Misadventures of the First Daughter (Misadventures Book 5)

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Misadventures of the First Daughter (Misadventures Book 5) Page 8

by Meredith Wild

  His slow-traveling hand finally reaches my bare pussy. I jolt from the slight contact of his fingers on the outside of my lips. I’m wound so tight, I think I could come with a few well-placed flicks at this point.

  “I think we both know you should have talked to me before you had Chester drop you on my doorstep.”

  I nod. I should have, but I was desperate.

  “Did you want me to punish you?” His voice is low. Not threatening. In fact, it’s almost hopeful.

  I shake my head, but then I stop. Am I being honest?

  “I don’t know. You have a way of turning pain into pleasure. You make me want to try things, even if they scare me sometimes.”

  He tilts his head slightly, but I can’t read him.

  “Then I think now is a good time to try some of those things. Go to your bedroom. Put your hands on the bed. I want to see your ass in the air, dress up around your hips. Do you understand?”

  I nod but my feet are frozen in place.

  He lifts an eyebrow. “Now.”

  Without another word, I do as he says, my heart swelling and racing. I clear my new king-size bed of my suitcases, my hands shaking as I do. Then I position myself in front of it and hike my dress up as I bend over.

  My pussy throbs unbearably. Somehow it’s worse than ever. Maybe because I can feel the air like a kiss on my wet, sensitive tissues. Maybe because I don’t know what he’s capable of…

  My palms are moist and prickle against the bedspread, but I keep my fingers spread wide, my ass perched high.

  Everything I do now is to please him.

  I’ve stepped into another world, a place where my daily reality bleeds away and Zane is my king, me his willing subject. I close my eyes and take a slow, deep breath. Then I hear his quiet footfalls as he enters the room.

  He stops by the doorway. The absolute silence has me trembling again. Then he moves behind me, and I hear his shoes creak as he bends to sit on his haunches. A breath hits the back of my thigh. I fist the bedspread and stifle a whimper.

  He hushes me softly, even though I haven’t made a sound. “If I touch you, you’ll go off, won’t you?”

  Hell yes, I will. “I’ve been waiting for you for hours.”

  He makes a quiet sound in his throat, which sounds like acknowledgment. His palms graze the backs of my thighs up to my cheeks, spreading them apart, causing the flesh to sting. I jolt and he hushes me again.

  “Just looking, sweetheart. I almost forgot how perfect you are here. Almost. I can’t wait to slide into this little heaven.” He barely traces the outer lips of my pussy with his tongue. “Going to come right here, fill you up until you’re dripping.”

  I whimper and push my hips up, hoping it gets me closer to the sweet torture of his mouth. Just a few licks…

  He tisks and straightens behind me.


  His hand comes down hard on my ass cheek and I cry out, not so much because it hurts but because the abruptness startles me.

  “Use your safe word if you need to. Otherwise, scream into a pillow. I can’t have people thinking I’m murdering you in here.”

  “Okay,” I reply shakily.

  His palm comes down again, just as hard as the first time. Maybe harder. I bite my lip as he creates a rhythm. Quick slaps, rotating between the two sides, peppering my ass and thighs with stinging heat. I reach for a pillow and muffle a cry into it when he starts his rotation again, hitting flesh that’s already felt his punishment.

  Sirens go off in my head. My thoughts whirl and scream at me. What the fuck are you doing? You’re the President’s daughter. How can you let him degrade you like this? Is this who you are now?

  “Yes!” I cry into the air as his palm makes contact once more.

  I whimper and brace myself for more strikes, but they don’t come. Then his lips are everywhere, whispers of warmth and reassurance against my burning ass and thighs. So beautiful. Perfect. Such a good girl. Going to fuck you now.

  The sound of his zipper almost brings tears to my eyes. I’m so wet. So ready. Then his cock drives into me with one fierce shove, and our moans mingle in the air. He’s still dressed, the same as he was last night. His suit pants are rough against my sore ass, adding awareness to the pain as he pounds his way toward our pleasure.

  The tangle of sensations has my mind whirling again. Because I like it, but I know I shouldn’t. Still, I relish the discomfort because nothing—absolutely nothing—has felt as good as his cock claiming me in this moment, in the wake of his punishment.

  My whole body jars with each thrust. His strength and the way he fills me up like no one ever has feeds the climb toward my climax. I’m wrapped around him like a vise, and so on edge. The only thing keeping me from coming is the certainty that doing so would bring this all to an end. And it feels too fucking good to end yet.

  But behind me, Zane’s rhythm falters and his grip on my hips grows firmer. He shudders, and I know he’s close.

  “Zane,” I cry out his name, because my control is slipping too.

  “Fuck, you feel so good.” Thrust. “Ah, Charlotte… Come for me, baby.” Thrust. “Let me fill you up now.”

  I fly apart as he fucks me wildly, my name and mindless promises on his lips. I scream into the pillow, lost in the orgasm, lost in every incredible sensation of our bodies coming together. In a split second, I remember one word from last night. Mine. I came even harder when he said it. Now I’m crying yours in my head as the sharp pulses of pleasure level out. I want to be yours.

  I whimper when he slips out of me. When he groans and spreads my cheeks apart again, I know he’s watching his release drip out of me. I feel it, warm and slick, trailing down my inner thigh. Now that I know how much pleasure it gives him to mark me, I resolve to give him plenty more opportunities in the future.

  “Up on the bed now. I’m going to get a cloth to clean you up,” he says quietly, giving my ass a little pat.

  I inch farther up the bed and wait until he returns with a cloth, which he uses to clean away the evidence of our incredible sex. When I think he’s done, he sits down, dipping the bed, and begins to rub lotion on my sore backside.

  I turn my head to watch him. He’s still fully dressed, as put together as he was when he walked in an hour ago.

  “Why are you still dressed?” I mumble against the bed, closing my eyes against the sensation of his fingers kneading and massaging me.

  “Because, despite the fact that I just screwed your brains out, I’m still working.”

  I make a sound of displeasure. “I don’t like sharing you with your job.”

  “This job is the only reason I’m allowed within a hundred feet of you. We should both be thankful for it. If anyone ever found out…”

  I open my eyes and recognize the flash of worry in his. “I promised you I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

  “I believe you. But now that you’re here, in the building, we need to discuss some ground rules.”

  I frown. Because I don’t like rules, and because he’s no longer massaging me. He’s shifted off the bed and is straightening his tie.

  “Get dressed. We need to talk,” he says before leaving the room.

  Chapter Six


  Charlotte emerges from her bedroom wearing a pair of tiny black lace panties and a matching tank top, which is not at all what I meant when I told her to get dressed. She’s wearing less now than when I fucked her ten minutes ago.

  She plops herself down onto the tan leather couch and tucks her legs beneath her bottom. “All right, let’s get this over with. Lay the rules on me.”

  “Well, for starters. Try not to wear shit like that around the apartment while I’m around.”

  Charlotte looks down and scrunches her forehead. “What’s wrong with what I have on? I sometimes sleep in less than this.”

  I suppress a groan at the visual.

  “As much as I love seeing that tight little body of yours, you can’t prance around the house half-
naked. Unless I instruct you differently, you have to be decent when I’m with you. I don’t have to tell you how bad it would be if your mother dropped by here unexpectedly and found you dressed like that.”

  She huffs, grabs a throw pillow off the couch, and hugs it tightly to her body. “Fine, what else?”

  “No parties and no surprise visitors. It’s too risky to invite people here without the proper clearance.”

  “What about Kat?”

  I hesitate at her request. I don’t consider Katherine a positive influence, but I know she’s a close friend, which Charlotte doesn’t have in abundance.

  “Katherine’s visits are fine for now, as long as you two can behave. Everyone else will have to be approved by either Chester or me before they step through that door. Got it?”

  “Yeah, I got it.”

  Her tone is clipped, but at least she’s agreeing to my demands. For now.

  “Third, my apartment is completely off limits. My privacy is very important to me.”

  Charlotte narrows her eyes. “How is it fair that you get to know everything about me, yet I know nothing about you?”

  “It’s my job to know everything about you. That’s how I can effectively keep you safe. What goes on in my personal life, behind closed doors, is my business, not yours.”

  “So ridiculous,” she mumbles under her breath.

  I harden my jaw before I speak again. “Fourth rule: No—”

  “Jesus! You mean there’s more?” Charlotte slaps her hand on the arm of the couch. “I thought when I moved in here that you’d ease up with all the rules, not pile more on.”

  “What did you expect? Did you think you and I were going to cook dinner in the kitchen and watch movies all night? My job is to protect you. Not play house.”

  She pushes herself up off the couch, glaring at me with her icy blue eyes. If they were daggers, I’d be dead.

  “Believe me, I’m completely aware of why you are here, Zane. But that doesn’t give you the right to be such a dick about it.” She moves past me toward the kitchen.

  I can hear the disappointment in her voice and immediately hate myself for hurting her. But I need to keep things in check between us. If deeper feelings take root, no good can come of it.

  I follow her into the kitchen, but she’s faced away from me, arms crossed, leaning her hip against the counter. I indulge a look at her perfect ass, but draw my attention to the taut line of her shoulders. I brush a finger down her spine. She shivers and softens a bit.

  “Listen,” I say quietly. “I know I may sound harsh, but we need to keep our heads straight about all of this. We have to keep our feelings out of the arrangement.”

  She spins quickly. “Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that when we’re having sex you feel nothing for me?”

  Of course, I feel something for her… More than I’d care to admit. The connection between us, especially when we’re intimate, is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. But those feelings are dangerous for both of us. So, instead of telling her the truth, I look her dead in the eye and lie.

  “I don’t have those kinds of feelings for you, Charlotte.”

  Her face falls. Her defiance melts away. In its wake, the hurt there is enough to rip my fucking heart straight out of my chest.

  She tries to push past me, but I seize her by the arm and spin her around to face me.

  “Go to hell!”

  I bring my face close to hers. “You don’t have the right to be angry with me. I haven’t misled you in any way. The terms of this relationship were made clear from the beginning. This isn’t romance. It’s fucking.”

  She flinches at my words. “Get out.” Her voice is low and pained.


  I loosen my grip and she slips away, her eyes blazing with emotion. “Go do your job and leave me the fuck alone.”


  “You lucky bitch.” Kat shoves the bag of bagels into my chest and pushes past me.

  After last night’s argument with Zane, I needed a distraction. If anyone can get my mind off things, Katherine can.

  She stops in front of the long wall of windows that offers a panoramic view of downtown. “God, I’m so jealous of you right now. I can’t believe they actually let you have your own place.”

  “Your parents are traveling constantly, Kat. You have the place to yourself all the time.”

  Returning to the kitchen, Kat slips off her cherry-red peacoat and places it across the back of the stool. “It’s not the same, trust me. I’ve been trying to convince my parents to let me move into an apartment for over a year now. My father finally said he’d consider it this summer. Until then, I’ll have to live vicariously through you.” She situates herself in the seat and braces her elbows on the counter, resting her face in her hands. “So, tell me. How does freedom feel?”

  “Freedom? It’s a little hard to feel free when you have a bodyguard posted at your door twenty-four hours a day. Not to mention one that has an apartment two levels below you.”

  Kat’s jaw drops. “Wait a minute. Zane lives in this building?”

  I place a couple of plates on the counter. “That’s the reason my father picked this building. He liked the idea of having Zane close by to keep an extra eye on things. So, basically, I traded one jail cell for another.”

  She reaches in the bag for a bagel. “Think of it like this. You’re like Rapunzel. Stuck up here on top of the tower just waiting for some handsome prince to climb up and rescue you.”

  I let out a short laugh. “Yeah, well, I hate to break it to you, but fairytales aren’t real. No one’s coming to rescue me.”

  She drops her hands down away from her face and scrunches her nose at me. “God, you’re depressing as hell, you know that? We really have to work on finding you a guy.”

  I concentrate on cutting the bagel in half. “I’ve got enough on my plate with school starting. Getting a guy is the last thing on my mind right now.”

  “When do your classes start at Georgetown?”

  “My parents and I are supposed to tour the campus tomorrow morning. I’m sure they’ll want me to start as soon as possible, especially since I’m already heading into the pre-law program three weeks late.”

  Katherine’s expression suddenly hardens. “I hate them for forcing you into this. I wish we could convince them to let you go to Howard with me. They have such an excellent art program there. You’re way too talented to give it up.”

  I shake my head, trying to keep myself from gaining hope from her words. “There’s no way that’s ever going to happen. My father looks at an art degree like it’s a kindergarten diploma. He already thinks I’ve wasted the past year and a half in school as it is.”

  “That’s ridiculous. No one should ever have their entire future dictated to them.”

  As much as I appreciate my best friend coming to my defense, I can’t waste any more energy on it.

  “My father’s the President of the United States, Kat. That means, for at least the next four years, he has complete control over me and my life. It doesn’t do me any good to try and fight it.”

  Katherine opens her mouth to argue, but I hold my hand up to stop her.

  “Enough talk about me and my pathetic life. What are you doing tonight? Want to grab some dinner and maybe see a movie?”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’ve already made plans.”

  I cross my arms and lean across the counter. “Plans? As in date plans?”

  She tucks a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. “Not really. Well…actually, I’m not really sure what to call it.”

  “Anyone I know?”

  Instead of answering, Katherine shoves the rest of the bagel into her mouth and diverts her eyes to the bottle of water in front of her.

  A smile spreads across my face. “So it is someone I know.”

  Kat swallows and finally makes eye contact. “Do you remember the guy at the club the other night? The one Zane left
me with?”

  My eyes widen. “You mean the guy with the accent? Demitri? That’s who your date is with?”

  She gives me a hesitant nod.

  I drop the knife onto the counter. “Have you lost your fucking mind? Zane will go apeshit if he finds out you’re sneaking back into that club.”

  “I’m not going to be sneaking in. Demitri invited me back as his guest.”

  “What? How did he even know how to get in touch with you?”

  “I was so upset when we left the club that night with Zane that I accidentally left my phone on the couch. Demitri had it couriered to my house the next day—but not before he added his contact information. When I called to thank him, he invited me to come to the club tonight.”

  “And you’re actually going? You saw what kind of things go on at that place. Besides, you don’t even know this guy.”

  Katherine pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth, blushing. “I can’t explain it. There’s just something about the club that I’m drawn to.”

  She casts her eyes low. I sense there is more she’s not telling me.

  “Is it Demitri or the club you’re really drawn to?”

  She releases a small sigh, giving me the answer without words.

  “One look in his eyes the other night… It was like I was under some kind of spell. I’ve never felt anything like it. It was unnerving, but thrilling in a way I can’t explain. I can’t walk away from that again without exploring it.”

  I understand that feeling far more than she can ever realize. Maybe that makes both of us crazy. I already know what I’m doing is dangerous, but Katherine is the risk-taker and I always worry one day she’ll take things too far.

  “Just promise me you’ll be careful. Don’t let him push you into doing something you’re not comfortable with. And if you see yourself getting into a bad situation, call me. I’ll get you out of there—even if I have to have Zane come in there after you.”

  Katherine waves her hand dismissively. “I’ll be fine, I promise. Speaking of Zane, have you ever wondered why he was there at the club that night?”


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