong, her life would be on the line. The thought shook me to the core. She meant something to me, more than I even realized, and the last thing I wanted was to put her in harm’s way. While I had my doubts, I had faith in my brothers too. I knew they’d do everything in their power to keep her safe.

  It was well after midnight and I knew she must be exhausted, so I pointed out to them, “It’s getting late.”

  Big looked down at his watch and then handed her the bag. “Get some rest, and let us know as soon as you’ve gotten them set up.”


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