Satan's Fury MC Boxed Set: Books 5-8

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Satan's Fury MC Boxed Set: Books 5-8 Page 52

by L. Wilder

  Chapter 21

  Two Bit

  My pulse raced as Clutch and I made our way back to the Chosen’s clubhouse. While I knew the battle was almost over, my body still hummed with adrenaline. I was in the moment, continuing to hear the gunfire exploding around me, even though everything had gone quiet. As we headed for the front door, bodies were scattered along the driveway, each covered in their own blood, each finding death by surprise. I was about to follow Clutch inside the clubhouse, when I noticed a familiar face slouching down in the corner. When I stepped closer, I realized it was Tank, the president of the Chosen—the man responsible for leading his men to their demise. His breaths came in slow rattling gasps as he laid there clinging to his bleeding wounds. Holding true to his despicable self, he didn’t plead for help or ask for mercy. Instead, he glared at me with fury in his eyes, showing no remorse for everything he’d done. I considered putting a bullet in his head, but thought better of it when I heard the strain in his lungs like a drowning victim coming up for one last breath. He deserved to suffer, even if it was only for a few moments longer.

  I knelt beside him. “I’m guessing you regret fucking with Satan’s Fury. You should’ve known we’d find out it was you and come hunt you down.” I stood up and glared down at him. “You’re going to burn in Hell for what you did to that little girl and the others before her, so motherfucker, you best hold on as long as you can.”

  I left him lying there and headed inside to find the others. When I walked in, Q’ and Bear were helping Smokey drag the blood-soaked bodies into the center of the room. Before we set the place to flames, we’d need to make sure all the Chosen were inside. I walked over to Smokey. “Need a hand?”

  “We’ve got this. Go check in with Cotton. Make sure he’s ready to torch this place once we get them all inside.”

  “Okay. Where is he?”

  “Out back with Stitch. Just follow the screams.”

  It wasn’t until then that I realized why he was sending me after Cotton. Like many of us, he respected the fact that Stitch could go to such extremes, but Smokey wasn’t one that wanted to watch him in action. It wasn’t something that was easily stomached, but knowing what those motherfuckers had done made it a little easier for me to bear.

  As soon as I walked out the back door, I heard the strangled screams of someone being tortured. I followed the sound to the clubhouse garage. When I’d rounded the corner, I was hit by the stench of burnt skin. I stepped inside and spotted Dodger, the Chosen brother we’d seen in that video. He was hanging with his hands bound over his head by a thick, metal chain. His clothes were removed, and while seeing his slit throat and all the cuts and bruises made my stomach turn, it was his manhood—or what was left of it—that brought the bile to my throat. Stitch had torched them, leaving nothing but charred remains of flesh. It was a well-deserved punishment for what that motherfucker had done to that little girl.

  When the screams continued, my attention was drawn to the man tied to a table in the back of the room. As I stepped closer for a better look, I spotted Cotton sitting in the corner smoking a cigarette. While I was fighting the urge to puke, he seemed totally unaffected by the scene unfolding before him. I was about to go to him when I noticed something familiar about the man on the table. His head rolled to the side, revealing his face, and my nausea was quickly replaced with utter satisfaction. Slider’s hands and feet were bound to the table, and Stitch was steadily slamming each of his fingers with a sledge hammer.

  As I made my way over to them, I considered taking the hammer from Stitch, exacting my own revenge for the hell he’d put Zoe through, but I didn’t have the patience. I knew after a few zealous throws of the hammer, I’d want to end that motherfucker. Maybe some would see it as a copout, but I wanted that motherfucker to pay. I knew in a matter of minutes that my need to see him dead would take over, which would’ve been too good for that piece of shit. Stitch, on the other hand, was all about patience. He’d make sure Slider suffered, and that he suffered good.

  I leaned over the table and smiled as I looked down at him. “Not looking so good there, Slider.” He groaned in response, spurring me on. “Actually, you look like shit, dude, but don’t worry… you’ll look a hell of a lot worse by the time he’s done with you.” I motioned over to Dodger’s dead body. “You saw what he did to your buddy over there, didn’t ya? Well, he was just getting warmed up.”

  I patted Stitch on the shoulder before heading over to Cotton. His attention remained on Stitch as I asked, “You alright, brother?”

  He nodded. “Better now.”

  “You ready for us to torch this place?”

  Without looking at me, he growled, “Burn it to the fucking ground.”

  In just a few hours, we’d ensured there was nothing left of the Chosen Knights. We all stood and watched as every square inch of that place burned. It gave each of us time to decompress and let the adrenaline that pulsed through our veins run its course. We’d done what we’d set out to do, and the Chosen Knights were done, but sadly, there was no way to erase all the damage they’d done. Those kids. Zoe. It was all too much.

  I was standing by the fire with my mind bombarded with thoughts when Clutch came over to me. “You’re good to go. I know you want to go see about her.”

  “You sure?”


  With that, I got in my truck and headed to the hospital. My patience was growing thin. I needed to know for sure that she was okay. I remembered seeing the pain in her eyes when I lifted her into my arms, and I couldn’t get to the hospital fast enough. When I finally got there, I rushed inside and found Kat sitting with Scotty in the ER waiting room. Her eyes widened with dismay as I headed over to her. She motioned her hand towards me as she said, “I think you might want to change before you see her.”

  I was in such a rush, I hadn’t even thought about my clothes. I looked down and cringed when I saw all the blood and dirt that covered me. “Fuck.”

  “She’s still in X-ray, so you’ve got some time.”

  “I’ll be right back.” I rushed out to my truck and scrounged around until I found something I could put on. Once I was changed, I headed back inside. I returned to her and asked, “This better?”

  “Umm… you might wanna go wash up a bit. You’ve got… stuff on your face and hands.”

  While I didn’t give a fuck about the blood on my hands, I didn’t want Zoe to see it, so I went directly to the restroom to clean up. It took some effort to get it out from under my nails, but by the time I was done, there was no trace of blood to be found.

  When I made it back out to the waiting room, Kat was gone. Scotty noticed the concern on my face and spoke up. “They’ve called her back to be with Zoe.”

  “Thanks,” I told him as I turned to leave. I was about to walk out of the room when I stopped and turned to him. “Hey, there was something I wanted to ask you.”


  “How did you know to come find us at the warehouse?”

  “I was worried about Zoe. That whole thing with Slider rubbed me the wrong way, so I started keeping an eye on her. I followed her there after the cops raided the bar. At first, I wasn’t sure who she was meeting up with, but later when I saw your brother Stitch come out, I knew.”

  “And you didn’t say anything?”

  “I would’ve left the club months ago, but I couldn’t leave without knowing she was okay.”

  “I appreciate your help. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “I’m glad I could help, but I’m sure you would’ve found a way.”

  I nodded, then went out into the hall to find Kat. When she spotted me, she yelled, “Seth! Over here.”

  When I got to her, she led me into a small room where Zoe was resting on a hospital bed. Her face was pale and her eyes looked weak, but she smiled brightly when she saw me coming towards her. “You’re okay!”

  “I promised I would be.” I walked over to the bed and took her hand. “How
are you doing?”

  “I’m good. My ribs are bruised, but not broken. They’re releasing me as soon as they give me my prescription.”

  “That’s good to hear.”

  “How did everything go?”

  Without giving her all the details, I simply said, “It’s over, Zoe.”

  The expression on her face turned somber as she looked over at Kat. “And Hawk?”

  Hawk was one of the first to go down. When he charged out of the clubhouse, Cotton put a bullet between his eyes, killing him instantly. Telling her the only thing I could, I said, “He’s gone. They all are.”

  Unfazed by my remark, Kat asked, “Well, now what?”

  “I was thinking you’d both come back to Clallam County with me.”

  “Both of us?”

  “Of course, that’s up to you, but I don’t see why not.”

  Zoe told her, “I think it’s something to consider. I’d love having you there with me.”

  Hearing the words come from her mouth set my mind at ease. I knew she had her doubts, that she didn’t want me fixing her problems, but I wanted her with me. Simple as that.

  It took Kat a second to come to terms with the idea, but eventually she agreed. “I might as well. It’s not like I have anything holding me here.”

  “Then we’ll go by your place and gather your stuff. I’ll send the boys down to get the big stuff later in the week. After you’ve both packed what you need, we’ll be on our way.”

  Once Zoe was discharged, the girls said their goodbyes to Scotty, and we headed over to their apartment. As soon as we walked in, they both collapsed on the sofa, making it clear they were exhausted. Even though I was eager to get home, I knew the girls needed some time to recover. “Why don’t you two get some sleep, and we’ll get your stuff packed tomorrow?”

  Sounding hopeful, Zoe asked, “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’m sure.”

  They both sighed with relief as they sprawled across the couch, leaving no room for me. I sat down in the recliner next to them and sent Cotton a text, letting him know we’d be back there sometime the following day. After the girls each took a shower, they both grabbed themselves a sandwich. While they were eating, I went to take my own shower. By the time I’d returned, they were sound asleep. Knowing she’d sleep better in her own bed, I went over and carefully lifted Zoe into my arms, carrying her to her room. Before I slipped in next to her, I went back and covered Kat with a blanket.

  Returning to the bedroom, I settled in with Zoe and eased her closer to me, holding her as she slept. I had my girl next to me, and for the first time in days, I was finally able to relax and fell asleep with her in my arms.

  I awoke the next morning with her nibbling at my neck. I smiled and said, “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning,” she whispered.

  She continued to kiss me just below my ear, and the touch of her lips against my skin made my cock start to stir. Knowing she was still sore, I warned, “Zoe.”

  “Mm-hmm,” she purred.

  I rolled to my side and faced her. Her lust filled eyes locked on mine as I told her, “What are you doing?”

  “If you have to ask, then I’m not doing a very good job,” she teased.

  I nodded towards the tent I was pitching in the sheets. “No, darlin’. You’re doing an excellent job, but the doctor told you to take it easy for the next few days.”

  “And that’s why I love you. You’re always looking out for me.”

  It was just three little words, but hearing them come from her lips made my world stop turning. I eased up on my elbow. “Say it again.”

  When she looked up at me, I could feel it radiating off of her, and I had no doubt she meant it when she repeated, “I love you.”

  Unable to control myself, I leaned down, crashing my mouth against hers in a hungry kiss. I felt the sparks fly as soon as her lips touched mine. Everything around us slowly disappeared along with our memories and doubts. In her arms, nothing else mattered. She turned my world upside down, making me want things I’d never thought I’d want. A family. Kids. A house with a white picket fence. I wanted it all, and I wanted it with her. A smoldering heat rushed deeply through me as her grip tightened, pressing her body to mine.

  A pained gasp hissed through her lips when my hand dropped to her side. We were both in the heat of the moment and forgot about her injured ribs. I quickly pulled back from our embrace. “Damn, baby. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Seth. Really.” She leaned in for another kiss.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” I scolded her as I lifted myself up and eased my way down the bed, settling ever so carefully between her legs. Her eyes widened with surprise as I curled my fingers around the waistband of her lace panties and started to slide them down her long, lean legs. My eyes were locked on hers as I told her, “I get that my girl has needs, and I aim to please the woman I love.”

  “The woman you love?”

  “You heard me. I love you, Zoe. I’m giving you my heart. So, whether it beats one more day or for an eternity, it’s yours to keep.”

  I could see the love in her eyes. “I’ll take very good care of it.”

  “I know you will.” Seeing her lying there looking at me with love in her eyes took my breath away. I couldn’t imagine wanting anything more. I slid my hands underneath her, pulling her closer as I lowered my mouth between her thighs. I started slow and steady, teasing her center with my tongue. In a matter of seconds, she was losing control and her hips started to buck against me. I relished in how her body responded to my every touch. Her little moans and whimpers filled the room, urging me on. I continued to tease and torment her with my mouth until her body tensed uncontrollably with her release. Her head fell back, and her cheeks and chest flushed red with desire. As the breath hissed from her lungs, she muttered, “That was amazing.”

  I kissed along her inner thigh. “You’re amazing, and I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”

  “Is that your way of telling me I need to get up and start packing?”


  “I’m gonna need a second after all that.”

  “How about some coffee and something to eat?”

  “I’m liking the sound of that.”

  I stood up and extending my hand to her, helping her out of bed. “I’ll check the fridge while you get dressed.”

  She walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Thank you for everything, Seth. I can’t remember ever being this happy.”

  “Baby, I’m just getting started.”

  Chapter 22


  Two Weeks Later

  When I agreed to move in with Seth, I had no idea what I was getting into. I didn’t know where he lived, what his friends were really like, or how they’d feel about me being there. I also had no idea how I was going to finish my classes. I was terrified that once I’d moved in with him, everything would fall apart and our whirlwind of a romance would be over.

  Thankfully, I was wrong. When we pulled through the gate, I was greeted by his friends with bright smiles and open arms. They even took the time to get me settled into Seth’s place. It was a beautiful house right next to the ocean, and after the prospects brought my things over from my apartment, it didn’t take long for it to start feeling like home.

  As I looked out over the balcony and listened to waves crashing along the coast, I thought back to the list I’d made with Kat when we were kids. One by one, my dreams were coming true. There was only one minor hiccup. Even after Seth tried pulling a few strings, one of my professors refused to let me finish his class online. Twice a week I would have to drive back and forth until I’d completed the class. Thankfully, once I’d completed my courses, I could transfer to a college closer to home.

  It had been a hectic few days, so I decided to go by the restaurant and check on Kat. I hadn’t seen much of her since we moved. Cotton had arranged for her to have her own apartment downtown. He even had his friend Ni
tro get her a job at a restaurant downtown working with his fiancée Tristen. When I called to talk to her, I could tell she was happy, which was a relief after everything that had happened. She’d never admit it, but I know losing her father hurt, even after how badly he’d treated her. It was something that would take her some time to get over, but when I walked in the restaurant and spotted her flirting with some guy at the bar, I knew she was well on her way.

  I walked over to her and said, “I hate to interrupt, but…”

  “Zoe!” she shrieked as she rushed over to me and hugged me tightly. “I’ve missed you, girl!”

  “I just saw you the other night at the club.”

  “Just go with it,” she whispered. “You know what it does to me when I don’t get to see you every day.”


  After grabbing two bottles of water, she reached for my hand and tugged me towards the outside patio. “Come on. I need a little alone time with my girl.”

  Once we were seated at one of the tables, I asked, “What the hell was that?”

  “That guy has been after me for days. He’s one of the regulars, so it’s not like he’ll just go away. I told him earlier that I was a lesbian thinking he’d back off. Apparently, it had the opposite effect, and now he’s tipping me more than ever.”

  “So… I’m supposed to be the girlfriend?”

  “Well, yeah. Can you imagine the hard-on we just gave him? He’ll be thinking about the two of us together for the next month. You just helped me pay for my new flat screen.”

  I had to laugh. “You’re terrible!”

  “I know. I just can’t help myself.” She took a drink of her water, then announced, “I’ve come to a decision.”

  “Okay…” I responded apprehensively.

  “I’m going to take Wren’s advice and go back to school.”

  “Really?” Wren suggested the idea when we were all at the clubhouse talking. It was like we’d all known each other for ages as we shared stories about ourselves. Each of the Satan’s Fury women had their own identity, their own personality—from Cass, who was a nurturer, taking care of everyone around her, to Josie, who was not only beautiful, but insanely smart and amazing with computers. All the ol’ ladies were each awesome in their own way. While Kat and I were new to the group, they treated us both like family, even encouraging Kat to follow her dreams and go to college. I could see that she was excited by the idea. “That’s awesome!”


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