Misadventures of the First Daughter (Misadventures Book 5)

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Misadventures of the First Daughter (Misadventures Book 5) Page 15

by Meredith Wild

  Soon, the effects of the booze start to kick in. I collapse onto the couch and swipe the picture frame off the side table beside me. The picture is of Charlotte and a friend standing in front of some sort of art exhibit. I stole it from her apartment the day I did my final walk-through. Seeing her smiling face in the photo offers glimmers of solace on rough nights like these.

  I roll onto my back and hold the picture above me, staring at her until my eyelids grow too heavy to keep open. Soon the world drifts away and sleep overtakes me, leaving me holding on to the only part of her I have left.

  The sound of my front door slamming shut jolts me awake. Either my sister has finally remembered her keys or someone is here to put me out of my misery.


  I sigh. Lauren’s voice isn’t enough of a reason for me to lift my head up off the couch. My body aches and my head throbs, so lying face down into the cushions is how I’ll stay. I can ignore my miserable life much better this way.

  “You’re hungover? Un-fucking-believable.”

  My head snaps up when I hear glass bottles being tossed into a garbage can across the room.

  Jesus Fucking Christ. Does she have to be so loud?

  “It’s Saturday.” I ease myself up to a sitting position and cradle my pounding head in my hands. Maybe I overdid it just a touch on the tequila pity party last night. Then again, maybe I underdid it.

  “How are you even living in this mess? This place is a complete pigsty.”

  “You can keep your opinions to yourself, Lauren.” I reach for the tequila bottle sitting on the coffee table in front of me, twist off the cap, and turn up the bottle.

  Just as the alcohol touches my lips, Lauren swipes it out of my hand, drenching me in tequila.

  “What the fuck did you do that for?”

  She cocks her hip, propping her hand on it. “If you think I’m going to stand by and allow you to self-destruct, you have another think coming.”

  She’s got fire in her eyes. The kind I used to have back when I had a purpose. I can’t even muster enough anger to yell at her. “If you don’t like what you see, you should leave,” I say, my voice flat. Please leave, I beg silently in my head. I just want to be alone with my misery and anything that will numb it for a while.

  She holds up the bottle of tequila like she’s ready to make a point. “I’m not going anywhere. And this isn’t a solution to your problems. It’s the cowardly way out. The Zane I know wouldn’t choose this way. He’d fight.”

  I glare back at her. “The Zane you knew doesn’t exist anymore. You should know that by now.”

  Her eyes soften. She eases herself onto the wooden coffee table in front of me, setting the bottle beside her. Leaning forward, she places her hand tenderly on my chest. “You’re wrong. He’s still in there, buried beneath all the pain and hurt. I’ve tried for years to get through to you, to knock down those walls you keeping building around your heart. I couldn’t do it, but someone you care deeply for did. She broke through that invisible shield somehow, and now you’re scared shitless.” Lauren points to the tequila bottle. “You’re hiding behind that bottle because it’s easier to numb the pain than it is to face it.”

  “I’m not hiding behind anything,” I snap, pushing off the couch to stand. The room starts to spin for a second, but I manage to steady my balance.

  “It’s okay to feel, Zane. I don’t care what the military taught you, you’re not a fucking robot. You’re a human being. Get angry. Be sad.” She throws her hands up in the air. “For God’s sake, just feel something.”

  I brace my hands on the back of my head and walk toward the long window that overlooks the city. The dark ominous sky outside matches my mood.

  “Talk to me, Zane. Let me help you.” Her tone is softer now, pleading.

  “Talking isn’t going to solve this. Nothing is.”

  “Drinking yourself to death isn’t going to solve it either.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Trust me, if you knew what was going on in my life, you’d understand.”

  “I’m not stupid, Zane. I know you’re in love with Charlotte Daley.”

  I spin on my heel to face her, my eyes wide.

  A smirk tugs at her lips. “Don’t look so surprised, big brother. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.” She crosses her arms. “I had my suspicions the day she showed up here at your apartment. The way she reacted when I opened your door told me everything I needed to know.”

  “Why didn’t you mention it?”

  She shrugs. “What’s the point? I knew if I confronted you, you would’ve just denied it. Besides, it’s not like you ever pick up the phone. I had to hear about you getting shot over the national news, for heaven’s sake. You and I both know that if I didn’t stop by here on my layovers, I wouldn’t see you at all.”

  The hurt in her voice slices right through me. How could I have been so callous and cruel to alienate my own sister? Despite everything I’ve done to her, she still fights for me, still believes in me.

  I step forward and pull her into my arms. She tenses for a second, then wraps her arms around me and relaxes. I can’t remember the last time I’d hugged her, which makes me feel even worse.

  “I’m so sorry, Lauren. I know those words don’t make up for what I’ve done, or how I’ve treated you. I don’t like the man I’ve become. I thought I was protecting you by pushing you away.”

  She breaks our embrace, and then takes my hand into hers. “When are you ever going to learn? I’m your sister. Good or bad, I’ll always be here for you.”

  I give her a weak smile. “Thank you. I mean it. But the situation with Charlotte is impossible. There’s no hope.”

  “Oh, yeah? Try me.”

  I tense, sensing the walls creeping up again. Could I really tell her about this? When I think about all the hurt I’ve brought into her life and the great pains I’d taken to keep her from getting too close, the walls slide back down. There may not be hope for Charlotte and me, but I have to believe there’s hope for Lauren and me.

  “You might want to sit down for this.”

  Chapter Eleven


  The cab driver pulls up in front of Crave and parks next to the curb. Grabbing hold of the door handle, I hesitate and look over at my sister. “Are you sure this is going to work?”

  Lauren had spent her entire layover at my apartment listening to the mess I’d made with Charlotte and then helping me figure out a way to get her back. Three hours and two pots of strong coffee later, Lauren had somehow managed to put all the pieces together. The plan she’s devised is the first thing that’s given me hope in weeks. If this works, she is a fucking genius.

  “From everything you told me, it sounds like this Katherine girl is your only key to seeing Charlotte.”

  “But what if she doesn’t want to get involved? This is dangerous territory. I wouldn’t blame her for saying no.”

  Lauren smiles and takes my hand into hers. “Just trust me, all right? She’s Charlotte’s best friend. She’s going to want to help. It’s a girl code.”

  When I step out of the car, she scoots toward the door and pokes her head out the window. She looks up at the old abandoned building behind me and grimaces. “This is the place?”

  I grin. If she only knew the luxurious sex club that lurks just below these streets.

  “Looks can be deceiving.”

  “Well, I wish I could stay longer and help, but I’ve got to fly out in a couple of hours. Promise me you’ll call me later to give me an update, okay?”

  “I will. I promise. Thank you for everything, sis. Really.”

  She winks. “That’s what I’m here for. Now, go get your girl.”

  Like most Saturday nights, Crave is complete mayhem, full of explosive sexual energy and half-naked bodies. One step into the club and the women are on me like flies on honey. I’m not affected by it the way I used to be, which doesn’t surprise me. My spirit’s been broken, and I’m struggling to
find enough spark to fight and get Charlotte back.

  The VIP lounge is located above the club floor. I spot Demitri sitting in his normal booth in the center of the lounge. Normally, he is surrounded by beautiful women, all hoping for the chance to be his submissive for the night. However, tonight he sits with his arm possessively wrapped around only one very familiar brunette.


  The gentle way he is looking at her takes me by surprise. In all the time I’ve known him, I’ve never once seen him look at a woman that way. I’ll be damned. Could the beautiful troublemaker Katherine Harrison have won him over?

  The bouncer at the foot of the stairs recognizes me and steps aside wordlessly, allowing me access to the glass staircase. Demitri waves me over to his table.

  “It’s good to see you again, my friend.”

  “Same.” I shake his meaty hand and take Katherine in. She’s dressed in a barely there lace minidress.

  “So, tell me, what brings you here? Looking for a new pet?”

  I wince, and Katherine’s cool assessing stare collapses into a glare. First toward me, then to Demitri. All humor flees his expression when their gazes lock.

  “Kitten? What’s wrong?” His tone is surprisingly tender, making his accent less evident.

  She hesitates and places her hand on his cheek. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just going to get some air. I’ll let the two of you visit.”

  When she starts to scoot out of the booth, I hold up my hand to stop her. “No, wait. Don’t go. You’re actually the reason I came here tonight.”

  She pauses. “Me? Why?”

  I swallow hard, pleading with my eyes. “Because you’re the only one in the world who can help me.”


  After a long night of tossing and turning, I had just managed to fall asleep when the landline phone beside my bed begins to ring. With my head buried in the pillow, I blindly pat the nightstand next to me until I feel the phone beneath my fingertips. Even though I’m half-asleep, I manage to somehow lift the receiver up to my face.

  “Hello.” My voice comes out in a low croak.

  “I’m sorry to wake you this early, Miss Daley, but Miss Katherine Harrison is here downstairs. She says it’s urgent that she speak with you this morning.”

  I look over at the clock. It’s just after five in the morning. What can possibly be so fucking urgent this early?

  “It’s fine. Send her up.”

  I hang up the phone and let out a loud groan, throwing the covers back up over my head. If Kat wants to talk to me, she’ll have to do it while I’m lying here. I don’t think I have the energy to crawl out of bed right now.

  I’ve almost drifted back to sleep when my bedroom door opens and slams. Seconds later, Katherine is switching on the lamp beside my bed, blinding me instantly.

  “We need to talk.”

  I’ve always hated hearing those words, especially when they come out of my best friend’s mouth. No good can ever come from them.

  I sit up in bed and hold up my hand to shield my eyes from the brightness of the lamp. Once my eyes focus, I notice she’s still wearing a tight short black dress.

  “Did you come from the club?”

  “Yeah.” Katherine tosses an envelope onto my lap. “Here.”

  I rub the sleep out of my eyes and open the flap of the envelope. I pull out a rectangular card and read it. “This is your urgent news? You came here at five in the morning to tell me you’re throwing me a going away party?”

  Mischief glints in her eyes. “Yep.”

  Shaking my head, I hand the invitation back to her. “Look, Kat, it’s really sweet of you to think about me, but no thanks. I really don’t feel like a party.”

  Katherine plops herself down at the foot of my bed. “Good, because there’s not going to be a party.”

  “What? Look, I don’t know what this is all about, Kat, but you’re confusing the hell out of me. I just want to get some sleep.”

  “The invitation is just a cover, Charlotte.”

  “A cover for what?”

  Her lips twist into a coy smile. “For you to see Zane.”

  The mere mention of his name hits me like a triple shot of espresso. I rise up to my knees, placing my hands on her shoulders. “You’ve seen Zane? When? Where?”

  “He came into Crave.”

  My heart plummets into my stomach and I sink back onto the bed. “Oh.”

  The thought of him being there to look for another woman makes me sick.

  As if she’s read my thoughts, Kat grabs my hand. “No, no, nothing like that. Zane wasn’t there to pick up a woman. He came there to see me. With everyone watching him so closely, he knew the club was the only place we could talk privately. We came up with a plan for him to see you before you leave for New York.” She eyes the invitation. “While everyone thinks you’re at a going away party, you’ll be alone in a hotel room with Zane.”

  I run her plan through my head, almost too overwhelmed with the prospect of seeing Zane to doubt we can pull it off. I throw my arms around her neck and give her a breathless hug. “Oh, Kat. Do you think it will really work?”

  She hugs me back tightly. “You bet your sweet ass it will. Now, get out of bed. We’ve got some planning to do.”

  I lay the short red dress across my bed. The last time I’d worn it was the first night I’d gone to Crave with Katherine. That night had changed everything between Zane and me. I skim my fingertips across the fabric, blushing at the memories. I’m hoping to get the same reaction from him tonight as I did the first time he saw me in it. With any luck, the dress will be on the floor within seconds of me entering the room.

  I’m just about to step into the shower when my phone begins to ring. My mother’s name on the screen instantly dampens my good mood. Sliding my finger across the screen, I force myself to answer with a pleasant tone.

  “Hello, Mother. How is everything in New York?”

  “It’s been very busy. Between your father’s appearances and apartment shopping, I haven’t had a moment to spare.” She pauses for a second. “I trust you’ve been packing?”

  I glance across my room at the stack of empty boxes sitting in the corner. All of them should be full by now, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to pack a thing. I simply can’t deal with the reality of moving.

  “I’ve been sorting through things that I’m taking with me. I’ll have everything done before I have to leave next week.”

  “That’s actually why I’m calling. Everything went much quicker than I anticipated with finalizing the apartment. With your father and I leaving for London in a few days, I see no need to wait until next weekend to move you in. I’ve made arrangements for you to fly to New York this evening. We will begin moving you in first thing tomorrow morning. The sooner we get you settled, the better.”

  A wave of panic hits me. I can’t leave without seeing Zane one last time.

  “I’m not packed though.”

  “We can have someone pack the rest of your things. Don’t worry about that.”

  “But there’s no way I’ll be able to leave today. Katherine is hosting a going away party for me at the Fairmont tonight.”

  My mother huffs into the phone. “Why must you make things so difficult, Charlotte?”

  “She’s gone through so much trouble getting everything together,” I lie. “I can’t cancel on her on such short notice.”

  I hold my breath as I await her response. If she says no, I don’t know what I will do.

  “Fine. I’ll have a pilot waiting at the airport on standby. But the instant this party is over, you will immediately head to the airport. Is that understood?”

  My head is spinning. How can all of this be happening so quickly?

  “Charlotte? Did you hear me?” My mother’s harsh tone snaps me out of my panicked thoughts.

  “Yes, Mother. I heard you. I’ll be there.”

  “Very well. We’ll see you tonight then.”

  When I
end the phone call, I’m shaking so badly that I have to sit down. This can’t be happening. Not now. Not after I’m finally getting the chance to be with him.

  I glance at the clock on the wall. I have a little over an hour and a half before I leave for the hotel. I can’t fall apart now. I refuse to let anything ruin this evening for us. Even if tonight means goodbye.

  As the hotel comes into view, I find myself smiling from ear to ear. In just a matter of minutes, I will be back in Zane’s arms again. I’ve thought of little else for weeks.

  “I’ve missed that smile.” Chester’s voice startles me out of my thoughts.

  I catch his reflection in the rearview mirror. Sometimes I think he can see right through me. Can he see the real reason behind my smile?

  “It just feels good to be out of the house for a change, even if it is for a going away party. I’m sure I’ll be crying after I have to say goodbye to everyone.”

  The truth is, I will likely be in hysterics, but I can’t think about that right now.

  “Goodbyes are always hard, especially when it’s someone you care about. But you’ll be back with your old friends in New York soon. You’ll be fine,” he says as he parks the car in front of the hotel.

  Chester circles the car, opens my door, and follows behind me as we enter the hotel.

  As planned, Katherine is waiting for me in the lobby and dressed for the party we’re not really attending. She greets me with open arms. “There’s my guest of honor. I’m glad I caught you. I was just checking with the front desk about having some more champagne sent up to the suite. We can ride back up together.”

  She looks over my shoulder. “That is, if it’s okay with you, Chester.”

  I turn around to look at Chester, pleading with my eyes. “Do you think you can take your post down here instead of upstairs? I just want one night to be normal with my friends.”


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