One More Chance: A Second Chance Romance

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One More Chance: A Second Chance Romance Page 6

by Sinclaire, Roxy

  She looked up at me and slowly moved toward me. She hesitated for a bit, then sat down on the edge of my bed. “Ethan, I am not all those things. I never have been. You were the star, people always loved you, while I... I was always timid and plain. I had virtually nothing in common with most of them and preferred my books and music to people and socializing,” she muttered.

  Without fully registering what I was doing, I reached out and cupped her face. I looked at her for a long while. Her skin felt like silk under my fingertips and there was something extremely soothing about the way she smelled as she leaned closer.

  “I wish you could get into my head for a moment, Opal. I wish you could, for a brief moment, see yourself the way I see you. See everything you achieved, see everything you’ve worked for and how hard you’ve worked for it, see how breathtakingly beautiful you are.”

  She blushed and looked down in the timid manner I remembered from our teens. All I wanted to do was pull her into my arms and hold her close, all those years of feeling angry at her seemed to disappear as I felt her hand gently resting on my chest, sending a thrill down my spine. In that moment I knew that nothing had changed, that I felt about her now just the same as I’d felt about her eight years ago.

  As if some kind of gravitational pull had developed between us, I felt us getting closer until I could feel her breath against my skin…our lips touched, and I sank into that feeling. It was as if that kiss made the room spin, I could feel the years of suppressed passion as our tongues danced and her soft skin touched mine. I was breathless when we finally pulled away.

  We sat there for… I don’t know how long, just lost in each other’s eyes and the sensation of intimacy that built between us. It was dark by the time the reality caught up with us. With another fiery kiss, we said goodnight, and my gaze followed Opal to the door. It took me a while to get to sleep that night as my mind raced from the emotion and events of the evening.

  Chapter 13


  I glanced at my schedule. The past week had been rather slow, and I had an afternoon off today. I decided to spend it with Ethan. I was getting increasingly concerned about his progress. While he was mostly healed, he still required rehabilitation before he would be back to his full health. He was still unable to walk or even stand on his own, and the therapist told me in passing that it didn’t seem like he was motivated enough to make the improvements.

  She complained that he was a challenging patient and often cut the sessions short. She was beginning to become concerned, as he was losing muscle mass due to lack of use. I sighed as I headed into his room. He sat in his wheelchair and pulled at his hoodie in frustration. I walked up to him and adjusted it for him.

  “Thanks. The damn thing always gets stuck behind my back and pulling it back seems easier said than done.”

  I bit my tongue as a comment about it being easier if he did his physical therapy properly crossed my mind. Ethan adjusted himself a bit.

  “What time is your therapy today?” I asked as I passed him a bottle of juice I’d picked up for him on my way to his room.

  He shrugged. “The therapist should be here any minute,” he told me shortly.

  I nodded as I made his bed before sitting down on a chair next to him. It wasn’t long before the therapist arrived. I hesitated for a bit, wondering whether there was something I could do to motivate Ethan to work harder on himself.

  “Are you ready to get started today?” she asked Ethan after exchanging a few pleasantries with both of us.

  He grumbled under his breath before nodding.

  I stood up to leave, then glanced at the therapist. “I have my afternoon free, would it be ok if I joined you today?” I asked her; the woman glanced at Ethan before responding.

  “It shouldn’t be a problem. Having moral support is often quite helpful,” she told me as we headed into the therapy room.

  I glanced at Ethan, who seemed more than a little bit irritable. I suppressed a sigh. I knew that he had a very good chance at being up and running sooner than he thought, if only he could prioritize his well being over the rest of his problems. I sat down on a bench, watching Ethan and her work. At first, things seemed to go well, but it wasn’t for long.

  “Just a little bit more pressure, Ethan. I know you can do it,” she told him.

  He sniggered at her. “Don’t you think I would if I could?” he snapped as he crossed his arms across his chest.

  “You need to believe that you can and try as hard as you can manage. We talked about it,” she responded softly.

  He let out a short laugh. “Do you have any idea how patronizing you sound? Not like you have any idea how difficult it is, is it?” he snapped at her.

  I narrowed my eyes as the therapist sighed.

  “Ok. Let’s try again with the standing hoist,” she began, but he cut her off.

  “Or how about…let’s not bother? It’s going nowhere, especially if I can’t sit here and visualize until I get to my goal, like some New Age hippie,” he told her sarcastically.

  She let out a frustrated breath. “Ethan, you are making progress, I know it’s too slow for your liking, but it is progress, it’s all baby steps,” she explained patiently.

  “You keep saying that, but I’m still sitting on my ass and unable to walk two damn steps. Forget it. Just fucking forget it,” he snapped.

  I stood up and made my way up to them. Ethan glared at me for a moment, but remained quiet as the therapist rubbed her temple for a moment.

  “How about we take a break and see if you are willing to give it another shot in a few minutes?” she asked.

  Ethan rolled his eyes. “I told you, we’re done for the day,” he told her sharply.

  She sighed and looked at me rather than him. “Look, Ethan, I will still go with the break idea; if that’s how you still feel in about twenty minutes, so be it,” she said firmly then turned to me. “It might be best if you leave us two to it, I guess,” she said in a tired voice.

  I glanced at Ethan and thought about it for a moment; I then sat down next to him. I could see the tick starting in his jaw as he sat there with an annoyed expression. I put my hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged me off. After a long breath, I looked straight into his eyes.

  “Ethan…please… I know you’re fed up, tired, and frustrated. I know you don’t feel like any of this is going to make a difference, but I promise you it will.”

  He glared at me, but didn’t utter a single word.

  I thought for a moment, trying to formulate my thoughts. “I believe in you like a New Age hippie. And I know we can get you back in shape. You’re not alone with all this and you know I’m going to be here for you every step of the way. However, I can’t help you if you don’t work as hard as you can,” I added.

  His features relaxed a bit before he looked at me for a moment. He nodded slightly and took a deep breath; he glanced back at his therapist.

  “I think I’ll take that break now, and we can carry on in a few,” he said slowly and gave me a small smile.

  His therapist nodded, and another twenty minutes later, they returned to their routine. Ethan tried to squeeze the slightest movement out of his legs and let out a frustrated breath now and then.

  He glanced at me at regular intervals as if he were looking for approval, or maybe reassurance. I could see beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. I didn’t know what part of what I’d said specifically motivated him so much, but I was relieved to see him engaging. I just hoped it would stay like that.

  Toward the end of the session, I came over to help the therapist adjust Ethan in his chair and secure the foot rests. As I lifted his foot, my key ring got caught on the frame, digging slightly into his foot. I apologized, but Ethan pulled a confused expression and looked at me.

  “Opal… Do that again, please,” he said slowly.

  I glanced up at him. “Do what?” I asked, wondering whether the foot rest needed adjusting. He let out a frustrated breath.

“I think… I don’t know, but it’s like I felt something twinge in my foot. I’m not sure how to explain it.”

  The therapist and I exchanged glances before crouching down by his feet. She took a stylus out of her pocket and ran it down Ethan’s foot. I didn’t want to build up his hopes, or my own, until she brushed roughly by the spot my key ring had dug into. Ethan flinched slightly before a bright smile slowly flooded his face. Neither of us needed to say much. I hugged him swiftly. The therapist looked at us with a smile on her face.

  “A bit more hard work and you’re going to be able to outrun the two of us easily enough,” she muttered.

  Ethan laughed and let out an exaggerated sigh. “That would be amazing, especially since I have never been able to outrun Opal.” He laughed.

  I playfully slapped his shoulder, as a mixture of joy and relief filled me.

  Chapter 14


  I felt as if I was on the fucking road to nowhere. It felt like centuries before I could finally leave the hospital. Olivia and Opal said that they would help me find a new place to stay; until then, I had to move back into the condo I’d lived in with Claire. I did not appreciate the concept, but Opal reassured me that it would only be for a few weeks. The night before leaving the hospital, she helped me to get packed and ready to leave.

  I could walk around, kind of. I still required a set of crutches, but my therapist told me it was just temporary. Temporary or not, I was still rather wobbly on my feet, and most tasks took way longer than I expected. I sighed in frustration as Opal zipped up my bag and sat on the edge of the bed. I slowly made my way to her and took a seat beside her.

  “I hate being out of breath after barely doing anything,” I complained. She kissed me on the cheek and passed me a bottle of water.

  “It will get better with time, Ethie.”

  I smiled. In the recent weeks, she’d reverted to calling me by my childhood nickname, Ethie. For a reason I couldn’t explain, it always filled me with warmth. I took a sip of the water and groaned.

  “Now I have to get changed for bed. This stuff takes way too long and way too much effort.” She laughed a bit and kissed my cheek.

  “I’ll give you a hand then,” she told me and stood up.

  As we finished the painstakingly long process of getting me changed and I crawled into bed, she sat back down next to me. I pulled her closer and into my embrace.

  I closed my eyes as I delighted in the scent of her hair and the feel of her warm body against mine. She laughed a bit and snuggled up to me. My hand wandered around her hip and found its way under her shirt. She slapped my wrist gently.

  “Behave. One more night, and we’ll be able to do whatever we want,” she told me with a kiss.

  I groaned and looked at her. “But…” I began.

  She giggled like a schoolgirl before shaking her head at me. “No ‘buts’. There’s very little privacy, and I don’t think it would be a good idea to go Game of Thrones on each other while I’m at my workplace,” she told me as she snuggled closer.

  “Tease…” I muttered, but I understood her reasons.

  She’d worked so hard for this internship, I would never forgive myself if she lost it because I couldn’t keep it in my pants for an extra night. Instead, we cuddled, kissed, and maybe, just maybe, I let my hands wander a bit more. It was an amazing feeling to have her in my arms again and laugh like we used to. We didn’t talk about the future, but we did talk about how much we cared about each other.

  “I can’t wait to be with you properly,” I told her as I gently caressed her breast.

  She smiled at me and looked into my eyes. I could see the desire in her gaze, and I was willing to beg her to take me here and now.

  “And I’m looking forward to being with you…intimately.” She smiled and winked at me.

  Seeing her so playful and relaxed made me feel like the luckiest man alive. I couldn’t believe that I had her again and how lucky I was for her to take me back. What I thought was the end of the world and the worst thing that ever happened to me, turned out to be the best gift that fate had ever given me.

  My fears and insecurities about the future dissipated when I was in her arms. They melted away, and all I knew was that I wanted her in every sense. I couldn’t help but wonder as I looked at her again.

  “What about us?” I asked quietly. I felt her tense in my arms.

  She thought about it for a moment. “Don’t get me wrong, being here with you feels great. I’d like to keep it that way,” she replied softly.

  I glanced at her. “But?” I asked nervously as I chewed my lip.

  She frowned. “There is no’ but’, I just don’t want us getting our hopes up. A lot of things are uncertain right now, that’s all,” she told me as she ran her fingertips idly across my chest.

  I took a deep breath, savoring the sensation, but trying not to get too lost in it. She was right; there were a lot of uncertainties. One thing, however, was certain to me. I wanted to rebuild the closeness we’d once had. I wanted to build a true and lasting relationship with her, and no one else. I sighed deeply.

  “You’re right. We shouldn’t rush things,” I told her with a kiss.

  She smiled and squeezed me a bit tighter, then relaxed. We stayed cuddled up until I began to drift off and Opal reluctantly peeled herself out of my embrace and, with one last kiss, left, promising to pick me up the next day. I fell asleep feeling hopeful and reassured. The future no longer seemed daunting. No matter what happened, I felt secure, knowing that I would have Opal by my side.

  Chapter 15


  Coming back to the condo was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. Seeing all the things still in place as if nothing had happened. Claire had moved in with Martin and taken all her belongings and personal effects, but she’d left the vast majority of things such as her towels.

  The pictures from the holiday on which we got engaged were still scattered all over the place as if to salt the wounds. Olivia and Opal helped me find a new place; it was a fairly large house only a short drive from Opal’s place, which suited me perfectly.

  I sold the condo, along with most of the furniture. The only time I saw or heard from Claire was when she came to collect the last few bits and pieces she’d left in our old home. I didn’t see her; Olivia passed her the boxes without so much as letting her through the gate.

  My physical therapy had helped a lot in the last months, and now I only needed a single crutch to get about. There were good days and bad days, of course, but Opal made them both better.

  The day I moved into my new home, I found her at my doorstep with a homemade cake and groceries. She was smiling, and, to my great pleasure, she was wearing a light blue sundress that made her look even more feminine than she already was. She looked around the house and smiled.

  “It needs some personal touches, but it’s a pretty nice place,” she informed me as she walked into my kitchen and unpacked the groceries. She put the kettle on and made some hot tea. I watched her around my kitchen; it was good to see her so comfortable in my home. She cut some cake for us, and we sat down to enjoy a hot drink and sweet snack.

  “What kind of personal touches were you thinking of?” I asked her as I watched her pour the tea into those small cups she loved so much.

  She thought about it for a moment. “I don’t know. Some paintings or posters or maybe a lick of paint here and there…” she explained, lost in thought.

  I smiled, thinking that maybe she wasn't the only one to blame for the distance that had been built between us. I’d never tried to get close to her; I'd half-heartedly done it, thinking, like her, that it was as good as incest if we did get together, even if we weren't blood-related.

  Opal had picked most of the furniture and fittings for my new house. I liked her taste, and she’d made these rooms feel like home. I leaned over and kissed her. She tasted of tea and frosting and smelled of clean cotton, herbal lotion, and the faint perfume she always
wore. I was never entirely sure what it smelled like, other than that I liked it and it was some flower. As I pulled back, she smiled at me.

  “You just love bossing me around, don’t you?” I teased her. She rolled her eyes playfully at me and licked some frosting off of her finger in a way that made heat run through me.

  “No… I just know that if it were up to you, you’d have a couch and TV in the living room and a mattress on the floor in the bedroom.”

  “You make me sound like I have no class at all,” I tried defending myself, but she only laughed and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her.

  “I think we should christen the bed I picked for you,” she said purred as I pulled her into my arms. A quick kiss turned into a deep one, and we swiftly moved onto the bedroom.

  Opal led the way, and I hobbled after her on my crutch in an undignified manner. It wasn’t the first time we’d made love since I left the hospital, but it was the most memorable. We didn’t stop at the bedroom.

  Since then, Opal had been spending more and more time at my house. About a month after I moved in, we sat in my living room talking about everything and nothing, and the conversation drifted to our teenage years. As we talked, Opal stood up.

  “I completely forgot!” she exclaimed as she rushed into the hallway. “I went to our old house and ransacked the attic,” she shouted from the hallway.

  I peeked curiously, but couldn’t see much. She returned with a large bag that I’d noticed her bringing in earlier, but had completely forgotten to ask about its contents. Often Opal would bring some of her clothes or personal items if she was staying the night. She dropped the bag next to the couch and began to retrieve something from it.


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